What week does the third trimester of pregnancy begin? What week does the third trimester of pregnancy start? From what week does the 3rd trimester begin.

Every woman during the period of bearing a child should be aware of the ongoing changes in the organisms of both. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is important to know which symptoms are the norm for pregnancy, and which should be treated with caution.

What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin and how long does it last

The waiting time for a child cannot be an unpleasant event, especially if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned. Every week something new happens to the growing embryo, it develops and gains weight. Every trimester also affects the mother's body.

The last trimester (third) starts from the 7th month of pregnancy or from the 27th week and lasts until delivery. This is the period when a woman has already suffered toxicosis, managed to feel the movements of the fetus and realize all her future responsibility. Next, you will find out what else happens to the child and the expectant mother at this stage.

Beginning of trimester (weeks 27-28)

At week 27, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1 kilogram. At this time, premature birth no longer poses a strong danger; thanks to special devices, a premature baby can exist independently.


In his body, all the organs have managed to fully form, the remaining time, their work will prepare for independent functioning. The baby can perform training movements with the lungs.

By conducting an ultrasound, it is possible to see the facial features of the embryo, some have hair on their heads.

Fetal movements may consist of clenching hands, sucking fingers or toes. The skin is still quite thin and blood vessels are visible through it, but since that time it has already begun to gain fat to maintain the thermal regime in the body. The baby opens his eyes with eyelashes already appearing on them and gives a reaction to a bright light.


A woman feels discomfort in the uterus, due to its constant increase. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position, it is highly not recommended to stay on your back and cross your legs for a long time, since a bulky uterus can compress a vein supplying blood to the heart.

There is heartburn and shortness of breath, frequent urge to urinate, bloating and constipation are not excluded. By the beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy for a woman, the rate of weight gain is 7-8 kg.

It is not uncommon that toxicosis occurs in the later stages. Dizziness and lack of air in the premises is the norm, if not permanent. It is recommended to spend more time walking.

If fetal movements are felt very rarely or do not occur at all, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor, the following symptoms are unnatural for the normal course of pregnancy:

  • watery discharge or those that contain blood;
  • the occurrence of pulling or sharp pains in the uterus.

What should be the diet of a woman

In a difficult period for the body, weight gain occurs rapidly, which will not positively affect the course of pregnancy. In the diet of a woman in position should be included in the smallest amount, and it is better to completely exclude:

  • smoked, fried and spicy food;
  • raw eggs (dishes containing them should also be limited);
  • seafood without heat treatment;
  • poorly fried meat;
  • alcohol.
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • chocolate products;
  • potato;

Will benefit the baby and expectant mother:

  • vegetables;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • fruits;
  • Brown rice;
  • corn;
  • coarse bread.

Mid trimester (34th-35th week)

By the 35th week of a woman's pregnancy, the weight of a child is about 2.5 km, and its length is about 50 cm. The respiratory system is completely ready and in case of premature birth, the baby will no longer need devices.


The kid in this period has already accumulated subcutaneous fatty retina, clear lines have formed on his face. The heart of the fetus beats in a rapid rhythm, with the help of a special device it is possible to fix more than 120 beats per minute.

The middle of the last trimester strengthens bone tissue, and the nervous system completes the stages of its formation.

The child clearly hears sounds that are unpleasant for his hearing and can be commented on by sharp shocks. The formation of the genital organs of the boy is almost complete. The appearance of the fetus is fully formed, at birth it will be exactly the same, taking into account the fact that before the end of the term it will gain a few kilograms.

The body of a pregnant woman

During this period, a woman may be disturbed by "false" contractions, which are important not to be confused with real ones, the harbingers are different:

  • short duration;
  • painlessness.

The movements of the fetus in the trimester become less active, due to the lack of space for the movements of the child, but their number should not decrease. The body is still worried about swelling. Since the stomach has dropped, the higher organs are relieved, there are frequent urges to the toilet and urinary incontinence, which are considered the norm.

Few people manage to avoid back pain at this time, sometimes the sensations are transmitted to the stomach, this is due to the increased size of the uterus. If the discomfort is prolonged, you should make an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

It should be noted that premature birth at 35 weeks is not uncommon, they no longer provide danger, and you can understand the likelihood that they can occur by the following symptoms:

  1. Slow discharge of amniotic fluid. Usually the fluid comes out immediately in large quantities, just a few hours before the baby is born. Discharges with a lack of color and smell can be distinguished by their characteristic features. This case requires the immediate call of an ambulance.
  2. Incessant pain. If there is persistent pain in the abdomen, for several hours, most likely, an early birth is coming.


Due to the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus, pregnant women should take foods with calcium, but it is important not to allow an excess of the mineral, otherwise the hard bones of the baby will be reflected in a more difficult process of childbirth.

  • cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • beef;
  • fish.

End of trimester (38-40 weeks)

A few days remain before the birth of a new person, he also feels it, so his heart rate increases to 150 beats per minute. The weight of the fetus can be from 3 kg and above.

Child's condition

The formation of the genital organs has passed into the final stage. The skeletal system continues to form, but if childbirth occurs, this will not be reflected in it. The baby is ready to be born!

feeling pregnant

In the last stages, pregnant women feel exhausted, it is difficult for them to walk, it is uncomfortable to sleep, they suffer from swelling, pain in the back, and calves. Women do not want to do anything, rest is the best pastime for them. Only 5% of women in labor carry the fetus to 40 weeks, most often these are those who give birth to a boy for the first time.

About food

Surely many have heard about the addictions of pregnant women to chalk. This happens from a lack of calcium, in this case it is useful, you can also eat eggshells and other calcium-containing foods.

The most difficult thing is already behind, a pregnant woman needs to be ready to call an ambulance and the upcoming birth any day. The contractions that have appeared in recent weeks cannot be confused with anything, so everything necessary for the maternity hospital should already be collected.

From the following movie, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the third trimester of pregnancy.

Perhaps there is no such woman who would not know how long a pregnancy lasts. However, when it arises, the girl is faced with such a problem as determining the timing, and tries to understand the concept of pregnancy trimesters.

How many trimesters are there in pregnancy?

It is known that the calculation of the gestational age begins from the first day of the last menstruation. Normally, the entire period of gestation is 9 months or 40 obstetric weeks. If we count in days, then their number is approximately equal to 280.

Due to the fact that one month has 30 days, and the other 31, the number of whole weeks in each is different. So, only in February there are exactly 4 of them, unless of course it is a leap year. Therefore, it turns out that when counting according to the calendar, pregnancy takes 9 months, and if you count according to obstetrics, it takes 10. That is why, expectant mothers often have a question about how many trimesters there are in pregnancy.

Based on the above calculations, it turns out that pregnancy consists of 3 trimesters.

A trimester is how many months?

Having become pregnant, a girl often thinks about how long the trimester lasts. This question arises because when visiting a gynecologist, a woman hears this term from a doctor more than once.

It is not difficult to guess that the number "three" directly indicates how many months one trimester takes. Thus, the entire pregnancy takes 3 trimesters, each of which is 3 calendar months.

Knowing what a “trimester” is and how many months it lasts, you can easily calculate which week belongs to which trimester. So, the duration of the trimesters:

  • 1 - from 1 to 14 obstetric weeks;
  • 2 - from 15 to 26;
  • 3 - from 27 to 40.

If the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, they say that the fetus is overcarried, which is fraught with negative consequences for the health of the crumbs.


Trimesters of pregnancy by week - table

The waiting period for a child is usually no more than 42 calendar weeks. The entire period of pregnancy is usually divided into 3 trimesters, each of which has its own characteristics.

In this article, we will tell you which week each trimester begins, as well as what features of the course of pregnancy you can notice, depending on its duration.

Sometimes doctors use a simplified method when calculating the gestational age - the maximum waiting period for a child of 42 weeks is divided into 3 equal trimesters, 14 weeks each. Thus, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with this method of counting will begin from week 15, and 3 from 29.

However, another breakdown method is most often used - using a special table that lists all trimesters of pregnancy by week.

Consider the most significant features and changes in the entire period of pregnancy by week of each trimester, while breaking down the entire period of expectation of the child as shown in the table.

