Homosexuality is a disease or not. Homosexuality is dangerous to health

I don't think it is right to oppress those who are different, and of course I will never take the side of those who oppress "not like everyone else." In many ways, I myself do not consider myself to be like everyone else. But I am against all kinds of extremes, when with the protection of these very different ones they go too far, and already, thereby, they oppress "like everyone else." I believe that on the basis of banal reproduction, people have piled up a whole bunch of nonsense (gender, orientation) and now all this nonsense is causing various conflicts in society. All this, in my opinion, is destructive (the presence of all these genders and orientations), and it does not bring anything good to society. All these "from birth I feel like a different sex" - isn't this nonsense? Is it logical at all? How can you feel like someone from birth, not yet knowing anything about this reality? And yes, maybe I'm not as mature as you, not as erudite and not as good at presenting my thoughts, but I really don't understand why not start fighting for the rights of necrophiles. They are sitting in their dark apartments, they dream of how they will spend time with corpses, but they cannot do this openly, because they are afraid of condemnation of the society. They are oppressed! They can't go and dig a fresh grave for themselves, they can't marry corpses, start a corpse-family .. And who do they interfere with? They don't harm anyone. Shouldn't they be protected? I think it's time to organize necrophilia parades and protests, and then start accusing other states of oppressing necrophiliacs around the world until necrophilia is removed from the list of deviations ..


Gender dysphoria is a well-known condition that is recognized even in Iran. It consists in a violation of the perception of oneself and, apparently, is related to other similar disorders, such as anorexia, when a person believes that he is fat, or a body integrity disorder, when a person believes that he should not have a limb. Do you really think that in 100+ years of observation it has not been verified that this state is not a simulation? There are even studies showing epigenetic and genetic dependencies in the manifestation of this condition.

The difference between necrophilia and homosexuality is that the first is about sex, and the second is about life. And the first violates someone's rights when a necrophile uses the corpse of someone's relative, and homosexuality - never, because this is the relationship of two adult capable living people. You need to stop thinking that you are in any way original in your arguments, all of which have long been refuted.


As for necrophiles, you may be right, I went too far here, but in fact this is a departure from the topic. Initially, in my answer, it was about the norm, and what can be considered it. I do not at all deny the existence of various mental disorders associated with sex, but the fact of the matter is that these are disorders that should be classified as disorders (and not the norm). You (and those like you) are here declaring that there are no norms as such in general (as I understand it, from your words) and that in order to be considered normal, it is enough just not to harm others and yourself. In that case, how to call really strange behavior people (not rational, not logical, unnatural) but at the same time not harming anyone? Why should this be considered the norm along with natural and rational behavior? I have already said that love / commitment / desire for intimacy - all these concepts would hardly exist if it were not for sexual reproduction, because only sexual reproduction requires such a level of intimacy between people. This closeness implies such a high level of mutual trust (love / falling in love). That is, love, as a feeling, is closely related to sexual desire. What is the role of sexual desire in nature? Again - reproduction (or am I wrong?). A person is excited by the qualities inherent in the opposite sex already purely evolutionary. If a person is excited by something else (it doesn't matter what, whether it be at least corpses, inanimate objects, members of the same sex, or the devil knows what else) - this is already a violation. This is a disease and a deviation from the norm. And attention - I am AGAINST aggression towards the mentally ill. There are people with different ailments, and I believe that the sick are worthy of compassion. But what is happening in the world now is an attempt to call the disease the norm, black - white. An attempt to impose it on society. Imagine a situation where people suddenly start doing something completely wild and strange, but you can’t say to them - “Hey, you know, walking on your hands is pretty weird.. are you okay?”. And as soon as you declare such a thing, you will immediately be accused of some kind of "hand-walking phobia". From my point of view, something similar is happening to the world right now...


Ok, once again, for the especially dull

  1. There are two concepts of norm. Statistical norm and ethical norm. Those who violate ethical standards should be condemned, harassed, and deprived of their rights. Homosexuals are obviously not a statistical norm and obviously an ethical norm - they should not be harassed, violated in their rights and condemned. To oppress those who do not violate ethical norms, but only get out of the statistical norms is immoral shameful barbarism and those who do this violate ethical norms.
  2. Reproduction is not the meaning of human life, therefore, those who, for any reason, do not reproduce, cannot be considered violators of ethical standards.
  3. Homosexuals can and do reproduce if they are not interfered with.
  4. Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a medical fact.
  5. Gender dysphoria is a disease, it's a medical fact. But transgenderness, which is not accompanied by gender dysphoria, is not, and this is also a medical fact.
  6. What is happening now is an attempt to impose on society that people should not be oppressed because they are different from you. It is necessary to impose this if we do not want to live in a society of immoral savages.

How many people - so many opinions. However, by by and large, each opinion on the evaluation of something will be either positive or negative.

Interview as many people as you like about their attitude towards homosexuality, and as a result it will turn out that someone considers this phenomenon to be quite normal, provided for by nature, and for someone it is a deliberate perversion that must be fought.

Those who stand on the side of that part of men who prefer representatives of their own sex in sexual relations have various arguments, up to the point that similar relations are observed among animals, which indicates the naturalness of the natural process, and there is nothing in this. out of the ordinary.

On this occasion, not just an average person will share his opinion, but specialist in psychiatry which will answer a number of questions.

- To understand any issue, it makes sense to distinguish between scientifically proven data and someone's fantasies. The opinion of a simple layman, compared with the objective results of dispassionate scientific research, can be compared with seeing the world through a keyhole. The same applies to the coverage of the issue in the media, where they try in every possible way to feel sympathy for representatives of sexual minorities offended either by God or by people.

If we turn to same-sex sexual relations between males of some communities, then it is very difficult to draw a parallel. The fact is that same-sex relationships in animals are a special ritual that allows you to determine “who is in charge here” and demonstrate this to an opponent. In fact, no sexual intercourse occurs, it is just an imitation, which scientists call sociosexualism. Specific body movements, reminiscent of the performance of a sexual intercourse, are nothing more than an imitation, for the simple reason that same-sex animals are not capable of performing a true sexual intercourse, due to their physiology and anatomy.

There is another circumstance that can push animals to act against the laws of nature - these are harsh living conditions when they are forced to live in captivity for a long time, for example, in a cage, males with males. This is what applies to adults, usually primates.

When something like this happens between young animals, mostly dogs, it is the result of instincts suddenly kicking in when puberty is starting to happen, and what to do with these is still unclear.

Adult dogs may allow this behavior solely due to the long absence of the female.

However, any primate who is forced to enter into homosexual relationships, be that as it may, understands his destiny for procreation much better than homosexuals do.

Charles Sokarides, an American sexologist and author of the book Homosexuality and Freedom Went Too Far, writes that homosexuality is a purely human prerogative, because animals are only capable of ostentatious imitation movements, and any far-fetched motivation is the extension of human psychodynamics to the animal, which, in itself, can lead to the wrong path.

Trying to figure out where homosexuality comes from, one cannot rely on genetic research, the study of the structure of the brain, or the study of the Drosophila fly and even representatives of lower primates, because only humans have a motivation that plays a major role in creating their own model of sexual behavior and choosing a sexual partner .

In animals below the level of development of chimpanzees, sexual desire occurs at the level of a reflex. As the brain develops, automatism disappears during sexual intercourse.

At the chimpanzee level, three purely instinctive mechanisms remained:

  • erection,
  • pelvic ejection and
  • orgasm.

The same mechanisms are laid in the sexual behavior of a man, and the brain is included in the work.

Thus, homosexuality is not the norm, but a clear deviation from it, which is practically absent in nature.

Only among people this can get along, because the human psyche is too complex, multifaceted and unpredictable. So, . Animals live in accordance with the natural instincts established for them and are not susceptible to various perversions.

Maybe homosexuality is the feature with which a person initially comes into this world?

In scientific circles, disputes about this do not subside. As for the homosexuals themselves, the theory of biological processes uncontrolled by consciousness, which provoked their non-traditional sexual addictions, suits them perfectly. That's just scientists have not been able to bring a scientific basis for any of the proposed biological theories that would confirm the origin of homosexuality.

