Ideas for a summer cottage with landscape design. How to create a beautiful and functional landscape design of a summer cottage: photo ideas

It seems to many that to create an exclusive design garden plot with your own hands, as in a photo gallery, this is something unreal. But it's not. Design Ideas can be easily transferred to the adjacent territory of your own cottage or country house, creating a unique landscape with an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. A small cozy garden or a luxurious park require the same approach, both in terms of architecture and design, and when choosing plants, space planning. Landscaping of a garden plot is a whole philosophy that combines nature and life. There are many options for arranging a garden with a local area, among them you can always choose one that will fully meet individual needs. Style, harmony, convenience and simplicity are the basis for creating a unique atmosphere necessary for a relaxed holiday and a comfortable country life.

Design project

Creating landscape design on a garden plot with your own hands is not so much realistic as it is necessary, because today the dacha has ceased to be exclusively a place for growing vegetables. A country house is, first of all, a place where city dwellers come to take a break from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, in a word - relax.

There is absolutely no difference: 4, 6 or 10 acres are available. With careful planning, if you rationally manage the space, think over the design, even on a modest-sized plot, you can create a landscape of stunning beauty.

Advice! With the independent development of a design project for a garden plot, numerous photos with ready-made solutions will help. Even if such a project cannot be fully implemented, you can always apply especially liked ideas of arrangement or decor on your site.

The outlines of the site should be transferred to paper, drawing up a detailed plan. After that, you can proceed to the allocation of functional zones - economic, recreation, decorative.

Advice! The purpose of the future site should be taken into account in advance: only decorative, combined with household or exclusively for recreation.

All zones need to be filled, based on their purpose, their own needs, the desired style. This stage includes the selection of vegetation, architectural details, arrangement of reservoirs, lighting, laying paths and other communications.

Separately, it is worth considering the boundaries of each site, which will help hedges or lattice partitions entwined with ivy. Paths, an artificial reservoir, garden sculptures can become a good boundary. The main thing is that the division of zones looks as natural as possible, without sharp drops or breaks.

Advice! The sloping terrain of the site often causes a lot of problems. But if you correctly organize the drainage system in the lower part, and divide the slope into several terraces, you can achieve a stunning decorative effect by simultaneously dividing the entire area into functional zones in height.

garden plot style

The success of landscape design of a garden plot largely depends on a well-chosen stylistic solution. The style should not only take into account the size, topography and location of the backyard, but also emphasize the character of the owner. The photo gallery clearly demonstrates the differences in styles and their features, but before trying on this or that design on your site, it is better to study the features of each.

English style

Such a design is distinguished by maximum naturalness, lack of symmetry, an abundance of greenery. The appearance of the site seems to have descended from an idyllic landscape painting.

Vegetation is selected of all types. There must certainly be a well-groomed lawn, deciduous trees, trimmed shrubs, lush multi-tiered flower beds. The latter are predominantly made up of flowering plants and shrubs (roses, irises, cyclamens, oleanders, etc.). Trees should give a lot of shade, so it is worth planting willows along with fruit trees.

Such a solution will look best on a spacious area with noticeable uneven terrain, where a smooth lawn abruptly turns into a hilly area. The space should be divided into a garden and a park area, connecting them with winding paths with benches in the shade of trees, ponds framed with stone.

mediterranean style

The Mediterranean design is simple, with all the key elements centered around the patio. Such a patio is usually paved with stone, covered with wooden decking, partially surrounded brick wall painted in white or terracotta.

The vegetation is represented by an even green lawn, bright areas are formed with the help of flower beds. There must be a carved pergola (wooden or forged), partially covered with ivy, and thick curtains made of light textiles provide protection from the sun. The relaxation area with this design is sure to be supplemented with wicker furniture, a sun canopy, decorated with massive vases with bright flowers, elegant sculptures, fountains.

french style

The French style will suit the owners of spacious backyards located next to a large stone house. This style is distinguished by luxury and an abundance of free space. The central element of the site will be a wide alley lined with neatly trimmed shrubs and trees, antique statues and artsy flowerpots.

The main features of French design are symmetry, respect for proportions, clarity of lines that can be traced in everything. Be sure to complement the site with fountains in classical style, artificial porticos, grottoes or labyrinths, columns, stone bridges. The garden must be at a level below the main building so that it has a full view.