1st trimester of pregnancy by week

1-3 weeks. The countdown of the beginning of the waiting period for the baby begins from the first day of the last menstruation. A little later, the egg is fertilized and the tiny embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. You don't even know what's going on inside you while you're still waiting for your next period.

4-6 weeks. In the body of a woman, the hormone hCG is produced, during this period, most expectant mothers find out about their situation with the help of a pregnancy test. In a tiny embryo, a heart begins to form. Some women begin to experience malaise, as well as nausea in the morning.

7-10 weeks. The future baby is growing and developing rapidly, its weight is already about 4 grams. Mommy may gain a little weight, but there are no external changes yet. Most girls fully suffer from toxicosis.

11-13 weeks. Time to pass the first screening test, which includes ultrasound diagnostics and a biochemical blood test to determine the likelihood of possible chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Toxicosis, most likely, is already receding. The baby has formed the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, spine and face. By the end of the first trimester, his height reaches 10 cm, and his body weight is about 20 grams.

2nd trimester of pregnancy by week

14-17 weeks. The baby is actively moving in the mother's tummy, but most pregnant women do not yet feel this. The growth of the fetus reaches 15 cm, and the weight is about 140 grams. The expectant mother herself is also actively gaining weight, and by this time her increase can reach 5 kg.

18-20 weeks. During this period, most women get acquainted with the sensation of moving their baby. The tummy is already so prominent that it cannot be hidden from prying eyes. The baby develops by leaps and bounds, its weight reaches 300 grams, and its height is 25 cm.

21-23 weeks. At this time, you will have to undergo a second screening test. Very often, it is on the second ultrasound that the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, whose weight reaches 500 grams.

24-27 weeks. The uterus becomes quite large, and the expectant mother may experience discomfort - a feeling of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, cramps in the legs, etc. The baby occupied the entire uterine cavity, his weight already reaches 950 grams, and his height is 34 cm. His brain is fully formed .

3rd trimester of pregnancy by week

28-30 weeks. The load on the kidneys of a pregnant woman increases every day, the fetus develops incredibly rapidly - now it already weighs about 1500 grams, and its height reaches 39 cm. The baby's lungs begin to prepare for independent breathing.

31-33 weeks. During this period, you will undergo another ultrasound, on which the doctor will even be able to take photos of the baby's face. Its parameters reach 43 cm and 2 kg. The expectant mother is increasingly experiencing training contractions, the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

34-36 weeks. All organs and systems of the baby are formed, and he is ready to be born, now until the due date he will only gain body weight. He becomes cramped in his mother's tummy, so the number of movements decreases. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.7 kg, height - 48 cm.

37-42 weeks. Usually during this period the logical end of pregnancy occurs - childbirth, the baby is born. Now he is already considered full-term, and the development of the lungs allows him to breathe on his own.


How to count and what is the duration of the trimesters of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother has many questions, for example, what is the 1st trimester of pregnancy, how to count them, what should be taken into account, and so on. These and many other questions overwhelm an inexperienced girl carrying her first child. But don't be afraid. All issues are fairly easy to understand. So what is the trimester of pregnancy? Don't be afraid of this name. A trimester is just a period of three months that makes up one third of a woman's pregnancy.

Let's move on to the next exciting question - how to count the trimesters of pregnancy. Pretty simple. One rule to keep in mind is the above. A trimester is three months. This is where the calculation is made. So how long are the trimesters of pregnancy? The first is 3 months, the second is another plus three months, the third is also plus three. The result is nine months - i.e. throughout the childbearing period. Simple math, right?

So, let's start with the very first question - the 1st trimester of pregnancy - how many months and weeks it lasts.

First trimester of pregnancy?

The first three months of pregnancy are in many ways fundamental for the normal development of the baby. After all, this period is especially important in the process of fetal formation. So, how long is the first trimester of pregnancy? The answer is simple: the first 3 months.

The first critical point of pregnancy is the second or third week. Then, when the girl does not even know about the events taking place inside her. At this time, the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, in the endometrium. Gynecologists usually consider "interesting position" not by months, but by weeks. Therefore, another question arises - how many weeks does it last. Classically it is considered that this period is thirteen weeks. And when the 1st trimester of pregnancy ends, the 2nd begins, and then new questions arise.

Third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the final stretch, which leads to a meeting with the baby. The expectant mother already feels her child, recognizes his character and even the daily routine, loves to communicate with him. Many mothers in the third trimester already know who they will have, a boy, a girl, or maybe even twins, and therefore they begin to collect a dowry with pleasure, as well as prepare things for the maternity hospital. The third trimester is an important three months on the path to motherhood.

When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin?

The very first question that interests a mother who is expecting the birth of a baby soon is when the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins. According to obstetrical calculations, the third trimester begins at 27 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, the expectant mother enters the 3rd trimester already with a significantly rounded belly, the baby's weight is already more than 1 kilogram, the length from the crown to the tailbone is about 24 centimeters. The baby has already formed the main organs, he looks like a little man, and even if he is born prematurely, his chances of surviving are quite high.

Weight gain in the third trimester

When the third trimester begins, a woman begins to gain all more actively than before. Every week a woman adds up to 300-500 grams, it is in the third trimester that the main weight gain occurs, during these weeks a woman can gain, within the normal range, 5-7 kilograms. This will continue until 38-39 weeks. Before childbirth, weight gain stops, in some cases, the expectant mother even loses a few kilograms, this is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth.

Menu for pregnant women - 3rd trimester

The menu of a pregnant woman in the last stages should be complete and varied, but attention should be paid to healthy nutrition - fruits, vegetables, high-quality proteins and carbohydrates, the necessary minimum of fats, including vegetable ones. Preferably home cooking with a minimum salt content. Sweets are best replaced with dried fruits. If the pregnant woman does not have edema, then you can drink without restrictions, but plain water, weak tea or fresh juices are better.

Sex in the third trimester

In general, doctors do not prohibit sex in the 3rd trimester for expectant mothers, if there are no direct contraindications for this, for example, low placental attachment or the threat of miscarriage. However, it is advisable to use a condom during intercourse, since the genital tract is very vulnerable to infection, in addition, you can not have sex if the woman has already removed the mucous plug.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, in the third trimester, a woman is no longer disturbed by discharge, with the exception of pathological ones caused by thrush or other problems. A small amount of bloody or pinkish discharge may appear already before childbirth, along with the mucus plug.

Tests in the third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant women are tested to prepare for hospitalization in the maternity hospital. This is a standard group of blood tests for HIV, RW and hepatitis, as well as a complete blood count. In addition, a weekly urine test is given. In some women's consultations for pregnant women, I take a smear from the vagina.

Problems in the third trimester

Edema in the third trimester is a classic symptom that can be caused by both hormonal causes and excessive salt intake and diet. Treatment of edema is prescribed by a doctor. Another problem is constipation in the third trimester. They are caused by a sedentary manner, general atony of the body and other reasons. To improve the condition, doctors prescribe drugs based on natural fiber.


Real facts about the dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Dangerous weeks: truth or myth?

The modern rhythm of life is characterized by forced physical activity, environmental factors, and malnutrition. And this already carries a share of danger for a pregnant woman. Any infections during pregnancy, chronic diseases and stress can trigger a miscarriage.

For each trimester, doctors identify their characteristic critical moments, or dangerous weeks.

"Smekta" for newborns: instructions, reviews, price - in this article.

First trimester

This is the period when organs begin to form in the unborn baby. And such an important process cannot go unnoticed by you.

1st trimester brings nausea, lethargy, frequent urination into your life.

One of the dangerous periods in the first trimester the process of the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus is considered (this happens at the beginning of the third week of pregnancy), because the nutrients in the egg are running out, and the embryo needs maternal resources for further development.

So, the embryo (the first 12 weeks is the name of the future baby, and then it will be considered a fetus) has successfully undergone the process of implantation, it grows and develops. The future placenta, fetal bladder, and umbilical cord begin to form. These processes are incredibly important - because it is with the help of them that the embryo will be able to eat and breathe.

The laying of the spine and heart will begin to occur by week 5.

At 6 weeks there is a possibility of fetal malformations. Adverse factors can provoke heart disease at 3-7 weeks, and malformations of the brain even earlier - from 2 weeks.

The 1st trimester is the most dangerous in terms of the likelihood of miscarriages. After all, the most common reason for abortion is hormonal disruptions.

