Initial training for girls. Workouts for beginner girls in the gym: action plan, choice of exercises, effective complexes, recommendations from professionals

Hey! I completely forgot about women! Very few articles have yet been written for the fair sex, and they also need specific knowledge to progress. And they differ from male theory and practice. Today I want to correct this omission a little. I want to consider in great detail the RIGHT workouts for girls, I will give a working version of the training program.

I worked out in different gyms. There are quite a lot of women where I train now. There are very thin, there are very full, young and already aged. Someone trains with a coach, someone on their own. As a man, I will say that it is very unusual to watch a woman exercising. Why? Don't even know...

There is something in this. In my rocking chair, the vast majority of visitors are guys. They are rough in nature, doing strength exercises to develop even more strength and create an even more brutal image. But when tender girls lift weights and they do it with their characteristic softness, there really is something in it. Their goal is not brutality, but to emphasize their natural femininity.

No normal girl comes to the gym to work out like a man. Many girls still think that the gym will turn them into men. On this occasion, I advise you to read an article about strength training.

The workout program for girls in the gym is an important thing, and I, as promised, will give it to you. But let's first look at the theoretical aspects of the specifics of women's training.

By the way, there are excellent articles on the topic and If you are a beginner girl, you should find this useful.

I would like to say right away that the ideas of many girls about what an effective workout should be like are TOTALLY WRONG! They still think that jumping rope, twisting a hoop and running on a newfangled treadmill will make them happy.

Or, for example, they think that having bought some kind of belt, a secret fat burning cream or a vibrating device, they will burn fat without much effort. It would seem that it is already clear to everyone that this is nonsense, that it does not work - but then why is it still selling well? Great marketing does not sleep! The profits of sales of useless sports goods are growing, but the figure of many remains unchanged.

As a result, women get bored with all this and they give up even trying to change themselves. “Looks like this is not mine”, “probably I just have such a physique”, “nothing helps” etc. But the girl never even approached 50% of effective training.

The most effective workout is the one in which you REALLY INVOLVE your muscles and FEEL THEIR WORK! This is very easy to do in the gym - everything is provided for this, but it is much more difficult at home. Therefore, in this article we will talk ONLY ABOUT TRAINING IN THE GALL. At home, everything is much more complicated.

A real female workout and the one that you are doing now - perhaps 2 completely different things!

And you know - our bodies are almost the same in their basic functions. Any body reacts to training, to a lack of calories, to the intake of certain nutrients.

I'm not talking about exceptional cases, I'm talking about general standards for all people.

  • It DOES NOT happen that you train a muscle correctly, and it remains in the same state.
  • There is NO way that you can eat fewer calories than you expend and still not lose weight.

Our body is a work of art of the great mathematician, where everything is very natural! We are created with automatic processes sewn into us that occur without our knowledge. We just need to learn how to know how our body works and use it to achieve our goals (gain muscle mass, burn fat, etc.)

Why do you need a gym

When it comes to women's training, I'm sure that many girls immediately imagine themselves training in the style of aerobics. We wave our arms, legs, run, jump, etc.

This is all great, but the “simulator” has at least 3 main advantages over aerobics:

  1. The gym will help you individually pump up your legs, arms, buttocks. That is, this is a MORE POINT BODY CHANGES. This does not mean that in the gym you need to download only what you want - the whole body is also worked out there. But no one canceled the emphasis on different groups muscles if necessary. In the gym, this is very easy to do, in aerobics it is not.
  2. After training in the gym, your metabolism accelerates for the whole 24 hours, and even the next day it works faster than usual. Aerobic exercise gives such an effect only for 4-5 hours. The difference is more than obvious.
  3. It is the gym that will help you build muscle, which later will themselves absorb a large number of calories even in a calm state, when you sleep, for example. Aerobics does not provide muscle growth.

Key features of the female body

The main difference between a man and a woman is that a woman has the ability to give birth. This is the reason for a whole complex of smaller differences at all levels of physiology and biochemistry.

  1. The female body more easily accumulates nutrients "in reserve", so girls gain weight more easily. In this regard, you need to closely monitor the consumption of carbohydrates. It is better to use less than more of them.
  2. In women, the level anabolic hormones(testosterone) is significantly lower. Lower level This all affects the training itself. Achieving muscle failure is many times more difficult for women than for men (when a muscle is so tired that it can no longer contract). Physically, a woman will be able to complete a few more repetitions, but is unlikely to do so. The brain will give the command to stop the exercise. And the men, gritting their teeth, puffing, quacking, barking, will perform a couple more repetitions. This is the difference! Therefore, it is better for a woman to do many reps (12-15) and many sets (4-5), instead of working with heavy weights of 6-10 reps in 3 sets.
  3. AT female body fewer myofibrils (the fibers of our muscles). For this reason, 6-10 reps "to the blackout" workout doesn't work as well for women as it does for men. In general, men have 45% of the muscles in the body of the total mass, while women have only 35%.
  4. There are fewer muscles in the upper part of the female body, more in the lower part. Legs in women are stronger, due to their ability to bear and give birth to children. Leg training for women is easier than for men (muscles respond better to the load). So you need to monitor the growth of the lower body.
  5. Pain during menstruation is another important feature. In the area of ​​the lower press, women have a weaker neuro-muscular connection. This is done, probably in order to slightly reduce pain in the abdomen. For this reason, it is more problematic for girls to pump up the lower press.
  6. Women's metabolism is significantly slower than men's. This also affects the ability to store fat in the body and is associated with less muscle. Even in a calm state, a man spends more energy than a woman. In a woman's body, fat is approximately 28%, while in men it is 18%.
  7. The female body stores faster - energy for muscle work. Glycogen is the first to be burned during exercise. This is another factor in favor of the faster accumulation of fat in the female body. At the same time, the girl will burn this fat more easily. It's much harder for a man to do this. So cardio workout for women works more cool.

Some girls, as I heard, are very worried about their genetics. Like, if "nature did not reward"- does it make sense to bathe in the gym? There is only a grain of truth in this. Yes, you will not do incredible things with your body with just one workout and nutrition, when it comes to breast shape and size, overall body structure, etc.

You will not fix the problem of bad hair, skin, unsightly features, etc. All of this has little to do with sports.

But 100% you can influence the improvement of your curly data. At least try. If you train correctly for at least a year, if you don’t eat anything, you can appreciate the difference. Be sure to take before and after photos.

Testosterone and muscle growth

Still, I want to add a few words for women who think that power training can turn them into men. I am sure that in our time of development of fitness and bodybuilding, in the age of information availability on this subject, there are already much fewer women who think wrongly. But I'll repeat...

The main idea is that a woman will NEVER be able to build the same muscles as a man for one simple reason - she has very little testosterone in her body for this. And this hormone is just responsible for increasing muscle mass.

If in numbers, then the norm of testosterone in the blood for men is 200-1200 ng/dl (nanogram/deciliter), while in women 15-70. Do you feel the difference? In this scenario, even the most non-testosterone man (200) is superior to the most testosterone woman (70) almost 3 times. And if we take the average values ​​(700 and 42), then the difference will be 16 times.

With such differences, women simply do not have a chance to gain masculine muscles by natural methods. We don't even speak for pharmacology.

Menstruation and exercise

1) MENSTRUAL PHASE (1-7 days of the cycle).

Period information: the level of erythrocytes in the blood decreases.

  • Minuses. This phase is characterized by a decline in muscle strength in women, increased heart rate and respiration. Speed ​​and motor reactions worsen.
  • Pros. Increasing ability for short-term work. In the body of a woman, special hormones are secreted, which are called "relaxing". They give higher mobility in the joints and overall flexibility.