The arsenal of such theories is quite large: both genetic, and hormonal, and endocrine, and associated with organic brain damage, and many others.

It is worth noting that the research conducted by scientists aimed at the scientific substantiation of biological patterns in order to prove the natural origin of homosexuality turned out to be unconvincing and unfounded. Some of them did not have a serious approach and lost in the fight against opponents.

The authors of a number of theories really hoped to obtain evidence of the natural origin of homosexuality. The surging "sexual revolution" in this case gave homosexuals the opportunity to hide their immoral behavior, and still act as unfortunate "victims of nature", knocking out certain rights and additional privileges for themselves.

The author of one of their numerous studies in the early 1990s was the American Simon LeVay, a neuroscientist and a homosexual in one person. His experiments were aimed at studying the brains of homosexual men who died of AIDS. He identified an area at the base of the brain, which turned out to be 3 times smaller in the deceased homosexuals than in heterosexuals, but exactly the same size as in women. However, the bulk of scientists at that time was concentrated on AIDS itself, and there was no one to challenge the results of the experiments of a homosexual scientist.

Some time later, the neurophysiologist and psychiatrist W. Bine asserted with full confidence that the relationship between the structure of the brain and genetic characteristics, on the one hand, and sexual orientation, on the other, has nothing to do with the causality of these phenomena. When conducting genetic studies, it is not realistic to determine where the influence of biological characteristics is, and where the influence of the external environment, therefore, experiments on the heritability of psychological traits turn out to be inconclusive. Research by neuroscientists is based on highly controversial conclusions about the differences between the male and female brains. The proposed biological mechanisms that claim to explain homosexuality cannot be reconciled to explain, for example, lesbianism.

The classic of psychology on homosexuality C. Sokarides completely rejects the existence of an innate predisposition to homosexuality, linking this phenomenon with the influence of external factors.

In a word, no matter how it was today, no one has been able to prove an innate predisposition to homosexuality.

- The above explanations are too specific for a simple layman, but how can this be conveyed in a more accessible way?

- The fact that biology has nothing to do with homosexuality can be explained in a simple way. Since the emergence of man as a biological species, no special changes have occurred in his genetic, hormonal, constitutional, endocrine, neuroendocrine systems. At all times there were some intrauterine disorders or organic lesions of the brain.

If we turn to history and see how the number of homosexuals correlates with different periods of human development, then we can easily exclude the biological factor. During their formation, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome had no idea about such a phenomenon as homosexuality. But by the time of the collapse of these empires, homosexuality is gaining unprecedented popularity. In the Middle Ages, Europe had already got rid of this vice, and during the Renaissance, a new surge of homosexuality began.

Until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, homosexuality in Russia was carefully disguised and quietly present among revolutionaries and liberals. And after the revolution, it began to flourish.

Until the 1930s, revolutionaries, a huge number of whom belonged to this group of sexual minorities, lifted the ban on same-sex relationships that had been established in tsarist times. After a strict ban on homosexuality, introduced in the mid-30s, it has regained popularity in our days.

Agree, if the roots of homosexuality had a biological origin, then the number of adherents of same-sex sexual relations would be constant, regardless of the political or historical situation, spirituality or territorial affiliation.

Or maybe homosexuality is a new, higher level of human evolutionary development?

- According to the principles of evolutionary development within a species, individuals with certain deviations are rejected already in the first generation, which is confirmed by statistics. Thus, homosexuality is a hopeless direction both in terms of morality and in terms of the development of the family. Namely, from the point of view of evolution, nature simply will not allow such behavior.

It is striking that homosexuals, piously believing in the naturalness of their orientation, and its natural origin, readily descend to the level of development of animals and even worms, just to justify their choice.

“There is nothing amazing about that. Justification for a person is a natural phenomenon, unlike homosexuality. Those who choose animals as role models should think about the fact that animals do something else that is not quite suitable even for the mainstream of homosexuals, for example, relieve their needs anywhere, live on the street, go naked.

Many scientists classify homosexuality as a mental illness. How true is this point of view?

- This point of view appeared 150 years ago and was considered the main one among physicians around the world. However, the representatives of homosexuality themselves always refused to classify themselves as mentally ill. Disputes and misunderstandings on this part began to turn into mass protests.

As a result, since 1992, by decision of the World Health Organization, homosexuality has ceased to qualify as a mental disorder. Since that time, there is no such psychiatric diagnosis anywhere in the world. And the example was set in 1973 by the United States. After numerous gatherings of rampant homosexuals staged a series of protests, and as a result of an organized political campaign, the American Psychiatric Association was forced to exclude homosexuality from the "Handbook of Diagnostics and Statistics", homosexuality began to be considered the norm. Although no one has ever had any scientific evidence that would serve as a valid argument for changing the medical point of view regarding homosexuality.

However, anyone with common sense understands that homosexuality is not only an aberration, but also a sin. And if someone has an unnatural attraction, then the reason lies in the problem with the body or soul, or both. True, there are not very many who want to get rid of their vice. They do not consider themselves sick, trying in every possible way to classify the rest of society as outcasts.

Be that as it may, but almost 2/3 of American psychiatrists still classify homosexuality as a mental illness.

So understand how to treat homosexuality as a disease that officially does not exist or an alternative way of life.

The problem is that those rare people who are ready to give up homosexuality as a disease cannot count on a full-fledged treatment. Nevertheless, there are cases when people got rid of vice and created classical families.

If we consider that homosexual relationships are built consciously on the mutual consent of adult men, while both parties enjoy these relationships, then what, after all, is wrong with this?

- Let's make an analogy with a saucepan. After all, everyone intuitively understands that the pan was invented as a kitchen utensil in order to cook food in it. You can, of course, come up with another function for it, for example, put it on instead of a motorcycle helmet or use it natural needs. But this is not its main function.

The same goes for the reproductive system. Its main purpose is to realize the possibility of procreation, and getting pleasure is just a concomitant factor, and certainly it is not given to a person for perverted pleasures. Homosexuals have turned what is laid down by nature into an inferior, from the standpoint of biology, mechanism.

Paradoxically, on the one hand, homosexuals do not consider themselves sick people, and if we talk about homosexuality as a disease, they classify it as incurable. Like would like to be cured, but it's unrealistic. That's just for some reason, with any illness, people run to the doctor for help, and are ready to do anything for the sake of recovery, and for some reason there are no gays among those suffering to be cured.

Homosexuals not only do not want to get rid of their vicious passion, but they do not consider it a deviation from the norm, referring themselves to the category of unusual, special, inimitable.

Are there other versions of the appearance of homosexuality besides the biological one?

- There are many options. They differ from biological theory in that they suggest that some event that occurred during life served as the origin of homosexuality. This is the so-called “acquired homosexuality”, the appearance of which can be affected by problems in the family where the child was raised, deviations in sexual education, negative sexual experience, and more. Negative influence environment.

The most dangerous thing is that intensified propaganda of homosexuality, as a norm of life and freedom of choice, has joined and dominates all the negative factors, which leads to a catastrophic growth of representatives of sexual minorities.

As proof of the non-biological origin of homosexuality, one can recall Borya Moiseev, who told how a mother who expected to give birth to a girl treated her son from childhood as if she were a daughter, putting dresses on him and tying bows.

Is it not possible to independently influence the distortions in education or overcome it with the help of a psychologist?

If a person claims that he became a homosexual because of the costs of education, then by this he voluntarily agrees with the status of a morally deformed person, and what is the point of flaunting his inferiority, instead of bashfully keeping silent about this fact.

The analogy between homosexuals and cancer cells is very revealing. Both of them are the result of wrong development. In one case, the development of society, in the other - the organism. Cancer cells destroy the entire body. Homosexuals are comparable to cancer cells in that they also create groups. The tumor cannot be in single cells, because it will be detected by the immune system and neutralized. So cancer cells cluster and mislead defense mechanisms organism. Developing, the tumor cells located on top take such dimensions that they begin to crush the lower ones, turning them into a rotting mass that poisons the entire body. One to one, like homosexuality.

How ruthless...

