The first child is a boy how to conceive a second girl. How to give birth to a girl: scientific and folk methods

Many parents are absolutely sure that they got a girl because they followed a certain diet, made love in certain positions, etc. However, official medicine does not recognize these theories and methods.

If you dream of a daughter more than anything else, then what is stopping you from at least trying? After all, when it comes to a dream, all means are good!

Stick to the lunar calendar

This popular gender predictive calendar was created by a Chinese scientist. For 700 years, the calendar was in the royal tomb, until archaeologists discovered it during excavations. With the help of this calendar, you can determine the sex of the child, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception.

The calendar has 99% accuracy. (I have to admit that he correctly predicted my son's gender.) This calendar is very easy to find on the Internet. You just need to find out the months in which, at your age, it is more likely to conceive a girl and get down to business. Please note that when a favorable month for conceiving a girl has just begun or is coming to an end, you should not take risks, in the first and last days better to be protected. Such precautions are due to the fact that spermatozoa continue to live in the woman’s body for several days, and therefore conception may not occur in the month in which you planned to conceive.

stick special diet

Many parents and experts believe that if you start this diet a few days before conception, you can increase the chance of conceiving girls. It is believed that this diet changes the acidic environment in your body, which affects the sex of your child.

According to this theory, you need to eat as many acidic foods as possible: grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc. It is believed that the acidic environment adversely affects the sperm of the "boys", so the sperm of the "girls" increase the chance of fertilizing the egg first. Supporters of this theory also believe that it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium, but low in salt and potassium.

Take the right posture

Proponents of this theory believe that certain positions should be used during the conception of a girl. Many scientists agree that shallow penetration during intercourse increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl. This is explained by the fact that the most acidic environment is at the entrance to the vagina, and the farther away, the less acidic it is. Thus, the less deeply your partner penetrates, the more "boy" spermatozoa will be injured by the acidic environment, and therefore, there is a high chance that the "girl" spermatozoa will reach the egg first. Simply put, for those who really want to conceive a girl, it is better to use the "missionary" position. But if it bores you, you can safely experiment, not forgetting that the penetration should be shallow.

Choose the right time

It is believed that the spermatozoa of "girls" move more slowly than "boys", but the life span of spermatozoa of "girls" is much longer than that of "boys".

And what does this mean, you ask? Everything is very simple! You should have sex every day for 2-4 days, this period should be scheduled no later than 2 days before the start of ovulation. Once you are 2 days away from ovulation, you should stop having unprotected sex for at least 4-5 days. Thus, you give the opportunity to slow sperm “girls” to be the first to fertilize an egg ready for this during ovulation, since all the spermatozoa “boys” are likely to die by the time of ovulation. Some women feel when they should ovulate, but to reduce the risk of error, we recommend that you purchase special ovulation tests from a pharmacy.

Warm up your senses

Another theory claims that "female" sperm are more resistant to heat. Therefore, according to this concept, your partner should take a warm bath before intercourse in order to increase the chance of conceiving a girl. But here it is dangerous to overdo it, with too much overheating, the sperm can lose its fertilizing properties for several days. A complete renewal of sperm in a man's body occurs every two months.

Don't have an orgasm

Another theory claims that the female orgasm plays an important role in determining the sex of the unborn child. The fact is that when a woman experiences an orgasm, her body produces a substance that increases the level of alkali in the body. A high level of alkali is favorable for the conception of a boy. Therefore, if you want to conceive a girl, then it is better for a woman not to experience an orgasm during intercourse.

Slow down the pace

Many mothers who have both daughters and sons agree that a long sexual intercourse with a romantic foreplay is needed to conceive a girl. This theory has no scientific evidence, but can't popular rumor be more convincing?

Spend a tidy sum

If you want to be 100% sure of the result, then there is one very expensive, but effective way- artificial insemination. Scientists have made incredible progress in predicting gender. To do this, the egg and sperm must meet in the laboratory, and not inside your body, then the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. Since this procedure is not only expensive, but also a very complex medical manipulation, which puts a serious burden on female body, and also has serious risks, this method is used when there are no other ways for a couple to get pregnant.

We wish you that your children are welcome and healthy!