And during the period from 8 to 12 weeks in the body of a pregnant life there is a rapid hormonal process: the production of male hormones increases, the activity of the thyroid gland is disrupted, and the increase in androgens reduces the production of estrogens. This is what can lead to miscarriages or miscarriages.

Any infectious diseases(especially rubella) in the 1st trimester are extremely dangerous.

Invalid reception antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Even some herbs(senna, comfrey, coltsfoot, juniper, etc.) are undesirable.

Statistics cite the facts that a quarter of all fertilized eggs live only 4 weeks, and, failing to implant, they die. A woman may not even be aware that conception has occurred at all.

Everything shows how many important processes will happen in the 1st trimester in your body and in the life of a small embryo, which by the end of 12 weeks will grow to 6 cm.

"Duphalac" for newborns: instructions, reviews, price - in this article.

The causes of hypoxia in newborns http://puziko.net/novorozhdennye/zdorovie/gipoksiya-u-novorozhdennyh.html can be found in this article.

Second trimester

The second trimester lasts from 13 to 24 weeks. In most cases, the second trimester is considered the "golden mean" of pregnancy - toxicosis, lethargy and headaches recede, it becomes possible to engage in certain sports, take walks.

By week 16 The laying of the organs of the fetus is completed, and it can be fed through the placenta.

However, hormonal changes continue, which is characterized by vaginal discharge. As a result, the possibility of a vaginal infection increases. Therefore, all discharges in this trimester require vigilant attention.

Even slight changes in color, thickness, odor, burning sensation or intensity are potentially dangerous and may indicate:

  • thrush;


Third (3) trimester of pregnancy by weeks, vitamins and exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy, insomnia, cough

The third trimester of pregnancy begins at 29 weeks and ends on the day of delivery. This can happen from 38 to 42 weeks. 3rd trimester is preparation for childbirth. This is a very difficult period for a woman, since the growing fetus and uterus put a lot of pressure on all internal organs, squeezing them. There is shortness of breath, back pain, it is rather uncomfortable for a woman to sleep, since it is very difficult to find a comfortable position. This can cause women to suffer from insomnia.

The woman becomes clumsy and clumsy. Fetal tremors can become very active and sometimes painful.

Physiological changes in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, the expectant mother needs to rest several times a day, as it becomes difficult to carry a child, this causes rapid fatigue. Due to the increase in load and weight, pain may appear not only in the lower back, but also in the legs. Due to the increase in the uterus, which puts more and more pressure on the bladder, a woman may experience frequent urge to urinate.

It is during this period that it is worth starting preparation for childbirth. Engage in school for pregnant women, regularly perform breathing exercises.

The physiological state will slightly improve after the stomach drops down. This happens approximately 4 weeks before delivery. Breathing will become easier, and sleep will return to normal.

Fetal development in the 3rd trimester

The baby's organs become more perfect, and he is preparing for an independent life. Sense organs are formed, hearing becomes more acute. The baby is able to hear loud sounds from the outside, and also hears the mother's voice and heartbeat well. Throughout the 3rd trimester, the fetus is still actively moving, but it should not roll over. At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, he takes the correct position, head down. Thus, he announces his readiness for the birth. It is worth listening carefully to the movements, closer to the day of birth they may become less frequent, but still they should not stop completely.

In the period from 37 weeks, the baby is completely ready for the birth.

During the most difficult, final stage of pregnancy, you need to be most careful.

  • Bleeding. May be caused by a low placenta. In this case, it presses on the cervix and profuse bleeding begins, the blood is usually bright red with it. It can be provoked by physical activity, a coughing fit or sexual relations.
  • Placental abruption. It is also accompanied by bleeding, this is the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.
  • No movement. Serious reason for hospitalization.

A very sad topic is stillbirth, but it is also worth touching on. If in the third trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the fetus showed an entanglement in the umbilical cord, the doctor may decide on a premature birth using a caesarean section.


3rd trimester of pregnancy by months - harbingers of childbirth - three trimesters | Kroha03.ru | All about pregnancy and motherhood

The beginning of the third trimester is defined differently by different specialists. We will consider the 3rd trimester starting from the 25th week and up to the 38th - 40th week. Not every woman is exactly 40 weeks pregnant. Usually, the birth of a child in the period from 37 to 42 weeks is considered normal. Therefore, doctors can prescribe only an approximate date of birth, while the birth itself can occur one to two weeks earlier or later than this date.

Finally, the finish line of your pregnancy has come. It is necessary to properly prepare for it, since during this period additional troubles may be added to the problems of the 2nd trimester. Perhaps, by the 3rd trimester, pregnancy begins to weigh you down, especially if during the 1st and 2nd trimesters you experienced toxicosis, heartburn, constipation or swelling - all these problems cause hormonal changes and constant growth of the uterus. Just try to treat them as calmly as possible.

We hasten to reassure you - soon everything will be over, and you will forget about all the troubles as soon as you see your beloved baby. In the meantime, enjoy an important and responsible period in the life of every woman - carrying your baby.

In the 3rd trimester, your baby is even more actively gaining weight and learning to see, hear sounds, distinguish smells and tastes, and even feel touch. Over the past month, a child can gain up to 1 kilogram in weight.

7 month (25-29 weeks of pregnancy)

The beginning of the 3rd trimester is characterized by the active development of the baby's organs of perception, he not only learns to hear, but also to distinguish sounds. It is believed that since that time he is able to distinguish low sounds, that is, to distinguish between the voices of his mother and father. Try to talk to him, listen to music - enjoy communicating with your baby.

For the correct formation of the taste preferences of the baby, it is advisable for the mother to carefully monitor her diet for the last 3 months before giving birth, and in addition, after the birth of the crumbs, do not drastically change your eating habits, this may adversely affect the feeding of the baby - he may refuse the changed taste of your milk .

At the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the weight of the baby reaches 1300 - 1700 grams, and its height is about 40 cm.

Mom at 7 months pregnant

Due to the growing uterus and the growing fetus, the mother's body is constantly in a tense state. During this period, back pain may appear - most often from long walking or sitting in one position. To reduce pain, watch the position of your body - try to stay straight, do not stay in the same position for a long time. In no case do not carry heavy things, for example, bags from the store, let your husband help you with this. Avoid wearing high heels. Swimming is very useful for strengthening muscles during pregnancy.

Do not forget to walk in the fresh air - not for long, but daily. This will be beneficial for both you and your baby. Positive emotions are useful not only for raising your mood, but can even contribute to the production of mother's milk.

8 month (30-33 weeks of pregnancy)

This month, mom's tummy is growing even more and faster, the uterus has already risen to the ribs and sometimes it may seem to you that there is not enough air to breathe, and the baby is pushing right under the ribs. By 8 months, the baby usually already takes the head presentation, that is, turns his head down. If he hasn't done it yet, don't rush to worry, there is still time.

Almost all the organs of the baby at this point are already sufficiently developed for childbirth. And if you have to give birth at 8 months, the baby will be easy enough to go out, it can even be called prematurely born, and not premature, since the lungs are already able to provide breathing.

By the end of 8 months, the weight of the crumbs can reach 2 - 2.5 kilograms, and the height is 40 - 45 centimeters.

Mom 8 months pregnant

Another good news at this stage of pregnancy will be maternity leave provided to women from the 30th week. Under Russian law, your employer is required to provide you with maternity leave, but you can continue to work for some time if you wish.

The closer to childbirth, the more anxiety a pregnant woman feels, she can worry about how the birth will go, fear for the health of the baby, worry about how good she will be as a mother. Calm down, these fears haunt all pregnant women, just don’t let them overcome you - communicate more with your child, dad, relatives and friends, if necessary, sign up for psychological support courses for pregnant women. Remember, pregnancy is a short but bright period of your life, try to spend it with good emotions.

It's time to think about collecting things for the hospital. It is necessary to prepare everything you need - a bag for the baby and a bag for mom.

Trouble 8 months pregnant

One of the most dangerous problems of this period is the appearance of preeclampsia - complications of pregnancy with the occurrence of edema, increased pressure and convulsions. During this period, a normal weight gain per week is about 300-400 grams, if you gain more than 500 grams and notice the appearance of edema (swelling of the fingers, the appearance of traces of rubber bands on the body), you should consult your gynecologist. There is also a hidden form of gestosis - edema and pressure increase are not noticeable, but toxicosis or headaches and noise may appear. Timely treatment will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of this disease.