“Unfortunately, that's the way it is. It is normal to sympathize with the disease, but one cannot sympathize with the desire to spread the infection to others.

Has it ever happened that people who are naturally sick, deaf and dumb, or blind, or, for example, diabetics or hypertensive patients, went to street processions of many thousands?

Homosexuals, thus, challenge society by proudly declaring themselves. Not only is the entire first channel and show a business dominated by gay people, they would like to go even bigger.

Is there any information confirming the impact of propaganda on the growth of homosexuality?

- The whole trouble is that the majority of people do not realize how harmful such an impact is.

The media are presenting same-sex marriage to society as the latest fashion and role model, thereby doing their dirty work. The number of adherents of non-traditional orientation is growing by leaps and bounds.

In his book with the eloquent title "The Decline of Humanity", Sergei Valtsev writes that homosexuals shamelessly spread their infection to the people around them, and especially children. In Los Angeles, an organization has been formed that encourages people to start having sex at the age of eight, otherwise it might be too late. This community seeks to legalize sex between adults and children. Another association in North America advocates for the legal right of adults and adolescents to have sexual intercourse, calling such an act "sex between generations." In their view, pedophiles are good-natured uncles from whom there is no harm, and all the negativity comes not from sex, but from the wrong attitude towards such relationships of parents.

In Holland, homosexual parliamentarians have legalized sex between an adult and a twelve-year-old teenager, if he himself does not mind. Is it really difficult for an adult to think of how to seduce a child?

It would be naive to assume that the "blue mafia" will remain content with the achieved scale of influence. They do not stop introducing their worldview into society, especially with an emphasis on young children and young people.

Homosexual films are gaining recognition, all kinds of trinkets intended for non-traditional sexual contacts are available in the pharmacy, the shops are littered with thematic literature, and none of this causes shock to society anymore ...

“The media has done a lot of work on this. Homosexuality began to be perceived liberally by society, which allowed young people to freely join the ranks of the "blue". And it is pointless to fight this infection with the help of conventional medicines, because spiritual means are needed here.

There are examples when people overcame homosexual addiction, however, they were bisexual. Treatment was based on repentance. After all, homosexuality is a passion, which is a disease of the soul.

What is your attitude towards famous personalities belonging to a cohort of homosexuals: Elton John, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, the same Borya Moiseev?

- Homosexuality has never been welcomed in Russia. These were the last people who were humiliated in every possible way, did not shake hands when greeting, disdained to communicate, emphasizing their dismissive attitude.

Today, homosexuals are strenuously trying to attribute themselves to a bohemian society, exalting their merits in the development of culture. They are trying to put themselves on the same level as Tchaikovsky, obviously believing that his talent is directly dependent on non-traditional sexual orientation.

Only they do not take into account that Tchaikovsky did not flaunt his belonging to a sexual minority, unlike our contemporaries. And he is rather an exception in the detachment of outstanding composers, whom it makes no sense to set as an example at all. By the way, Tchaikovsky was still prone to pedophilia, but this does not mean that the punishment for such a crime should be abolished.

By the way, there are many schizophrenics, alcoholics, hooligans among celebrities, which does not give grounds to take an example from them.

How do you think our modern society perceives homosexuals?

- There are already so many homosexuals in our society, and they so often manifest themselves in different spheres of life, that the people have come to terms with their existence, perceiving this as not the most pleasant phenomenon, but not the worst that can be. Unfortunately, their numbers are growing, although they are not able to reproduce. Because they live in greenhouse conditions. An indifferent and calm attitude towards all this brethren is brought up in people. Organized marches of gays are aimed at ensuring that this phenomenon develops into the category of everyday life, and the ranks of the "gay" are steadily replenished. Alone, homosexuals are not comfortable, they are afraid of getting kicks on unnaturally fidgety parts of the body, so they prefer to huddle together in order to get lost among the same if something happens. It becomes more difficult to deal with them. When too many of them divorce, they can make a coup and homosexuality will be the norm, and the traditional orientation - a perversion.

Everything was simple in the old days. If the head of the family found out that the son had changed his sexual orientation, then he was written off as a flawed creature, from which there was no use. Then they lived in a community, everyone knew each other, and the community needed boys, from whom the successors of the family, the defenders, grew up. No one messed around with gays and did not put up with their addictions. Even the Gospel says that if a tree does not bear fruit, then it is cut down and burned.

Are there any prerequisites for the fact that homosexuals will be able to take a dominant position in our society? After all, it cannot be that under some circumstances a sexual minority suddenly turns into a majority, it's just a disaster for everyone.

- If we suddenly had three hands or six fingers, and there were more than half of such people, then everything would be perceived as the norm. As long as there are relatively few homosexuals, this is a deviation that can also turn into the norm.

At present, it is unacceptable to have a lot of indifference and tacit consent in recognizing homosexuality as the norm. But, in addition to the fact that homosexuality was deleted from the list of mental disorders, the article for sodomy was also eliminated. When there was such an article, "gays" were persecuted and punished according to the law, like criminals. They were forced to somehow restrain their passions, living in traditional families, and they managed to keep "uncontrollable natural deviations" under control. What's stopping you from doing it now?

They received freedom and the right to choose sexual partners from among their own kind. Once upon a time, Gorbachev eliminated the article on sodomy for a reason. With one easy move, he got 6% of the votes from this part of the population in support of perestroika. The Bolsheviks followed the same path.

Why is it that homosexuality is gaining such popularity these days? Can the fashion for liberal ideas that has spread to us from the West be the cause of this phenomenon?

- The way it is. It is under the guise of liberalism that sexual minorities feel confident. Talking about freedom and democracy, defending their rights, they hope to get an unlimited opportunity for debauchery. Thanks to false calmness and universal consent, a new subculture has appeared in the world, which brazenly and openly promotes its ideas with the help of special means mass media, and creates equipped places for their gatherings.

More than 40 years ago, under the guise of liberalism, homosexuality was recognized as the norm. The "blue ones" called for venting their feelings so as not to betray themselves and not cause illness. This was their main idea. Thus, one can come to the conclusion that by satisfying one's needs for pleasure, all perversions will be recognized as the norm, and the concept of immorality will cease to exist.

Are there any steps being taken at the state level to eradicate this phenomenon?

“No significant action is taking place. Sodomy is being openly popularized, and is gradually moving from a socially possible to a very desirable one for an ever-growing number of our compatriots.

Homosexuality is promoted like drugs, according to the principle "everything in life must be tried." But for some reason, it never occurs to anyone to try AIDS. And homosexuality, like any drug, is first tried, and then unable to refuse.

Young people agree to participate in an unnatural action, not realizing that they get used to and turn into slaves, dependent on passion. No one is born homosexual, as, indeed, an alcoholic, drug addict or someone else. They are brought to such a state by debauchery and spinelessness, or simply by a lack of desire to live in harmony with nature. A person loses himself if he begins to indulge his passion, he simply disappears. And our humane society turns a blind eye to this idiocy, because everyone is tolerant, thereby whipping up permissiveness.

Why do today's schools demonstrate complacency, and do not teach teenagers that homosexuality is a vice, a passion that does not allow a person to be normal and complete. After all, it is not in vain that such people come into confrontation with religion.

Why are schoolchildren not taught how to act in order to protect themselves and friends from a spreading infection. After all, they fight against any epidemic. Why are they trying to ignore this disease? But the very real prospect of someone being left without grandchildren or even losing their child, because suicide among homosexuals occurs seven times more often.

Society seems to have fallen into hibernation and does not notice or does not want to notice anything. Indulgence is a clear evil.

What is the purpose of gay pride parades? To draw attention to yourself or to get even more rights?

- The main task of gay parades is to accustom society to the existence of homosexuality, so that it is perceived as an absolutely normal phenomenon.

The media are on the side of these unfortunate outcasts kicked by society, and they are perplexed why everyone can arrange manifestations, and these destitute are oppressed in every possible way. Thus, the topic constantly hangs among those discussed and it will not be a big surprise if such a parade moves along the streets of our cities.

But again the question is: why don't miners, livestock breeders or someone else try to arrange a parade. And the venue is not the Salaryevsky landfill that is optimal for these purposes, but Red Square or Tverskaya Street.

