Why do students change schools? “You don’t need to issue certificates to everyone

Many factors can influence our choice of a particular school: convenient location, a good teacher we know, excellent reviews from friends. But it happens that the choice does not live up to expectations.

4mama invites you to go through the points to evaluate your school and see if you have any reason to look for a new school.

1. Teacher-tormentor.

The child is very afraid of his teacher, which is completely contrary to the educational process, especially if this happens in elementary school. She punishes too severely for bad, in her opinion, behavior. He can slap on the back of the head, or even worse - beat with a ruler if the student does not know the answer.

Children out of fear refuse to ask something from the teacher, or even attend her lessons. Such a teacher can leave a bad mark on the child's psyche, it is better to leave her.

2. Bad atmosphere in the classroom.

The children were divided into two camps: losers and excellent students, girls and boys, favorites and the rest. It happens even worse when everyone is against one, they have chosen a child victim and are poisoning him all together. It doesn't matter which camp the child is in, such a situation does not teach anything good, except for aggression and lack of pity for one's neighbor.

Unfortunately, children cannot improve the atmosphere on their own, they need the help of an adult. If no measures of teachers and parents work, it is better to look for a new school until the child is used to bullying others, or to be in the role of a victim.

3. The student was classified as a "difficult student".

Children are all different and all have their own temperaments, personality traits, learning abilities, but none of this can affect how the teacher treats the child.

They say that there are no bad students, losers or hooligans, but there is a bad teacher. A good teacher should find an approach to each child. The question is whether he wants to do it or not, or is it easier for him to hang a certain label and get rid of responsibility.

For many parents of schoolchildren, it is time to think about a new school. Some children did not fit into the team, others need a deepening in some subjects. Still others have entered the phase of active preparation for the Unified State Examination (although, it would seem, much more actively!), and suitable teachers are needed.

In general, there can be many reasons for changing schools. But the expectations of parents are not always justified. Experts from the Higher School of Economics studied the experience of several thousand Russian schoolchildren and looked at the cases in which changing schools pays off.


The child will soon take exams and enter a university, which means that a stronger educational institution is needed! Parents think something like this - and they transfer their child to the 10th grade of a gymnasium or lyceum. And they are waiting that now the offspring will meet the exam fully armed. But the effect may be quite different.

In sociology, there is such a concept - the effect of the Big Frog in a small pond, - says the author of the study Yulia Kuzmina, a researcher at the International Laboratory for Educational Policy Analysis of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. - This effect shows that a child from a strong school evaluates his abilities lower than his peer from a weak one. Although in terms of ability they are equal!

A simple example. In an ordinary courtyard school, a seventh-grader Vasya is considered a gifted boy - during the control, he decides both his own version and his neighbor. But if Vasya transfers to a physics and mathematics lyceum, then he will be recorded as a laggard there - after all, he did not read the latest research of the Nobel laureate!

For such children, grades may worsen, because the teacher focuses not so much on the knowledge of the student, but on whether he is better or worse than the rest in the class, - Yulia Kuzmina continues. - All this greatly affects the student's self-esteem in a particular subject. And many other things depend on self-esteem, for example, the decision to enter a university and the choice of a future specialty.

So is it worth transferring a child to a strong class? Only if he is not too far behind future classmates. Then a good result of a neighbor on the desk will not drive into melancholy and self-flagellation, but will become an additional motivation.

But by itself, studying in a strong class does not increase the grade on the Unified State Examination. So, don't expect a three-year student to score 100 points in mathematics after two years in physics and mathematics.


It would seem - well, a parent is not an enemy to his child in order to transfer him to a weaker school? But no! There are advantages to this decision as well. For example, this will help to slightly reduce the stress and study load on the child.

In a strong school, a child can make excessive demands on himself, which he cannot meet, - Yulia Kuzmina explains. - And this leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction. In a weaker school, such a student will feel much more confident.

