School violence. Types of violence

Now it's time to talk about what pedagogical violence is, and what serious consequences it can lead to for a child.

Child abuse is any act that harms the child's physical and mental health and endangers their well-being.

With physical violence, everything is more or less clear - if a teacher beats children, this will not go unnoticed by parents, school administration and social workers. The professional suitability of such a specialist will quickly be called into question, and beatings can become a reason for initiating a criminal case.

Sexual violence is more difficult to identify because victims are often reluctant to talk about the crime. However, proper informing of children and competent sexual education help them to correctly assess what is happening and inform adults so that the perpetrator is punished.

Things with psychological abuse are sometimes even more difficult - even if the child reports it directly, his complaint may be ignored, and the teacher's actions may be justified. In the case of emotional influences, it can be difficult to determine the boundaries of what is acceptable, because many teachers of the "old school", and often some parents, do not find anything wrong with yelling at a child ("what's wrong?") or deliberately humiliating him ( "But he won't grow up to be a nurse").

“I took a folder and wrote down the dates and times of the times I was harassed. I took this folder to the principal of the school. He said: “Son, you have too much free time if you manage to write in these folders. I have more important things to do than deal with what happened two weeks ago.” I told him, "I just wanted you to have an idea of ​​what's going on every day, all the harassment and abuse." He took the folder and threw it in the trash."

North American student

Source: UN website

How is psychological abuse manifested?

Here are some ways in which emotional abuse can be shown in the classroom. After reviewing them, the teacher will be able to draw conclusions about whether he demonstrates aggressive and offensive behavior towards his own students.

Attention to timbre and loudness is inherent in human neurobiology. With the help of loud alarming cries, our distant ancestors warned each other about the danger, and with a threatening roar they signaled the beginning of a fight with a relative. Therefore, when someone screams nearby, we immediately “select”: the heartbeat accelerates, the level of adrenaline rises. The screams of a teacher can make a very depressing impression, fraught with mental trauma - especially if it is not customary to raise your voice in the child's family.

The voice as such is the most powerful instrument of influence in the pedagogical arsenal, so voice control is very important. If you doubt that your listeners are reading your intonation correctly, it may make sense to take a few classes in stage speech or consult a psychologist.

2. angry facial expression

It may seem that this is a trifle, but children are very sensitive to emotions - they not only instantly recognize them, but also quickly, directly react. The aggressive, angry face of an adult can make a child freeze in horror. This also includes body language: clasped hands, abrupt movements, the "pressing" posture of the overseer.

3. insults

The idea that a teacher shouldn't call names to children seems too obvious, but it still happens regularly. “Are you stupid”, “Are you completely stupid?”, “Garden head” - all these statements are far from harmless. And if they are accompanied by signals from the points above, this is already a full-fledged psychological setting. And very negative. You just expressed your emotions about a particular situation, and the child may sincerely believe that he is a clueless, worthless fool. By the way, if this is all true, then there is no point in trying on your subject for such a child.

4. incorrect criticism

A negative characterization can only be given to the actions of the child (if they deserve it), but not to him. Of course, evaluation is necessary for self-examination, but we evaluate what a person has done or not done, not his personality.

How, then, to scold students and evaluate their behavior (which also often leaves much to be desired), if “the teacher can’t do anything”? Use expressions that indicate a specific behavior: little effort has been put into this, there is more to be done if you want to achieve more. And even more so, you should not comment on the appearance of the child and his manner of speaking, mention his relatives or the level of prosperity of the family.

5. humiliation

The first grader also has honor and dignity. If you do not recognize them for a child from an early age, this will interfere with the formation of healthy self-esteem. A seven-year-old person wants about the same thing as you - respect for others, recognition of their successes, self-realization.

How would you feel if the head of the method association ordered you to stand on a stool for not having plans ready, or sent you to a corner for talking with a colleague?

You should never make a child afraid of shame and deliberately make him feel ashamed. Shame is a destructive emotion that makes a person feel small, unworthy and miserable, and, ultimately, dreams of ceasing to exist (“falling through the ground”). Healthy competitiveness is good, because other people's success motivates and inspires. However, you should never consciously humiliate some children in front of others, for whatever purpose this may be done, put pressure on the weak points of students and use their personal information to your advantage.