Workout: stretching exercises and stretching. The load on the abdominals and legs can be eliminated, as it will be almost useless.

Nutrition: the calorie content of the food consumed can be increased, drink more liquid for its faster removal.

2) FOLLICULAR PHASE (8-14 days of the cycle).

Period information: gradually increases the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) in the blood.

  • Pros. Coordination increases, the functioning of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system improves, and working capacity increases.

Workout: strength training at maximum values, training for endurance and speed.

Nutrition: calories can be reduced if you do not exercise.

3) OVULATION AND LUTEAL PHASE (15-28 days of the cycle).

Period information: estrogen levels are still high against the background of increasing progesterone (a steroid sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle).

  • Minuses. Increased appetite. The body prepares for the expected pregnancy and stores fat in reserve.
  • Pros. Forces are restored very quickly.

Workout: fat burning workouts for weight loss and cardio.

Nutrition: the main thing is not to overeat.

Women's Training Principles

For quite a long time, among the same clever bloggers like me, there was a categorical opinion that women's training should be very different from men's. But then more detailed studies were carried out and information began to flow into the network that women's training should not be very different from men's.

This once again confirms the conventionality of all these studies in bodybuilding and in general in any field. It is quite possible that much of what is so categorically spoken about today will be challenged and substantiated in time. So...

The basic rules for ladies are almost the same as for guys, namely:

  • Training in the range of 4-6 reps to increase strength, and 7-12 to build volume (muscle hypertrophy). Anything over 12 is already an endurance workout for the cardiovascular system.
  • But there is one "but". In the female body, there are many type 1 muscle fibers (small fibers that grow hard and only respond to high reps, aerobic endurance loads). Such fibers have low fatigue, which may be why women are more resilient. Given this fact, women still need to aim for 8-15 reps per set. But, this does not mean that 4-6 repetitions cannot be used. In a woman, there are also fast muscle fibers that contract quickly, have great strength, but quickly get tired. Conclusion: we focus on slow fibers (8-15 repetitions), but do not forget about fast fibers (4-6 repetitions).
  • You need to pull relatively heavy weights.
  • As I said above, training to failure is not for girls. However, many cool bodybuilders of the past doubted its necessity for men. And today the debate about the need for it does not subside. For example, scientist Mikel Izcuerdo discovered that after failure training, the analobic growth factors IGF-1 sharply increase and decrease. It was also noticed that cells experience such an acute lack of energy that protein synthesis is disrupted in them, which means growth slows down. In other words, we simply deplete our body and in the long run, by abusing “refusal”, we ourselves can slow down our progress.
  • Work in basic exercises (well, or similar to them). For example, if you can't squat, do leg presses. No straightening of the legs was even close in this case.
  • Do not stay in the hall for more than 1 hour, maximum 1.15.
  • Work out the whole body. Your desire to pump up there a little bit and here a little bit is quite understandable. But you need to understand that the whole body needs to be worked out. Over time, you can focus on any part of the body, but not pump it exclusively. And remember that working the whole body in basic exercises is much more effective at burning calories and managing weight than focusing on just one part of the body.
  • Focus on your lower body. Women's training should be 50% leg exercises. 20% can be allocated for working out the back, 10% for the arms, 10% for the shoulders, 10% for the chest.
  • For a beginner girl, it is necessary to work out the entire body in one workout. Only after a while you can switch to split programs (train different muscle groups separately, or separately the upper body, separately the bottom).

Work program options

It's time to move on to practice. Below I will give a training plan in the gym for women of varying degrees of difficulty. And we will try to take into account everything that we talked about above, to transfer all the basic theoretical principles to real training. You can practice 3 times a week.

For beginner girls (1-2 weeks after menstruation)

SquatsLegs 5-6 10-15
Close grip bench press 5-6 10-15
Middle deltas, trapezoid 6 10-15
Traction of the upper block to the chest while sittingBack, biceps, forearms 6 10-15
TwistingPress 4-5 maximum

Program Notes: So, when your periods are over, you can train to the fullest. Your body is now ready for such loads. As you can see, this women's workout program will allow you to pump your WHOLE BODY in one visit to the gym.

It is desirable to conduct it in 1 hour, no more. Rest between sets for the first time up to 1.5 minutes. Then you can reduce the rest to 50 seconds. Remember, the less rest, the higher the intensity and the faster the result! But it's also not worth it to drive the heart. If you feel that your breathing has not yet recovered, it is better to rest a little more.

There is only one exercise for the buttocks and legs - squats. It is the most effective method of building legs in general. If desired or a real need, you can also add exercises for the buttocks to the program. My

As you can see, there are no specific chest exercises in this program. To pump the breast, it is enough to give it only a small load, since there are practically no muscles in the woman's breasts. I wrote about this topic in Be sure to read!

The narrow bench press that is in this program engages the muscles under the mammary gland and thereby tones the chest. More specialized exercises, like the classic barbell press or dumbbell press, can shrink the mammary gland a little, and it affects the volume of the entire chest. For girls with large breasts, this is not scary, but if a girl, on the contrary, thinks about how to increase her breasts day and night, it will not do her any good.

I also want to mention that training girls should strive to learn how to fully pull themselves up, do push-ups on the uneven bars, from the floor, etc. These exercises are great for building the upper body.

But at the initial stage, you may not be able to do these exercises. Then replace them with lighter ones:

  • Replace classic pull-ups with a vertical block pull to the chest or pull-ups in a gravitron (a special simulator for lightweight pull-ups). If there is none, tires will help. You wind it on the horizontal bar and pull yourself up with it. It will lift you up a little in the active phase of the upward movement.
  • Replace push-ups from the floor with push-ups from the knees or wide push-ups from the bench.
  • If the problem is with the bars, use the same training rubber or gravitron.
  • If squats are a problem, do leg presses in a machine, etc.

In the picture below, I showed you what a gravitron looks like (on the left). Please note that it can be pulled up and push-ups on the uneven bars. On the right you see the use of training rubber:

That is, always try to find an alternative! Customize the program for yourself, because unique programs do not exist! This is just the backbone. For some, it will fit as is, but for others it will have to be modified. Someone needs mass, and someone wants to work on relief, etc.

For experienced girls (1-2 weeks after menstruation)

When the introductory program becomes too easy for you, you can move on to the next level.

Barbell Squat + Deadlift (SUPERSET)Legs, hamstrings, back 5 10-15
Close Grip Bench Press + Concentrated Curl (SUPERSET)Chest, triceps, anterior delta, biceps 5 10-15
Barbell row to the chin ("broaching") + swinging dumbbells to the sides while standing (SUPERSET)Anterior and middle bundle of deltas, trapezoid 5 10-15
Bent over barbell row + seated vertical blog row (SUPERSET)Back 5 10-15
Lying crunches + hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar, on the simulator or lying down (SUPERSET)Press 6 maximum

Program Notes: What have we done here? We took the previous program as a basis and simply added additional exercises that you will perform in a SUPERSET, that is, without rest.

For example, you squatted and immediately performed a “dead” thrust (the one that is performed on straight legs, do not confuse it with). Didn't rest and did the rest of the sets.

Rest between sets, try to keep 1 minute. If it's hard - 1.5 minutes. But you should not rest anymore, as the efficiency is greatly reduced. The blood must boil!

Light program (3-4 week cycle)

Traction of the upper blog to the chest while sittingBack, biceps, forearms 3-4 12-20
Close grip bench pressChest, front delts, triceps 3-4 12-20
Rod pull to the chin ("broach")Middle deltas, trapezoid 3-4 12-20
Cardio training (heart rate around 120 beats per minute)The cardiovascular system 1 40-60 minutes

Program Notes: The program excludes the load on the press and legs. The number of approaches and repetitions is reduced. This means you have to choose suitable weight to pull up to 20 times in a set.