It is noteworthy that homosexuals, challenging society, call their event nothing more than a parade, which implies a solemn procession of winners. These freaks are not satisfied with a rally, or a picket, only a parade!

"Freaks" is not too rude?

- If a person is in his own bedroom, no one will bother to peep at him. At home, do whatever comes into your mind, but in such a way that no one sees. But when all this perversion is exposed to the public, arranging gay parades that have political overtones, then the used epithet just corresponds to reality.

Homosexual propaganda is a political aspect. Therefore, speaking out against homosexuality, we say "no" to a political offensive directed against people of a certain gender, nationality, religion, political beliefs.

In principle, if homosexuals manipulate their gay, lead to political struggle, then their name is "freaks". The norm is the majority. A normal person has specific social functions. A man must be able to produce offspring, this is his biological duty.

Of course, there are objective diseases, there are people who renounce family ties and serve as monks, but this is a completely different topic.

Homosexuals are a dead end for procreation.

The most disgusting thing is that they brag about their inferiority, demonstrating to everyone their spiritual ugliness. If for some reason a couple cannot conceive a child, everything possible is taken to find a way out of this situation. For a normal man, the inability to procreate is a tragedy, a deep psychological drama. And for the "blue" is the norm.

The epithet "single" is no longer applicable to an unmarried person, but to a homosexual. It is exactly like a blank cartridge, it shoots into white light, the result is zero.

Can a peacefully moving crowd that does not violate any laws turn out to be dangerous for our society?

- Any promotion of homosexuality is harmful to society. Moral categories among the population are always lower where there are more homosexuals. After all, the "blue" moral code is not needed. Ethical norms will not allow leading a dissolute lifestyle, limiting freedom for non-traditional sexual relations. Homosexuality is a destructive factor for any country.

How are the definitions of morality corrected in America now? From now on, a freak who seduces and rapes young children cannot be recognized as a pedophile if he does not feel guilty about it. The same applies to all other sexual perversions.

A society can lose its moral foundations if homosexuality flourishes there. For this reason, a powerful state is forced to defend itself against them. In Stalin's times, the "blue" were among the first to suffer. And today, in order to preserve the health of society, this moral epidemic must be fought.

The time will come when homosexuals will start persecuting heterosexuals. Discrimination exists even now, although it is not made public everywhere. If the leader is gay, then it is simply not realistic for a person with a traditional sexual orientation to work in such an organization. Their own clans are created, where only homosexuals enter.

Society, out of the goodness of their hearts, recognizes their right to be so. But no one wants to think that it won't be long before your son is banned from being straight.

Homosexuality is promoted in every possible way on television. There is not a single hard publication about this in the press. And if harsh statements suddenly leak out, then a wave of indignation immediately rises among those whose rights have been infringed.

On June 11, 2013, the State Duma of Russia adopted a law banning propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors. First of all, homosexuality is meant by these non-traditional sexual relations: the text of the document at the stage of the first reading explicitly spoke of “propaganda of homosexuality” and “a distorted idea of ​​the social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional relationships.” Lenta.ru, without touching, tried to figure out what science has said about the nature of same-sex relationships at different times and why, from the point of view of psychiatry, homosexuality has ceased to be a disease and has become a variant of the norm.

Before civilization

How homosexuality was treated in the most ancient cultures, scientists can only guess. From the tribes that lived during the Neolithic, there are almost no cultural artifacts left that could be used to judge sexual morality, much less the perception of homosexuality. To find out how people in the prehistoric period could relate to various aspects of their sexuality, anthropologists can only turn to the tribes that have preserved the ancient way of life to this day.

According to the observations of anthropologists, homosexual games between children are widespread among the Australian Aranda tribes, as well as sexual contacts between adults and adolescents who have shown signs of puberty. African Aka and Ngangu tribes, on the other hand, are practically unknown to homosexuality - there were no such words in their language thirty years ago. Anthropologists who have studied their sexual culture and traditions have noted (the results are presented in African Studies monograph) that in both communities exclusively heterosexual contacts are accepted, moreover, aimed at procreation.

However, the main conclusion from the works of anthropologists of the XIX-XX centuries: homosexuality was found everywhere or almost everywhere.

From paganism to monotheism

There is a lot of evidence that in Ancient Greece male homosexual relationships were the norm. Here, for example, is a quote from Plato's "Feast":

In the same place, in Ancient Greece, the term "pederasty" (παιδεραστία) arose, describing homosexual relations between adults and adolescents. Anthropologists in the 20th century showed that this was not unique phenomenon, but Greek pederasty has much more influenced the culture of Europe than the Aranda or the inhabitants of New Guinea. The first evidence of pederasty dates back to the seventh century BC, and in the fifth century it became a tradition, as archaeological evidence indicates. Approved, accepted among free citizens and, as far as can be judged from the surviving sources, affecting adolescents from 12 to 18 years old.

Thus, in those states where it is considered reprehensible to surrender to worshipers, this opinion has been established due to the depravity of those who adhere to it, that is, self-serving rulers and faint-hearted subjects; and in those where it is simply recognized as beautiful, this order comes from the inertness of those who started it. Our customs are much better, although, as I said, they are not so easy to understand.(translated by S.K. Apta)

In ancient Rome, same-sex contacts between men could be condemned where it contradicted accepted ideas about the male role: and there was nothing reprehensible in the desire for sex with another man as long as it was a penetrating position. So, Nero (died in 68) married a 16-year-old castrated youth.

In the third century AD, however, the situation began to change. In the 240s, homosexual prostitution was banned, in 293 the division into Western and Eastern empires took place, in 305 homosexuals were expelled from the church community by the decision of the Elvira Cathedral, in 314 at the Ancyra Cathedral they were equated with cattle-keepers and excommunicated for twenty years, in 342 same-sex marriages are banned. By 395, the Western Roman Empire was already largely destroyed - having finally introduced the death penalty for homosexual relations in 390.

At the end of the 7th century, castration appeared in the list of punishments: the sixteenth Council of Toledo in 693 not only introduced a special tax for Jews, but also decided to punish homosexuals with castration, a hundred lashes, shaving their heads and exile with excommunication from the church. Until modern times, the laws remained just as harsh: in France of the 13th century, homosexuals (and this applied to both gays and lesbians) were threatened with burning at the stake, and in 1432 in Florence even a special body was established to investigate cases of sodomy.

The frescoes discovered during the excavations of Pompeii were not shown to the public for a long time. The city died in 79 AD during a volcanic eruption, and its walls were preserved under a thick layer of ash.

In 1532, the Holy Roman Empire adopted another law punishing homosexual contacts with the death penalty. In 1533, a similar document was signed by Henry VIII of England, and in 1543 the law extended to Wales. The vast majority of cases of anti-homosexual laws apply to men, but women are sometimes punished: for example, in 1655, lesbians were outlawed in Connecticut, a British colony and future US state.

Word to the doctors

Until the 17th century, there was no need to talk about the scientific or medical perception of homosexuality. Medicine did not deal with such problems, but scientific method not yet formed, so all fundamental issues were resolved within the framework of religion and philosophy. But with the beginning of the New Age, the time came for great discoveries: at that time, microscopes appeared, the experimental method entered practice, natural patterns began to be described in the language of mathematics, and new technologies slowly but surely increased labor productivity and living standards. In addition, even in the Renaissance, interest in ancient culture arose, and navigation opened other cultures to Europeans.

Fragment of a Greek bowl from the Louvre collection. Yes, this is pederasty, the connection of a young man (on the right) with a teenager (on the left). Interfemoral intercourse, as the artifact description says. In modern Russian, the word "pederasty" has become an abusive synonym for male homosexuality, but this is historically incorrect.

Under the influence of humanistic ideas, at the end of the 18th century, some of the most cruel laws aimed at combating homosexuality were canceled or replaced with softer ones. Revolutionary France was one of the first to abolish punishment, then Prussia (1794) and the Netherlands (1811). In 1830, homosexuals were no longer persecuted in Brazil (in 1832, the Russian Empire adopted the “Punishment Code”, paragraph 995 of which provides for the deprivation of all rights and exile to Siberia for up to five years for voluntary sex between men). All changes are accepted so far without taking into account medical and scientific data, but science and medicine have already begun to actively deal with issues of sexuality.