6. sarcasm

Maybe you have a great sense of humor, and sarcastic remarks are your forte. However, there is an obvious difference between subtle jokes and shameful humiliation (see previous point).

It is easy to disguise outright insults under irony and sarcasm, because at any moment you can say that you were just joking. This is one of the behavioral strategies of school bullies. The ones who try to convince you at breaks that "playing the dog" (throwing the taken thing over the head of the victim) is just entertainment that everyone involved equally enjoys.

For example, a physical education teacher shouts "I'll put buckets on your heads!" and sincerely believes that if he does not really intend to carry out his threat, it means nothing.

Aggressive threats and a calm forecast are not the same thing. “If you do not pass the exam with 91 points or more, you will not be able to enter this university,” is information for thought that does not contain a threat. After all, there are many universities. And here is the saying: “If you don’t pass the exam with 91 points, then you will become a miserable loser, get drunk and die under the fence!” says more about your emotions than about the future of a teenager.

8. biased attitude

Some teachers divide students into favorites and those on whom you can break loose. Such an approach is unethical in itself and harms both the former and the latter. By the way, even the wrong praise can be harmful. And by condoning flattery and fawning, we develop in children not the best character traits.

9. inattention

Lack of empathy is not violence in itself, but often leads to it. In response to your remarks, does the student turn to stone, silently refusing to comply with the request? It's easy to take this as disrespect and get even angrier. But perhaps you are not being ignored at all, just that the student is paralyzed with fear. In a dangerous situation, all living beings, including humans, involuntarily react in two main ways: they follow the lead of the “fight or flight” reflex or freeze, unable to move.

Empathy helps to grasp the state of others and choose a line of behavior that is not associated with emotional pressure. In this case, you should dispel the horror of the student and show that you are a person who can be trusted, and not the Scarecrow from the Batman comics. Then the task will be completed.

How bad is emotional abuse in school?

Pedagogical violence leads to fears and neurotic conditions, has a bad effect on academic performance, stimulates aggressive behavior and can cause psychological trauma, depression and PTSD.

Violence doesn't "build character" at all. Following this logic, one should recognize that children with the strongest character are those who have become victims of crimes or constantly face violence in a criminalized environment. In fact, such children, and certainly cannot serve as an example for "current domestic children, on whom it is already impossible to shout at." What does not kill us does not always make us stronger - more often it simply injures the psyche.

The result of systematic insults inevitably becomes bitterness and escalation of internal aggression. Bullying, bullying, bullying and harassment are all the result of authoritarian abusive relationships in the school, and teachers who behave in similar ways with children only perpetuate these problems.

How to prevent?

The general answer is to take care of yourself and create a healthy atmosphere in the teaching and student team, which allows you to raise the issue and draw attention to it. It is useful to discuss the topic of pedagogical violence in class (or at home if you are a parent).

  • Verbal punishment (scoldling, humiliation) does not offend children as much as physical punishment.
  • Children who are teased need to learn to protect themselves.
  • Three signs that can be hung several meters apart. One sign with the inscription "I AGREE", the other with the inscription "DO NOT AGREE" and the third with the inscription "NOT SURE".

    what to do:

    Read statements about violence in schools and invite the participants to stand near the sign representing their opinion. Invite the members of each resulting group to justify their opinion. Most importantly, everyone can go under a different sign if they hear something that makes them change their mind.

    Increasingly, incidents of school violence echo the echoes of broken lives and even suicide attempts among teenagers. Therefore, the prevention of violence at school is a necessary procedure in any educational institution.

    Warnings, school violence prevention and other pedagogical measures often do not produce the desired results. Today even teachers fall under targeted acts of aggression. Professionals and educators shrug their shoulders and often try to blame parents or even the state for failing schools when dealing with cases of school violence. The number of cases of violence could be much reduced with the right approach to this psychological problem.

    Yuri Burlan's training "Systemic Vector Psychology" shows how prevention can be organized in such a way that it is as effective as possible, as it specifically shows the causes of violence in modern schools.

    Violence in schools: what to do

    The problem of school violence is not new. Violence in schools has always existed to some extent. The only difference is that today this problem is out of control. Due to the fact that the modern problem of school violence has gone beyond the physical world and moved into the virtual. Where it is very difficult to control.

    Previously, cases of violence at school were mainly committed against boys. As Yury Burlan's training explains, very often boys (rarely girls) with a certain life scenario (read more below) act as such a child - because, due to their physical and psychological properties, they are not able to stand up for themselves.