Cardio can be done either by brisk walking or slow running. The heart rate (HR), or our pulse, should be in the region of 120 beats per minute, since this frequency is most favorable for fat burning.

This is a program that you will practice for some time before and possibly during your period. Watch your feelings and if it’s very hard, it’s better to rest more.

Nutritionally, don't eat too many carbs. At 3-4 weeks of the cycle, any carbohydrates (fast and slow) are more easily stored in fat.

Rules for the nutrition of a sports girl

As for nutrition, there are 2 main goals that you should always remember (this also applies to men):

  1. It is important to calculate the number of calories consumed and find out how much is needed for the normal functioning of the body. I wrote about how to determine the minimum required number of calories in
  2. In addition to calories, it is extremely important to focus on percentage BJU (proteins-fats-carbohydrates).

Focusing solely on counting calories is WRONG. It is more important to monitor the quality of food and the content of BJU in it.

It is impossible not to voice the wrong psychology of many women. “If I went to the gym, then now I can afford to eat anything!” In fact, sometimes it’s necessary to pamper yourself a little. This will make it easier to tolerate food restrictions.

But this shouldn't be the rule. The norm of life should just become self-control in relation to food, especially fast carbohydrates They are deposited on the sides and buttocks according to the female type. This is due to the presence in the female body of such sex hormones as estrogen and progestogens.

And finally basic tips for exercising women:

  1. WATER. Drink a lot! Don't be thirsty. If you want to drink, then you should have done it 5 minutes ago - this is what athletes often say.
  2. LOW GI FOODS. This refers to the low glycemic index of foods. A high GI food promotes the accumulation of fat during its digestion. You can find tables of these products on the Internet.
  3. INSULIN. It is desirable to monitor its level not only for diabetics, but for all athletes. A stable blood sugar level is a signal for building lean muscle mass.
  4. PROTEIN. Women, like men, need 1.8 - 2 grams of protein. per kg. body weight. It should not be more, otherwise problems with the kidneys and liver are possible. You can use additional protein mixtures as an addition to the main diet.
  5. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS. It is fish oil, omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, linseed oil etc. I advise you to drink in capsules - very convenient. Personally, I drink at least 2 capsules of quality fish oil every day!

This concludes this article on women's training in the gym. I'm sure it will be useful to you. Don't be afraid to go to the gym, dear girls - it's not scary! Everything will work out for you! If you have any questions - write in the comments, share this article, or eagerly read it yourself))) And I have everything ...

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Almost any woman who decides to work out in the gym is faced with the question of choosing a training program. To compile an effective set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of future training, the state of health, and whether there is experience in training on simulators and with weights.

Programs for weight loss and weight gain differ in the selection of exercises, intensity and volume of aerobic exercise.

The hormonal background of a woman affects the result of exercising in the gym. The female body has a low level of testosterone, so the set of muscle mass is slow.

During menopause, women are forbidden to carry out strict diets that disrupt the production of testosterone.

Excess estrogen disrupts fat metabolism in the direction of weight gain and reduces the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Active cardio training, leading to a significant loss of body fat, can disrupt the flow of menstruation. If they are accompanied by pain, classes in the gym should be temporarily stopped.

Warm up

Any workout begins with a set of exercises to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for physical activity. The warm-up includes light aerobic exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike.

To increase the mobility of the joints and spine, tilts are performed and torso twists, swings or circular motions of the arms and legs. An effective warm-up complex increases body temperature and pulse rate. Final stage warm-ups - stretching muscles and ligaments.

Stretching exercises

To warm up the pectoral muscles, clasped behind the back, the arms are extended and raised to the ceiling. In order for the back muscles to stretch, you need to grab the support with your hand, bend over, and take the pelvis back, straightening your legs.

If you raise your arm up, then bend and pull the elbow to the opposite shoulder, the triceps will get a good stretch. Tilts to touch the floor with brushes stretch the hamstrings, lower back and buttocks. To warm up the thigh muscles, you need to bend the leg at the knee so that the heel looks up, and then pull it up and towards you with your free hand.

Features of training for beginners

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program. The main goal of the first lessons is to develop the correct technique for the safe exercise.

The muscles of beginners do not know how to contract effectively, therefore, exercises with an exhausting load and the use of significant weights are not allowed. To perform basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells, a woman should learn to consciously keep her pelvic floor muscles in tension, especially when loading the body in an upright position.

Features of training for women after 40 years

The training program in the gym for women should take into account the physiological changes that occur in the body after 40 years. To maintain muscle mass, two sessions a week are enough, in each you need to perform from 4 to 8 exercises, trying to involve all muscle groups.

The intensity of training should be limited due to poor elasticity of the ligaments and tendons.

Age-related changes affect the accuracy of performing movements, therefore block simulators, dumbbells and fitness equipment are used in the classroom. It is advisable to update the training program monthly so that the body does not get used to monotonous movements and loads.

Do women need barbell and dumbbell exercises

It must be remembered that well-developed muscles are responsible for correct posture, elegant gait and for appearance generally. Only by working with a barbell and dumbbells of moderate weights, a woman will build up and achieve muscle elasticity, for example, the buttocks.

Properly selected load when exercising with free weights has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as on the relief of the body. Multi-joint exercises with a barbell and dumbbells allow you to maintain muscle tone while exercising at home.

Do not be afraid of a significant increase in body weight when working with large weights, low testosterone in the female body protects against this problem.

First workouts for women: weight loss

Based on the principle of "do no harm", the weight loss training program should be adapted to the physical and age characteristics of the body. For this, in the first lessons they give a test load.

If the implementation of the planned number of repetitions is difficult, you need to reduce one approach in the entire complex or in those exercises that are especially difficult to handle.

In the first month of training, aerobic exercise should be given after doing exercises on simulators.

At the same time, it is necessary to control that the pulse does not leave the fat-burning zone. To calculate the lower and upper boundaries of the zone, you need to subtract age from 220, and then calculate 60 and 70%.

First workouts for women: gaining muscle mass

The main task of the first workouts when gaining weight is to master the correct technique for performing exercises, and to involve the complex of small stabilizer muscles in the work. Therefore, you can not immediately lift heavy barbells and dumbbells, the working weight of the shells must be increased in subsequent workouts.

In the initial classes, it is enough to perform exercises on simulators with a moderate load, 2-3 sets of each. In the warm-up set, perform large quantity repetitions with less weight, the load increases with each subsequent approach. The duration of the lesson varies from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the physical capabilities of the woman.

The best exercises in the gym

Training programs for men and women are significantly different. In the gym, ladies, as a rule, strengthen their muscles, giving them a beautiful appearance, so basic and isolated exercises should be included in the training complex.

On the back

Lever thrust in the simulator significantly loads not only the latissimus dorsi, but also the trapezius muscles of the back. This simulator will successfully replace the barbell or dumbbell row to the stomach.

The upper back area is effectively worked out by pull-ups and vertical traction to the chest on a block simulator. To work out the lower back, it is customary to perform a deadlift with a barbell, an alternative to which is hyperextension, especially for problems with the spine.

On your feet

The classic barbell squat is one of the the most effective exercises to work out the entire complex of leg muscles. Women with weak backs or spinal problems should squat in a hack machine and also do leg presses in a machine.

To increase the tone and increase the volume of the gluteal muscles, you need to regularly do lunges with dumbbells, as well as leg extensions in the simulator. Women should not forget to load the calf muscles by performing standing calf raises.