The Swiss physician Samuel Tissot (1728 - 1797) wrote a medical treatise in 1760 that did not directly address homosexuality, but had a significant impact on the views of doctors: Onanism. This book, which went through 63 reprints, argued that the waste of semen leads to disruption of the nervous system, and for a century and a half, many physicians perceived sex as a potentially dangerous occupation. Moreover, if “Onanism” was written with reference to an anonymous source and today would not stand up to any criticism, then Tissot’s other works have gained well-deserved fame: for example, “A Treatise on Epilepsy” is considered one of the first serious studies of this disease.

More than a century later, in 1886, another physician, the Austrian and German psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing, published The Psychopathology of Sexuality, a book that became the first scientific work on sexology, and a work based on completely different premises than Tissot's work. If Tissot relied heavily on an anonymous pamphlet printed before his birth in London, then Kraft-Ebing uses material from observations of patients at the clinic of the University of Graz in Austria. He systematizes many cases of atypical sexual behavior, including homosexuality.

Kraft-Ebing, who already had historical data, did not consider homosexuality to be a moral vice. He saw in her a disease, and one that was difficult to treat, but not the most severe:

In Russia, homosexuality was no exception either. In the Middle Ages, church punishment for homosexual contact was less severe than in Western Europe, and ranged from one to seven years of penance instead of burning at the stake. There is a mention of same-sex relationships in The Tale of Boris and Gleb. In "Domostroy" homosexuality is condemned, but even to a lesser extent than drunkenness; the prevalence of same-sex relationships among men is noted by the abbots of the monasteries, and foreign travelers (for example, Yuri Krizhanich) note rampant sodomy, unprecedented in Europe at that time.

“I am generally of the opinion that persons with a perverted sexual sensation are by no means the worst representatives of the degenerative types. And as far as I could study the offspring of homosexuals, it did not at all represent particularly severe manifestations of a neuropathic constitution and hereditary aggravation.(text can be found in the library of the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

Before that, the doctor pointed out that he considers the conventional wisdom about the dangers of treating homosexuals to be wrong (they say that then they will have offspring and pass on the disease further; at that time, eugenics was very popular, and many wrote about “improving the human race”). According to Kraft-Ebing, in a society where marriages are not forbidden either between drunkards or between "hereditary degenerates", people with a "perverse sexual sensation" should not be deprived of medical care.

Some time later, in 1901, another study came out: the British physician Havelock Alice collected in Sexual Inversion a number of cases of homosexual men who, apart from their sexual orientation, did not differ in anything from heterosexual people of the same age and social status.

Alice's work was met with hostility and banned from publication in the UK for obscenity (where Kraft-Ebing's work was called "publishing dirty and disgusting material in the face of a gullible society"). But there has been a radical shift in the thinking of scientists and doctors: psychiatrists are increasingly discussing the role of sexuality in general, and the work of Sigmund Freud is the most famous example.

Freud, who, like Krafft-Ebing, began working in clinics, developed the theory that sexuality plays a central role in the human psyche. Freud not only made previously taboo phenomena and mental processes the subject of study, but also developed the concept in which all people are born without clear sexual preferences. According to Freud, all people are originally bisexual, and homosexuality is the result of a failure in the process of sexual development. Moreover, it is important to emphasize that Freud also pays attention to female homosexuality, which for a long time remained virtually out of sight of both doctors and philosophers.

In a letter to the mother of one of his patients in 1933, he writes that homosexuality is neither a gift nor a curse; moreover, it cannot be classified as a disease. This, as Freud believed, is a consequence of a delay in sexual development, an atypical and not ideal condition, but still not a disease. The father of psychoanalysis recognized the possibility of changing sexual orientation only with a number of reservations: in his opinion, changing homosexuality to heterosexuality is possible only in exceptional cases.

The works of Kraft-Ebing, Havelock, Freud and a number of other researchers caused not only discussion in a professional environment. Their consequence was also the fact that organizations in support of homosexuals began to operate in Europe.

One of the most significant such organizations was the German Scientific and Humanitarian Committee. He was engaged not only in collecting signatures for petitions to abolish paragraph 175 of the criminal code (on the prosecution of men who had sexual contact), but also research work. Since 1919, the committee has collaborated with the Institute of Sexual Sciences, a private research organization: in 1933, both the institute and the committee were destroyed by the Nazis. In March 1933, the administrator of the Institute, Kurt Hiller, went to the concentration camp, and on May 6, the building was attacked by the German Student Union. The library was pulled out and burned. These events were in a series of those that again brought the problem out of the medical-scientific plane.

If for Christians it was not a disease, and for Krafft-Ebing it was not a sin, then the National Socialists proclaimed homosexuality as vicious behavior, which at the same time has a biological nature. Thus, the persecution and even physical extermination of gays for the first time received not a religious, but a pseudo-biological justification. From 1933 to 1937 the number of those convicted under section 175 increased tenfold. Moreover, as in the case of Christian laws more than one and a half thousand years ago, predominantly homosexual contacts were persecuted among men, and not among women.

Lesbians were treated negatively, but the scale of their persecution was still less. In 1928, the German police closed the magazine Die Freundin and banned all other lesbian literature on the basis of the act for the protection of minors from obscene publications, but even under the Nazis, the number of convicted lesbians was extremely small, and formally paragraph 175 did not apply to them. Most of the lesbians who ended up in concentration camps were convicted of "antisocial behavior."

Perhaps, if not for the Nazis, the issue of the relationship between medicine and homosexuality would have been resolved more calmly. But once biomedical arguments were used to justify mass murder and persecution, the issue simply had no chance of being resolved in a quiet scientific debate.


The opinions of doctors in the first half of the 20th century remained the opinion of individual specialists who systematized their data based on their own experience. Strictly speaking, it was not yet complete scientific approach- if only because the doctor inevitably approached patients with a bias, and his perception was determined by the working conditions.

Havelock Alice described in Sexual Inversion cases of homosexual men who were no different from heterosexuals. He believed that, in general, homosexuality is not associated with "degeneration".

The further development of science was associated with the introduction of two innovations. It is mathematical statistics and blind method. Statistics allows us to say with what probability the differences seen somewhere could have turned out randomly (and, accordingly, have no real significance; the fall of a coin three times with an “eagle” does not give the right to talk about its asymmetry), and the blind method - to avoid conscious or unconscious bias in data analysis.

In 1957, the American psychologist Evelyn Hooker was able to bring the study of homosexuality to a new level. She took 30 profiles of heterosexual and homosexual men, after which she gave them to psychiatrists for examination. Doctors could not find any difference between hetero- and homosexual psyches.

Hooker used associative tests that were standard for her time: the thematic apperceptive test TAT, the Rorschach test, and a task where a picture was required to make up a story. The same methods were successfully used by doctors to diagnose mental illness, but in the case of homosexuality they were powerless. If a man did not say himself that he prefers men, psychiatric tests recognized him as normal.

Prior to this, few scientific data on homosexuals were obtained from examinations of convicts in prisons or patients in psychiatric clinics; Hooker's work allowed not only to gain a more adequate understanding of homosexuality in men, but also to ask about the social consequences of diagnosis. Anti-sodomy laws continued in the 1950s US, and the psychiatric diagnosis of "homosexuality" had been treated as a "sociopathic personality disorder" since 1952. Homosexuals were actually equated with psychopaths (the modern name for the disease is antisocial personality disorder), that is, patients who tend to commit antisocial acts, are unable to form attachments and are predisposed to violence.

The first systematized information about atypical (and then considered atypical) sexual behavior. He described both serious disorders like necrophilia and homosexual behavior. He defined the norm as behavior aimed at reproducing offspring, but the industrial revolution made its application difficult: most heterosexual couples began to use contraception.