    To date, school violence has gone beyond all possible limits. In the West, the shooting of students by their own classmates is becoming more and more frequent news. Teachers and even parents no longer know where to turn, and professionals do not know how to help them. The very fact that violence has become a form of expression of any dissatisfaction with adolescents or children, even of a young age, confronts psychologists with the serious task of preventing such manifestations. Where does all this aggression come from?

    Prevention of violence in schools must involve a holistic and holistic approach that requires a deep understanding of the psychological causes of violence and behavior in groups. To understand how to deal with violence in schools, you need to understand the causes and principle of this violence.

    Prevention starts with understanding the causes

    "Systemic Vector Psychology" explains that any group of preschool children organizes and interacts according to the principle of a primitive pack - simply because the children are not yet developed in their properties. Like a primitive flock, the children's team unites not on love, but on hatred for one individual. Usually the victims of violence at school are children with a cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors. And without the right direction from adults, negative consequences cannot be avoided.

    The problem of school violence may concern not only the skin-visual boy or girl. In groups where there are no such children, almost any child can become a victim of violence.

    Violence at school as a result of ignorance of oneself

    To be happy, any person needs to fill and realize innate psychological properties and desires. Aggression and violence are symptoms of a developmental delay or lack of fulfillment in a person. And in the worst case, it can even be fatal.

    Therefore, the methods of preventing violence at school, preventing the occurrence of any conflicts in the children's and adolescent collective should take into account the mental properties of students and consider violence as a psychological problem. This is especially true for the owners of the sound vector. These children are endowed with a very great intellectual potential, have abstract thinking, love loneliness. It is they who need the concentration of the mind to develop and fill their innate properties. Therefore, they usually choose professions related to intellectual activity.

    To solve the problem of school violence, you need to understand that a person develops - his psyche develops. And those things that a hundred years ago could fill a person's innate desires and make him happy no longer have such power. Neither music lessons, nor passion for philosophy, nor the exact sciences today help people with a sound vector to fill their desire to know themselves.

    As a result, unreasonable aggression and hostility towards others appears, which also applies to adolescents. In addition, school violence is exacerbated by the fact that adolescence itself is full of challenges and frustrations.

    It is very difficult for children with a sound vector to survive this period, as they often prefer loneliness to noisy companies in order to sit and think in silence. Thus, they isolate themselves from society, often becoming outcasts in the team.

    Children with a sound vector are often mistaken for eccentrics, smart people, weird geniuses, quiet people. Therefore, they can become a victim of not only physical, but also psychological violence from classmates.

    The problem is that in their removal from the collective they can completely lose touch with reality, which can lead to aggressive behavior in case of provocation. It is children with a sound vector that can become either geniuses or mass murderers, capable of ruthlessly shooting their classmates.

    School Violence Prevention and Lack of Culture

    Man is not only a rational being, but also a sensual one. Considering the fact of self-organization of the children's group according to the principle of the primitive flock, sensory development from an early age is a mandatory measure to prevent violence at school.
    Any child, regardless of their innate properties, needs to develop feelings and compassion. Initially, only the owners of the visual vector were capable of manifestations of love and compassion for their neighbor. It is not surprising that it is people with a visual vector who become teachers and lecturers, especially in elementary grades.

    The visual vector gives a person the ability not only to distinguish a huge palette of colors, but also to be able to express and understand the emotions of others, which at the final stage of development leads to the ability of compassion. It was people with a visual vector who created culture with its moral concepts and the priority of human life.

    Prevention of aggressive behavior should be carried out from an early age, when the child is just learning to express his emotions. The most effective way to do this is to choose the right faculty. Since not every person with a visual vector is capable of a deep expression of feelings in order to teach compassion. It all depends on the level of development of the visual vector.

    As Systemic-Vector Psychology shows, the best teachers for preschool children are women with a developed cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors. It is these women who are able to turn little "animals" into adult sensual and compassionate teenagers.

    How to deal with violence in schools

    Very often, making a request on the Internet - violence in schools, what to do - we get advice from professionals who consider this problem, offering its superficial understanding and the same prevention.

    In this article, we have considered only three possible causes of violence, which already leads to a deep understanding of the problem of violence in schools. Firstly, a non-systematic approach to the formation of school groups - and this initially leads to the widespread emergence of aggression in schools.