East style

The Japanese style is suitable for both tiny plots of 4 acres, and for a vast backyard area. Minimalism and conciseness can be traced in everything: the absence of lush decor, flowering plants, complex shapes. A pond must be arranged around which large stones can be laid out. In its center, an island will look good, which can be reached through a wooden bridge without a railing.

From vegetation, preference should be given to evergreen trees and shrubs, including dwarf ones. In spring and autumn, maple trees and fruit trees. The paths should be strewn with gravel, in some areas you can lay out large stones that set the pace for movement.

Advice! Instead of a flower garden, it is appropriate to set up a rock garden. In the evening, the plot will effectively complement the built-in lighting.

The Chinese style is suitable for fans of the philosophy of Feng Shui, which implies the harmony of all the elements and the arrangement that provides freedom for the flow of energy. decorative elements. A pond should be located in the garden area, around which compositions of green spaces and stones should be placed.

A gazebo-pagoda, bright wooden bridges, paths in the form of stairs, an artificial waterfall, a Buddha statue emphasize harmony with nature. Must be planted bright flowers red, yellow, purple hues, as well as take care of a smooth lawn of dense grass or moss in a rich emerald hue. Bright orange lanterns hung along the paths and next to the gazebo will add color.

Garden plot design: objects

The landscape design of a garden plot is always based on some main object, which can be a residential building, an unusual relief, trees, a neat lawn, etc. Given their style and location, the site is supplemented with secondary objects, these include:

  • Green spaces.
  • Pergolas and architectural elements.
  • Artificial reservoirs.
  • garden sculptures.
  • Lighting.
  • Tracks.

The final design should combine beauty and convenience, style and comfort. Do not try to place everything on the backyard territory at once. It is enough to limit yourself to the necessary and withstand the chosen style.

Green spaces

Landscaping is the most important element of garden design. Plants create a background for all other objects, fill the space with a special charm, uniting it with the surrounding nature.

Landscaping of the site includes the phased planting of the following plants:

  • Trees and shrubs of various heights - create a shadow, delimit the site, highlight separate zones. In the walking area, it is best to plant low-growing shrubs or fruit trees that let in sunlight and form a comfortable environment, serve as an excellent frame for the paths. It is recommended to plant coniferous vegetation in recreation areas, and willows or tall shrubs will look good next to water bodies.
  • Flower beds should be broken when the main landscape has already been formed. Plants for them are selected taking into account the size of the site and the flowering period of each species. Vertical planting will look spectacular along fences or walls when the height of the plants gradually decreases. The hue of the colors in the background should be darker and more saturated than those in front, which gives visual volume and depth. Alpine slides allow you to beat the existing terrain of the site or create a new one.

  • The design of buildings and garden objects with the help of vegetation helps to achieve the unity of architecture with nature. It can be all kinds of climbing plants that adorn the walls of gazebos, steps and garden sculptures, as well as flowers or shrubs planted along ponds.
  • The lawn will serve as an element that will connect all the zones on the site into a single whole. He must be neat, well-groomed. As a lawn cover, you can consider any herbaceous plants, including flowering ones.

Advice! Beds, if necessary, should be located in the economic zone. If the site is small, then it is best to design them not in a standard way, but in the form of a semicircle, which will help to make better use of the available area, visually expand the space.

The design of a small garden plot should be moderate, the abundance of flowers and plants can look ponderous, “eat up” the usable area.

Pergolas and architectural elements

The main building on the garden plot is a residential building, but it does not have to be the central design element at all, and even more so the only place for leisure and recreation. In design adjoining territory great attention is paid to the use of all kinds of architectural elements that help to properly manage the space, make it more practical and comfortable. The buildings also serve as a spectacular decor, giving the site an aesthetic and lived-in look. Among them are:

  • Pavilions and pergolas should be placed near water bodies, in a park area. On a plot of 4 acres, it is appropriate to install a small open gazebo with lattice walls, placing it away from the house. Such a building is best designed with the help of climbing plants or a group of trees. A spacious area can be decorated with a large pergola with textile curtains or a gazebo with columns, located on the shore of a reservoir or among a cluster of trees.
  • A patio or summer kitchen simultaneously serves as an outbuilding and a place of rest. Such a building is most often located in close proximity to the house or adjacent to one of its walls. In this case, the style and material of the building should match the design of the main building.