Of course, the tests Hooker used are now outdated, and the sample of thirty people is at least small. But for 1957 it was quite high quality scientific work. Later, psychologists and psychiatrists conducted studies with a large number of respondents, nationwide surveys were organized (for example, the National Health and Social Life Survey), hundreds of papers were published on the topic of gay mental health, but no one was able to refute Hooker's main conclusion.

In addition to Hooker's research, the work of Alfred Kinsey also played a role in revising the opinions of psychiatrists, who showed that the term "sexual minorities" itself is not so correct. Kinsey was neither a doctor nor a psychologist. A zoologist by training, in 1938 he was invited to teach a course on the basics family life at Indiana University, after which he began studying human sexuality. Kinsey conducted surveys, the results of which were presented in two sensational books: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male of 1947 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female of 1953. They were made sensational by published data, according to which 37 percent of all men surveyed had experienced same-sex sexual contacts at least once in their lives.

The result of new research was a split in the professional community, aggravated by a general tense atmosphere. Beginning in 1970, meetings of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) began to be picketed by gays and lesbians. They advocated the removal of homosexuality from the list of diseases, not wanting to fall into the category of "psychopaths". It was no longer possible to delay the solution of the question of the classification of homosexuality.

On April 9, 1974, the APA held a vote on this issue with the following results: out of 17,905 members of the APA, 10,555 voted, of which 58 percent supported the removal of homosexuality from the list of diseases (according to data cited by a number of American conservatives, 5854 people voted for the removal, " 3810 voted against, 367 abstained). Homosexuality in America has been officially recognized as a variant of the norm.

After psychiatry

In their decision, the members of the APA were guided by the WHO definition of health in 1948. This definition is: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." From this point of view, it is really difficult to consider gays or lesbians sick: psychiatrists have practically failed to find indications that homosexuality in itself violates physical, mental and social well-being.

Famous psychiatrist, founder of psychoanalysis. In fact, he removed the taboo from the public discussion of sexuality. He considered homosexuality a consequence of a delay in psychosexual development, but not a disease.

The persecution of a person for his sexual orientation can violate well-being, but the orientation itself has nothing to do with it: the example of people who successfully concealed their homosexuality proved the possibility of full self-realization and preservation of physical health. In societies where gays and lesbians are not persecuted, they can live a full life and not hide their orientation: an example would be the prime minister of Iceland or the mayor of Houston - both of these women are open lesbians.

After 1991, when the amendment to exclude homosexuality from the list of diseases was adopted by the International Health Association, the question of whether homosexuality is a pathology can be considered definitively closed. However, the question still remains about what are the characteristics of gays, lesbians and bisexuals. It is important for physicians not only to know whether this or that group is healthy, but also to understand how it differs: for example, knowledge about the increased propensity of redheads to melanoma is necessary for dermatologists, cosmetologists and oncologists. In addition, homophobia and the persecution of gays with lesbians is a serious problem: hundreds of medical publications have already been devoted to the topic of teenage suicides provoked by peer harassment. And then there are epidemiological studies that justified the only ban on gays currently in force in the United States and several other countries.

Epidemiological studies concern the specifics of the spread of diseases among homosexual or bisexual men and women. Gay men are more likely than heterosexuals to practice anal sex, which is associated with greater risks of contracting HIV and other infections, while for lesbians, the risk of infection is usually lower: due to the greater risk, gays in many countries are not allowed to donate blood (of course, it is more correct would restrict the admission of those who practice bareback anal sex with multiple partners, but identifying such people is more difficult than, say, registered same-sex couples). Gay activists are outraged, doctors are adamant: in general, men who have sex with men are more likely to detect HIV or the hepatitis virus. For the same reasons, the United States does not allow people who have used intravenous drugs or had sex for money to be donors, so this is not exclusively an anti-gay measure.

Socio-psychological features are more interesting, since they can be associated specifically with sexual orientation, and they are studied from different positions. For example, there is such a question: is it possible to attribute only homophobia more suicides and mental disorders among gays and lesbians?

A number of studies have shown that homosexuals have higher levels of alcohol and marijuana use in France, and American lesbians have a higher risk of alcoholism compared to heterosexual women. Perhaps this is due to stigma, negative attitudes from others, but some authors tend to associate sexual orientation with a predisposition to seek new sensations or form addictions.

It is important to emphasize that similar predispositions to alcoholism have been found in carriers of certain genes, as well as carriers of certain personality traits. However, no one is in a hurry to declare genes or the propensity to take risks pathological.

Studies have shown that gay men and lesbians in general cannot be distinguished from heterosexual men and women. From the point of view of psychiatrists, there is no difference, and one can talk about pathology to the same extent as it is appropriate to talk about the pathology of increased curiosity or a heightened sense of smell: in some cases this can lead to problems, but does not deserve the definition of "disease". Research on the mechanisms of sexual orientation, the psychology of gays and lesbians, the problems of homophobia, the relationship of sexual preferences with masculinity or femininity continues, but beyond the categories of the disease.

Is it true that homosexuals get sick more often than people with a normal desire for relationships with the opposite sex? If so, why is this happening: what makes homosexuals sick and miserable?

Homosexuality and Disease: The Physical Consequences

In 2007, American scientists conducted a study that found a link between homosexuality and eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and cravings for certain types of food. That is, homosexuals fall more into food extremes: exhaustion and overeating. Experts noted that most likely such people have a rejection of their bodies, hence the roots of such diseases grow.

Back in 1977, data were obtained in America about a much greater addiction of homosexuals to smoking, alcohol and even drugs in comparison with normally sexually oriented people. In 2009, Americans conducted new studies, as a result of which the data on smoking did not change. It is now known that homosexual drug addicts use a larger arsenal of psychotropic drugs than heterosexual drug addicts.

Homosexual adolescents are more likely to conflict with their parents, run away from their parental home and start selling the body, thereby collecting a “set” of venereal infections.

(Article with photographs, it is better for the impressionable to refrain from viewing)

Those homosexuals who decide to kill their gender (transsexuals) by undergoing sex reassignment surgery, undergoing artificial hormonal adjustment, are preparing fertile soil in their body for the development of cancer.

In 2011, the California Health Interview published a study involving 120,000 Californians, which proved that homosexuals (mainly the connection was traced in men) were 2 times more likely to get sick oncological diseases. In addition, cancer occurs about 10 years earlier than in men with a normal sexual orientation. The BBC also added to this that lesbians get sick more often than the fair sex with a natural attraction to men.

The most common pathologies among men and women suffering from homosexuality remain cardiovascular disorders.

As we see above, homosexual perversion entails negative physical consequences. If speak about homosexual men, then anal intercourse comes to the fore. Proctologists warn that regular class a similar form of sexual perversion is possible:

  1. Acute anal fissure. It is formed in this case as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. Its symptoms are pain during bowel movements, drops of blood on paper or in feces, spasms of the sphincter. Such patients try to delay the act of defecation, which leads to even more trauma to the mucosa due to compaction of the feces.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Often it is complicated by thrombosis.
  3. Proctitis. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum.
  4. Cryptite. This is an inflammation of the anal glands. It is characterized by pain at rest, aggravated by defecation, itching in the anus, sensation of a foreign body, swelling, redness of the anus.
  5. Paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue around the rectum. As the amount of pus increases, the pains intensify and become jerky.
  6. Incontinence of gases and feces. This is due to insufficiency of the anal sphincter, which develops from mechanical impact.
  7. Prolapse of the rectum due to traumatic mechanical action.
  8. Often, serious bacterial, viral and fungal diseases develop, such as human papillomavirus (warts appear that contribute to the development of rectal cancer), genital warts, cystitis and urethritis, due to the entry of microflora from the intestine into the bladder and urinary canal.

All microtraumas received during such contact are the entrance gates for infections. First of all, we are talking about AIDS and hepatitis B. According to many studies, homosexual partners are extremely rarely able to remain faithful to each other. The presence of a large number of partners with the misuse or complete absence of condoms leads to the rapid spread of sexually transmitted infections, often deadly.