    Secondly, there is an understanding that violence in schools is on the rise as a result of impaired development of children. Which leads to general discontent and hostility in general in any team.

    And thirdly, violence in schools is a consequence of the absence or inadequate sensual education of children at an early age, which, if developed favorably, can lay the foundation for any moral and human relations.

    “... Sometimes it is very difficult to notice changes in oneself. But children are our mirrors. And I have a very strong bond with my daughter. I was worried about this, I really wanted her to grow up not as notorious as me. And no matter what I did (visits to a psychologist, books, etc., etc.), but my daughter “removed” everything from me ... And then, during my training, I began to notice changes in my daughter, she as if she has matured (mentally), relations with classmates have improved, she is no longer an outcast in the class, whom everyone calls names. Naturally, she began to go to school with great pleasure and open up.) And then I realized that I was no longer the same as I was a couple of months ago! And I feel like this is just the beginning!!!…”
    Galina D., educational psychologist, Mogilev

    You can learn more about human nature, the innate properties of children and adolescents, the causes of aggressive behavior and violence at school at Yuri Burlan's free online training System Vector Psychology. Register - by

    Every month, except for summer months, a scandal rages in Russia related to the mental or physical violence of a teacher against students - one list of such stories will take up a newspaper page. The details are wild: the teacher wrote the grade to the first grader...

    Every month, except for summer months, a scandal rages in Russia related to the mental or physical violence of a teacher against students - one list of such stories will take up a newspaper page. The details are wild: the teacher wrote the grade on the forehead of the first-grader, having learned that he forgot the diary; The teacher took the child out of the classroom and hit him in the stomach. One teacher stuck chewing gum to the girl's hair, another threw the student off the chair, the third beat the children with a ruler, the fourth locked the first-graders in the closet.

    Noisy cases that have reached the court, the prosecutor's office and the press are the tip of the iceberg. According to the Right of the Child Foundation, teacher violence in schools affects 20% of children - one in five.

    On March 1, the Moscow prosecutor's office proposed the creation of a nationwide database of teachers who were seen in the use of violence against children.

    All the examples below are from Moscow, fresh, from decent schools.

    For the press, the details are extremely reluctant to tell and only with the condition of complete anonymity: such wounds do not heal for a long time.

    ordinary stories

    "Physical education teacher made first graders who didn't have uniforms strip and practice in their underwear."

    “The children were not allowed to go to recess, at the next lesson the boy asked to go out, but the teacher did not allow it. He asked louder. The teacher refused because he "talks boorishly." The child peed right in the lesson.

    “The teacher of the beginning says:“ Kozlov fully justifies the name: a goat - he is a goat.

    Only those whose child has already moved to another school are ready to share the details.

    “The teacher hit my son on the arm because he writes sloppy. The next day he got into a fight with another boy and she ripped them both by the ears. The son said that this was not the first time. I saw bruises on the ears of the second boy - both old and fresh - but his mother was afraid to complain. The teacher beat three more children, but everyone was silent.

    I went to the director. She promised to take action - up to dismissal. Parents began to collect signatures in defense of the teacher and against my child. They told me: your son brings her, such people need to be beaten! The teacher was fired, but two days later a delegation of parents went to the director and persuaded her to reinstate her at work. I just transferred my son to another school - I didn’t even complain.”

    It is interesting that in almost half of the cases that have reached the court, parents go to the authorities with collective letters: they ask for the return of teachers.

    Defenselessness and impunity

    But here's another story. At the end of November last year, a Moscow sixth-grader in a mathematics lesson, in response to a remark, sent an elderly teacher to who knows where. She hit him in the face. The boy packed his things and went to the exit, the teacher caught up with him and hit him again, his nose bled. The teacher was immediately fired under Article 336 of the Labor Code. What happened, a teacher with thirty years of experience does not understand herself: "The eclipse has found." The students ask the director to return the teacher. The boy was transferred to another class, because in his own they say to him: "It's all because of you."

    Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the dismissal of a teacher even for a single use of physical or mental violence against a student. The measure is necessary and justified.
    The teacher, of course, should not throw himself at the child. But the child should not curse the teacher. And if he swore, he should not go unpunished due to his youth.