  • Bridges across ponds or ravines, as well as arches, help to effectively delimit the space on the site, while at the same time ensuring a smooth transition from one zone to another. It is recommended to plant tall plants near the bridges, and climbing vines or lush flower beds will complement the arch. The elements themselves can be either wooden or stone, depending on the style of the site.
  • A recreation area must be present on a garden plot, regardless of its size. This place is best identified with wooden flooring, stone slabs or a neat lawn. The resting place should be equipped with benches and barbecues, swings, a swimming pool, etc.

Advice! Do not forget about outbuildings when designing the site. They should be organically integrated into general style, if necessary, they should be covered with vegetation or decorative hedges.

artificial reservoirs

The presence of a reservoir in the garden can completely transform it. appearance. Water makes the landscape dynamic, alive, refreshing in the heat, filling the garden with a serene atmosphere.

Thinking over the design of garden plots of 6 acres or more, you should pay attention to the construction of an artificial reservoir, the size and purpose of which depend on individual needs:

  • Fountain - perfect solution for small areas. A reservoir of this type serves as a source of constantly moving water, it can have any frame that fits into a variety of styles. With the help of the fountain, you can designate the center of the site or emphasize any part of it.

  • The waterfall will be an excellent solution for a garden plot with uneven terrain. Streams of water can flow down the stones of rockeries or alpine slides, forming a small pond below, framed by plants. A water mill, a decorative fountain can be installed at the top of the waterfall.
  • Ponds and circulating channels are ideal for decorating large areas. Such reservoirs will add naturalness to the landscape, in addition, they can be used as a source of water for watering the garden. You can run fish, ducks into the finished pond, plant plants around it and install a gazebo. A reservoir of complex or elongated shape can be supplemented with a bridge that will connect different banks, continuing the paths.

Garden sculptures will perfectly fit into the landscape of oriental style

Spectacular accessories add zest to any site. The use of garden sculptures allows you to create an individual style, emphasize the nature and features of the landscape.

Garden sculptures can be anything from antique statues to modern ceramic animal figures. Greek or Gothic statues made of stone or metal will look good both in the thick of plants and on the shore of a reservoir. And bright ceramic figurines will complement the flower beds or enliven the recreation area, make the walk more interesting.

Another spectacular accessory is stone vases, inside which you can plant flowers. Such decor can be made in any style from antique to modern, abstract. Sizes and shapes also vary, which allows you to choose a product for almost any site.


Arrangement of garden paths will help to make the garden plot as functional and convenient as possible. These elements set the pace for the landscape, serve as its decoration, delimit the site and help you move freely around it.

The material for the tracks should be selected resistant to the effects of the atmosphere, temperature, strong and durable. Gravel is best paving slabs, wood flooring.

Advice! The smaller the plot, the more winding the paths should be - this technique visually expands the space.

An obligatory element of garden paths is a frame, which can be curbstones, large cobblestones, high vegetation, trimmed shrubs, etc.

Lighting will make your garden cozy even at night

When designing a garden plot with your own hands, be sure to take care of the lighting. With the help of lighting, you can not only secure movement around the local area at night, but also emphasize the features of its design. As functional and decorative light sources in the garden area can be:

  • Lanterns- they can be placed next to benches or along paths.

  • Wall lights- most often installed on the verandas of summer kitchens, in gazebos.
  • Built-in lights and lighting- can be located next to any decorative element in the garden (under the statues, along the fence, around the pond, under the bridges and arches). The illumination of the lawn, which is provided by special lamps installed in the soil, will look spectacular.
  • Hanging balls and garlands- this type of decorative lighting gives the garden a festive look. With it, you can create a comfortable atmosphere both in a small gazebo and in the open space of a recreation area. Garlands can wrap around trunks or branches of trees, buildings, creating a soft shimmer.

The design of a garden plot with your own hands will not cause problems if you take into account all the recommendations, as well as correlate them with the existing conditions. A competent choice of style and filling guarantee an amazing result even in a small area.

Landscaping of a suburban area is a fascinating process that implies the presence of special knowledge in various fields: from, in fact, design to engineering and technical. The absence of the latter can nullify an initially interesting artistic idea. Starting the author's design of a private household plot, the first thing to study are the features land plot, weather conditions, level ground water and even how many people will live on this site. They analyze the soil in order to understand which plants will take root in this area, and which ones can not be planted - they still will not survive.