There are also illegal bonuses. In a weaker school, it will be easier for a prepared student to receive a medal and a certificate with honors. And for this, by the way, you can get several bonus points for the Unified State Examination when entering a university.

Parents are discussing and this is the “plus”: they say, in a weaker school it may be easier to cheat on the Unified State Exam. It is on this that the entire USE-tourism in certain regions is built! Graduates are specially transferred to those schools where there is an agreement with the leadership, which can turn a blind eye to cheating and fraud with the Internet. But you shouldn't seriously count on it. In recent years, Rosobrnadzor has taken on a pencil everyone who changes schools in high school, monitors the change and checks their work with particular care.


There are other reasons for changing schools. And not always parents and children part with the former class on a positive note. It also happens that they just run away from school, losing their shift.

It happens that a student does not have a relationship with teachers or classmates, says family psychologist Mikhail Zotov. “Sometimes it has to be done even in elementary grade!” And many parents think that running away from school will solve the problem and the child will start everything from scratch in a new place. Unfortunately, this is not the case - if the child does not learn to resolve conflicts, then everything can repeat itself in the new school. I had cases when the school was changed three or four times and the child was offended everywhere!

In order not to run away from mistakes, but to learn how to correct them, parents need to figure out what happened and why. To do this, you need to contact the teachers and the school psychologist. And, of course, you should not change horses in the middle of the quarter - if you can’t wait until the end of the school year, then wait at least for the end of the quarter.

It is necessary to obtain the consent of the child to be transferred to another school and explain to him why this is necessary, the psychologist continues. - If he is categorically against it, maybe you should listen to him? In this case, you need to say all the details - well, you stay, but promise to study well, despite this and that.


How to change schools without too much stress for your child:

✓ Talk to your child - explain to him why you think he should change schools, give arguments.

✓ Collect information about the new educational institution - who is the director, what is the atmosphere like, where do graduates study.

✓ Get your child's consent! If he is categorically against - do not do it by force.

✓ Be aware of adaptation - this is a difficult moment. Active and sociable guys can get through it in a week, others will need months.

It is important that parents support their child - they are interested in how he is doing, be ready to help in a difficult situation, talk or give advice.

However, this should be done at any time - not only when changing schools.

The Higher School of Economics has prepared a program for the re-education of lagging behind schools. In an experimental mode, the technique is being tested in remote microdistricts of Moscow - Nekrasovka, Kapotnya and Maryino. Last year, a university-school cluster appeared here, which included 33 educational complexes created from 220 former schools and kindergartens. Why do children need to be taught in a new way? Why education should be paid and non-ubiquitous? Lev Lyubimov, the project ideologist, deputy scientific director of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Economics, answered these and other questions of Lenta.ru.

Lenta.ru: When my daughter finished first grade, I asked: will you miss the teacher? “No,” the child replied in horror. - She treats us like dogs: "Sit down! Get up!"

Lyubimov: Interesting start. What you are talking about is called didactic learning. It has existed for a long time, since the end of the 19th century. And now most schools in Russia live the same way. This is a kind of oral transmission from the subject to the object.

That is, the student as a person, as a subject is not considered?

Of course not. The West has long understood that verbal retelling of a textbook is a source of danger. So you can't teach anything. Science does not develop in an evolutionary way, as before, but explosively. The main body of professional specific knowledge becomes obsolete in 4-5 years. And so the north of Europe, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Korea moved to the fact that it is necessary to teach not so much and not only knowledge, but how to handle knowledge, apply it, search, select, extract and endow with one's own meanings. That is, to teach competence. China has already carried out this reform - it has replaced the didactic paradigm with an activity one and has become a world school leader. And we are already 50 years behind.

But the elementary school switched over to new educational standards four years ago. Officials promised that cramming would leave schools, all attention would be given to practice and the development of competencies. Is not it so?

An ordinary teacher does not know what and how to do with these standards. He can only verbally retell the textbook and command. And he feels discomfort, because he feels: the children do not perceive this.