    What can a teacher do in response to an insult? “Write in a diary”, put a deuce and call your parents to school. The student is protected by infancy, the teacher is not protected by anything and is bound by ethical restrictions. Violence cannot be used, but what can? In ordinary life, after persuasion and remarks, people begin to yell or proceed to administrative measures; the teacher is not supposed to yell, and measures are not provided.

    The principles of collective education and punitive mechanisms worked in the Soviet school: we could be scolded at a pioneer gathering or a meeting of the Komsomol committee, summoned with our parents to the teachers' council, or even write to them in the party organization. All this is no more, and thank God. The question is what is there? Only talented teachers manage to cope with the problem of discipline on their own, and then intuitively. Although this is not God knows what esotericism, and “keep class” is not Newton's binomial. In other countries, they specifically teach "class management", but domestic methodological science is going through hard times.


    On popular video services on the Internet, there are many recordings made by children in the classroom, using phones. Teachers scold frantically, beat children on the heads with books... And the children laugh, sometimes even those who are beaten: hooray, the circus has arrived! And the teachers seem to have completely forgotten who is the adult in the class. They see in their young tormentors mature, complete scumbags. And they take revenge on them for pain and humiliation - in an adult way, without discounts for infancy.

    I looked through about fifty records made in different schools and cities. It is striking how the teachers are the same with their hopeless cry (to which schoolchildren do not pay attention) and complete oblivion of the objectives of the lesson. While the teacher is absorbed in a showdown with the offender, chaos reigns in the classroom: the children shout, come in and out, jump, chat ... First of all, we have failed lessons - both methodically and disciplinaryly.

    They say that today's children are real lawless people. And such things happen, and this is confirmed by video recordings. But more often than not, we are just stupid and arrogant children who feel impunity and know no boundaries. The question of the boundaries of what is permitted and of who should mark them is the most acute in today's school.

    Here is one teacher who writes on the website of the notorious series “School”: “We are not educators, but teachers! And education is laid in the family. So this is not a signal to us, teachers, but to YOU, dear parents! More often you need to look into the child’s soul, and not plug it with money and freedom, and go to school not 4 times a year for meetings, but at least once a month! That's when the result will be!

    Teachers firmly believe that parents have remote controls for their children. And they forget that in the classroom children are a social group in which their own laws operate, and that parents are no longer included in this group.

    What to do?

    Methodical illiteracy breeds boring lessons. The inability to maintain discipline without shouting and punishing creates chaos. As soon as additional stress factors are superimposed on chaos and boredom (schoolchildren are hooligans, everything is bad at home, the director yelled) - teachers begin to explode, like banks in a cellar, and cripple others.

    At the same time, the problem of discipline is not solved by the dismissal of the teacher and the exclusion of the student.

    To solve it, it is necessary to develop and implement school rules, think over legal, non-repressive disciplinary measures: what can and should a teacher do in a typical situation when a student fights in class or is rude? It is necessary to teach teachers to cope with conflicts without unnecessary emotions and to keep the attention of the class, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity for psychological help and relief. Who should do it? This is a question not only for the Ministry of Education and Science and regional educational authorities, but also for every school.

    What should parents do? Explain to children, who often simply do not understand social roles, how you can and how you can not talk to the teacher and behave in the classroom; younger ones - that they should not be afraid to tell their parents about problems with the teacher. If the teacher has exceeded his authority - find out exactly what happened and what is the proportion of the child's fault (if any - work with this separately). To fix the beatings with a doctor, and moral harm - with a psychologist, if the harm and beatings are obvious. An application addressed to the director of the school is mandatory, to the police - if desired, all this with copies of certificates. A copy of the application can be submitted to the district department of education. If the school does not take any measures, remove the child from the traumatic situation and complain higher: to the district education department, to the prosecutor's office.

    As long as we remain silent, nothing will change.

    Under the text

    Rules of the law that you need to remember and which you can refer to in statements:

    Education Act:

    Article 2 says that the state policy in the field of education is based on the principle of the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual.

    Paragraph 6 of Article 15 reads: “Discipline in an educational institution is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, pupils, and teachers. The use of methods of physical and mental violence in relation to students, pupils is not allowed.

    Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a fine, correctional labor or imprisonment for up to three years for improper performance of the duties of educating a minor by a teacher, if this act is connected with cruel treatment of a minor. It is also possible to be deprived of the right to conduct pedagogical activities for several years.