On hand

Dumbbell overhead extensions and push-ups are popular shoulder extensor exercises. If the triceps are a problem area, then they are additionally worked out by extending the arms on a block simulator and doing bench presses with a narrow grip.

beautiful shape and the volume of the biceps will provide bending of the arms with a barbell while standing. Dumbbells make it possible to load the biceps of the shoulder muscle in a tilted position, and bending on the biceps machine increases the intensity of training for the hands.

On the press

A woman should initially perform regular and reverse crunches while lying on a bench to prepare the abdominal muscles for more difficult work. The intensity of the training is increased by working on a press machine and twisting on a block simulator.

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program.

The fat layer in the lower abdomen is reduced by lifting bent legs in a simulator that has stops for the elbows. The muscles of the press, which are responsible for the slimness of the waist, work well on the torso machine and turns of the torso with a body bar.

Workout table in the gym for women

Gym workout program

No. pp

Name of the exercise



Workout 1 (for muscle tone)

5 minutes
1 Lever pull in the simulator 3 10-12
2 Vertical traction on a block simulator 3 15
3 Press on the chest in the simulator 3 10-12
4 Breeding hands with dumbbells lying on a bench 3 15
5 Leg press in the simulator 3 10-12
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Leg curls in the lying machine 3 15
8 3 12-15
9 Regular twists 3 20
10 3 50
11 Walking uphill on a treadmill 30 min

Workout 2 (Circuit)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Horizontal traction on a block simulator 3 15
2 Dumbbell press lying on a bench 3 15
3 Standing dumbbell curls 3 15
4 Extension of arms on a block simulator 3 15
5 Leg extension on the simulator 3 15
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Lifting bent legs on the simulator 3 15
8 Orbitrek 30 min


Workout 3 (strength)

Warm up: exercise bike 5 minutes
1 Bench Press 4 10
2 Squats 4 12
3 Rod pull to the belt, standing in an inclination 4 10
4 Standing barbell curls 4 10
5 Extension of the arm with a dumbbell up 4 10
6 Deadlift with barbell 4 12
7 Reverse crunches 3 15


Workout 4 (working out problem areas)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Lunges with dumbbells 3 15
2 "Buttock Bridge" 3 20
3 Breeding legs on the simulator 3 20
4 Bench push-ups 3 15
5 Bent Over Dumbbell Extensions 3 15
6 Extension of arms on a block simulator with a rope handle 3 15
7 Oblique twists lying on the floor 3 20
8 Torso twists with bodybar 3 50
9 Lateral torso 3 20
10 exercise bike 20 minutes

Cardio workout (60 minutes)

1 Warm up: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes
2 Orbitrek 15 minutes
3 Interval walking on a treadmill 35 min
4 exercise bike 10 minutes
5 Cooldown: Walking on a treadmill 5 minutes


Circuit training

The circuit training program in the gym is used by women to reduce weight without losing muscle mass. Circuit training consists of 6-10 exercises covering the entire muscles of the body, sometimes the muscles are worked out locally on different days.

In each approach, the exercises are performed alternately for 10-15 repetitions, at a fast pace and without a break. To get a tangible result, you can not practice to failure, and you should also follow the technique and have experience in training.

cardio training

Cardio training involves any aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate and is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat.

The well-equipped fitness club offers a wide range of aerobic equipment:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bikes,
  • orbitreks
  • rowing simulators.

Cardio training is long in time, you should start with walking, which gradually increases the load on the heart. For classes, one or more simulators are used, with different working hours on them.

Split workout

The essence of the method is the separate training of muscle groups during the week. So on Monday they load the biceps and back muscles, on Wednesday - the quadriceps, calves and shoulders, and on Friday they leave the pectoral muscles and triceps. The session consists of several exercises for each muscle group, the number of sets and repetitions determines the ultimate goal of the training program.

Split training is effective for gaining mass or body shaping, and with weight loss - for targeted study of problem areas. The system of separate training is not suitable for those who have just started exercising or often skip classes.

Power training

For women, the strength training program in the gym is made up of basic exercises, taking into account the physique and age characteristics. The main part of the workout includes 5-6 exercises performed in three sets.

Working out the muscles for 8-10 repetitions, with breaks of no more than 90 seconds, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which stimulates the subsequent increase in body weight. The weight of the weights should allow you to perform the planned number of repetitions without violating the correct technique. If the next day you feel stiffness of the muscles, at the next workout you need to slightly reduce the working weights.

Proper nutrition during active training

The calorie content and composition of the daily diet should be consistent with the goals of training in the gym. When training for weight loss, a strong reduction in caloric intake should not be allowed so as not to disrupt the metabolism in the body.

When gaining weight, protein is consumed at the rate of 2.5 grams per kilogram of "net" body weight, that is, without taking into account the weight of fat. Most of the daily protein should be eaten after training and in the evening.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, as well as an important component of muscle growth, so they account for up to 50% of the daily caloric intake. The diet includes slowly digestible carbohydrates and fruits, which are eaten before lunch and an hour before class.

Fats should not be excluded from the diet, but they should not be abused, so as not to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. All the main components of nutrition are divided into three main meals and two low-calorie snacks.

Do women need proteins and gainers

A woman who wants to gain weight or lose weight aesthetically should supplement her diet with sports supplements. Nutrient mixtures consisting of 50% or more protein, called proteins, are added during training for muscle growth and during strict diets.

Protein shakes are easy to digest, help fight hunger, and provide the body with essential amino acids to grow and maintain muscle fibers.

Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture that fully restores after physical activity, but is not desirable for problems with rapid weight gain. Women with a lean physique, or who are not able to eat regularly, the daily diet must be balanced with a gainer.

Important: protein is unhealthy when consumed improperly, so when choosing a sports supplement, you should consult a professional instructor or doctor.

Sample menu for 3 days for women

On the day of strength training, nutrition takes into account the body's need for protein and carbohydrates to work with increased intensity. An important meal is a snack 30-60 minutes before training.

It is desirable to divide the morning snack into two meals, and dinner includes slow carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen:

  • Breakfast - an omelet from a couple of eggs and oatmeal on milk.
  • Snack - a glass of fruit juice.
  • Snack - a small apple or tangerine.
  • Lunch - a portion of boiled fish with rice and vegetables.
  • Snack - cottage cheese or drinking yogurt.
  • Before training - a small banana.
  • After class - a gainer or protein shake, depending on the time of training.
  • Dinner - poultry, vegetable salad with broccoli, a piece of bread with cereals.

On the day of rest, the diet should provide full recovery and growth of muscle mass:

  • Breakfast - bake pasta in microwave oven with cheese and eggs.
  • Snack is a juicy fruit.
  • Snack - green tea with dried apricots or dates.
  • Lunch - beef chop, buckwheat porridge, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Snack - 30 g of muesli with yogurt.
  • Dinner - lean meat, vegetable stew.
  • Before going to bed - low-fat kefir and 1/2 teaspoon of bran.

Nutrition on the day of cardio training creates the conditions for achieving maximum fat burning. Do not eat any food before and for an hour after class.

The menu should include only slowly digestible carbohydrates, and for dinner - protein foods:

  • Breakfast - rice with vegetable salad.
  • Snack - vegetable salad.
  • Lunch - lean meat, some buckwheat porridge and fresh vegetables.
  • Snack - unsweetened yogurt with 1/2 tea bran.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole and unsweetened yogurt, as an option - a protein shake.

When to expect the first results

An excellent result of a month of hard strength training is about 400 g of new muscle mass. By building no more than 100 g of muscle per week, women should not expect an immediate visual effect when gaining mass.

The effect of daily exercises on increasing tone becomes noticeable after two weeks.

Muscles maintained in constant tension look voluminous and more prominent.

The first results in the gym are most quickly achieved by women who want to lose weight. This requires a training program that combines strength and aerobic exercise, and adherence to the regimen. proper nutrition.