We believe that if a law, a standard is adopted, orders are issued, then everything will be done by itself. No, it won't! We need to teach the school what to do and how to do it according to the new paradigm. We need big investments in teachers, directors, if you want - in the parent too.

The curve of development of a person's potential on the graph in the first ten years of his life goes exponentially. And then it slows down and by the age of 30 it almost evens out. The Russian school does not allow children to truly develop their potential. So we are churning out mass C grade students. And then a mass of uncompetitive adults grows out of them. Today we have a minimum of world-class professionals in almost every field. But crowds of dependents and quasi-entrepreneurs, whose goal is to grab someone else's business, "squeeze out" and take the currency abroad.

And you want to change the system in your university cluster? Where did they start?

From teachers. The first thing I tell them when we meet is that if you are still sure that you are the main source of knowledge for children, this is sad. If today a child is interested in this topic, and you broadcast our skinny textbook in class, he will find interesting and necessary materials on the Internet at home, but at the same time he will lose interest in you. He will know more than you on this topic. The teacher today should become a subject expert. And that's what most people have problems with. If a person graduated from the Faculty of Physics of a classical university, they will write in his diploma: physicist, teacher of physics. And if you graduated from the Pedagogical University, the diploma will say "physics teacher". Do you understand the difference? In Finland, no one without a master's degree from a classical university will be admitted to school. Our task is to make physicists out of physics teachers.

This is not a short story. To begin with, in the cluster, university professors conduct a professional development program with teachers. And they often stumble upon the fact that many do not understand them. After the seminars, professors give the task - to master a dozen professional books in a year. Then we will check if everyone understood.

Will you have an exam?

Yes, you will. The teacher must learn on his own. Self-learning throughout life is the most important commandment of the 21st century. The teacher must teach the child to learn independently. How will he do it without studying himself every day?

Are the teachers ready for this?

In any school, the entire teaching corps, according to my observations, is divided into three parts. The first is the knights of the school. For them, the main thing is children, they have a professional conscience and honor. The second is those who are accustomed to instructions, to orders. They will order - they will do it, they will not order - they will not do it. But in Moscow they value their job and salary. That is, they are quite manageable and trainable. The third part - those who hold on to the workplace and the income that it brings. But they just don't want to change. We are trying to part with the third part in our cluster.

Have many been kicked out?

The dropout rate is about 20.

How do parents view the changes?

They are watching. But we are trying to actively involve them in the work. The role of parents today is one of the main failures of the kindergarten and school. Most consider educational institutions as a storage room. They taught that their job is to give birth to a child, feed and clothe, and everything else will be done for them.

In my opinion, now just parents understand that education is capital.

Alas, for too many of them, education is crusts, and not a system of knowledge in the head. We start working in kindergarten. Now one of the problems the child has is oral speech. About 25 years ago, the vocabulary of a first grader was 5-6 thousand words. Now it's good if 3 thousand. Why?

Probably, you will say about the dominance of computers, televisions.

Yes. Visualization, lack of texts on the air. Oral speech is formed in a child from the ether, from what he hears. He sees but does not hear. In twenty episodes of the magnificent cartoon "Well, you wait!" just two words. Tom and Jerry doesn't even have that. Therefore, with parents we draw up a program of individual lessons. The kindergarten should provide them with a bank of names of text materials, audio books, text cartoons. And then sit down together and write down every month when and what will be read, watched at home and in the garden. Another failure of the kindergarten is the socialization of children. Do you know what it is?

Ability to behave in society?

When I ask this question in schools and kindergartens, they answer in much the same way. In fact, socialization is different at different levels. In kindergarten, this is the formation of a rather long list of sustainable behavioral skills: to be the first to greet an adult, to give way to adults, and to boys also to give way to girls, to take care of what they gave you and what others have. This is where the sense of ownership begins.