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There are situations when the problem of the gender of the baby is particularly acute, for example, 4 boys are already growing in the family, and a mother planning another pregnancy is trying by all means to find out how to conceive a girl by ovulation, can this be done with a diet, in a special position or something else. What should you know about it?

The gender of the unborn baby is a question that has tormented parents of all generations and in all ages. Although in our time with the help of ultrasound, a married couple knows the answer long before the birth and can prepare accordingly, some parents-to-be still remain intrigued until the baby is born.

By by and large, it is not necessary to plan the sex of the child - nature will give you the best and most beloved baby. Does it matter if it's a boy or a girl? In any case, with the birth of a baby, a feeling of absolute love will come.

However, there are situations in which doctors strongly recommend thinking about the gender of the baby and approach planning very responsibly. The thing is that some genetic diseases are transmitted to the next generations through the male line, and then you really need to try to get pregnant with a girl. From father to son or from grandfather to grandson:

  • hemophilia and other disorders of the blood system;
  • alopecia;
  • schizophrenia;
  • color blindness;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • Martin-Bell syndrome or dementia.

Important! Gene-linked diseases are not treatable.

Human germ cells contain half of the complete set of chromosomes, i.e. one germ cell is a carrier of either X or Y chromosomes. It is the Y chromosome that most often carries a mutagen, so the birth of a girl is simply necessary for many couples.

Unproven ways and methods for conceiving a girl

It seems simple to calculate everything theoretically and plan the necessary conception, but in practice everything is not at all like that. How can one be sure during natural fertilization that the right sperm carrying the X chromosome will reach the egg first? But no way! Moreover, this sperm not only needs to be the first to reach the desired goal, but also the first to break through all its protective shells. And that complicates things even more. And how to calculate the right moment using a monthly calculator if, for example, a woman’s cycle is irregular?

Reproductive scientists and geneticists do not give up and are looking for methods to help couples who want to conceive a baby of a certain gender, but nevertheless, it cannot yet be argued that among the many methods there is at least one fully proven method.

This also applies to the Erickson method, based on the filtration of seminal fluid. The essence of the method is the passage of sperm through an albumin solution, during which the cells containing the Y chromosome are separated from those carrying the X chromosome. Then comes the IVF procedure. The medical literature indicates that the method is effective in 70-80% of cases, but it's still not 100 or even 90.

Planning to conceive a girl the day before ovulation

For example, lymphocytes circulate from several weeks to several months, erythrocytes are replaced after 2-3 months, platelets live no more than 10 days, monocytes in the circulating blood are only 15-20 hours, and granulocytes are even less - no more than 8 hours. All this is proved by the fact that the blood is constantly being renewed, which means that there is no scientific confirmation of its “age”.

In this case, the statement that couples with the same group affiliation and Rhesus are more likely to have girls sounds more plausible.

What does the lunar calendar say

Let's talk about orgasm

In some sources, you can find information that if a woman does not experience an orgasm during intercourse, then it will be very difficult to get pregnant. Now I wonder - what was the author thinking? It is not in vain that the term “simulation of orgasm” was coined, since not all women are able to experience it with every intercourse, especially if it, for some reason, was short-lived.

Women are much more complicated than men, and in order to feel everything at the proper level, preparation, a prelude, is required.

Any, we emphasize, any penetration of male germ cells into the female vagina can cause pregnancy, in some cases a simple lubricant is enough, which is released from the male urethra and carries a small amount of spermatozoa.

Therefore, we conclude that for the onset of pregnancy, an orgasm is almost always needed, but a male one!

100% guarantee

The only method that will allow you to be 100 percent sure that it was a girl who was able to conceive is the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis used for IVF, but only for those spouses who have a family history of genetically determined pathologies and chromosomal aberrations.

3 days after in vitro fertilization, zygote biopsy is performed to select embryos ready for transfer to the uterus, while obtaining complete genetic information. Those. even before the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, the doctor receives information about whether the embryo carries the XX-set or XY-set, and selects the necessary one.

Do postures affect the gender of the baby?