9 month (34-38-40 weeks of pregnancy)

By the end of the 9th month, the baby is ready for independent living, his lungs can breathe, and the digestive organs are able to absorb light nutritious food - mother's breast milk (breastfeeding rules). You and your child have gone through this difficult journey and are now ready to meet and hug for the first time.

By week 40, the baby should show signs of full-term:

  • weight (depends on many external factors and heredity) - should be at least 2.6 kg, the upper limit of weight is about 5 kg;
  • the growth of a full-term baby is from 48 to 54 centimeters;
  • fingernails reach to the tips;
  • boys - testicles should be lowered into the scrotum, girls - small labia are covered with large ones.

Mom 9 months pregnant

With a good pregnancy, the mother can stay at home until the water recedes, preferably under the close supervision of her husband or other relatives.

Soon the birth and the uterus begins to prepare for them, periodically contracting irregularly - these are preliminary weak contractions, you can feel them, usually they are accompanied by a little pain and discomfort.

Approximately 2-3 weeks (for each woman individually - from three days before childbirth to three weeks) before childbirth, the mucous plug should go away - mucous discharge, sometimes with a small amount of blood.

How to determine that childbirth has already begun?

There are 3 main symptoms of the onset of labor:

  1. Bloody discharge appears from the genital tract.
  2. The waters are leaving.
  3. Fights begin.

If your water has broken - this is a signal - you need to go to the hospital. Labor will begin within the next twenty hours. By this time, you should already have an alarm case with the necessary things and, most importantly, documents.

Try not to worry and not expose yourself and your baby to stress and everything will be fine. So the happiest three trimesters in a woman's life are coming to an end.

Video about the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

Happy meeting with your Baby, dear mothers!

How are you feeling in the 3rd trimester?


What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy start? How long is the third trimester?

goodmummy Category: PregnancyNo comments

Pregnant women are often mistaken and cannot figure out which week the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins and how long it lasts.

How to determine the third trimester of pregnancy?

The confusion of women about the definition of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is absolutely understandable, because in fact there are several classifications, according to which this trimester falls on different weeks.

However, the principle underlying the separation of the entire pregnancy is the same. So, in the first trimester, the main systems and organs are formed in the child, in the second - he begins to grow and improve, in the third - weight gain occurs.

Thus, during the period of the 3rd trimester, the baby mainly accumulates fat mass. In addition to normal fat, brown fat also accumulates in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, which is necessary for the child in the first weeks of life. It is this stock that will go away first of all, enriching the baby's body with nutrients.

During the 3rd trimester, already formed organs continue to improve, some systems are endowed with new important properties, which ensures the child's viability outside the womb.

For example, the respiratory system reaches its perfection, ready to function in our conditions by 36 weeks. If the baby is born earlier, then the doctors will inject him with a special drug so that the lungs do not stick together.

One of the classifications implies the beginning of this period from 24 weeks. Accordingly, its duration is 16 weeks. But some doctors count the 3rd trimester from 26 or even 28 weeks.

In fact, this in no way affects the development of pregnancy. Such a reference point is needed only in order to better understand what is happening during pregnancy. In addition, today all doctors observe the position of a woman, using only weeks in their calculations.

One way or another, the fact remains unchanged that it is the 3rd trimester that in most cases ends with delivery.

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, as mentioned earlier, for a better understanding of the processes occurring in the woman's stomach, as well as for determining approaches to different moments. For example, if the expectant mother falls ill in the first trimester, then she is strictly forbidden to take medication (difficult cases are, of course, excluded here).

And if this happens in the 3rd trimester, then the situation is greatly simplified, since the placenta is already working at full strength and partly protects the child from external influences (in this case, drugs), as well as from microbes that have entered the mother's body.

An important step in the 3rd trimester for all pregnant women is maternity leave. After all, by this time the woman had already gained at least 7-10 kg in weight, she had lost her experienced ease in movements, it became difficult for her to take a comfortable position in a standing or sitting position.

That is, all signs tend to suggest that at this stage a woman should have more time to rest and work less.

In the 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman is especially actively gaining weight. Therefore, if she eats too much food, then all the excess will be deposited in the reserves of adipose tissue. And not only the woman will recover, but the child himself. To prevent this from happening, you need to be especially careful about the choice of products and try to eat food rich in fats and carbohydrates as little as possible.

If the baby gains a lot of weight, then this can complicate the process of childbirth, and in some cases, become the reason for a caesarean section. Excessive weight of the mother can also negatively affect labor activity, provoking the development of hypertension and varicose veins.

How long is the 3rd trimester?

For each woman, the onset of labor activity depends on the characteristics of her body. Someone gives birth a little earlier than the due date, while others, on the contrary, postpone the pregnancy for a couple of weeks - all this is considered the norm.

After all, do not forget that doctors determine the moment of conception only approximately. One way or another, the duration of the 3rd trimester is normally from 12 to 16 weeks.

In order for the last stage of pregnancy not to end prematurely, it is necessary to follow the basic rules - exclude emotional and physical stress, eat right, spend time in the fresh air, and visit the doctor regularly.

It is the doctor who, with the development of complications, will help get rid of the problem that has arisen. In the third trimester, when certain diseases appear, the doctor may prescribe premature induction of labor.


Third trimester of pregnancy

The border between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is carried out by different specialists in different ways. The beginning of the third trimester, some refer to the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, some - to the twenty-sixth, and some - even to the twenty-eighth.

We will talk about the third trimester of pregnancy as the last 16 weeks: from the twenty-fifth week to the fortieth.

Of course, not all women are exactly 40 weeks pregnant.

Term delivery (not in the sense of "very fast", but in the sense of "delivery at term") is considered to be a birth that occurs between the thirty-seventh and forty-second weeks of pregnancy.

The difference can be due to many reasons: starting with an incorrectly established gestational age, ending with the individual characteristics of the woman and the fetus. Therefore, no good doctor will tell a woman that she will give birth on such and such a date, but will prescribe an approximate date for childbirth, a deviation from which in one direction or another for a week or even two will not represent any anomaly.

A more accurate idea of ​​the date of birth can give ultrasound in the last weeks of pregnancy and some signs, the so-called " harbingers of childbirth”, which it would be good for a woman to know in advance. We will definitely talk about them in due time.

So, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, and this means that the mother and the future baby have finally reached the “finish line”.

The third trimester is rarely as cloudless as the second, and a variety of problems must be prepared and treated as calmly as possible. Most of them are not caused by the fact that something is wrong with the mother or baby, but by the fact that the pregnant uterus becomes large, takes up a lot of space and interferes with the normal functioning of the woman's internal organs.

In addition, a pregnant woman simply gets tired by the third trimester: from a heavy clumsy body, from constant problems with the intestines, from pain in the back and legs, from the fear of an imminent birth, and from the fact that the pregnancy seems endless.

We hasten to reassure the expectant mother: no pregnancy lasts forever, and there is very little time left until the day when she, happy, slender, light, will walk through the park, where she is walking with difficulty now, pushing a stroller in front of her, in which she will sleep sweetly a tiny creature that looked so much like her or her husband.

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The third, final stage of pregnancy begins from the 28th week and lasts through the 40th week inclusive. During this period, the weight of the expectant mother reaches its maximum. For 13 weeks of the third trimester, she can gain up to 4-5 kilograms (plus those kilograms that were in the first and second trimesters). The size of the abdomen increases gradually, every week by 2-3 cm, by the 40th week a woman's stomach resembles a huge watermelon. Its girth is 95 - 100 cm (maybe more - it strongly depends on the individual indicators and the complexion of the pregnant woman).

Analyzes and medical examinations

In the period from the 28th to the 30th week, the future, as a rule, draws up maternity leave at the antenatal clinic and receives an exchange card from the doctor.

The third trimester is a very important stage in the development of the fetus, so the expectant mother needs to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor. At the 30th week, she will have a scheduled examination by a gynecologist. You will also need to pass a smear from the vagina for flora, a general blood test, a blood test for clotting, and a general urine test. A little later, the expectant mother will be checked again for the presence of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis.