I wrote such skills for a page and a half. Therefore, you need to sit down with your parents and say: now we are working on this, tomorrow - something else. In elementary school, we are rethinking the tasks of teaching reading and writing. Teaching reading means making a child dependent on books and texts for life. Not a day without a chapter! To teach writing means to form in a child a stable need for the presentation in writing of his thoughts, impressions, experiences. Not a day without a line! By the end of the beginning, the child should have a collection of his own written texts. Dynamically developing oral speech, infection with reading, writing is the basis of powerful intellectual development. And today there is nothing of this either in kindergartens or in schools. But then “on average” there will be 50 USE points!

It is in the Unified State Examination that many see the main evil. The main task of the teacher now is to train children for tests.

The exam is an unbearable torture for the teacher and director. They, yes they are - the entire population is not accustomed to an independent assessment of their work. The culture of independent evaluation is a very high culture. The planned economy killed her - no matter what they make, everything will be sold, everything will be distributed. The USE is a small element of this high culture that needs to be revived. But it will work if the state exam is impartial. Last summer, only the lazy did not say that we finally had the first honest exam. In fact this is not true. Take a look at the rating system. Initially, the minimum result, giving the right to a certificate, in mathematics was set at 24 points. Then they looked at the results and reduced them to 21 points. Because otherwise 20 percent of graduates would be left without a certificate. This year we will reduce by another 5 points, next year - by ten? But the complexity of the current tasks for obtaining a triple and a certificate is at the level of two grades of elementary school. “Petya spent 7 rubles on apples, and then another 13 rubles on sweets. How much money did Petya spend in total? I don't think everyone needs to be certified. Passed the exam below 40 points - and this is the level of knowledge for the 5th grade - here's a certificate for you that you used your constitutional right to an equal opportunity to receive a complete secondary education. But the certificate did not earn.

Your cluster includes 220 former schools and kindergartens. It turned out to be a kind of educational monster. Such complexes are the trend of today. Everything individual is killed. Is it possible to bring up a competitive citizen in the “extras”?

The first and main source of human progress is diversity. Therefore, the creation of complexes is the right step. Where else can you get a variety of teaching teams, educational environments, organizational cultures, leadership styles and concepts, infrastructures, information and library resources? On the basis of this, synergy arises, which forms the environment for educating new people. Synergetics is a self-organizing development. And it is precisely the same third part of the teachers that I spoke about that complains about the reforms, and even incites parents to the reformers. It is they who write denunciations to Putin, Medvedev, the Pope. They have something to lose. The average salary of a teacher in Moscow now is 70 thousand. The director has three times more. In recent years, more than 80 percent of the directors' corps has been replaced in Moscow during the organization of the complexes. The old leaders were distinguished by inertia, they could not withstand modern requirements. They no longer wanted to tear the finish line. But new ones aren't all good either. Many in two or three years will have to change again.

Is frequent change of leadership a blessing? Parents complain that today young, unknown young people come to the place of experienced personnel. They suspect they are relatives.

Moscow has created a competitive multi-stage selection system open to observation, which has already begun to spread throughout the country. Relatives, if they have nothing in their heads, simply will not pass. All directors are certified. Reminds me of a driver's license test. Within 3-4 hours the candidate answers computer questions. In tests - five blocks of 100 questions. Those who passed the certification are discussed and can be approved at the district board of education management, and then at the city. Yesterday, for example, we listened to a 55-year-old very cheerful retired colonel with a higher education who applied for the post of director. He was blocked by zeros. And before that he would have passed. At the final stage, the governing board of the school is offered a choice of three candidates for the director. And parents choose.

Photo: Dmitry Lebedev / Kommersant

In most schools, the governing board is an absolutely pocket body. And it is not the board that controls the director, but exactly the opposite.

You can't make fun of everything. Everything started somewhere. The process has begun, it is running.

How do you feel about the fact that there are more and more paid services in schools? Education is being commercialized and becoming less accessible.