In addition to diets, calendars and other complex calculations, it is widely believed among the inhabitants that the position in which the partners were during sex also plays a big role in determining the sex of the child. This is most likely due to the theory of different speeds of movement of spermatozoa carrying an X or Y chromosome. The most suitable positions for conceiving a girl are missionary, the “spoon” position, as well as not very deep penetration in positions when a woman is on top or lying on her stomach.

Such recommendations can be found innumerable and it is not a fact that they will not contradict each other. You need to understand that for the purpose of successful fertilization, you can try all the poses from the Kama Sutra overnight, but if there was no ovulation, all attempts will be unsuccessful.

One and only one required condition for conception - the meeting of the egg and sperm, and when, how and in what position it will happen is quite difficult to predict.

The opinion of evidence-based medicine

If it were possible to predict, with the exception of IVF, which way the fertilization process would go, then each couple would freely choose to become the parents of a boy or a girl. Unfortunately, this is not so.

Absolutely all of the above calculation methods do not give an exact guarantee that the presence of the Y chromosome will not be decisive.

The laying of the internal organs at the earliest stages of embryogenesis is the same, and it is impossible to detect a difference during the first 9-12 weeks. The egg always carries the mother's genetic material, i.e. obligatory X chromosome. It all depends on the male sex cells. If during the process of fertilization the egg cell has merged with the spermatozoon with the incorporated Y-chromosome, then starting from the 9th week of intrauterine development, sex differentiation occurs. But with an ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine the sex of the baby not earlier than 11-12 weeks, when the first signs of the external genital organs are visualized.

But even here, future parents can expect a catch. The accuracy of determining the sex of a child by ultrasound up to 16 weeks is only 80%, while when conducting an examination at 20 weeks, this figure rises to 98%.


In exceptional cases, the exact determination of the sex of the unborn baby can be a solution to many problems, but predicting the development of events is not as easy as it seems. However, any couple has the right to choose the most appropriate, in its opinion, the method of calculation for the conception of a boy or girl.

You just need to understand that in nature everything is relative and she loves to give us surprises. The birth of a child is in any case happiness and parents will absolutely and infinitely love him, regardless of whether their expectations were confirmed or not.

The male

Men have a special internal organ - the testicles, where sperm is produced and stored. The testicles are in special scrotal sacs (scrotum) that maintain the temperature of the testicles at the same level, which is necessary for the production of sperm. This temperature is somewhat lower than normal temperature body (36.6 C).

Testosterone- This is a male hormone that is also produced in the testicles, it is involved in the production of sperm and its accumulation. During sexual intercourse, a man releases about 3.5 g of semen, which contains approximately 300,000 spermatozoa.


A man produces two types of sperm:

  • spermatozoa - X;
  • spermatozoa Y.

During conception, one sperm connects with the egg and determines the sex of the child (a girl, if a sperm connects to an egg - X, and a boy, if a sperm connects to an egg - Y). These different types of spermatozoa have different properties.

Spermatozoa - X distinguished by an oval head, lower speed of movement, longer life, greater strength. A smaller amount in comparison with spermatozoa - Y.

Spermatozoa - Y differ in a round head, higher speed of movement, shorter life expectancy, greater fragility, a large number in comparison with spermatozoa - X.


Women have two ovaries and a uterus. The egg grows in one of the ovaries under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Once a month, the egg is released from the ovary (this process is called ovulation), after which it moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.

If a connection with a spermatozoon has occurred (conception), then the egg begins to divide, thus creating a new organism, which is called a zygote. This is how an amazing phenomenon begins - the development of your future baby. Note also that when a woman experiences an orgasm, her body releases a liquid that has an alkaline reaction. This can contribute to the connection with the egg of the spermatozoa - Y, if the release of this fluid occurs before ejaculation.


In the body of a woman, only one type of egg is released - the egg - X. Sometimes several eggs are released, and if each of them is fertilized by a sperm, the birth of twins or even triplets is possible. In such cases, each fertilized egg is the beginning of a related organism of a brother or sister with individual characteristics. It also happens that an already fertilized egg divides. By creating an exact copy of the first organism, which leads to the birth of identical twins.


The monthly cycle in women is very important for determining the period of ovulation. Usually it is 28 days, but its duration can sometimes go astray and decrease or increase even in the same woman.