At 30-34 weeks, the expectant mother will have another scheduled ultrasound examination of the fetus. The doctor assesses the condition and development of the baby, looks at his position in the uterus, and using special equipment checks the work of the heart. In addition, the uzist determines the amount of amniotic fluid, checks the condition of the placenta (its thickness, place of attachment, structure, degree of maturity) and all organs of the fetus: measures the length of the bones, the circumference of the head and abdomen.

If the indicators deviate from the norm, a woman can be sent for additional examinations and an ultrasound scan may be repeated in a short time. The doctor must completely exclude malformations, and make sure that the small organism develops in accordance with the established schedule.

Ultrasound at 35 weeks helps doctors make predictions about whether the baby will be large. If during the examination period the weight of the fetus is more than 2.2 kg, then the pregnant woman will be warned that she will soon have not just a baby, but a real “hero”.

At such a rate of development, the weight of the fetus by the time of birth can exceed 4 kg.


Screening for the third trimester, in addition to ultrasound, includes several other types of examinations. So a woman can be prescribed doplerometry (ultrasound of the blood vessels). Using special equipment, the doctor examines the condition of the blood vessels of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord and fetus.

The doctor must make sure that the blood flow is well established in the body of the mother and her baby, on which the supply of oxygen to the fetus depends.

Another examination that is prescribed to a pregnant woman as part of the screening of the third trimester is cardiotocography. This is a method of examining the functional state of the fetus, based on the study of the baby's heart rate, as well as its response to uterine contractions.

It is advisable to carry out CTG in the period from the 30th to the 33rd week of pregnancy, when the relationship between the heart rate and its motor activity is established in the fetus.

What does a child look like

Throughout the third trimester, the baby is actively gaining weight. At the beginning of the 28th week, he weighs about a kilogram (height - 39 cm), at the end of the 40th week he can weigh both 2800 and all 4 kg (height from 48 to 51 cm).

If at 28 weeks he could still tumble freely in his mother's tummy, then after the 35th week it becomes difficult. By 34-35 weeks, the baby already occupies the final position inside the mother, as a rule, this position is head down - this is how it will be easiest for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

By the third trimester, the fetus has basically formed all the organs and systems, and now they are maturing. By the 36th week, the baby begins to distinguish sounds, is able to respond to sounds and noise that come from outside. Gradually, the baby learns to inhale air through the nose.

Bones are permanently strengthened. The only exception is the skull.

Until the very birth, the bones on the skull will not grow together and will be mobile so as not to interfere with the passage of the crumbs through the birth canal.

Almost all systems and organs develop by the 38th week already sufficiently to function fully. The immune, endocrine and nervous systems continue to develop. The baby still eats and receives nutrients through the umbilical cord, the digestive system (stomach and intestines) will begin to work fully only after birth.

What happens in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy - sensations

With each week of the third trimester, the expectant mother is approaching the cherished day - very soon she will hold the baby in her arms. But for now, you need to relax and wait a little longer.

The third trimester is one of the most difficult stages of pregnancy. The belly is greatly enlarged and because of this, the woman experiences a lot of inconvenience, especially in everyday life.

It is no longer so easy to wash the floor, it is not possible to quickly run to the store, because the process of dressing turns into a real quest.

Every day the center of gravity shifts more and more: the expectant mother experiences constant discomfort in the lower back, the gait becomes like a duck.

At the end of the third trimester, pregnant women often suffer from shortness of breath: the uterus enlarges so much that it greatly displaces the internal organs and presses on the lungs. Urination becomes more frequent, because the uterus constantly presses not only on the lungs, but also on the bladder.

Many women experience sleep problems during this time. A pregnancy pillow no longer saves, and women toss and turn for several hours to find a comfortable position for sleeping.

In the third trimester, it is important to monitor the symptoms of preeclampsia - a complication in late pregnancy, which is manifested by dizziness, blurred vision, discoloration of urine, and swelling. Even if you find at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Fatigue accumulates and many women literally count the hours before meeting a little man.

Stomach ache

Throughout the third trimester, a woman may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This is due to the preparation of the body for childbirth - under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the ligaments of the pubic joint and pelvic bones relax.

Heaviness in the abdomen may appear due to training contractions that begin at 35-36 weeks, but should normally pass quickly. If at this time the pains become sharp and frequent, you should not attribute them to training contractions, because such sensations can indicate the onset of preterm labor.

On the eve of childbirth, most pregnant women also experience slight pain in the lower abdomen. There is nothing surprising in this: the baby's head has already dropped heavily and is pressing on the pelvic bones, causing slight spasms.

Lower back pain

The third trimester is a real test for the back of the expectant mother. Weight increases every week and the load on the spine increases. A woman may be disturbed by aches and pulling incessant pain in the lower back.

To alleviate the condition, the doctor prescribes a special bandage that helps redistribute the load on the spine. It is forbidden to independently prescribe its wearing, since it is necessary to take into account the position of the child in the uterus.


Normal discharge in the third trimester should be moderate, light, with a slight odor. By the end of the period, the allocation may be more abundant. However, if their intensity is greatly increased, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, as premature birth may begin.

Curdled discharge and itching in the vaginal area indicate the development of thrush. This is not uncommon in the third trimester, since immunity falls during pregnancy, and against this background, the fungus of this disease can begin to multiply. It is important to get rid of thrush before delivery so that the baby does not become infected with it during the passage through the birth canal. As for the color of the discharge: it should not be bloody or brown. This color may indicate placental abruption and presentation.

Normally, the expectant mother should not feel sick either at the 28th or 40th week of pregnancy. If a woman experiences weakness, nausea (which also ends in vomiting), you need to see a doctor.

Usually, expectant mothers in the third trimester are worried about heartburn, as the uterus presses quite hard on the stomach. To feel heartburn as rarely as possible, a pregnant woman should switch to fractional meals.

Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios

Amniotic fluid is the so-called habitat of the child. They protect the unborn baby from unpleasant influences, ensure his free movement. The course and outcome of pregnancy depends on the number of amniotic fetuses.

An increased amount of water is called polyhydramnios. Symptoms of this diagnosis may be an increase in the circumference of the abdomen above the normal range.

However, in the last trimester, oligohydramnios most often occurs - a lack of amniotic fluid. Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid can lead to premature birth, disrupt the growth and development of the fetus.

Both diagnoses - polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios - are detected during ultrasound.

Do's and Don'ts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Proper nutrition and diets

The nutrition of the expectant mother should be balanced and fractional (5-6 times a day). It is recommended to eat food, steamed, stewed, boiled, baked. It is useful to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, as these foods prevent constipation and help normalize bowel function. The main sources of protein are meat, fish, and dairy products.

As in the first and second trimesters, now the expectant mother is strictly prohibited from smoking and drinking alcohol. A woman in the later stages should not overstrain, climb high stairs, lift weights.

It is worth abandoning air travel, a sharp change in climatic and time zones.

If the birth took place between the 28th and 37th weeks of pregnancy, they are considered premature. From the 38th week, childbirth can occur on any day, so the expectant mother needs to prepare a bag for the maternity hospital in advance.

Starting from the 38th week, the child is considered full-term, therefore, if necessary, according to the indications of the obstetrician-gynecologist (depending on the condition of the woman and the fetus), childbirth can be stimulated, and not wait for their natural onset.

If the birth did not occur, there is no need to panic, perhaps the gestational age was initially set inaccurately. Births are considered timely from 38 to 42 weeks.

The third trimester of pregnancy - fetal, or late fetal, lasts from 29 to 40 weeks. This is the trimester, which is characterized by the preparation of the mother and child for the upcoming birth, the final intrauterine, the formation of organs and systems to the extent necessary to enter the outside world. The remaining processes of formation and growth will take place outside the mother's womb, and in order for these processes to take place normally, development must proceed normally in the perinatal period. This period requires compliance with the requirements for a pregnant woman and medical supervision.

In the third trimester, a woman should attend a weekly antenatal clinic and undergo a routine examination. Ideally, a weekly visit to the doctor throughout the gestation process, but if everything is going well and without visible negative signs, visits to the consultation may not be so frequent. By the 37-38th week, not only more time appears due to the issued maternity leave, but preparations for childbirth are also launched, which should be under strict control. A change in the hormonal background, which occurs due to the natural course of events, during which the prevalence ends, and estrogens come into force, which begin to be actively synthesized as soon as the baby reaches a certain degree of readiness for life outside. Estrogens cause several processes at once:

  • the tone of the uterus increases;
  • training bouts begin to appear;
  • the cervix matures and shortens;
  • the cervical canal opens slightly;
  • the mucous plug leaves;
  • there comes the formation of a generic dominant, a state when all thoughts and aspirations are aimed at the speedy birth of a child.