Basic principles of landscape design

Great importance is attached to the degree of illumination of the site - the sun should be enough to get a good rest. However, its excess is also harmful - in this case it is better to provide for the planting of tall trees that will partially shade the garden plot.

A package of documents in which the customer is presented finished project landscape design, quite impressive. It should also include the results of the analyzes carried out, plans for drainage systems, electric lighting and equipment with automatic irrigation systems.

Special attention should be paid to the landscaping plan. It indicates in detail the location of all plants, the breakdown of flower beds, lawns and other green spaces.

All plants that are planned to be planted on the site must be in without fail presented in the assortment list. This statement indicates the name of the plant, its species, variety and quantitative composition.

The results of all costs for landscape design are given in the cost estimate. It should indicate the cost of the work and all necessary materials to implement the idea.

Original ideas and creative ideas

A beautiful personal plot is the dream of many caring owners, but the lack of experience, and often time, leads to the fact that the plots look unkempt, and the dream remains a dream. But to ennoble your site is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few rules.

It is necessary to remember about functionality, convenience and expediency. In pursuit of beauty and fashion, one should not forget about expediency. A large swimming pool, for example, is very fashionable and stylish, but if it takes up most of your site, it will not only ruin its appearance, but also create a lot of problems.

Indeed, in this case, the main item of your expenses will be the payment for the services of pool cleaners, and if you decide to save money and clean it yourself, then this will take the lion's share of your time allotted for rest.

A country house with a swimming pool is a sign of a high social status and wealth of its owner

Create a beautiful landscape design with your own hands from what you have. You don't have to deal with the "shortcomings" of your personal plot, they are very easily converted into virtues.

If on your site tall trees cover the sun and create a permanent shadow - great! No need to spend money on buying umbrellas from the sun. The land can be sown with shade-loving varieties of lawn and arrange a barbecue area there. Believe me, on a hot summer day, you will appreciate this corner of your site.

Plant your plants properly. Before planting, make a plan of what you want to plant and where in your area. When planting flowers, arrange them so that tall flowers do not create impenetrable thickets and do not block low, border plants.

To ensure that your site delights you with flowers all summer, plant plants with different terms flowering. Keep in mind that some flowers, such as peonies, bloom in early June, while others, such as dahlias, bloom towards the end of summer.

The area needs maintenance. If you do not live permanently on your site, but only come from time to time, you should not plant your garden with plants that require increased attention.

A boxwood hedge is very beautiful, but only well-groomed plants are beautiful, overgrown bushes will give a messy look to your garden, nullifying all your work and time spent.

In any case, you can create a beautiful and harmonious appearance of your site without the involvement of an expensive specialist. After all, no one but you yourself can put so much soul and love into your land.

How and what to improve the suburban area

Landscape design is a creative process of landscaping, landscaping a summer cottage in order to achieve harmonious combination plants planted for a practical purpose, with plants solely for aesthetics.

Territory landscape planning has a number of features, due to the following reasons:

Functional purpose of the site

It is rare that anyone uses a summer cottage only for relaxing among flowering plants. Most often, part of this site (and sometimes the entire site) is also used as a garden for growing plants that are primarily edible.

Skill is required to harmoniously link into a single economic unit with vegetable plantings and a recreation area with decorative flowers and gazebos.

Summer is the main time to visit the dacha, but even during this period we come to the dacha most often only on weekends. And the plants require frequent watering and careful care, otherwise you risk finding only withered and frail sprouts in your dacha instead of the expected blooming beauties. Therefore, it is worth taking care of automatic watering in advance.

This type of irrigation in our country has become fashionable relatively recently and is often done without knowing the basics of hydraulic engineering, “from a lantern”. And in the end it turns out that in one place it is watered very strongly, and in another it is not watered at all.

To prevent this from happening, invite a specialist with technical education. He will be able to correctly calculate and select the necessary equipment for hydraulic structures on your site, without violating your landscape design.

An automatic watering system is a guarantee of a quality lawn, as well as saving time and effort

During the period of late autumn and winter, the dacha is most often left unattended, rarely anyone comes to their site to "admire" the view of snowdrifts and frosty roofs.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of buying expensive exotic perennials. Maybe it’s worth replacing them with inexpensive similar analogues so as not to tempt neighbors and not to find a bald spot in your summer cottage in the spring where valuable plant species were planted.