Visible results appear after a few regular classes . Reducing daily calorie intake and high intensity training allows you to lose up to 1 kg excess weight in Week.

The training program in the gym should be consistent with the goal that a woman sets for herself. The intensity of classes is selected taking into account the age-related characteristics of the physiology and physical capabilities of the woman.

So that the first results of training are not long in coming, it is necessary to carefully compose and strictly observe the diet. The advice of experts will help you avoid mistakes in nutrition and choose the right one. sports supplements.

Gym training program for women: video

Training program for beginners, see the video clip:

3-day split program, see the video:

This article is similar to the constructor. It describes three strength workouts, each of which works out all muscle groups, cardio on simulators and two circuits. How to combine them depends on your goal.

How are training programs different?

1. Workout program for girls who want to lose weight

Combine strength and cardio workouts. The latter will allow Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults spend more calories, and strength exercises will pump the muscles and help the thinner body look even cooler.

  • How often to practice. To reach your goal, set aside 3 strength training sessions and 2 cardio sessions each week. The latter can be of two types: 30-60 minutes of cardio or 20-30 minutes of intense circuit training if you are not ready to go to the gym five times a week.
  • How much exercise to do.
  • How to eat. Create a calorie deficit: spend more than you consume.

2. Training program for girls who want to build muscle

If you do not have extra pounds, eliminate cardio and focus on strength training.

  • How often to practice. Plan 3 of these workouts per week with at least 48 hours of rest in between.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 5 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Add more foods to your diet, or buy a protein powder. To build muscle, you must consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

3. Training program for girls who want to be in good shape

You need both cardio and strength training. The first will help you become more resilient, pump your heart and breath. The second will make you stronger.

  • How often to practice. Count on 3 strength training sessions per week. At the end of each, do cardio for 15-20 minutes.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 3 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Try to eat a healthy diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and at least 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system or, consult your doctor before going to the gym. In the presence of old injuries, problems with the spine, pain in the joints, it is better to find a good coach.

What should be strength training

Regardless of the program, every strength training session begins with a warm-up. It must be done in the following order:

  1. Joint workout. Rotate the joints of the arms and legs 10 times in each direction, tilt and turn the body and neck.
  2. 5-10 minutes of light cardio. Any appropriate simulator will do: track, stepper, ellipse, exercise bike. If everything is busy, jump rope.

In addition, before each exercise with a large weight, an additional warm-up with a small one is needed. This will prepare the target muscles for work and save you from injury. For example, if you are going to squat with a 50 kg barbell, do 5 times with the bar, then 3 times with 30 kg and 3 times with 40 kg. Only then proceed to the main load.

Choose a working weight so that the last repetitions in the approach are given hard, but without changing the technique: jerks, a skewed back and unnecessary inclinations. If they appear, take a lighter weight or number of repetitions.

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets, 1-2 minutes between exercises.

I strength training

Twisting on the press

Location: Tabata Drive Gym

Works out the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Raise the body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor and the lower back remains pressed. Do not press your hands on your head, your fingers only touch the back of the head, the movement is made due to the tension of the muscles of the press, and not the neck.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.


Pumps the extensors of the back, buttocks and rear surface hips.

Insert your legs into the hyperextension machine, put your hands behind your head. Keeping your back straight, lower your body and then lift it up. At the top, look at the wall in front of you. Avoid jerks and sudden movements, perform the exercise smoothly and under control.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions to 20-25.

Loads the hips, buttocks and core muscles.

Put your feet slightly wider than your straightened shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, turn your toes a little to the sides. Take your pelvis back, bend slightly in the lower back and with an inhale go into a squat. Keep your back straight, look forward.

Sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If from it, the knees do not turn inward, and the back remains straight, try to sit lower. If at the same time the back is rounded, return to the previous position, that is, again make the hips parallel to the floor.

Come out of the squat on an exhale.

Start with a 15 or 20 kg bar and gradually increase the load. Keep an eye on technology at all times.

Pumps back muscles.

Sit on a bench, press your feet to the floor. Grab the handle with a forward (focus on the back) or reverse (focus on the biceps) grip. possible every week. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lower your shoulders, straighten your back. As you exhale, pull the handle up to touch your chest. The body does not lean back, the shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Return the handle back and repeat the exercise.

Well loads the buttocks.

Prepare the barbell, sit next to the bench and put the bar on your feet. Lean back on the bench, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Supporting the bar with your hands, place it on the pelvis. Tear it off the floor, distribute the weight between the fulcrum on the bench and the feet on the floor.

Due to the tension of the gluteal muscles, move the pelvis up until it is fully extended in hip joint. Get down and repeat.

Pumps the pectoral muscles and triceps.

Lie down on a bench press with your feet flat on the floor. With a straight grip wider than shoulder width, grasp the barbell. Remove it from the racks, lower it to touch the chest and squeeze it back.

Strengthens the shoulders.

Stand straight, raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level and lower them back. Keep your elbows slightly bent so as not to overload the joint.

II strength training

The rectus abdominis is pumped with an emphasis on the lower part (lower press).

Lie down on a bench and grasp its edge with your hands. Raise your legs and bend at the knees.

Raise your legs even higher and lift your pelvis off the bench. Return to starting position.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.


They pump legs, buttocks and core muscles.

Hold dumbbells in outstretched arms. Lunge forward, touch the floor with the knee of the leg standing behind. Make sure your front knee doesn't go past your toes.

Stand up and lunge with the other leg. You can do it on the move or, if the room is crowded, on the spot.

If you want to add extra core and shoulder strength, try another option: with dumbbells over your head.

Do two sets for each hand.

Loads the back muscles.

Place your left hand and knee on a support, such as a bench or box. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders and arm with a dumbbell, bring your shoulder blades together.

Pull the dumbbell to your waist and lower it again. It is very important to pull exactly to the belt, and not to the chest, not to raise the shoulders and not to spread the shoulder blades. Otherwise, you will shift the focus from the arms to the back muscles.

Deadlift with barbell

Pumps the buttocks and extensors of the back.

Stand close to the bar so that the bar is above the lacing of your shoes. Squat down by pushing your pelvis back. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Raise the barbell, fully straighten your hips, then return to the starting position.

It pumps the pectoral muscles and loads the shoulders.

Lie down on a bench, press your feet to the floor, raise the dumbbells in front of you so that your palms look at each other. Spread the dumbbells apart, slightly bending your elbows to protect your joints. Turn your palms at the bottom point towards the ceiling.

Bring your hands together and repeat.

Load the triceps.

Find support: a box, a bench, a stack of steps. Turn your back to her, put your hands on her, straighten your knees. Do a reverse push-up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower. Return to starting position.

Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

III strength training

Twisting on the press

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.


Do 3 sets of 15 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.

Loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks, well pumps the inner surface of the thigh.

Pick up one. Place your feet so that they are twice as wide as your shoulders, and your socks look to the sides. Take the pelvis back, slightly bend in the lower back.

Do a squat, spreading your knees to the sides. Do not bend your back: it should be even and tense throughout the exercise.

Pumps back muscles and shoulder biceps.

Take the barbell with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders, tilt your body to parallel with the floor. Bend your arms, bring your shoulder blades together and bring the projectile to your waist, and then lower it. Do not unbend until you finish the exercise: the body should be parallel to the floor or close to it.

Loads the chest, triceps and shoulders.

Raise the bar to your chest, bring your elbows forward a little, lower your shoulders, slightly bend your lower back. From this position, squeeze the projectile up and take it behind the head.

Look straight ahead at all times. When the bar goes past the face, do not lift the chin. Instead, retract it.

Pumps the extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the thigh.