Like any mental disorder, homosexuality is dangerous, first of all, for the adherent of same-sex sex itself, with constant neurosis, depression, and suicidal tendencies. Especially often suicidal tendencies are manifested in such people at a young age. But there are similar cases among mature homosexuals and lesbians.
Since we are talking not just about a mental disorder, but about a psychosexual disorder, then there is a certain phenomenon of pleasure from illness, as if compensation for the sexual satisfaction of one's condition. However, studies also show that despite this, homosexuals often suffer from erectile dysfunction, impotence, lesbians - vaginismus.

Homosexuals themselves attribute their illnesses to their forced state of constant stress, when they have to be in a society with normal foundations. Of course, there is some truth to this. Every homosexual, so to speak, knows at the level of his subconscious that he is wrong. This inner knowledge cannot but lead to a state of extreme sadness, stress, depression.

Psychiatrist V.K. Nevyarovich:

No matter what discoveries modern science makes, no matter what evidence in favor of “homosexuality” philosophers, psychologists, sexologists, writers and theatrical figures, musicians and poets give, they will never be able to refute the biblical postulates that clearly indicate that such relationships (men with a man or women with a woman) are unnatural, sinful, vicious, objectionable to God; and every person involved in this sinful act will not inherit the Kingdom of God (compare 1 Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Corinthians 6:9-10: Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor malakis, nor sodomists ... - they will not inherit the Kingdom of God; see also: Books of Genesis; Leviticus; Epistles of the Apostle Paul to Romans 1:24-27 and some other places of Holy Scripture).

In the Bible, "homosexuality" is called "an abomination." The same opinion was shared by the Holy Fathers, the Ecumenical Teachers Orthodox Church(John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa and others).

Homosexuals say that they suffer from depression, cardiovascular disease and cancer more often than heterosexuals, because they are under constant stress, which is created by a homophobic society. And what is surprising here? However, the reason here is not only (and not so much) in a homophobic society, but in the very fact of a sinful act, which brings retribution according to the laws of spiritual, causal, moral.

The obvious facts cannot be denied. Homosexuality (male or female) destroys the human body at all levels from the psyche to the physical shell. The whole being of a person who denies his sexual nature strives to protest. Homosexuals seem to be in a state of thirst for something unearthly, sublime. They don't find it in homosexuality, they start smoking more. And this does not help - they add drugs. More and more... The search for true pleasure in the place where it is not, turns into a crash.

Diseases characteristic of homosexuals

I came across studies on diseases of homosexuals. For some reason, these things are not customary to talk about. Here on a bottle of beer or cigarettes they write that it is dangerous to health. So here - it is necessary to warn about this. Although gays may not agree with some aspects, they may talk about the randomness of their diseases, but there are still studies that talk about the connection of many diseases with their lifestyle and the chosen form of sexuality. Chosen, because in the nature of individuals with such an orientation - 1.5%. Up to 10% in society comes the level of spread of this deviation with prolonged advertising and blurring of ordinary family values.

People of the faint of heart and hypochondriacs should not read!

From a 20-year-old study, it became clear that homosexual men in their twenties and thirties were infected with AIDS about 430 times more often than heterosexuals.
The Apostle Paul, writing in the heyday of the Roman Empire, when licentiousness was widespread, said: “Men ... were inflamed with lust against one another, men doing shame on men and receiving in themselves the due retribution for their error.”
What is this retribution. Cause and effect are not separate.
Even when a condom is used, anal intercourse remains dangerous, mainly for the receptive partner. Since the anal sphincter can only be stretched minimally, it can be seriously damaged by the thrusts made by the penis during this act. Even more serious damage is caused by the insertion of something larger into the anus, as, for example, in the very common practice of "fisting". That is why homosexual men are incredibly likely to suffer from acute rectal injuries, as well as encopresis (inability to control the process of defecation) and anal cancer.

In addition, during anal intercourse, the soft tissues of the rectum are injured. These tissues serve to store relatively soft faecal material in preparation for expulsion by relatively slow bowel movements. The tissues of the rectum are never as strong as the tissues of the vagina, as a result of which they are always injured to one degree or another during anal intercourse. Even in the absence of a noticeable injury, microfractures and microcracks in the mucosa contribute to the penetration of contaminants and microbes into the bloodstream. Since the risk of contracting AIDS for monogamous homosexual couples is much lower than for polygamous ones, they therefore practice anal intercourse without any means of protection much more often than single homosexuals leading a polygamous lifestyle allow themselves. As a result, the risk of other diseases increases significantly, even with the equal action of all other factors, which is extremely rare, because the factors tend to combine. It is homosexual men who are much more likely than women to play a receptive role in anal intercourse, so the degree of risk for such sexual behavior is significantly higher for them. In addition, vaginal fissures not only appear less frequently due to the greater strength of the vaginal mucosa, but the vaginal environment itself is much cleaner than the rectal environment. Indeed, we are naturally gifted with an almost impenetrable and impenetrable barrier between the bloodstream, on the one hand, and the extremely toxic and infectious intestinal contents, on the other. Anal intercourse leads to the destruction of this barrier in the receptive partner, regardless of whether the insertive partner uses a condom or not.

As a result of the entry of feces into the main bloodstream, homosexuals are susceptible to various serious infectious diseases, sometimes incurable. These diseases include hepatitis B and many other fairly rare diseases such as shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) and giardiasis, which together are called "gay gut syndrome." All this was brought together in one large review article:

Due to the large number of sexual partners and the use of forms of intercourse such as anilingus and anal intercourse, homosexual men expose themselves to an exceptionally high risk of contracting hepatitis B, giardiasis, amoebiasis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis and anorectal infections such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Treponema pallidum , herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus.

In another review article, four main groups of diseases that homosexual men have to deal with are:

"Classic" sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia trachomatis infection, herpes simplex, genital warts, pubic pediculosis, scabies); intestinal diseases (shigellosis, campylobacteriosis, amebiasis, giardiasis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, non-A-non-B hepatitis, cytomegalovirus); traumatic disorders (encopresis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, foreign bodies, ruptures of the rectosigmoid section, allergic proctitis, swelling of the penis, sinusitis of chemical origin, burns of the respiratory tract with nitrites); Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). W. F. Owen, Jr., "Medical Problems of the Homosexual Adolescent", Journal of Adolescent Health Care 6, no. 4 (July 1985), pp. 278-285.

In April 1993, three researchers submitted an article to the Eastern Psychological Association in which they analyzed the life expectancy of nearly 7,000 homosexuals and heterosexuals, based on obituaries published in a large number of homosexual and somewhat fewer mainstream newspapers. They found that homosexual men, even with a long-term partner and in the absence of AIDS, live almost three decades less than heterosexual men. AIDS additionally reduces the lives of homosexuals by more than 7%.

Recent studies show that homosexuals are much more at risk of mental illness than heterosexuals. There is a higher rate of suicide, bulimia, social behavior, depending on psychoactive substances. This article highlights some important new considerations regarding these diseases and their sources. Neil I. Whitehead, Ph.D. n., author of "My Genes Made Me Do It"
The researchers concluded that, on average, homosexual men are 5.1 times more likely to exhibit suicidal behavior and thoughts than heterosexual men. This is partly due to depression and substance dependence, which may or may not be related to homosexuality (when these two factors were excluded, the dimension dropped to 2.5 - still a significant excess). The authors believe that an independent factor, possibly directly related to homosexuality, influences suicidal tendencies.

The second study (Fergusson et al., 1999) followed a large group of people from infancy to 20-25 years of age. The cohort method is particularly reliable and free from most ill-advised interventions. This study found a significantly higher incidence of depression, anxiety disorders, behaviour, substance dependence and suicidal ideation in those who were homosexually active.

Also, Bell and Weinberg (1981) concluded that the main reason for suicide attempts is the breakup of relationships. In second place, in their opinion, is the inability to accept oneself. Since homosexuals have more partners and breakups than heterosexuals, and since most long-term gay relationships are rarely monogamous, it is not surprising that there are proportionately more suicide attempts. The average number of partners for homosexuals is 4 times greater than for heterosexuals (Whitehead and Whitehead, 1999, calculated from Laumann et al, 1994).

And there are 3 times more suicide attempts among homosexuals. Is there a pattern between these two indicators?