In your landscape design of your summer cottage, give preference to annual plants. In terms of a riot of colors, many annuals are superior to perennials, and it is not necessary to prepare them for winter (cut, cover, etc.). Also, in the spring, you do not need to waste your time on putting hedges and other perennials in order.

How to equip the territory in the yard

Landscaping is an art that creates the perfect harmony between man and nature, optimally combining practicality and ease of use with the aesthetic perception of your garden.

Flower beds and lawns, gazebos and architectural forms located on the site will give a unique look to your garden.

The stumbling block is often hydraulic structures in the garden. artificial ponds, streams, fountains, waterfalls, with which the landscape becomes more spectacular. But the structure of reservoirs is very specific and depends on many factors, of which design solution and the wishes of the customer, although they are fundamental, still take second place. Especially when it comes to the technical execution of a creative idea.

The following factors are considered paramount: functional purpose(just a decorative reservoir or a pond with fish), and the location of the reservoir. You should also take into account the climatic conditions and features of the local landscape.

There are a large number of ways technical implementation ponds, fountains and reservoirs. They differ both in technology and in the methods used. building materials. And in each case, this method will be different.

  • Choosing the right landscaping
  • functionally arranged artificial reservoirs
  • Appropriate decorated coating has been selected.

It is necessary to create such landscape compositions that would be both beautiful and functional, and at the same time durable, and would be able to survive our Russian winters.

Holistic work on creating a landscape design for a garden plot begins with a detailed study of the land plot, drawing up a map of the area and an action plan to change the appearance of the garden. In a word quality work implies the presence good specialists who know their business.

This should be not only a designer, but also an agronomist, as well as a specialist with a technical education who will help determine the necessary equipment for organizing your own reservoir.

And the main thing here is not to grow the fruits of "amateur" and not to apply to companies that have been engaged in landscape design for a short time and do not have sufficient practice in this area, otherwise the object they created will inevitably fall under alteration.

English style

This version of landscape design compares favorably with its simplicity and sophisticated sophistication, allowing you to turn any garden into a unique living work of art.

English style designing a garden plot has another big advantage - it does not require significant financial investments. The style itself is most suitable for decorating small garden plots.

Traditionally, in the English style, there is a variety of fragrant flowers, an abundance of lush vegetation, as well as the presence architectural forms entwined with vines under the shade of majestic trees. When decorating a garden in the English style, it should be remembered that this style is characterized by the alternation of open and semi-open spaces.

For the design of the site in the English style, the following features are characteristic:

  1. The absence of clearly defined lines and shapes;
  2. Figured trimmed shrubs;

In the English garden, every object and structure emphasizes its naturalness. The paths in the garden are bent in random order, the banks of the reservoirs (natural and artificial) have a natural look, and the existing stairs or descents to the water should organically and naturally fit into the overall landscape.

The starting point in the design work is around which flower beds and lawns are located.

The British devote a lot of time to maintaining their lawn in order, carefully trimmed and groomed - they resemble living carpets of greenery.

A beautiful and well-groomed lawn is a visiting card of landscape design in the English style

The presence of a large number of climbing plants. The ubiquitous ivy and climbing roses twine not only hedges and fences, but also the walls of houses, covering them with their greenery.

Climbing plants are an indispensable attribute of an English-style garden. They are often used to decorate gazebos or all kinds of arches, ideally creating the look of the English landscape.

The use of plants characteristic of a particular area. The English style does not use exotic species of plants and trees for planting in its gardens.

They use exclusively local plants, which are carefully selected to create the desired impression all year round.

An interesting design idea - a bridge over a river made of stones

The English style does not tolerate a riot of colors and pomposity in design. Its calm, pacifying character will appeal to those people who appreciate coziness and comfortable privacy.

It so happened that country rest we associate with vegetable beds, weed control and the exhausting sun. But after all, the modern market offers all kinds of vegetables, fruits and berries in abundance, now everything can be easily found on store shelves. Wouldn't it be better to equip the cottage to your taste, turn it into a secluded place for relaxation and family entertainment? Relaxing with your family on the banks of the river with a fishing rod or in a hammock with your favorite magazine - what could be better?

Where to start planning?