The Romanian deadlift differs from the classic deadlift in that you minimally bend your knees and at the lowest point do not put the barbell on the floor, but bring it to the middle of the lower leg. The back remains straight throughout the exercise.

An effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

Turn your face to the simulator, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your leg back and return back.

What should be cardio training

Cardio on the machines

If yours is more than normal, you should not run on the track: this way you will put too much stress on the joints. Instead, choose a brisk walk uphill (the path can be adjusted incline), an exercise bike, an ellipse, a stepper, or an airbike.

Do cardio at a moderate intensity so that you can last without slowing down. The main thing is to increase the pulse and keep it at that level for the right time.

If a long monotonous cardio makes you sad, try exercising with headphones. If that still doesn't work, opt for intense bodyweight circuit training. They are also suitable for those who cannot go to the gym five times a week.

Circuit training

This is when you perform several exercises in a row for different muscle groups, usually with or without a short rest, and then start over. Circuit training is good because it allows you to reduce rest time: some muscles have time to recover while others are working, and the pulse remains elevated, as well as calorie expenditure.

Here is an example of a circuit training with your own body weight. You need to do 5 circles without a break. If you choke, rest for 30 seconds to one minute and continue with the exercises.

And another circle. This time interval, that is, with a clear time frame. You work for 30 seconds and then rest for the same amount. In total, you need to complete 6 circles.

You look at Instagram - so women's training seems to be another planet. Instead of barbells and dumbbells, some kind of rubber bands, instead of a squat, and traction with a bench press - strange movements in half a amplitude. In fact, it is more marketing of coaching services. Girls are used to believing that they are very different from boys, because it is easier for them to sell all this strange activity. In reality, all the same strength exercises are effective, and you need to concentrate more on working on the technique, and less on the "female and male" versions of popular exercises.

There are features - they lie in the difficulty of women mastering pressing movements for the upper body, and in the features of proportions. The long legs and short body of most girls do not allow them to stand on their own. good technique squats. Hence the mass of moral suffering about "the growth of the legs and the lack of progress in the buttocks." And the attitude is also “special” - many still believe that women should train lightly, and almost do barbell dancing, so that they get a beautiful body. In reality, everything is more prosaic.

Weight loss and body fat reduction

Non-professionals are very fond of talking about the fact that there are no fat-burning workouts, there is only a calorie deficit from food. In fact, "metabolic" or fat-burning workouts do exist. It's just that most gym goers can endure about two minutes of such training. The only "fat-burning workout" is the circuit, which consists of basic exercises with a barbell, the weight of which is approximately 70 percent of the one repetition maximum. Movements are performed in series of 30-40 seconds without rest, "circles" can be done only 4-5. Such training increases the oxygen consumption of the body at rest, and speeds up the metabolism. And it is not practiced for beginners.

Ordinary visitors to the hall must first learn how to do basic exercises and control body position, and only then manipulate oxygen consumption through circuit training. At the start, the classic scheme “2 cardio training per week and 3 strength training” is suitable. The plan might be:

  1. Do strength training for all muscle groups three times a week Divide the exercises into planes, or work on the principle of "squat and bench day" and "pull and vertical bench day." Beginners can do the same set of exercises in the simulators, frequency and technique are important here, and not a “super-new” exercise plan and their alternation;
  2. Do cardio 2 times a week. Non-professionals like to classify bodyweight circuit training or cardio work here, but for a beginner, the first type of activity is more strength than cardio. Therefore, those who have been working out for less than six months should understand by cardio either walking, jogging, pedaling a bicycle, or all the same, only in simulators. The usual recommendation “do 20 minutes of cardio on your free days” is also not enough for everyone. It is worth focusing here on the textbook half an hour of physical activity a day, which the WHO recommends for us to be healthy;
  3. Set-rep schemes "for weight loss" should provide a large amount of training activity. If easier - less weight burden. More approaches. Optimal - 4-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions of each exercise with good technique. Are circles necessary? No, if a person does not have the strength to perform them, or if there is not enough physical form;
  4. Nutrition must meet two requirements - a balance, that is, a sufficient amount of fats and proteins with a reduced amount of carbohydrates, and a focus on creating an energy deficit. To calculate the diet, use the Fat Secret application or any other.

Training program for gaining muscle mass

“Wishlist” like “make a nut” or “tightened legs and athletic shoulders” is nothing more than a set of muscle mass. It sounds creepy for the layman, but the girl has little chance of turning into the Hulk. Even if you remove cardio training, and do weights in power mode, and eat protein, the result will be just an athletic toned body, and not a mass monster figure.

What to do:

  • Train in the gym every other day, not more often;
  • Review the diet - at least 3-4 g of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight, and 2 g of protein. If the gastrointestinal tract can not cope - take enzymes. But you have to eat, muscles will not grow out of thin air;
  • Approaches and repetitions may be different. If a girl cannot gain muscle in any way, working in the usual “bodybuilding” mode of 8-12 repetitions, she is shown low-repetitive strength training, in the mode of 4-6 repetitions in 5-6 sets. For everyone else - the standard 5 approaches, of which two are warm-ups.

Workouts for tone

Any health problems are a reason to see a doctor, and the presence of a curvature of the spine, injuries, pain in the joints - find a qualified trainer. Lack of sports experience is also a reason to contact a coach. A few personal training sessions will be useful if the last physical education lesson took place at school, but there is more than enough strength and enthusiasm.

Power must be ordered. You can’t just come to the gym and randomly run around the simulators, calling it “circular”.

  1. Strength training begins not with a joint warm-up, but with a light generalized cardio. We translate - from walking in a stepper, ellipse or pedaling an exercise bike. You only need to work out for 5 minutes to achieve light sweating, then move on to the joint warm-up.
  2. The joints are kneaded in the anatomical plane - that is, the elbows and knees are bent and unbent, the wrists and ankles, as well as the shoulders and hips - are gently rotated. Enough 9 flexion-extension or rotation in each joint. The head also needs to be gently rotated without throwing it up.

You need to start doing strength exercises with a warm-up weight. This is a mandatory rule - they usually start with 40-50 percent of the planned working weight, and add 5-10 kg in leg exercises, and 2.5 kg in upper exercises.

A warm-up is required not only in movements with a barbell, but also in exercises for the back, arms, and even the press. You need to start downloading it with a smaller amplitude, gradually increasing it.

It is important to rest between timer exercises, losing weight rest no more than a minute, everyone else - 90-120 seconds. If the goal of training is to develop strength, you can rest more time, according to your well-being. The program below is suitable for any purpose, it is optimal to use those working weights that a girl can lift in good technique. Remember that for most, the success of a training program will be determined not so much by what the program itself provides, but by following the rules of nutrition.

Workout 1

Exercise for the rectus abdominis

The exercise is performed from the starting position lying on the floor, the heels are 10-12 cm apart from the buttocks, the feet are literally pressed into the floor. It is necessary with an exhalation to bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones, and return to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 times. Over time, you can add weights - a dumbbell behind your head.

Long back muscles, hamstrings, buttocks

The starting position is taken face down in the hyperextension machine. The body goes down, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. With exhalation - full extension of the body, with inhalation - lowering down.

Perform 10-20 repetitions in three sets, over time, you can increase the load by picking up a pancake from the bar and removing it behind your head.

Squat classic (barbell on the back)

Works the buttocks, muscles of the thighs and the center of the body

The barbell is taken from racks located at the level of the athlete's collarbones. The bar lies just below the upper trapezius muscle bundles so that the back can remain tense. The grip on the neck is tight, the wrists do not need to be bent back. On exhalation, the barbell is removed from the racks with the help of extension in knee joints, a step is taken back and the placement of the legs to the sides. Further, the pelvis descends with an exhalation, and the knees are retracted to the sides and bent. The optimal depth of lowering the pelvis is the one at which the back is straight and there is no rounding in the lumbar region. You need to get up with an exhalation, resting on the floor with your entire foot.