Under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, the uterus expands to create favorable conditions for the possible fertilization of the egg. If fertilization does not occur during the cycle, the lining of the walls of the uterus exfoliates and comes out in the menstrual flow. Let's note the main thing:

  • the first day is usually the most abundant in bleeding;
  • bleeding usually lasts about five days;
  • The 14th day is usually the day of ovulation if the cycle is 28 days, but this can vary.

To be absolutely sure, a woman needs to measure and plot her basal body temperature for two months. The best time to do this is in the morning, before you even get out of bed. As a rule, ovulation corresponds to the day in the chart when the woman's body temperature gradually drops, and then rises sharply by about 0.5 C.

Some women feel pain when the egg is released and hormones are released in large quantities. A special device for accurately measuring the peak of hormone release into the blood during ovulation can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.

There can only be three players in this game:

  • ovum - X;
  • sperm - X;
  • spermatozoon Y.

The result has two possible options:

  • egg - X is fertilized by sperm - X, which gives XX (conceiving a girl);
  • egg - X is fertilized by sperm - Y, which gives XY (the conception of a boy).

How to conceive a boy

You want sperm - Y to be present in large numbers and make their way to the egg faster and easier. To do this, you will first need to calculate the time of ovulation and stop sexual activity for a while. For the accumulation of spermatozoa. You will read about the influence of alkaline douching and a special diet below.

To increase the chance of conceiving a boy:

  • Avoid intercourse for 3-4 days before your calculated ovulation date. This will help increase the sperm count;
  • give up hot baths and insulated underwear for a man at least a week before conception;
  • remember that conception should only happen once during ovulation, it is recommended to use a condom for the next few days;
  • remember that ideally a woman should reach orgasm before a man;
  • enjoy a longer foreplay for maximum sperm output;
  • choose a position when a man enters a woman from behind ("dog-like");
  • remember that during an orgasm, a man must enter a woman as deeply as possible;
  • a man should drink a cup of coffee or a glass of caffeinated soda two hours before conception, which will help increase the sperm count;
  • keep in mind that after intercourse, the duration of sperm fixation is 20 minutes if the woman lies calmly;
  • try to avoid the use of artificial lubricants.

How to conceive a girl

In this case, you want spermatozoa - X to be much more. Calculate the time of ovulation. Since the lifespan of sperm is X longer, you need to conceive 3 days before ovulation. This means that mainly spermatozoa will survive - X and they will also fertilize the egg in 3 days. About the effect of acid douching and a special diet, you will learn a little later.

ovulation chart

1.Use a special thermometer, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, to measure your basal body temperature body. Get a special form for marking daily readings.

2. Take your temperature at the same time every morning before you get out of bed. Keep this record for two months.

3.V.O. - the time of ovulation occurs when a slight decrease in temperature precedes its sudden increase (by 0.5-1 C).

4.Usually, ovulation will occur 14 days before the start of a new cycle. For example, the cycle is 28 days, ovulation takes place on the 14th day of the cycle (28 - 14 = 14); if the cycle is 34 days, then ovulation occurs on the 20th day (34 - 14 = 20).

It should also be noted that during ovulation there is an increased secretion of vaginal lubrication.

Warning Readers

The compiler of this article does not assume any responsibility for complications that are directly or indirectly related to the use of the tips given above. Due to the fact that the compiler simplified many things for ease of understanding, an ambiguous interpretation of what was said is possible. The compiler does not give professional medical advice, but only advises - decide to accept or not accept advice, follow what you read about or not follow, only you can directly.

If you are not able to get pregnant at all, then you should not do anything that can lower your sperm count, as this will reduce your ability to conceive a child. The sperm count may be temporarily reduced if you are trying to conceive a girl.

If your monthly cycle is relatively unstable, there may be some difficulty in following the advice for conceiving a girl given here, as ovulation may occur a little earlier than you expected.

In any case, you should consult about everything that is described by your gynecologist, general practitioner or obstetrician.