The first stage of planning the landscape design of a summer cottage is the application of all objects to paper. Without a doubt, in addition to the house, each plot has a barn, garage or other ancillary buildings. We mark them on the map, then think about what else is missing. Having realized an old dream, you can experience great pleasure. And it doesn’t matter that it is a fish pond, a flowerbed with medicinal plants, gazebo, barbecue or swimming pool. The main thing is not to lose sight of anything, let any wish come true, and the most interesting ideas come true.

It must be remembered that we design beds and flower beds with sun-loving flowers on the south side of the site, and trees on the north. So, the trees will protect from cold winds, and the plants will receive the necessary amount of light and heat.

Landscape design of a summer cottage is a painstaking and time-consuming process, so it is better to determine priority elements from the very beginning so that during the design process you do not lose sight of what everything was started for. It happens that being carried away by a variety of new products, we forget about the most important thing. As a result, we are disappointed and get the same chaos and disorder as before the work began.

The design of the site will require the presence of knowledge from various fields, it is they who will help to competently approach the issue and implement the plan. Intuition and imagination are the best helpers that you should rely on, but do not forget that the landscape design of a summer cottage is carried out in the same style, united by one theme or key idea.

Tracks are the main attribute of convenient movement

Designing a suburban area includes the laying of paths. It is advisable to equip them with an approach to any backyard object. Additionally, you can lay an excursion, walking route for guests or vacationers.

It is important to provide the most convenient access to beds and flower beds, so as not to turn agricultural work into overcoming obstacles that arise in the way. The paths between the main objects are simple, smooth lines, they are also laid in such a way as to ensure free movement along them.

"Walking" paths are made in a winding shape, the route passes by the most attractive places so that walkers can appreciate the charm of natural beauty and harmonious design suburban area landscape. The optimal track width is about 1.5 meters, but in terms of saving free space, you can reduce its size. The main thing is that two people can move along it at the same time.

The path, laid under a slight slope, is extremely practical. Puddles do not form on it, and dust and other particles of dirt are washed off by rain in a timely manner. It will always look well-groomed, and nearby areas will receive additional watering. The main materials used to decorate the paths are concrete, decorative tiles, stone. The options decorated with gravel, sand or pebbles look interesting. Mosaic paths look the most attractive.

Lighting - the second wind of the garden

Relaxing in the evening in the garden - what could be more pleasant? Coolness and freshness of the air, calm quiet evenings ... If some building owners install a primitive light bulb or spotlight near the gazebo, then no one worries about decorative lighting. It's a pity! Decorative lighting will turn the landscape of a summer cottage into a fairy-tale world. Soft diffused light will make it possible to comfortably move around the yard, while it has low power and does not dazzle.

Functional lighting is installed in the most significant places, it illuminates the facade of the house, the entrance to the courtyard, you can equip it with a gazebo, steps or railing edges. Recessed lamps are located on the columns. Exists big variety columns made in various styles, so choosing the right accessory will not be difficult.

Decorative lighting successfully highlights architectural structures, its individual elements. In addition, it is used to highlight compositions that occupy a central position. It can be an ornamental bush, a separate tree or a flower bed. Thanks to ground-based mini-spotlights, design elements of the garden plot are illuminated, the photos of which amaze with their magnificence. Such technical devices are capable of emitting light of various brightnesses, as well as colors, thanks to specially installed filters.

It should be noted that the power of all lighting elements of a personal plot should be significantly less than city lamps. For this purpose, energy-saving lamps are quite suitable. special attention will require insulation of the backlight power cable, since the safety of those working on the site depends on it. All work must be carried out by experienced specialists, it is advisable to provide for the possibility of turning on technical lighting separately from decorative lighting.


Landscaping in the country is not only an abundance of plants and shrubs. Various figurines of fairy-tale characters are very popular in its design. Such decorations will bring a lot of joy to children. An elegant fairy, a funny gnome or a bunny will perfectly complement the garden composition.

Correct design

A competent approach in the design of the landscape design of the dacha involves the placement of the tallest plants on the north side, gradually, as they approach the south, their height decreases. On middle lane shrub grows well, but the south side is a suitable place for vegetable, legumes.

Beds, greenhouses and garden plots are designed in a regular style, which implies geometric regular shapes. The outlines of the landscape are more natural, the plants are arranged in random order. The relief of the site is one of key points, each tubercle can be advantageously beaten and equipped, and not leveled. Natural beauty is better to supplement, not to destroy.