When estrogens reach their peak concentration, the fetus stimulates the production of prostaglandins in the mother's body, which becomes the start for the start of the birth process. In addition to measuring blood pressure, weight, standing height of the fundus of the uterus, diagnostic palpations to determine the tone of the uterus and auscultation of the fetus with a stethoscope, the future woman in labor is checked for the presence of latent edema in order to detect preeclampsia, which also happens in healthy women. The main purpose of listening to a raft is to determine its heartbeat.

Tests in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, an exchange card is issued, which will be urgently needed in the future, first of all, upon admission to the maternity hospital. To apply for an exchange card, you will need to go through the following tests:

  • once every 6 weeks - a smear from the vagina;
  • biochemical blood test (blood test for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, which are given every half a month during the last 2 months of the trimester;
  • triple screening, which includes ultrasound, cardiotocogram, dopplerography and biochemical studies in case of certain contraindications or diagnosed disorders;
  • to identify hidden processes of inflammation;
  • every 2 weeks, a urine test to monitor the condition of the kidneys and the absence of pathological processes in the body.

All these tests must be taken, because on their basis, and on the results of visual examination, palpation and listening, the doctor can not only draw up a general clinical picture of the course of the last trimester, but also take measures if necessary, or the appearance of pathology, state not only the readiness of the body for childbirth, but also fairly reliably establish the date when childbirth will take place. Modern technologies allow not only to undergo 3D / 4D ultrasound, on which a child can be seen in motion in a three-dimensional visual image, but also to receive a disk with a memory recording.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the third trimester

Expectant mothers at the very beginning of pregnancy often experience fear, hearing from all sides about the increase in cases of missed pregnancy. Often this turns into an obsessive thought.

Constant monitoring using laboratory data will make it possible to get an impression of how normal the gestation of the fetus is, and whether its condition corresponds to those parameters that, on average, indicate the norm for all components. there is a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age, the cessation of the fetal heartbeat and general negative feelings of severe malaise. Routine surveys are needed to identify them. The pregnant woman herself should also be on the alert, constantly monitoring her condition, and at the first negative observations, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Condition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester

In the third trimester, it is difficult to predict a possible scenario for the development of events. In some women, it no longer grows in this period, and the placement of the fetus occurs due to the capacity of the pelvis. In small and thin, on the contrary, it increases. The body of some pregnant women gains weight, despite strict control and diet, more than during the entire period of pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, lose weight. Because the body gets rid of excess fluid, rebuilding in the process of preparation.

The process of the body's activity is purposefully directed towards the implementation of a single goal, the placenta begins to decrease in it and the launch of the corresponding hormones becomes a natural consequence of this. The uterus in the last weeks of pregnancy tightly covers the fetus, the adrenal glands of which begin to secrete the stress hormone, which contributes to the appearance of a generic dominant that not only stimulates, but also pushes to the trigger mechanism. A kind of barrier is formed to protect the female body from external response factors, the hormone produced by the pituitary gland () stimulates preparatory measures.

In the third trimester, a woman's pelvic bones move apart, the cervix becomes elastic, blood circulation becomes more active, training contractions appear. During this period, under the pressure of an enlarged uterus and a growing fetus, a woman may experience pain in her back and lower back, and sometimes in her lower extremities, if blood vessels are pressed, hemorrhoids may progress, the defecation process may be disturbed, pressure on the bladder leads to more frequent urination, and worsened kidney function - lead to the appearance of edema. A fairly large percentage of pregnant women develop varicose veins, there is a risk of thrombosis, and other vascular pathologies. All this is especially true for those who have already had unsuccessful pregnancies, or women in labor after 35 years. The increased weight and size of the fetus lead to rapid fatigue, reduced physical activity, and a large belly makes it difficult to bend over, tie shoes and perform other habitual actions.

Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nausea in the third trimester, according to representatives of certain medical circles, may be a consequence of natural processes occurring in the body and be the same normal accompanying symptom as similar phenomena in the first trimester. However, it is more widely believed that nausea during this period becomes a sign of any negative diseases present in the body. If a pregnant woman regularly undergoes examinations at the attending physician, and passes all the necessary tests, then she should certainly inform her doctor about such a phenomenon.

In any case, the third trimester requires the utmost attention from the woman in labor to the state of her health, and the indispensable notification of the doctor about the pathological condition that has appeared. The cause must certainly be revealed and eliminated so that its action does not adversely affect the condition of the fetus. We should not forget that nausea is a sign of certain kidney problems, which is very dangerous before future childbirth, and in the process of their course.

Pain in the third trimester of pregnancy

Pain in the third trimester can be both temporary and spastic in nature, and every woman faces this. These can be pain in the back and lower back due to the load on the spine, abdominal pain caused by malfunctions in the digestive tract, which are usually caused by fetal pressure on the intestines. Pain may occur during the discharge of the mucous plug, or training contractions, which sometimes appear a few weeks before childbirth. Many doctors believe that the main reason is hormonal dysfunction, which involves an increase in the level of male hormones. Women most often face such problems long before conception. Hormonal dysfunction can provoke a miscarriage. If pain occurs, you should immediately go to the hospital for examination.

If the pain is accompanied by prolonged, unbearable seizures and spotting, it may be a threat of abortion, or premature birth, if the normal delivery time has not yet come. In this case, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where they will either help you calm down and calm the pain, or provide assistance, or put it in storage.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should normally have leucorrhoea. This is a consequence of the natural processes occurring in the body, therefore, if there is no discharge, or they are very scarce, you should consult a doctor on this topic. The consistency and volume of the discharged whites change as the term of childbirth approaches, they become more liquid and increase in volume. And this is also a normal process. During this period, brown discharge may appear, indicating the presence of the placenta, or reddish, which indicate the loss of blood by the vessels of the uterus. The appearance of yellow or green mucus does indicate a pathogenic process, which should be treated immediately by a doctor.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

A cold during this period is an extremely undesirable phenomenon. The future mother should carefully monitor her health. Dress warmly in the winter season and avoid drafts and air conditioning in the heat. In any case, taking medication at such a late date is highly undesirable, therefore, treatment is carried out with proven folk remedies in the form of herbal teas, medicinal decoctions, gargling and other methods. Raspberries, lemons, and citrus fruits should be used with caution because they are potential allergens.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy

The temperature in the third trimester of 37-37.4 degrees may be the norm in some cases. A slight increase may be due to an increased level in the body, or general changes in the hormonal background, the natural course of pregnancy. A high temperature, for no apparent reason in the form of a cold, is the basis for an immediate visit to the doctor, as it indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process.


Nutrition during pregnancy should be as complete, balanced as possible and provide all the necessary nutritional components for a complete pregnancy. In the presence of certain pathologies, a therapeutic diet is prescribed, which must necessarily be agreed with a nutritionist, and correspond to the goals of its appointment. In the normal variant, fractional meals in small portions would be optimal, with thorough chewing of food, which does not have the character of redundancy, but in no case makes the body starve.

Size and weight of the fetus in the third trimester

The size and weight of the fetus are calculated using various formulas and depend on various individual indicators. The norm can be both 2 kg and 4, depending on many factors, for example, the height and weight of the parents.

In the third trimester, the child is actively growing, learning to swallow, suck, see, touch. He develops a brain, in his intrauterine life there are periods of sleep and wakefulness. The expectant mother at this time should gradually prepare for childbirth. In some cases, childbirth occurs as early as the third trimester. Children born prematurely are viable, but require long and persistent nursing.

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    When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin?

    The beginning of the third trimester falls on the 26th week of pregnancy. At this time, the movements of the child intensify. But sometimes, distracted by daily activities, the mother may not pay attention to these shocks. Fetal movements must be counted throughout the day. The minimum number should be ten pushes per day. If there are fewer movements, or they are too active, this indicates that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

    Some pregnant women at this time suffer from headaches, leg cramps, pain in the back and pelvic area. Fetal tremors can give pain under the ribs. This pain is relieved by lying on your side.