Men and women prefer to plan their future. The gender of a newborn baby is no exception. Couples are finding new ways to pre-plan the gender of the unborn child. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will learn how the conception of a girl occurs. The article will tell you about popular methods for planning the sex of the unborn baby. You can also find out what the table of conception of a girl looks like. The photo will be presented to your attention.

Conception: boy or girl

Currently, couples are striving to find out the gender of their unborn child as early as possible. The most accurate way is ultrasound diagnostics. Such a study allows not only to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born to you, but can also identify possible defects at the earliest stage of development.

A few decades ago, humanity did not have such an opportunity. Women and men had to wait for the birth of a child to find out its gender. Needless to say, this is very inconvenient. After all, the future mother and father want to prepare everything in advance and purchase the necessary things for the baby.

The conception of a girl or a boy can be calculated in several ways. Doctors say that you should not trust them one hundred percent. Most of them are created for entertainment, and not for the purpose of accurate diagnosis. Newly minted parents also note that some calculation methods really turn out to be quite accurate. Consider the most popular methods to conceive a girl.

Calculation of the day of ovulation

the conception of a girl can occur when sexual contact was made a few days before the expected ovulation. This method has a scientific explanation and can become quite effective. However, much in this case depends on the state of fertility of a man and a woman. Let's find out how it works.

You can calculate the conception of a girl in the following way. Male sperm can live in a woman's body for up to seven days. In this case, cells that carry the X chromosome (female) can exist for a longer time. However, they move much slower than their counterparts. Gametes with a Y chromosome (male cells) are faster and more agile. However, their life activity lasts less time. From this we can conclude that the conception of a girl will occur if sexual contact with ejaculation takes place several days before the expected release of the cell from the ovary.

Using the experience of the Chinese

There is a so-called conception calendar. A boy or a girl will be born to you - it depends directly on the age of the mother and the month of fertilization. The ancient Chinese table works in the following way.

Calculate the age of the mother at the time of the planned conception. After that, look at the table and find the corresponding column in it. Draw a horizontal line from it to the right and determine the months in which the conception of a female child will occur. It is during these periods that unprotected sexual intercourse should occur. It is worth noting that this method has mostly positive reviews. However, controversial situations arise in those cases when the next birthday of the expectant mother comes.

Application of Japanese knowledge

You can also calculate the conception of a girl according to the Japanese table. At first sight this method may seem very complicated. However, after a detailed study of the calculation technology, you can easily calculate the necessary information.

To determine the gender of the unborn baby, you need to know the months of birth of the future parents. In the first table, find the corresponding columns and draw an intersection between them. After that, remember the number that is in the received compartment. Go to the second part of the table. It consists of graphics. Here you need to find the resulting figure and conduct an analysis. By the number of X signs, you can determine the probability of the birth of one or another gender of the baby in a certain month.

Blood Calculation Method

The calendar for the conception of a girl can be compiled by renewing the blood. To carry out the calculation, you need to know the age of the mother and father at the time of the planned conception. Remember that if a person had a lot of blood loss, surgery or childbirth, then you need to count from that day.

Women's blood is renewed once every three years. In men, this process occurs less frequently - once every 4 years. Divide the age of the woman by 3, and the age of the man, respectively, by 4. Determine the remainder. Whose figure is greater, that blood is considered strong. Accordingly, a boy or a girl will be born. In order to conceive a female child, the blood of the future mother must be newer.


You now know how to use the girl conception calendar described above. Many couples choose to use an appropriate diet before having sexual intercourse. The use of a large number of certain products can contribute to the conception of a baby of the desired gender.

So, if you want to give birth to a girl, then you need to follow the following recommendations. Eat a large amount of dairy products: cheese, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk. Give preference to vegetables such as eggplant, carrots, beets, peas, peppers. Eat more nuts. Eliminate coffee and cocoa-containing drinks from your diet. Drink plenty of fluids. Water can be plain or carbonated, mineral or sweet. Try to do without salt, black pepper and spices. Eat a variety of greens. This diet should be followed for about two months. After that, food can be reduced to normal and enjoy your favorite foods.

in vitro fertilization

Another way to calculate the sex of a child is artificial insemination. It should be noted that this method is quite expensive. It is rarely performed without evidence. In most cases, this service is provided to those couples in whose family there are congenital diseases. So, if the pathology is transmitted through the male line and in most cases turns out to be incompatible with life, then doctors offer just such a method of conception.