Basic decor elements

Alpine slide

The name speaks for itself, this decorative element is an original combination of stones and graceful plants. Thanks to him, the landscape design of the summer cottage is being transformed; it is very easy to build this interesting slide with your own hands. Its arrangement, as a rule, begins in the autumn period of time. To do this, broken bricks or gravel are laid out on the designated place, then everything is covered with earth.

The height of the structure must be at least 1 meter, then the structure will “sit down” and the height will decrease significantly. Before starting work, you can draw a rough sketch, which would include not only massive stones, but also peaks, cliffs, green valleys and flat plateaus.

In the spring you can start decorative design slides, for this large stones are mounted in it. To ensure the integrity of the structure, they are half buried in the ground. Small and medium stones are located in its upper part. When choosing plants, preference should be given to carpet and ground cover species, rosette and tuberous ones give the composition a special charm, but require additional care.

Among suitable plants you can give preference to daisies, speedwells, St. John's wort, thyme, yarrow, crocuses, galanthus and white flowers. Saxifrage, sponges, edelweiss also look amazing. Perennials are the main choice; annuals can occasionally be added to the composition, bringing novelty and originality to it.


With the help of flower beds, it is easy to design a cottage with your own hands. The outline of the flower bed does not have to be rectangular or oval shape, you can come up with an original, elegant composition. Complementary organic color combinations are not created quickly, but everyone will like the excellent result.

Vertical flower beds

Playing a major role in urban landscaping, gardening and landscaping, photos of graceful vertical structures amaze with magnificence. Such specimens fit perfectly into the conditions of a small summer cottage plot, where every piece of land is on a special account.

Flowerbeds are vertical structures filled with soil. Flowers on such structures grow excellently, they absorb the maximum amount sunlight, A custom solution gives the site originality and sophistication. Designers offer to grow not only ornamental plants, but also curly fruit-bearing plants and greens in such flower beds. Flowerbeds come in a variety of shapes: pyramidal, conical, trapezoidal.


Garden design for areas that are not rich in fertile soil is made using special plantings, called discounts. These are oblong strips located along fences, paths or curbs. The width of this flower border is about half a meter. Rabatki are unilateral or bilateral. Flowers planted on discounts should be low and bright. It is important to provide the correct color combinations of plants planted with each other.


An original composition created from small trees, shrubs and herbs. Caring for a flower garden causes a lot of problems, because the main feature of a mixborder is a dense planting of plants. Landscape design of a garden plot using a mixborder is interesting solution, it fits perfectly into the landscape style of the area.

Plants are planted randomly to create the effect of "natural naturalness" of the site. The lines and shapes of the flower bed should be free. Tall plants should occupy either the background or the center, depending on the vantage point. The central location of tall plants is allowed in the case of a pyramidal flower bed. Preference is given to a wide variety of plants, it is important to arrange them in such a way that they do not drown out each other, but receive a sufficient amount of sunlight and moisture.

Do-it-yourself site design

The interior of a summer cottage is a combination of all design elements. Competent arrangement on your own will require some skills in the field of construction, land surveying. In addition, you need to have artistic taste and agronomic knowledge.

At the initial stage, a plan of buildings is drawn up, functional zones are marked out. Next, plant seeds, trees, shrubs are selected, suitable for aesthetic reasons, depending on the natural habitat conditions. In our article you will find a design in the country with your own hands photo.

How to arrange a plot depending on its area?

The number of acres plays an important role in the design. See the design of the garden plot photo in our article. The more acres are available, the more objects are placed on them. If the area is small, you should not plan a large number of elements on it at the expense of aesthetics. It is better to pay due attention to paths, flower beds, lighting and their ideal condition.

As a rule, the entire site is divided into several zones:

  • residential - including a house, a garage and a summer kitchen;
  • recreation area with gazebo or tea house;
  • gardening;
  • household - with various outbuildings and pets.

On a plot of 6 acres, the geometric correct style looks great, vertical flower beds and non-massive fences to visually increase the space. It is important to provide all plants with the required amount of light, so before planting them, it is best to make sure that the shadow from nearby objects is not cast on them throughout the day.

A plot of 10-12 acres provides a wide range of potential objects. This is a lawn or gazebo decorated with climbing plants, a play area for children or a sauna, a pool or a pond with ornamental plants.

Arranging a suburban area with your own hands is a useful activity, the results of which will delight all family members!

Photo gallery

See our photo gallery for another 30 options for landscape design of a summer cottage.