Correctly. That's the way it should be. A hundred years ago, a small percentage of the population received general education. It was difficult and not for everyone. To teach Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov to teach literature at the gymnasium was costly. When the school became mass, the costs for it simply increased by an order of magnitude. And she began to put pressure on budgets. The growth rate of costs outpaced the growth rate of national income. So the quality suffered.

That is, in your opinion, quality education should become the privilege of the rich?

Now it is fashionable to complain that our people live in poverty. When I hear this, I immediately ask: "Show me who exactly is in need." Take our cluster. For example, a school in the very "aristocratic" district of Kapotnya, where, as I was told, the working class lives. We collect parents of tenth graders. All the free space around the school is lined with foreign cars. Dozens and dozens of pieces. Is it the working class or what? And you say there is no money. The parent will invest in his adult comforts and pleasures. And in a child, as he believes, let the state invest. Strange logic - like a stepmother and stepfather. You spend on your child first, and then go to the boutique for a shirt for ten thousand.

You assess well-being from the position of a Muscovite. They will immediately object to you: look what is happening in the provinces. How can Lomonosov get through there?

In some places there is no one to break through. I have a hut in the Novgorod village. Plot and two greenhouses. Every year I planted 6-7 beds of root crops and greens, a hundred square meters of potatoes, in the greenhouse - peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes. To the left and to the right of my house are weeds. Neighbors receive 8 thousand pensions. They are too lazy to dig up even one hundred square meters. Young guys live in the same village who will not work under any circumstances. The question is, how do they live? They take away 4,000 grandma's pension. And when she dies, they will go to steal. They are already a certain culture, a failure of the 90s.

Probably, this culture has developed precisely because of the inaccessibility of a normal school education in the village?

Basically, these are our historical sins, the Soviet legacy. The Bolsheviks destroyed many millions of the best competitive people. And over the past twenty years, our school has brilliantly brought up a whole generation of non-patriots - three-year-olds. Those who will look for where it is easier and cheaper to get a university diploma, and then hang out in some office or shopping plankton in an Oblomov robe. They just don't want to overdo it, just don't overdo it.

This can only be broken if we start forming competitive young cohorts through the new school. For 15-20 years, this can definitely be done. I probably won't live until then. But at least I'll sow the seeds here and there. This is not a utopia. In a cluster, this is a practical and thoughtful goal. Already implemented, albeit with great difficulty.

Ludmila Sitnova, leading psychologist of the "School of Cooperation", full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League, fairy tale therapist.

School life is perhaps one of the most important pages in a person's life. At school, he learns not only to study, but also to communicate, work in a team, make friends, quarrel and put up. The young man recognizes himself and life.

Someone remembers their school life with pleasure, and someone sighs with relief that the worst is over ...

If the school is bad for the child, if the level of teaching is low, if there are no prospects, then it is definitely necessary to change the school!

7 reasons to change schools

1. If your child is in elementary school.

The main thing in elementary school is the teacher. Psychologists unanimously say, choose your teacher! It determines how other children will treat your child.

For example. First grader Vanya was disliked by the class teacher. Yes, Ivan is not an ideal schoolboy, and now Iraida Vasilievna is making a “scapegoat” out of him. Vanechka developed tics, his stuttering intensified. Clarification of the relationship did not give any result. In this case, of course, transfer to another school.

2. Your child is in a regular school.

And the school seems to be good, and there are no problems with the teacher, but the trouble is, your child is a fidget, does not sit still, distracts other children, and there are 30 of them in the class! How to be? Of course, to transfer to a school where there are 10-12 children in the class and the teacher and educator can give him enough attention.

3. And now your child is already in high school.

He has many interests, he would like to play football, swim, draw, participate in performances, but there is none of this at school. And there is no one to take the child to circles and sections. What to do? Transfer to a school where all this is, where the child spends the whole day doing interesting things and does not even want to go home!

4. What if the school is weak? Low level of knowledge?

The child is not interested, he can do much more. I am ready to study two foreign languages, study mathematics, physics or history in depth. Of course, look for a school that will create all the conditions for the development of your child.