    A pregnant woman can gain weight by the beginning of the third trimester from 5 kg to 8.6 kg.

    At 24–26 weeks, an ultrasound examination is performed. The purpose of the ultrasound is to exclude malformations of the nervous system, to determine the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid. It is also necessary in order to examine the placenta, to find out the sex of the unborn baby.

    The woman goes for a clinical blood test, where hemoglobin levels are examined, and a general urine test, which checks the functioning of the kidneys.

    The pregnant woman will have to do an ECG (electrocardiogram), where they will listen to the baby's heartbeat.

    The growth of the fetus at the 26th obstetric week reaches 31–32 cm, and its weight is 700–800 g.

    Skills acquired by the child:

    1. 1. He sees and hears perfectly. A sharp sound or noise scares the baby. A pleasant sound for the child is the beat of the mother's heart.
    2. 2. Constantly breathes. Air does not enter the lungs, and the liquid is absorbed into the blood and does no harm.
    3. 3. The brain cells responsible for thinking are actively developing.
    4. 4. A wake-up-sleep cycle appears.

    Features of fetal development in each week and recommendations for pregnant women

    Each week of pregnancy is characterized by changes in the development of the fetus and requires the expectant mother to follow certain recommendations (diet, care).

    27 week

    The 27th week of pregnancy is characterized by the active development of the child and new sensations of the pregnant woman. The baby's immune and respiratory systems improve. Sometimes a pregnant woman feels the baby's hiccups.

    Due to the high pressure of the uterus on the bladder, a woman may urinate when she laughs or sneezes.

    At this time, you should consume those foods that will be included in the daily diet after the birth of the baby. In the third trimester, the taste of the child is formed. If the food remains the same, then after pregnancy you can notice how the newborn baby drinks breast milk with pleasure.

    During this period, cholesterol levels rise. It is very important for the placenta, as it is a building material through which hormones are produced. Progesterone is produced from cholesterol. He is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, the safety of the child and the removal of tension in the uterus.

    During this period, the weight gain of the pregnant woman ranges from 5.2 to 9.2 kg.

    At week 27, you should undergo a second planned ultrasound and pass all the necessary tests.

    The baby has already reached 32–33 cm in height, and its weight is from 800 to 900 g. How the child develops:

    1. 1. Muscles are actively developing, the skeleton is being strengthened.
    2. 2. Able to roll over from side to side, push, stretch. These actions can be seen on ultrasound.
    3. 3. Surfactant is formed in the lungs, which helps to breathe.
    4. 4. Meconium is formed in the intestines.
    5. 5. The child identifies some smells, sees light behind the walls of the abdomen.
    6. 6. The baby begins to feel pain.
    7. 7. The final stage of development of the cerebral cortex is underway.

    28 week

    The child at this time is already quite large. He becomes cramped inside, and his active movements begin to subside. The child is often in one position, but continues to push. At this time, the foundations of the psyche and the characteristics of the character of the unborn child are laid.

    A woman during this period may develop stretch marks on her stomach, chest and hips. The skin needs to be given special attention, lubricated with a cream for stretch marks. At week 28, veins in the mammary glands may become visible, and drops of colostrum stand out from the chest.

    At this time, a number of rules should be observed:

    1. 1. You need to eat a little, but often. The child will not like it if the stomach and intestines are full. All movements of the baby will be especially noticeable.
    2. 2. Do not eat heavily before bed. If this happens, then the baby will be very active, but he needs more sleep than a pregnant woman. You can eat two hours before bed.
    3. 3. Eliminate diets. The baby is also active, but due to a lack of nutrients and protein. Own nutrition should be agreed with the doctor. With malnutrition, a baby can be born with low weight, small organs.
    4. 4. Eat only fresh food. Foods prepared for one day can give the child useful substances without toxins.
    5. 5. While eating, you need positive emotions that contribute to the active absorption of nutrients. After childbirth, a good mood will affect the lactation and suckling activity of the baby.

    At this time, it is necessary to pass a glucose tolerance test. With a negative Rh factor, you need to do an antibody test. Such a test shows the presence in the mother's blood of antibodies to the child's blood.

    A pregnant woman at week 28 gains weight from 5.4 to 9.8 kg.

    A child at week 28 has a height of 33–34 cm, and its weight is 900–1000 g. He already knows how to:

    1. 1. Distinguish between the taste and smell of substances that enter the mother's body. At this time, babies like the sweet taste more.
    2. 2. Blinking due to blurring of the eyelids.

    29 week

    The most important thing this week is to keep a close eye on your weight gain. It should not be more than 10-12 kg. If a woman has added more than the norm, then you need to understand why this is happening, if there are swelling.

    Keeping track of secretions is another important task for the expectant mother. The discharge should have a milky or transparent color, without a strong odor, and their consistency should be uniform. If spotting appears, then you need to contact a gynecologist. This condition may be a symptom of placental abruption or premature delivery.

    Some pregnant women may experience a feeling of heat this week due to an accelerated metabolism, which increases the workload on the heart. Some may experience a drop in blood pressure and an increased heart rate.

    The child grew to 35–36 cm, and began to weigh 1100–1200 g. What happens to the fetus

    1. 1. Reacts to noise by blinking and flinching.
    2. 2. At this time, the baby has learned to distinguish between musical sounds, so you can start listening to good music.
    3. 3. Eyelashes appear.
    4. 4. With a stethoscope, you can listen to the baby's heartbeat.
    5. 5. The expectant mother feels the mood of the child: joy, frustration, calmness, excitement, hunger and satiety.

    30 week

    By 30 weeks, the stomach has grown well, and the usual gait has changed. The weight gain in a pregnant woman is from 5.9 to 10.2 kg. The main weight is the grown uterus, amniotic fluid, placenta.

    Starting this week, the registration of maternity leave for working pregnant women begins.

    By week 30, the baby has grown to 36-37 cm, and the weight has become 1200-1300 g. How the baby develops:

    1. 1. The child feels maternal caress. You should stroke your stomach and say nice words.
    2. 2. The nervous system and psyche develop.
    3. 3. The child likes it when mom walks, does gymnastics - he calms down.
    4. 4. The fat layer actively develops and the substances necessary for vital activity are stored: iron, calcium, protein, etc.

    31 weeks

    A pregnant woman at 31 weeks may experience a feeling of heartburn, although she had not previously suffered from it. There is heaviness in the lower abdomen. This happens due to the fact that the fetus presses on the diaphragm and stomach.

    After 31 weeks, special monitoring is necessary for those who have uterine fibroids and scars after caesarean section.

    You should continue to eat right, give up salty, fried, spicy foods, as they burden the kidneys.

    At this time, venous expansion in the legs is possible. Do not avoid back pain. All this happens due to the fact that the back muscles are resting, preparing for delivery.

    The weight gain of a pregnant woman should be from 6.1 to 10.6 kg.

    At 31 weeks, the child takes the final correct position: upside down. Those pregnant women whose child has not yet rolled over can undergo a set of exercises that will help him take the correct position.

    The skin of the child at this time turns pink, the capillaries through the covers are no longer visible. This week it grows to 38 cm, and its weight becomes 1400-1500 g. The child continues to develop

    1. 1. Preparation for life after birth takes place, internal organs and all systems are improved.
    2. 2. Muscle mass grows.
    3. 3. The body begins to round due to the increased adipose tissue under the skin.

    32 week

    By week 32, a pregnant woman gains weight: from 6.4 to 11.3 kg.

    Throughout pregnancy, you should beware of viral diseases. In the last stages, it is especially necessary to monitor health. Penetrating into the body, viruses can harm the health of the child, accelerate the aging process of the placenta.

    A child at 32 weeks hears how the mother's body works, distinguishes the mother's voice from any other. The child begins to become covered with hair, nails grow, wrinkles are smoothed out, plump cheeks appear. Almost all the organs of the baby are formed, the head and torso are proportional.

    The growth of the baby at 32 weeks reaches 39–40 cm, and the weight is 1600–1700 g. What happens to the child's body:

    1. 1. The child continues to roll over to the correct position.
    2. 2. The brain is actively growing along with the head.