During the procedure, female reproductive cells (eggs) are removed and combined with spermatozoa under special conditions. After that, they are grown and diagnosed for several days. Only future female embryos are selected. They sit down in the reproductive organ of the expectant mother.

Online tables and programs

Currently, future parents are given the opportunity to calculate favorable days for conceiving a girl using special programs and tables. It should be noted that this method is rather doubtful. In most cases, it simply doesn't work. However, some couples still use it.

To obtain more accurate data and more information, it is worth using several calculation methods at once. In this case, there is a higher probability that you can still give birth to a female baby.

Summing up or conclusion

Now you know what a girl's conception calendar is. All of the above methods will help you calculate the gender of the unborn baby. Remember not to blindly trust them. Otherwise, you may be very disappointed in the future. Doctors say that it is impossible to accurately plan the birth of a male or female baby. No calendar for conception of a girl will give you a 100% result. There is only one (medical) way to calculate the sex of a child. Good luck with your results!

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the question of what are the methods of influencing the sex of the unborn child. Almost all of them are based on prejudices and superstitions. But there are also interesting studies, and, in addition, statistical information, to which one should not turn a blind eye. So we will not decisively declare that the sex of the child cannot be planned.

It has been statistically established that boys are more often born at the first birth and less at subsequent births. The younger the future parents, the more likely the birth of a boy and vice versa. In people with gout, the offspring are dominated by girls; there are more boys in the offspring of bald representatives of the stronger sex.

In addition, it was found that children of the same age are more of the same sex. If the interval between births is approximately 3 years, then children of different sexes mainly appear. If you get pregnant shortly after an abortion, you are more likely to have a girl.

Male and female chromosomes

Many dream about how to conceive a girl. Girls are beautiful, gentle and obedient. As a rule, they are closer to their father and mother than boys.

It has been established that the egg cell in a woman contains only one species - X (X). And spermatozoa are divided into 2 types: X and Y (x and y).

So, the sperm reaches the egg and determines the sex of the child: XX (egg and sperm) are combined - a girl is born, XY is combined - a boy is born.

It seems that nothing will change. But it is possible to influence spermatozoa. Let's analyze the methods of how to conceive a girl in more detail.

Features of spermatozoa

Determines the conception of a girl: X-sperm. There are fewer of them in sperm, they move more slowly, but the duration of existence and strength are greater.

Determines the conception of a boy: Y-sperm. They are more mobile, there are more of them, but less life expectancy and strength.

So you want to get pregnant with a girl. In order for the X-sperm to reach the egg directly, provide all the necessary conditions.

We focus on the quality of spermatozoa:

  • you need to reduce the amount of sperm;
  • change the microflora of the vagina;
  • the time up to ovulation should be the maximum allowable for conception (in order for the Y-spermatozoa to be killed, and the X to reach the egg in a timely manner).

It is important to know how to get pregnant with a girl. If a girl has a normal monthly cycle of 28 days, then ovulation usually begins on day 14.

In order to understand how to conceive a girl by ovulation , you need to use the method of measuring basal temperature. The rule in 2 words: a few days before ovulation, the temperature decreases, then there is a jump (0.5 degrees) - this period will become the day of ovulation. In order to understand when the ovulation period will be, make a plan by measuring the temperature for several months.

Measurement of basal temperature

If you don't know how to conceive a girl, an ovulation calendar will surely help.

  1. Have unprotected sex a few days before and before ovulation. Spermatozoa - boys will not survive until ovulation.
  2. During the period of ovulation and the next day, protect yourself or finish having sex; abstain even 2 days after ovulation. Otherwise, the X chromosomes will overtake the Y chromosomes.
  3. It is advisable to beware of orgasm for the fairer sex, since during the period of orgasm a substance appears that kills X-spermatozoa. Limit affection and excitement.
  4. Earlier it was said that the acid sphere increases the possibility of how to become pregnant with a girl. To this end, you need to perform vinegar washing right before sex: dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of boiled water.

Dishes must be disinfected. Apply the solution immediately, no later than 2 hours after preparation.