5. Does your child not want to go to school? He does not like the way they teach, he is bored and not interested ...

How interesting? It is interesting when he participates in various projects, olympiads, competitions from sports to intellectual. When he, together with the class, can go on an educational excursion not one, but several times a year. And there are such schools!

6. A few words about emotional intelligence.

Of course, every parent wants to see their child successful, happy and successful. And here, perhaps, one of the most important roles is played by the ability to communicate, to establish business and friendly relations, to be able to teach oneself and one's capabilities. Emotional intelligence, which has been written about so much lately, is responsible for all this. And if at school your child has been performing on stage since the first grade, if he is involved in a wide variety of projects, if he prepares presentations and reports, if he studies at the Erudite club from the Higher School of Economics, then, believe me, he will learn everything!

7. And now high school...

The high school is aimed at choosing a profession and an institute, preparing for admission and successfully studying at a chosen university. It's great when the school provides quality training to prestigious universities in Russia and abroad. And if your child goes to a good school, among successful people, this is his future business connections, career, business, success!

School of Cooperation is

- Winner of the "School of the Year" competition

- More than 500 victories in international and all-Russian Olympiads

- More than 700 international certificates in foreign languages

- Basic school of the State University - Higher School of Economics, profile education system

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- System of additional education, own fitness center

95 teachers, including holders of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation, winners and finalists of the competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "Leader in Education", holder of the titles "Excellent Worker of the Year" and "Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation"

- UNESCO Associated School

Moscow. Tagansky district, st. A. Solzhenitsyn, 9A

What, how and to what extent to teach children is dictated by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Most of the programs developed on its basis boil down to the fact that children immediately study the humanities, the exact sciences, and the natural sciences. Both parents and children are unhappy with this approach.

Each subject teacher considers his subject to be the most important and sets such a volume of homework that the child says: “I have no time to live.” This does not take into account the interests and inclinations of the child. Often, no one needs all these drawings, crafts, herbariums, but children are blackmailed by grades.

Irina Porokhova, mother of a seventh grader

In my opinion, it would be better if, after the seventh or eighth grade, the students were divided into groups: physics and mathematics, humanities, chem-bio, jurisprudence, and so on. It is extremely difficult to cover all the material in all subjects, otherwise you can succeed in what you have a predisposition to. And the country will subsequently get a lot of high-class workers that it needs. This approach already exists in some schools, but not in mine.

Artyom Mokrushin, 10th grade student

2. Race for performance

Ratings in the education system are becoming more and more popular. They are made up both at the municipal and regional levels, and across the country. School rating often becomes a decisive factor for parents when choosing an educational institution.

There are no uniform criteria for evaluating the quality of a school. But usually they look at the results of students in the OGE and the Unified State Examination (the main and unified state exams), whether children participate in olympiads and sports competitions, and so on.

There is nothing wrong with competition. But in pursuit of the rating, the school administration often forgets about its main mission - to teach.

I don't like that no one in school cares what you think. Essays are written according to a generally accepted pattern. If you don't agree, your score will be lowered. Therefore, children do not ask unnecessary questions (why, if they still do not answer?) And do not argue. At least in substance. If only to show off.

Georgy Porokhov, 7th grade student

3. Attestation system

The USE in Russia will soon celebrate its tenth anniversary. But the system has not yet been worked out. And it's not even about the discharge of tasks on the Internet and not about sudden excellent students. The USE format runs counter to current educational activities.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia states that "in order to get high scores on the Unified State Examination, it is necessary to demonstrate a high level of mastering the school curriculum." The problem is that in the process of training for the exam, children do not have time for this development.

From the seventh grade they began to frighten us with the exam. Even to pass the base, you need to study more than they give in the lessons. Isn't the state exam supposed to test what was taught in school? High school students study the subjects that they will take, including with tutors, and the rest - just to somehow get an assessment.