If the heels come off during the squat, you need to pay attention to the width of the feet, pick up weights on the platform, and stretch the ankle joints. If the main problem is bringing the knees inward, it is worth working in a narrower stance.

Squat training begins with leg extension in the simulator, then - squat without weights, goblet squat with a projectile on the chest, work in the Smith machine, and finally the barbell. The goal of mastering this chain is to develop the mobility of the knee, ankle and hip joints, as well as to strengthen the muscles.

Back muscles work

Starting position - sitting on the bench of the simulator with the full emphasis of the feet on the floor. Then, as you exhale, begin to tighten the shoulder blades towards each other, and towards the spine, and by contracting the back muscles, bring the handle of the simulator to the chest, and then return it to its original position.

It is important not to start with "biceps", by bending the arms at the elbow.

Works the buttocks and hamstrings

You need to sit next to the bench, place the shoulder blades on it, and rest your feet on the floor. Then you should tear off the buttocks from the floor, and go to the position "the spine is parallel to the floor." At the same time, the shoulder blades should not “ride” along the bench forward. You can hold the weight with your hands. Beginners sometimes learn this movement without a barbell, and only then begin to use it. If putting the bar on your hips is not comfortable, you need to wrap it with a special lining, or use fitness mats.

An assistant delivers the barbell from the racks to avoid injury. Even if it's a 20 kg bar, you still need insurance. The movement begins with a screed of the shoulder blades and “pressing” the pelvis into the bench, then the assistant gives the barbell to straight outstretched arms, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. The barbell is lowered to the chest, to the solar plexus area, until it touches the body and the bar. The forearms are at a 45 degree angle to the body. The bar is squeezed out with one powerful movement.

After completing all repetitions, the assistant helps to return the barbell to the racks. To avoid injury to the shoulders, do not press on a “flat” back, the shoulder blades should remain pressed, and not the lower back.

This is a shoulder exercise. You need to stand up straight, slightly bend your elbows, lean forward slightly, and abduct your forearms to the sides. As soon as the forearm reaches the level of parallel with the floor, the movement stops, and the dumbbells smoothly return to their original position.

Workout 2

Core muscles

Lie down on a bench, or take an emphasis lying down, fixing your hands behind your head (you can grab any support), while exhaling, due to the effort of the abdominal muscles, bring your legs to the waist line, and slightly twist the pelvis to the lower ribs. On an inhale, lower back. The movement should not be carried out due to inertia, you should not wave your legs.

Perform 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Completely repeats what was done in the first workout.

Lunges with dumbbells in hand

Hips and buttocks

Stand up straight, feet under your shoulders, dumbbells in your hands. A step is taken back, keeping the distance between the hips, and lowering the body down due to bending at the knees. At the bottom, the thigh of the “front” leg is parallel to the floor.

You need to perform the same number of repetitions on each leg.

The body is tilted, the free hand rests on the bench, the working one is with a dumbbell on the side. By bringing the scapula to the spine, the dumbbell stretches to the belt, on exhalation. On inspiration, it goes down.

The movement begins with the work of the shoulder blade, and not with the turn of the body.

The bar is set on the floor, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders so that the hands are on the outside of the hips. The grip is strong, straight, you can use straps. The bar at the start touches the ankle, then the pelvis slightly lowers, the weight is transferred to the heels, and, resting her feet on the platform, the athlete removes the barbell from the floor without relaxing her back. Due to the extension in the hip joint, the bar rises to the level of the “trouser pockets”, and then it smoothly falls back.

You can use a straight or inclined bench. First, the screed of the shoulder blades to the spine, and lowering them to the pelvis, then lowering the arms slightly bent at the elbows to the parallel of the forearm with the floor, lowering to the sides. Then - the reduction of hands in front of the chest.

Exercise can be replaced with push-ups on the uneven bars, if there is enough strength training for this. First you need to sit on the bench, lower the buttocks below the edges, and bend at the elbows. The forearms are parallel to each other. Then push back to the starting position. Legs may be straight difficult option) or slightly bent at the knees.

Workout 3

As in the first workout, 15 repetitions in 3 sets.


As in workouts 1 and 2.

Hips, buttocks, and long back muscles

The movement is mistakenly considered a squat, in fact it is a thrust. It is necessary to take the dumbbell in straight outstretched arms, put the feet on the most comfortable wide stance, and lower the pelvis below the knees, touching the floor with the dumbbell, from this position the back is slightly angled so that the arms are straight and perpendicular to the floor. By extending the knees and hip joints, you need to fully straighten, returning the spine to a vertical position.

Back muscles work

The bar is taken from the racks, the height is at the level of the middle of the thigh. Step back and lean forward so that the angle is approximately 45 degrees. Further, the movement resembles work in all exercises on the back - the shoulder blades are pulled together to the spine, the barbell is brought to the lower abdomen, then the reverse movement.

The bar is taken from the racks on the chest, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The barbell is pressed up behind the head, and lowered to its original position.

Romanian deadlift

The movement is also called "Romanian traction". The bar is taken from the racks, as in a bent over row, but the movement itself resembles a deadlift. Due to flexion in the hip joint, the bar is lowered to a comfortable depth, and then returned back.

An effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

Turn your face to the simulator, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your leg back and return back.


A properly designed training program can achieve impressive results. Even while studying at home, girls should adhere to a special lesson plan. For beginners, the entry-level program is suitable. Basic classes are the choice of girls with fitness experience. For those who are ready for intense loads, a difficult level has been developed.

Although the beauty of the human body is considered a purely subjective concept, many women make a lot of efforts to achieve their own ideals. But no matter how much effort and time is spent on skin care procedures and debilitating diets, it will not work to change volumes and pump up muscles without physical exertion.

And here the stumbling block is a banal lack of time or financial problems that do not allow you to visit the gym, or even your own complexes associated with excess weight or individual characteristics of the figure. In such cases, training at home will be the ideal solution - a program for girls will allow you to achieve visible results without financial investment with minimal time.

If you decide to start exercising on your own, tips on how to create a home workout program for girls will come in handy. Chaotic classes, conducted without a specific scheme, will not be able to solve either the issue of a smart figure or the problem of losing weight. You will have to think through all the little things, starting with a set of exercises and the frequency of classes, ending with the number of approaches and rest time. When compiling a training program at home for girls, it is necessary to take into account sports training, training goals and the presence of excess weight.

So, women who want to lose weight will have to focus on cardio. And for girls who have good physical fitness, to increase the load, use weights and more strength training, and the number of approaches for each exercise.

Beginner Program

If there is no sports experience, you should not rush headlong into exhausting workouts. To achieve ideal proportions and a toned body with the help of unbearable loads will not work.

Any muscles require rest - it is during this period that they not only relax, but also grow. And untrained muscle tissues under the influence of loads come into hypertonicity much faster, which requires a longer rest.

Therefore, the home workout program for girls who have not been involved in fitness before provides for no more than three strength training sessions per week with one day rest intervals between them. Total time each workout will not exceed 40 minutes. During this period, it is necessary to complete three sets, trying to repeat each exercise as many times as possible, but not exceeding 20. Between each round we take a break of 90 seconds.

Exercises of the 1st workout

Classic squats. We perform regular squats, moving the buttocks back so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Lunges from a standing position. Take a big step forward and bend your knee. In the meantime, we touch the knee of the second limb of the floor. Alternate legs when performing lunges.

Rises on socks. Feet rest on the floor. Slowly rise to your toes and lower yourself back.