    Articles 115 and 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establish liability for beatings and torture.

    Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the dismissal of a teacher even for a single use of physical or mental violence against a student.

    Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows you to claim monetary compensation for moral damage (physical and moral suffering).

    Violence is the action or inaction of one subject in relation to another, the result of which is physical, psychological, moral, sexual or economic suffering.

    Researchers offer a different interpretation of the concept: violence is the impact on a person for the purpose of intimidation, coercion to certain activities, humiliation. Violence is considered one of the most pressing social problems in the modern world.

    School violence as a social problem

    School violence is a psychological, emotional, sexual or physical impact that causes various forms of suffering. Is being done:

    • students in relation to students;
    • teachers - to students;
    • students to teachers.

    The study of the nature and features of this concept causes a lot of discussions on political, psychological, scientific grounds. The main problem is the search for its causes and sources. The researchers came to the conclusion that the basic factors are relations in society and its structure.

    Types of school violence:

    1. Physical.
    2. Sexy.
    3. Gender.
    4. Psychological.

    In their work, psychologists often equate violence with aggression. It is impossible to call the concepts identical, since aggression is a form of behavior whose purpose is to cause harm, and violence is called an extremely dangerous form of aggression.

    Aggressive behavior of schoolchildren is presented in two forms:

    1. Protective- a reasonable form, appears in response to violence against a person.
    2. offensive or destructive- used to attack, bully, torment another person or group of people.

    The most common form of school violence is bullying. This is a new concept for our society, has the same nature as "hazing" in the army. Bullying manifests itself in intimidation, bullying, insults, harassment.

    I. Berdyshev defines bullying as a form of violence committed for a long time, deliberately with the aim of insulting, humiliating, it does not have the nature of self-defense.

    What is "bullying"?

    Bullying in the school environment is expressed in two forms:

    1. Physical- infliction of various damages.
    2. Psychological.

    Psychological, in turn, is classified into:

    1. Extortion intentional damage to property.
    2. Boycott The victim of bullying is isolated.
    3. Verbal:
    • nit-picking about appearance: appearance, manner of dressing, walking, talking;
    • dissolving rumors in order to spoil the reputation, the relationship of the subject with friends, teachers;
    • threats of physical violence, injury, dissemination of information that could harm the subject;
    • teasing, teasing.

    From the point of view of society, bullying is a latent, passive form of violence, but the consequences can be:

    • a drop in self-esteem;
    • neurotic disorders and other traumas of the psyche;
    • problems in building relationships;
    • suicide.

    The reasons

    The causes of child abuse are subjective:

    • boredom, lack of employment or interest in learning;
    • competitive-competitive schooling strategy: schooling, built on the principle of a market economy, forces you to fight for survival in not always peaceful, intellectual ways;

    • envy;
    • upholding the primacy;
    • psychological characteristics of the child as a person;
    • clash of cultures, nationalities, subcultures.

    Any form is the interaction of the victim and the aggressor.

    Signs of an aggressor:

    • quick-tempered, unbalanced character;
    • tendencies to sadism, interest in various manifestations of violence;
    • sudden mood swings from joy to anger and vice versa;
    • imposes his ideas and rules on others;
    • heightened self-esteem;
    • vindictiveness, vindictiveness, provocative behavior;
    • frequent conflicts with parents;
    • disregard for rules of conduct.

    Who can be the aggressor

    Most often, such a student has problems with academic performance, he is brought up in a dysfunctional family, outwardly developed physically and has no obvious external flaws.

    This is just statistics. There are not rare cases when the aggressor was a child from a complete, wealthy family, without problems with appearance and training.

    The “less fortunate” became the objects of attacks - children with physical disabilities, representatives of other nations who were lagging behind in their studies.

    The same statistics show that about 10% of schoolchildren are potential aggressors.

    General features of the aggressor:

    • strong (physically and psychologically);
    • behaves provocatively;
    • unrestrained;
    • impulsive;
    • enters into conflicts or provokes them;
    • often lies;
    • prone to manipulation.

    Most of the aggressors are boys. Among girls, violence is less common, but it is characterized by greater cruelty, a variety of ways of bullying.
    According to statistics, about 7% of students are potential victims.

    There are 2 types of "victims":

    1. Passive- a child with low self-esteem, fearful.
    2. provocative- manifests itself both as an aggressor and as a victim.