Daria Tsykina, 10th grade student

The Ministry of Education and Science likes to emphasize that KIM USE (control and measuring materials, simply tasks) are not pure tests. After all, there is part C. Assignments of an open type, where a detailed answer is required, according to the plan of the Federal State Educational Standard, are aimed at identifying the creative potential of children. But practice shows that this is not enough. Already now the admission to is the final essay. In the future - the introduction of preliminary written work in all subjects.

4. Paperwork and constant checks

Within the framework of the national project "Education" in Russia, for more than 10 years, services of electronic journals and diaries have been introduced. The law does not prohibit abandoning paper documents, but most educational institutions continue to keep double bookkeeping. Because numerous commissions may require them.

I am annoyed by electronic journals and diaries. I can't see the score until I get home and surf the internet. Our school does not announce the grade after the student's answer. And these electronic assessments are not allowed to be corrected later.

Daria Tsykina, 10th grade student

Programs, calendar-thematic and lesson plans, schedules, reports - this is only part of the paperwork that falls on the shoulders of an ordinary subject teacher. Class teachers and head teachers have even more red tape.

I would like to teach children, but in fact I constantly have to fill out some papers, reports. If you don’t pass it on time, the bonus will be in the red, although these pieces of paper do not affect the quality of my children’s education.

Natalia Chipysheva, primary school teacher

In addition to state supervision, in recent years, parental control has interfered with the work of teachers. "Initiative" mothers and fathers drive teachers into the grip of charters and protocols.

I like my work. I can’t complain about the “modern youth”: there are, of course, individual offspring, but on the whole the team is manageable. It is annoying that you have to work directly with your parents and prove that you are not a camel. Now it is customary to interfere in the educational process and even sit in the classroom. The administration is trying not to allow this on a large scale, but it cannot refuse either. Therefore, we learn to respond in kind to phrases and articles of laws. Young teachers (22-45 years old) have already adapted, it is more difficult for representatives of the older generation.

Irina Perekrasnova, geography teacher

5. Salary of teachers

According to Rosstat, the average salary of a teacher in Russia is about 33,000 rubles. But the real amounts are much less.

Teachers' salaries vary from region to region and consist of a base part and incentive payments. Increasing coefficients include category, honorary title or academic degree, work experience, class management, extracurricular work, and so on. They also pay extra for teaching in a village or, for example, a boarding school for orphans.


It is almost impossible for a young specialist without a category and experience to survive on a school salary. You have to earn extra money by tutoring or take on a colossal burden.

To get a decent salary, teachers do everything they can. They do not have enough time to prepare for lessons. As a result, children are bored, distracted, playing on the phone, talking, and the lesson material turns into bloated homework.

The issue is not only prestige and respect of society. Elevating the profession of a teacher to the category of highly paid ones will lead to the fact that pedagogical universities will be filled with the best representatives of the youth, and not those who have not been taken anywhere else.

6. Extracurricular

Officially, the school now does not perform an educational function - only an educational one. Therefore, many educational institutions do not even try to organize children's leisure.

In our school, I don't like the organization of school events. In addition to studying, children should spend time with classmates and teachers, do some projects, competitions. We don't have it. Isn't it insanity - not to let students go to the solemn part of the presentation of certificates or to the anniversary of the school and sit in a hall full of teachers? Or, for example, a complete ban on school discos ...

Marina Oganezova, 10th grade student

Other educational institutions are trying to involve students in extracurricular life, but without a systematic approach, it also turns out badly. Both teachers and children are dissatisfied.

In general, I like GEFs. I think they are actually more relevant to modern life than the traditional system of education. I don’t like compulsory extracurricular activities, because of it, some children don’t have enough time for anything at all.

Natalia Chipysheva, primary school teacher

I am killed by voluntary-compulsory attendance of additional classes, circles, class hours. I have my own sections, I don't need these tea parties and concerts!

Georgy Porokhov, 7th grade student

What shortcomings of the school system do you see? What does not suit you as a parent, student, or perhaps an educator? Provide constructive criticism in the comments.