There is another way, but not scientifically confirmed. It is believed that in order to conceive a girl, what you need to eat food products with a high content of magnesium and calcium: cheeses, curds, milk, nuts, cereals.

For a way to get pregnant with a girl, the table will come in handy. You need to know the month of the birth of a man and a woman, and the intersection will set the number of the couple.

Couple birth month table

The possibility of the birth of a child of a certain gender is higher if there are as many x's as possible. Your goal is to find in which month to conceive a girl. For example, a girl was born in January, a representative of the stronger sex - in May. Their couple number is 5. So, the possibility of when to get pregnant so that a girl is born , high in May.

There is another method when it is better to conceive a girl - this is a special conception calendar.

Everything is elementary: the girl finds her year (vertically) and the month for conception (horizontal). If the intersection indicates M, a boy will be born, if D, it indicates the month when a girl can be conceived. Use the table for conception.

Monthly girl conception calendar

Conception of a girl by blood

It is well known that people's blood is renewed. For a girl, this happens once every 4 years, for the representatives of the stronger sex, once every 3 years. It works like this: which of the spouses during the conception period has younger blood, he will establish the gender of the child (mother-girl, father-boy).

Now consider the method of how to conceive a girl for blood renewal. We divide the mother's age by 4 (do not forget, every 4 years the blood is new). To the remaining part, we add the number of all months from the day the mother was born to the period of conception. Sample: mothers 24, divided by 4, it turns out 6.5. Remaining part 5. The mother was born, let's say, in November, and the conception happened in March. November to March is 5 months long. 5 (remainder) + 5 (number of months from the month of birth to the month of conception) = 10. Don't forget this is the age of the mother's blood.

We calculate the father's age in the same way. Sample: father 25. Divide by 3 (new blood), we get 8.3. The rest of the 3. The month of birth-August. From August to March (the period of conception) 8 months. We add 8 to the rest, we get 11.

Bottom line: the age of the mother is 10, the father is 11. So, if the mother's blood is younger, you can get pregnant with a girl.

In what position to conceive a girl

A woman's orgasm is not required here. This is explained by the fact that the chromosomes of the "girl" live longer. However, they move much more slowly than Y-spermatozoa, for this reason, on a relatively long road, the possibility of fertilizing an egg is much greater directly on the X chromosomes. A more effective period to conceive a girl the first time is 2-3 days before ovulation. At the same time, it is not recommended to have sex during the period of ovulation and within 2 days after.

Optimal placement of the spouses involves the posture of the least penetration. The best poses for this:

  • missionary position;
  • "the spoon";
  • the husband is upstairs, and the wife is downstairs with her back to him.

Other ways to conceive a girl

The well-known method of doctor Shettles involves using different methods to determine which days to conceive a girl. The task is to establish the period of maturation of the egg, namely, to plan a sexual relationship in 2-3 days.

Also, in addition to all of the above, a man who thinks how to get pregnant with a girl quickly needs to: stop smoking and drinking alcohol a few months before conception, walk more, lead a dynamic lifestyle, eat well. This guarantees healthy children.

Video: How to determine the sex of the unborn child, 98% accuracy

Folk ways of conceiving a girl

  • have sex only during the day;
  • you need to have sexual intercourse on even days of the month;
  • the girl is obliged to be the initiator of the sexual act.

Conception of twin girls

The chances of how to conceive twin girls increase if you switch to planning at the same time as canceling the method of oral contraception. This is due to the fact that sometimes at such moments the ovaries produce more than one egg in 1 cycle. Finally, it should be noted that the previously written recommendations to how to get pregnant with twin girls do not provide guarantees. For this reason, do not be sad if the ultrasound shows that you need to wait for a child of the wrong sex. How to conceive twins, the video is presented below.

Video: How to conceive twins

How to conceive a boy?

Do you prefer the blue tone and love the cars scattered around the house? Then you thought about the question of how to conceive a boy.

Experts have determined that the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm in the egg. At fertilization, the embryo inherits the genes of both the father and the mother. At the same time, the “culprit” of the sex of the child appears directly as a representative of the stronger sex, in which the composition of Y (boys) and X-spermatozoa (girls) is approximately the same in sperm. Despite the approximately equal chances of having children of one sex or the other, long-term statistics show that, as a rule, there are slightly more boys than girls (106 to 100).