Another factor is moments of compulsion and dependence (Pincu, 1989), which can lead to a feeling that life is out of control (Seligman, 1975). Some (estimates fluctuate, but perhaps 50% of young people today) do not take HIV-AIDS precautions (Valleroy et al., 2001) and have serious problems with sex and substance abuse. This obviously also increases suicidal tendencies.
Erotic attraction to the same sex for many becomes the main value of existence, and nothing more - neither health nor life itself - should prevent the implementation of this lifestyle. Homosexual promiscuity is accelerating the HIV/AIDS crisis in the West, but even this tragedy should not limit sexual permissiveness. They prefer not to talk about her at all. And our liberals do not admit at all that such problems exist at all.

All this is extremely difficult to read, I would never have dealt with this topic if my classmate had not been in such a trap. She is talented person, but her choice of orientation made her even more vulnerable to physical and mental disorders than any other creative person. I know she had suicidal ideation. Hope they never happen again. Since I have known her for a long time, I saw her friends, who were introduced to me as cousins, girlfriends or acquaintances. Most of them had problems with bleeding and pelvic disease. Take care of yourself people, do not go in forbidden ways!

I came across a study on diseases of homosexuals. For some reason, these things are not customary to talk about. Here on a bottle of beer or cigarettes they write that it is dangerous to health. So here - it is necessary to warn about this. Although gays may not agree with some aspects, they may talk about the randomness of their diseases, but there are still studies that talk about the connection of many diseases with their lifestyle and the chosen form of sexuality. Chosen, because in the nature of individuals with such an orientation - 1.5%. Up to 10% in society comes the level of spread of this deviation with prolonged advertising and blurring of ordinary family values.
People of the faint of heart and hypochondriacs should not read!

From a 20-year-old study, it became clear that homosexual men in their twenties and thirties were infected with AIDS about 430 times more often than heterosexuals.
The apostle Paul, writing in the heyday of the Roman Empire, when licentiousness was widespread, said: "Men ... were inflamed with lust against one another, men on men doing shame and receiving in themselves the due retribution for their error."
What is this retribution. Cause and effect are not separate.
Even when a condom is used, anal intercourse remains dangerous, mainly for the receptive partner. Since the anal sphincter can only be stretched minimally, it can be seriously damaged by the thrusts made by the penis during this act. Even more serious damage is caused by the insertion of something larger into the anus, as, for example, in the very common practice of "fisting". That is why homosexual men are incredibly likely to suffer from acute rectal injuries, as well as encopresis (inability to control the process of defecation) and anal cancer.

In addition, during anal intercourse, the soft tissues of the rectum are injured. These tissues serve to store relatively soft faecal material in preparation for expulsion by relatively slow bowel movements. The tissues of the rectum are never as strong as the tissues of the vagina, as a result of which they are always injured to one degree or another during anal intercourse. Even in the absence of a noticeable injury, microfractures and microcracks in the mucosa contribute to the penetration of contaminants and microbes into the bloodstream. Since the risk of contracting AIDS for monogamous homosexual couples is much lower than for polygamous ones, they therefore practice anal intercourse without any means of protection much more often than single homosexuals leading a polygamous lifestyle allow themselves. As a result, the risk of other diseases increases significantly, even with the equal action of all other factors, which is extremely rare, because the factors tend to combine. It is homosexual men who are much more likely than women to play a receptive role in anal intercourse, so the degree of risk for such sexual behavior is significantly higher for them. In addition, vaginal fissures not only appear less frequently due to the greater strength of the vaginal mucosa, but the vaginal environment itself is much cleaner than the rectal environment. Indeed, we are naturally gifted with an almost impenetrable and impenetrable barrier between the bloodstream, on the one hand, and the extremely toxic and infectious intestinal contents, on the other. Anal intercourse leads to the destruction of this barrier in the receptive partner, regardless of whether the insertive partner uses a condom or not.

As a result of the entry of feces into the main bloodstream, homosexuals are susceptible to various serious infectious diseases, sometimes incurable. These diseases include hepatitis B and many other rather rare diseases such as shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) and giardiasis, which together are called "gay gut syndrome". All this was brought together in one large review article:

Due to the large number of sexual partners and the use of such forms of intercourse as anilingus and anal intercourse, homosexual men put themselves at exceptionally high risk of contracting hepatitis B, giardiasis, amoebiasis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis and anorectal infections such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Treponema pallidum , herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus.

In another review article, four main groups of diseases that homosexual men have to deal with are:

"Classic" sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia trachomatis infection, herpes simplex, genital warts, pubic pediculosis, scabies); intestinal diseases (shigellosis, campylobacteriosis, amebiasis, giardiasis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, non-A-non-B hepatitis, cytomegalovirus); traumatic disorders (encopresis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, foreign bodies, rectosigmoid ruptures, allergic proctitis, penile edema, sinusitis of chemical origin, burns of the respiratory tract with nitrites); acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS. W. F. Owen, Jr., "Medical Problems of the Homosexual Adolescent", Journal of Adolescent Health Care 6, no. 4 (July 1985), pp. 278-285.

In April 1993, three researchers submitted an article to the Eastern Psychological Association in which they analyzed the life expectancy of nearly 7,000 homosexuals and heterosexuals, based on obituaries published in a large number of homosexual and somewhat fewer mainstream newspapers. They found that homosexual men, even in the case of a long-term partner and in the absence of AIDS, live almost three decades less than heterosexual men. AIDS additionally reduces the lives of homosexuals by more than 7%.

Recent studies show that homosexuals are much more at risk of mental illness than heterosexuals. There is a higher level of suicides, bulimia, social behavior disorders, dependence on psychoactive substances. This article highlights some important new considerations regarding these diseases and their sources. Neil I. Whitehead, Ph.D. n., author of "My Genes Made Me Do It"
The researchers concluded that, on average, homosexual men are 5.1 times more likely to exhibit suicidal behavior and thoughts than heterosexual men. This is partly due to depression and substance dependence, which may or may not be related to homosexuality (when these two factors were excluded, the dimension dropped to 2.5 - still a significant excess). The authors believe that an independent factor, possibly directly related to homosexuality, influences suicidal tendencies.

The second study (Fergusson et al., 1999) followed a large group of people from infancy to 20-25 years of age. The cohort method is particularly reliable and free from most ill-advised interventions. This study found a significantly higher incidence of depression, anxiety disorders, behaviour, substance dependence and suicidal ideation in those who were homosexually active.

Also, Bell and Weinberg (1981) concluded that the main reason for suicide attempts is the breakup of relationships. In second place, in their opinion, is the inability to accept oneself. Since homosexuals have more partners and breakups than heterosexuals, and since most long-term gay relationships are rarely monogamous, it is not surprising that there are proportionately more suicide attempts. The average number of partners for homosexuals is 4 times greater than for heterosexuals (Whitehead and Whitehead, 1999, calculated from Laumann et al, 1994).

And there are 3 times more suicide attempts among homosexuals. Is there a pattern between these two indicators?

Another factor is moments of compulsion and dependence (Pincu, 1989), which can lead to a feeling that life is out of control (Seligman, 1975). Some (estimates fluctuate, but perhaps 50% of young people today) do not take HIV-AIDS precautions (Valleroy et al., 2001) and have serious problems with sex and substance abuse. This obviously also increases suicidal tendencies.
Erotic attraction to the same sex for many becomes the main value of existence, and nothing more - neither health nor life itself - should prevent the implementation of this lifestyle. Homosexual promiscuity is accelerating the HIV/AIDS crisis in the West, but even this tragedy should not limit sexual permissiveness. They prefer not to talk about her at all. And our liberals do not admit at all that such problems exist at all.

All this is extremely difficult to read, I would never have dealt with this topic if my classmate had not been in such a trap. She is a talented person, but her choice of orientation has made her even more vulnerable to physical and mental disorders than any other creative person. I know she had suicidal ideation. Hope they never happen again. Since I have known her for a long time, I saw her friends, who were introduced to me as cousins, girlfriends or acquaintances. Most of them had problems with bleeding and pelvic disease. Take care of yourself people, do not go in forbidden ways!