    Who becomes a victim

    • Children with unusual appearance. Acne, freckles, curly hair, small stature, fullness, crooked legs, unusual head shape, skin color can be the subject of bullying.
    • Children with physical disabilities- lame, having problems with vision or hearing, stuttering.
    • Children with unusual behavior: closed, unsociable.

    Signs of a "victim", an outsider:

    • kept apart from the team;
    • closed, tends not to stand out;
    • practically does not communicate with anyone;
    • classmates ignore him;
    • very impulsive.

    Portrait of an outsider: most often this is an unsportsmanlike, weak boy. Sometimes with physical disabilities - lameness, poor eyesight, stuttering. The outsider girl has an unattractive appearance, dresses poorer, not fashionable.

    Important! It is worth distinguishing the aggressor from the self-confident child! The first seeks to attack, in all situations feels superior, offends others, does not attach importance to the opinions of others. Self-confident adequately evaluates himself and others, purposeful, proves his opinion reasonably, respects the personalities of others.

    Environmental risk factors

    Factors of aggressive behavior among children at school are:

    1. Personal features– impulsiveness, use of alcohol, drugs, low self-esteem or upbringing, craving for risk;
    2. Features of the social environment- strong influence of the media, the position of the family in society, the environment - friends, parents, who are characterized by deviant behavior, family violence;
    3. Behavioral features- low academic performance, absenteeism, bringing to the police in adolescence, violation of the law.

    The primacy as a factor in the formation of aggressive behavior that generates violence belongs to the social environment:

    • Problems in communication within the family, conflicts - divorce, overprotection or lack of attention, the appearance of a new family member - a guardian, a younger child, excessive demands on a teenager - in school or other areas of activity.
    • "Bad Company"- refers to a social circle consisting of persons who have previously violated the law, having bad habits.
    • Dysfunctional family- refers to single-parent families, families, one of whose members or all had problems with the law, drugs, alcohol.

    Statistics say the following: more than half of the students who have been subjected to any form of violence will show it themselves.

    Help from parents

    Family and parents are the main environment for the development of the student. In the family, a personality is formed from birth. To prevent school violence, parents should cooperate with the school, be able to recognize the basic signs of a child's aggressive tendencies.

    How parents can spot signs of abusive tendencies:

    • sudden mood swings;
    • dominant behavior;
    • interest in violent games and films;
    • frequent complaints about the child from the school;
    • conflicts in the family, ignoring prohibitions, instructions;
    • lack of respect for loved ones.

    How does an outsider behave at home:

    • does not bring friends to visit;
    • comes home from school later;
    • prone to impulsiveness, irascibility, anger and resentment can take out on loved ones;
    • he has no friends with whom he spends his leisure time;
    • often you can notice abrasions, bruises;
    • prone to seclusion.

    If the child is violent:

    1. You can not punish physically!
    2. It is necessary to find out the cause, the nature of manifestations of aggression.
    3. The child needs more time!
    4. In special cases, it is necessary to contact a family psychologist.

    Bullying prevention

    What should school administrations and teachers do to prevent and eradicate this cruelty:

    1. Cooperate, establish partnerships with families, parents, guardians.
    2. Build tolerance, tolerance.
    3. Know the characteristics of familiesWhich of the children may be at risk.
    4. Know about relationships in the classroom. It is not at all necessary for the class teacher to establish a “spy network” - a lot is visible to the naked eye.
    5. Pay attention to the formation of groups in the classes.
    6. Provide timely psychological support students.
    7. Observe and watch again! The teacher has no right to "not notice what is happening to his students."
    8. Prohibition of inaction and indifference! Any information about the manifestation of violence must be verified and taken into account.

    Video: Main reasons

    School violence is a form of violence that involves the use of force in a relationship:

    • student - student
    • teacher - student
    • student - teacher

    What are the forms of school violence?

    School violence is divided into emotional and physical.

    What is emotional abuse?

    Emotional violence as an act committed against a student or teacher, aimed at worsening the psychological well-being of the victim.

    Emotional abuse causes emotional tension in the victim, humiliates him and reduces his self-esteem.

    What are the types of emotional abuse?