Most doctors say that they can not influence the sex of the child in any way. However, there are a number of folk methods that increase the possibility of how to accurately conceive a boy.

  • Shettles method.

The Shettles method is based on the concept of having a boy by ovulation. X and Y spermatozoa move along the reproductive routes at different speeds and reside there for different periods of time. "Boys" sperm quickly overcome the path to the egg, but live less. For this reason, to conceive a boy by ovulation, calculate 12 hours before or during ovulation and have sex. Great importance has and posture in sex. For this purpose, the position from behind with the greatest penetration is recommended.

Ovulation calculation

  • Special Diet.

There is a judgment that it takes to conceive a boy to observe special diet several months before birth. According to the laws of this diet, focused on changing the pH balance in the body, it is supposed to give preference to salty foods, reddish meat, testicles, zucchini, mushrooms, corn, bread and fish. Milk products are not recommended. Recently, researchers have established when it is best to conceive a boy - keeping one level of glucose in the blood (constant meals).

  • Chinese moon calendar.

The Chinese moon calendar is a special table made by Chinese healers more than 700 years ago, and then found in one of the tombs of the emperor of China. The method is associated with the age of the mother and the month of conception. Rather, you just have to cope with the table and the boy will be. In fact, there is no confirmation of the correctness of this table. But it’s still worth a try, because how to conceive a boy is guaranteed, so far no medicine in the world has answered with confidence.

  • Pick the right time.

Since the “boys” spermatozoa are the most energetic, you should not have sex for a number of days before ovulation, but enter into a sexual relationship right before it. What days to conceive a boy will special ovulation tests help you.

  • Pick a pose.

The best position in which to conceive a boy is considered to be that , which can guarantee a more complete penetration. This is necessary due to the fact that spermatozoa with the male gene (Y-chromosome) are very exposed to the external environment and live a little. For this reason, in order for fertilization to occur, the path to the egg must be reduced as much as possible. We emphasize that the chromosomes "boys" do not tolerate high temperatures. This means that when preparing for conception, it is not recommended for a man to overheat (go to saunas, baths).

What else do they do to conceive a boy? It is also important that a woman experience orgasm together with her husband or a little earlier, since during the period of orgasm a special liquid comes out that increases the existence of spermatozoa that directly contain the chromosomes of "boys". It is well known that the possibility of conceiving a boy increases on the eve (12-24 hours).

Poses for conceiving a boy

  • doggy style;
  • "general";
  • missionary position (if there is a pillow under the woman).

in vitro fertilization

This is a highly reliable and expensive method to acquire a boy. In order to extract the desired sex from the sperm, XX (girls) and XY spermatozoa (boys) are separated separately using a laser or special substances. After selecting the right pair, the egg is fertilized with IVF support (in vitro). This method is sometimes dangerous and will require significant expenses.

Scientific method of conceiving a child

Of the most scientific and reliable ways there are methods for extracting semen fractions with a large entry of X and Y spermatozoa. With the help of a laser, spermatozoa are separated into X and Y. Such spermatozoa are used in IVF. Depending on what gender is needed, the egg is fertilized. The proportion of luck is modified by gender: 91% - girls, 75% - boys. So, at the present time there is a possibility of “ordering” genetics. Although, in this case, you will have to conceive with the help of doctors and today's reproductive technologies.

Conception of a child by biorhythms

There is also a way to calculate the sex of the child according to biorhythms. Special combinations of mother's and father's biorhythms, in which a child is conceived, are revealed. Understanding these combinations, it is possible to create a personal calendar for this married couple, in which month to conceive a boy. The biorhythmic method does not negate other methods in any way, since all movements in the body are performed cyclically and obey these or other biorhythms.

It must be remembered that the methods listed above, for example, whether it is possible to become pregnant with a girl, will not provide you with guarantees. And most of these methods are more fiction than truth. Therefore, do not be upset if a child of the wrong sex is born, because a healthy child is already a great joy.

Video: How to conceive a girl and a boy?