Straight twists. From a prone position, raise the upper body as you exhale. The distance between the chin and chest should not be less than a clenched fist.

Push ups. Kneeling, we lean on our palms, and on each exhalation we bend our elbows, I try to keep my back straight without lifting my buttocks up.

Exercises of the 2nd workout

Direct lunges.

Reverse push-ups. We rest with the brushes on the support, and with the heels on the rug. The whole body should be stretched into a string. Bending and moving the elbows to the side, we lower the body to the floor. While inhaling, we straighten our arms.

Mahi back. Kneeling with the emphasis of the hands on the floor, as you exhale, we take the straight leg sharply back and slightly up. Alternate swings with both legs.

Reverse crunches. Lying on the floor, we rest our feet on the floor, bending our knees. As you exhale, pull your knees into your chest.

Plie squats. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, spreading our feet to the sides. We lower the buttocks to the floor, bending the legs at the knees.

3rd Workout Exercises

Classic squat with calf raise.

Chair push-ups. We perform ordinary push-ups, resting our palms on any elevated support.

Reverse lunges. From a standing position, take a wide step back and lower your knee to the floor. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

complex twisting. We lay down on the floor. On each exhalation, lift the torso and bent knees simultaneously up.

Rolls from socks to heels.

A basic level of

When the exercises for beginners are performed with ease, you can safely move on to the next level. How long it will take for this will depend on the characteristics of the body, and on personal diligence.

In fact, by this time, classes had become regular, and the body got used to the volume of loads. Therefore, you will have to add new exercises to the program, also use weighting agents. You can use ordinary dumbbells, but if they are not available, regular bottles filled with water will do.

At this stage, the number of workouts does not change, the frequency of repetitions and approaches also remain the same. We start new exercises with weights with 10 repetitions in each approach.

First complex

Squats with dumbbells. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the torso. Performing classic squats, raise the dumbbells forward.

Arm curl. Exercises can be performed both sitting and standing. Holding the dumbbells in our hands, we turn the brushes so that the dumbbells are directed forward. Alternately bending the arms at the elbows, pulling the hand to the shoulder.

Reverse push-ups.

Hand spread. We lay down on our backs. Raises straight arms with dumbbells up. As you exhale, spread them apart, touching the floor. While inhaling, we bring the limbs in front of us.

Oblique twists. We take a position lying on our back. We start the arms bent at the elbows behind the head, and bend the legs at the knees, lifting them so that the shins are parallel to the floor. We bring the elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. We alternate the sides of twisting.

Second complex

Push ups. We complicate the previous push-ups, focusing not on the knees, but on the socks. We try to keep our hands at shoulder level during push-ups. The narrower they are located, the greater the load will be.

Retraction of dumbbells behind the back. Raise both hands above your head, holding dumbbells in them. Alternately bend them at the elbows, winding the dumbbells behind the back. This exercise helps to tighten the chest.

Lunges with dumbbells. In the starting position, we hold our arms with weights along the torso. Performing a lunge with your foot, we part them to the sides.

Flexion of the arm. You will need a support on which you can rest your knee and hand. It can be the edge of a sofa or bed. We lower the second hand with a dumbbell down. As you exhale, bend your elbow, pulling the load to your chest.

Hand touching socks. Lying on a gymnastic rug, we try to reach the toe of the opposite leg with our outstretched hand. We constantly alternate sides. We try to do the exercise at an increased pace.

Third complex

Plie squat with dumbbells. Performing a deep squat with legs spread apart, raise the upper limbs with the load up through the sides.

Side lunges. In the starting position, the legs are wider than the width of the shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are located in front of the body below. Bend one leg at the knee, doing a squat to one side. At the same time, we raise our hands in front of the body. After returning to the starting position, we lunge to the other side.

Hand raises. In a standing position, raise one arm with a dumbbell above your head. The second at this time is located along the body. With each breath, we change their location. Exercise must be done by tensing the muscles and at a fairly fast pace.

Bicycle exercise. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees, tearing them off the floor. We alternately straighten and bend our legs, as if we are pedaling.

Back kicks. We get on all fours. We first draw one leg to the chest, and then straighten it sharply, taking it back and up. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Professional level

You can start intensive training only after you have fully mastered the previous exercises, which you can perform in full. Usually, the transition to complex training should be done no earlier than after 4-5 months of regular training.

The program is supplemented with new activities. In addition, the number of classes increases to 4 per week. It is recommended to repeat each action at least 20 times, in each of 3-4 sets.

Lesson 1

Slow squats with weights. We perform the classic squat, but at a slow pace, lingering for a few seconds at the bottom point. When performing a squat, we raise the limbs with the load in front of us. Follow the squat technique.

Hand spread. Sitting on a chair, we lower our hands with bottles down. On each exhalation, we spread them to the sides, raising the weight to shoulder level.

Bulgarian lunges. We step back from the chair one step forward. We rest the toe of one foot on the seat of the chair. We bend the knee, lowering the buttocks to the floor. At the same time, we spread our arms to the sides.

Twisting push-up. From the emphasis on straight arms and socks, we perform a classic push-up. Having risen to the upper position, through the side we raise our hand up, twisting the body. On the next ascent, we turn the body in the opposite direction.

Double lunges. Standing straight, take a step forward with your foot. Bend your knees so that one touches the floor. We return to the standing position, and take a step back with the same foot. Bend your knees again until the working limb touches the floor. Having worked one side, we move on to the second.

Lesson 2

Deadlift squat. After completing the classic squat, we lean forward, reaching the upper limbs with a load to the floor.

Reverse push-ups. The emphasis during push-ups at this level is made from the litter.

Putting hands behind the head. We take both dumbbells in closed hands and raise them above our heads. Let's put them on the back.

double twist.

Side lunges with swings. Take a step to the right and do a deep squat. We return to the standing position, and take the same leg to the side. Keep your balance.

Twisting with slopes. We hold closed hands with dumbbells in front of the chest. On the exhale, we turn in one direction behind the hands. Returning to the starting position, we tilt to the opposite leg. On the next exhale, turn to the other side.

Lesson 3

Belt pull. We bend down, lowering our hands to the floor. On each exhalation, we pull the weighting agent to the belt.

Back Squats. We turn our backs to the chair. We rest our palms on the seat. We lower the buttocks down, bending the arms at the elbows. At the bottom point, we linger for a few seconds.

Oblique twists.

Hand spread. We lay down on the bench with our backs. We hold hands with dumbbells, lifting up. We breed them to the sides, trying to lower them just below the level of the bench.

Bulgarian lunges with lifting the load to the sides.

Lesson 4

Slow squats. Performing a classic squat, we do not bend our legs to the end and do not straighten them. The pace should be so slow that one repetition takes about 30 seconds. The signal for the end of the repetitions will be a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

Alternating forward and reverse twists.

Triple push-ups. With each of the three push-ups, we reduce the distance between the brushes.

Belt pull from a position with emphasis on the knee and elbow.

Lunges and swings to the side. Take a wide step with your foot to the left. Bend the knee and lower the buttocks to the floor. Returning to the standing position, we take the same leg to the left. Perform a lunge and swing to the other side.

Be sure to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads, for which start each session with a warm-up.

At the end, give the muscles the opportunity to stretch, for which do several stretching exercises for the main group of muscle tissues that are most involved during the current workout.

At any level, strength training should be supplemented with cardio loads. It can be jumping, running, jumping rope or on simulators. Cardio classes can be alternated with the main ones and performed on the days of recovery after power loads.

Do not forget that even the most well-designed sports program does not exclude the requirements for nutrition and drinking regimen.

Most key moment is regularity. After taking a short break, you have to start all over again.