A small plot is your opportunity to prove in practice the correctness of the words of A.P. Chekhov, who, as you know, compared brevity with the sister of talent. After the implementation of your plans, the plot will not increase in size, but it can be completely transformed. And even increase visually. All in your hands!

Three basic rules

The meaning of the three basic rules that are used when creating landscape design small plot, comes down to declaring war on gigantomania and saying: “Giants, you are not welcome here!”:

Style selection

Begin your landscape design by drawing up a detailed plan. In the absence of skills to work with specially designed computer programs, draw a plan on paper. On the plan indicate the location of the house and erected outbuildings, designate the future recreation area, the proposed places for planting trees, shrubs, and a garden.

Decide on the design style of the site - it will be regular or natural (landscape). The regular style provides for the presence of the main axis of the composition, in relation to which landings are made symmetrically.

Advice. Registration in a regular style is more suitable for areas with a large area. However, that doesn't mean you can't use this style on yours.

The paths in this area are laid straight. Compliance with strict geometric shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles is required. The choice of geometric shape depends on the configuration of your site. So, for a narrow and elongated shape, a rectangular shape is more suitable. Squares will naturally look on a plot whose sides are approximately equal.

Registration in landscape style provides more freedom in the placement of landings and decorative elements. It is better to refuse direct tracks with this design.

The existing uneven terrain is played up or a mini-relief is created in one or two zones with your own hands. It can be a small reservoir with a humpbacked bridge, a retaining wall, an alpine slide. Do you want to do earthworks? Create volume by arranging a flower garden with plants different shapes, coloring and height. The solution is simple, and the flower garden will look amazing.

Techniques for visual expansion of the plot area

To visually expand the boundaries, designers use several techniques, the main of which is to focus on smooth, smooth shapes and lines. The garden path, slightly bending or winding between plantings, will visually make the site larger. Interspersed with floral arrangements and decorative elements also successfully solve this problem.

Advice. Take as a basis a composition from a well-known landscape design magazine, or find interesting examples on the Internet. Evaluate what you can apply for yourself. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and try to develop an idea you like.

Do not chase the number of flower beds and shrubs. Using culinary terminology, there is a risk of "oversalting the dish." Better less is better. Choose color compositions and shrubs for planting so that they delight you with flowers and greenery as much as possible - from spring to late autumn. The decoration of the site will be a dry stream, a miniature pond, a decorative well.

Arrange "lightening" the far corners with plants with yellow or white flowers. This simple technique will visually "push" them away.

Landscaping of a suburban area of ​​​​small size

When gardening, follow the well-known rules:

  • Consider the lighting requirements of plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Plant plants and trees so that their height increases from south to north. The lowest place is in the southern part of the site, the highest (apple, pear) - in the northern and northeastern.
  • Bring fertile land to your site if your soil is poor. Compost and manure will not immediately fix the situation.
  • think over color scheme your site. With the right choice color solution the boundaries of a small area can be visually significantly expanded.
  • Don't go for a wide variety of colors. A lot doesn't mean good. Choose a basic color theme and create variations of it in different areas of the site. So you will be able to achieve harmony in the design of your little "latifundia".

Very important! Measure seven times, cut one. Folk wisdom nobody canceled. Learn what and how best to plant in your area, find out what problems neighbors face, delve into all the nuances. And only then proceed to the landscaping of the site. The pleasure that you get from communicating with flowers and plants, the joy of contemplating how handsome and beauties your “pets” grow up, is difficult to compare with anything.


Start with flower beds. Experts advise to break the flower beds on the sides of the entrance. Just don't make them symmetrical. For the design of flower beds, you can use literally everything that is on the farm.

With the help of flowers, arrange a “stream” in a small summer cottage, frame a small reservoir with flowers. Well-known themes will sound in your landscape design in a new way.

Cozy and secluded seating area

Choose a place for a small recreation area, 5-6 m² is enough. Make two small pergolas out of timber and slats. Dig the timber into the ground so that the pergolas form an angle or place them opposite each other. Fasten the pergolas together at the top with long slats. Put a bench, plant climbing plants near the pergolas (bindweed, wild grapes, climbing roses) and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

container landings

Be sure to use container plantings for landscape design in a small summer cottage. Moreover, almost any plants and flowers can be grown in them. Even small trees grow well in them.