    33 week

    The abdomen continues to grow in size, the uterus rises higher and presses on the stomach. The burning sensation does not leave the woman. To this condition is added difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath.

    Some pregnant women may find swelling in the ankle area. All this is directly related to the pressure of the uterus, which impedes the outflow of blood through the vessels, and the blood retains water in the legs. To avoid swelling, you should put a roller or pillow under your feet, drink at least three liters of water a day, and exclude salty, spicy foods from the diet. You should stand or sit less.

    Normal weight gain up to 33 weeks: 6.8-11.9 kg.

    During this period, a woman is given Dopplerography, which shows whether the fetus is sufficiently saturated with oxygen and nutrients, and CTG, which helps to exclude intrauterine hypoxia.

    The height of the baby at 33 weeks is 41–42 cm, and the weight is 1700–1800 g.

    By this time the child:

    1. 1. Took head presentation.
    2. 2. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues.
    3. 3. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant, which helps the seventh-month-old to breathe on his own.
    4. 4. The brain, the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum are actively developing.
    5. 5. Activity appears at a certain time (a day mode has appeared).

    34 week

    The mother's body is preparing for delivery. Many hormones are released into the bloodstream, contributing to the elasticity of the joints. This is necessary for the easy passage of the fetus through the birth canal. A pregnant woman has frequent urination due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. If a pregnant woman is concerned about swelling, then you need to consult a doctor to exclude the formation of preeclampsia. With severe edema of the pregnant woman, inpatient observation is necessary.

    The norm in weight gain is 7.3–12.5 kg.

    At 34 weeks, the child gained the necessary weight, the skin became paler, and the functioning of the kidneys improved.

    The baby weighs already 1900–2000, and its height is 42–43 cm. What happens to the fetus

    1. 1. Frequent heartbeat in a child, the norm is 120–140 beats per minute.
    2. 2. The child has learned to distinguish between light and darkness.
    3. 3. The kid has mastered variable activity with his mother. When mom is sleeping, he kicks, rolls over, and if mom is awake, he calms down.
    4. 4. Metabolism is actively formed.
    5. 5. The adrenal glands in a child are the same as in an adult (after birth, a decrease occurs). They produce a steroid hormone (an androgen-like substance that stimulates lactation).
    6. 6. Actively growing bone tissue.

    35 week

    The breast of the pregnant woman has already increased enough in size and is ready for feeding. You should replace your usual bra with nursing underwear. The uterus grew to such an extent that it squeezed the woman's stomach and lungs. At the end of the 35th week, the stomach will drop, the breathing of the pregnant woman will be easier.

    A pregnant woman gains weight from 7.6 to 13 kg by the 35th week.

    From the 35th week, a second blood test is given: for AIDS, syphilis, biochemistry. At the appointment, the doctor will take a swab from the vagina to identify the microbial flora.

    The pregnant woman will again have an ultrasound examination, where the state of the placenta, the weight and height of the fetus, its presentation and the quantity and quality of water will be assessed.

    Because of the tightness inside the abdomen, the child moves more constrained. By the protrusions on the woman's stomach, she understands which part of the body the baby is showing.

    The height of the child is already 43–44 cm, and the weight is 2100–2300 g. How does the fetus change?

    1. 1. Nails have practically formed on the phalanges of the fingers.
    2. 2. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is responsible for thermoregulation after birth, continues.
    3. 3. Muscles get stronger.
    4. 4. A child is able to add 30 grams per day. From this, he becomes more plump.
    5. 5. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

    36 week

    If earlier the pregnant woman visited the gynecologist every month, then from the 36th week until the birth it is recommended to go to the doctor every one to two weeks.

    At this time, the pregnant woman's body is preparing for childbirth. You should not be nervous and anxious, you need to relax, read books, meditate.

    The weight of the pregnant woman increased this week to 7.9-13.6 kg.

    At 36 weeks, the baby has a height of 44 to 45 cm, and its weight is 2400-2500 g. What the child can do:

    1. 1. Started to breathe through the nose. Until that time, breathing was carried out through the mouth.
    2. 2. Learned to distinguish shades of taste.
    3. 3. I began to memorize what I heard: poems, music that sound not the first time.

    37 week

    The uterus has already reached the peak of growth, its weight is one kilogram, and its volume is about 5 liters. The uterus presses on the bladder even more, there is a shooting pain in the legs and perineum, pain in the back and hardening of the abdomen. Some women show the first signs of imminent delivery:

    1. 1. Departure of the mucous plug. It is a yellowish, streaked discharge from the vagina.
    2. 2. Lowering of the abdomen.
    3. 3. Loose stools.

    At week 37, it is necessary to control the movements of the baby, they should be at least 10 times a day. It is worth remembering that due to tightness in the abdomen, the child moves less.

    Mom gained weight by 37 weeks from 8.2 to 14 kg.

    During this period, the baby is ready to be born, but the body is still continuing its development.

    His height this week is 46–47 cm, and his weight is from 2700 to 2800 g.

    How does the baby change?

    1. 1. There is a ripening of the lungs due to the production of cortisone.
    2. 2. Meconium has accumulated in the child's intestines. It will come out after birth on the first day.
    3. 3. The baby's skin has become lighter.
    4. 4. The fluff that covered the body disappeared.
    5. 5. The development of the central nervous, endocrine and immune systems continues.
    6. 6. The heart works well and blood circulates.
    7. 7. The baby improves breathing movements.
    8. 8. Hair appears on the head.

    38 week

    At this time, childbirth is approaching and training contractions may occur. They can be easily calmed down by taking a warm shower, changing positions. Real contractions are more painful and there is nothing to calm them down.

    A pregnant woman gains weight by this time: from 8.6 to 14.5 kg.

    At 38 weeks, the baby's height is about 47 cm, and the weight is up to 3 kg. The baby is already starting to prepare for birth:

    1. 1. The lungs are completely ready for independent work.
    2. 2. Begins to descend into the pelvic area.
    3. 3. The baby has learned to relax due to the mother's ability to quickly calm down at any time in any place.

    39 week

    This week, any physical activity is contraindicated, as this causes childbirth.

    At this time, the pregnant woman loses up to two kilograms in weight. This happens due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

    On average, a woman gains weight by 39 weeks from 10 to 15 kg.

    The baby continues to gain weight. The 1.3 cm thick umbilical cord may tie or wrap around the baby's neck, but do not worry about this.

    Sometimes antibodies enter the baby's blood through the placenta at this time, which allows him to start the body's immune process.

    The child has grown to 48-49 cm, and already weighs 3200 g.

    How does the fetus develop?

    1. 1. The head descends to the entrance to the small pelvis.
    2. 2. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat ends.
    3. 3. The lungs are fully prepared for independent breathing.

    40 week

    This week is the final one, the woman's body is ready for childbirth. The cervix has become softer, the canal opens and the mucous plug leaves.

    A woman's weight gain in recent weeks is 9.1–15.2 kg.

    This week, the baby’s minimal activity is noticed, but movements, as in the past weeks, should be 10 times a day.

    At week 40, the weight of the child is from 3000 to 3500 g, and its height is 50–55 cm. The child is completely ready for birth. He pushes, and by the protruding places on his stomach, you can determine his part of the body. The baby is cramped inside, it requires more oxygen and nutrients, which means that childbirth is approaching.

    41 weeks

    A woman may experience nervousness associated with changes in the hormonal background and the upcoming birth.

    Before the onset of the birth process, amniotic fluid may break. They can leak, squirt out, or completely pour out. When water is poured out, as well as at the beginning of contractions, you should go to the hospital.

    Before giving birth, the baby is actively moving down, overcoming many obstacles. To be born, he needs to overcome 12-15 cm.

    During this time, the child additionally gains 500 grams of weight and grows by 1 cm.

    42 week

    Many pregnant women who have not yet given birth become nervous. But 42 weeks does not indicate a delayed pregnancy. At this time, you should go to the doctor to exclude pathologies in the development of the child. Sometimes fetal hypoxia occurs due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients. At the appointment, the doctor will listen to the heartbeat, check the condition of the cervix and measure the abdomen. Sometimes a woman is prescribed additional studies to check the condition of the child, whether the neck is wrapped around the umbilical cord, whether there are signs of hypoxia.

    If there are no contractions at the end of 42 weeks, then doctors stimulate labor.