    • Taunts
      • Naming
      • Endless remarks and biased assessments
      • ridicule
      • Humiliation in front of other children, etc. ...
    • rejection
      • Insulation
      • Refusal to communicate with the victim (they refuse to play, study with the child, do not want to sit at the same desk with him
      • Not invited to birthday parties, etc...

    What is physical abuse?

    Physical violence is understood as the use of physical force in relation to a student, a fellow student, as a result of which physical injury is possible.

    Physical abuse is

    • beatings
    • Striking
    • flip flops,
    • slaps
    • Damage and taking away of things, etc.

    Who is most likely to be the victim of school violence?

    • Features of behavior. Closed children (introverts and phlegmatic) or children with impulsive behavior (with MMD) become targets for ridicule and aggression. To some extent, hyperactive children are too annoying, while more naive and spontaneous than their peers. They get too deep into the personal space of other children and adults: they get into other people's conversations, games, impose their opinions, are impatient while waiting for their turn in the game, etc. For these reasons, they often cause irritation and receive a "strike back". Hyperactive children can be both victims and perpetrators, and often both at the same time;
    • Bad social skills. There are children who have not developed psychological protection against verbal and physical violence due to insufficient experience in communication and self-expression. Compared to children who have developed social skills appropriate to their age, children with undeveloped social skills are more likely to accept the role of a victim. Having accepted the role of a victim, the child resigns himself to the situation as if it were inevitable, often even internally finds excuses for the rapist: "... well, that means I am like that, I deserve it, I deserve it".
    • Fear of school. It occurs more often in those who go to school with negative social expectations about it. Sometimes this fear is induced by parents who themselves had problems at school age. Stories about an angry teacher and bad grades can become a trigger for fear. A child who shows insecurity and fear of school will more easily become an object for bullying by classmates;
    • Lack of experience of life in a team (home children). Children attending school with a children's group may not have the necessary skills to cope with communication problems. At the same time, they can often surpass in their erudition and skills the children who went to kindergarten;
    • Diseases. There are many disorders that cause ridicule and bullying by peers: epilepsy, tics and hyperkinesis, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), speech disorder - dyslalia (tongue-tied speech), dysgraphia (illiterate writing), dyslexia (impaired learning to read ), dyscalculia (violation of learning to count), etc .;
    • Low intelligence and learning difficulties. Low abilities also determine the child's lesser ability to learn. Poor academic performance forms low self-esteem: “I can’t do it. I am worse than others ", etc. Low self-esteem in one case can contribute to the formation of the role of the victim, and in the other - violent behavior as a compensation option. Thus, a child with a low level of intelligence and learning difficulties can become both a victim of school violence and and a rapist.

    Who is most likely to become a school rapist?

    What contributes to school violence?

    • 1. The anonymity of large schools and the lack of diversity in the choice of educational institutions. Not every child, due to its characteristics, is suitable for a large noisy school. Some children feel and behave better in small classes, being in a calm group. The overload of the curriculum, the noisy atmosphere can negatively affect emotionally labile and hyperactive children with an unstable nervous system, turn them on and disrupt their psycho-emotional state. In a large school community, great anonymity also attracts violence; less likely to detect an act of violence and limit it, due to the fact that it is difficult for a teacher to “reach” everyone, delve into his problems, etc. The absence of other schools nearby, the restriction in the choice of solutions also "tie the hands of violent teachers, since children and parents are forced tolerate arbitrariness - they have nowhere to go, you won’t take your child far to school every day, especially if it is several kilometers away and there is no accessible transport connection.
      In one of these schools, located in a military town, on the territory of Western Ukraine, 3 suicides of high school seniors were committed over the course of 2 years through teacher's arbitrariness.
    • 2. Poor microclimate in the teaching staff. Violence in the behavior of a teacher is due, in principle, to the same factors as in children. In teacher teams with an authoritarian leadership style, the same relationship exists between students and teachers: "Who is on top is stronger." Irritability, dissatisfaction of teachers can splash out and turn into aggression towards children. If a teacher allows external factors to influence him (troubles at home, conflicts with the administration, etc.), then his professionalism is highly questioned. Unfortunately, professional burnout is more often taken out on students.
    • 3. Indifference and disregard. Overworked teachers often do not intervene in children's fights, telling parents that they complain: "Let the children sort it out themselves." If the teacher's arbitrariness also includes fellow students and parents - “... . But she doesn’t offend my child, ”and the school management, then the rapist feels unpunished.