Prevention of infertility in women of reproductive age. Prevention of infertility - prevent childbearing problems

A marriage is considered infertile in which a woman of childbearing age does not become pregnant within a year in the presence of constant sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. This can be due to both male and female factors. In some cases they are combined.

It is worth noting that this problem has acquired enormous proportions today. According to statistics, about 15% of couples have serious problems with conception. Therefore, everyone should know how to avoid infertility.

Among women

In order for the fair sex to avoid infertility in the future, experts recommend adhering to the following rules.

Visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

Use reliable contraception, as abortion can lead to complications, the result of which will be infertility. Currently safe from unwanted pregnancy protect hormonal agents (in injectable or tablet form, as well as implants, vaginal rings and patches). It is very important that they are selected by a qualified specialist. It will take into account the patient's age, her phenotype, height and weight, as well as comorbidities. Self-activity in this case is unacceptable.

Begin to have sex after the full maturation of the body. The reproductive organs and the mucous membranes that cover them are not fully formed in adolescents, which increases the risk of injury and infection. Most gynecologists agree that the optimal age for defloration is 17-21 years.

Refuse intimacy during menstruation, as this increases the likelihood of infection and the development of an inflammatory process. Moreover, during intercourse during menstruation, the endometrium can be thrown into the fallopian tubes and peritoneum. This will result in endometriosis.

Healthy food. The lack of nutrients in the blood negatively affects the work of the whole organism. For this reason, it is better to abandon too strict diets. It is important that a woman consumes food that is rich in fatty acids, folic acid, as well as iron, selenium and vitamins C, E, group B. If desired, you can additionally take nutritional supplements with vitamins and minerals.

Make sure that the weight meets medical standards. Both underweight and obese women do not ovulate. Ideally, a BMI should be 19-25.

In men

Prevention of male infertility also consists of a whole list of rules.

Visits to the urologist should be 1-2 times a year. Wear as loose as possible, made from natural fabrics, similar to shorts, underpants.

It is better for a man not to abuse saunas, refuse to take hot baths and showers, since the testicles function normally only at a temperature 2 degrees lower than body temperature. By the way, it is for this reason that they are not in the body.

Make sure that the body weight is not too large. Adipose tissue in the human body performs the function of an endocrine organ - it synthesizes estrogens. At excess of this hormone, a man experiences malfunctions in the work of the whole organism, including the reproductive organs.

Teach yourself not to cross your legs, as in this position the veins that feed the pelvic organs are pinched. As a result, the sperm production process slows down significantly.

Eat foods that contain a lot of zinc, since with a deficiency of this trace element, testosterone production is disrupted. L-carnitine can also benefit men. It will speed up the production of sperm and make the sperm more mobile.


In addition to the above rules, infertility prevention also includes general recommendations for both sexes.

Choose one regular partner for sexual relations. Before proceeding to unprotected contact, it is desirable that both partners undergo a complete examination by a venereologist. Condoms should be used during casual sex.

Timely treat diseases of both reproductive and other internal organs, as well as hormonal disorders. Dress according to the weather, as hypothermia can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the pelvis.

Follow the rules intimate hygiene. Cleansers for this area should not be too aggressive, contain fragrances, dyes. Lead a healthy lifestyle: give up smoking and alcohol, as well as the use of drugs.

Exercise. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the training is not too heavy. Ideal in this case would be: yoga, swimming, running, skiing.

Protected sex is the best prevention of infertility

Learn to control your emotional state during stress, normalize the mode of work and rest.

Have a regular sex life. Sexual contacts should occur at least once every 3-5 days. Otherwise, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs may occur, which sooner or later will lead to inflammation.

Avoid places where there is a large accumulation of chemicals (exhaust gases, combustion products of plastic and rubber). People who work in hazardous industries must comply with all safety measures, drink plenty of fluids and often be in the fresh air.

It is important to note that the prevention of infertility in women and men should be carried out not only at the time of pregnancy planning, but throughout life, starting from childhood. This is the only way to preserve your health and reproductive capabilities.

Age and fertility

Male fertility is directly related to the quantity and quality of sperm. It is produced constantly, from puberty until the end of life. This means that a man can become a father at almost any age. At the same time, the quality of the sperm of a young and elderly man differs significantly. In the latter case, the risk of transmission of genetic disorders is much higher.

As for women, their fertility depends on the quality of the eggs and their number. Unlike men, women do not produce sex cells during their lifetime. Their number is determined immediately at birth. At the same time, every year the germ cells become less and less, and they worsen their quality. So, a woman who has a regular sexual life at 20 has a 25% chance of getting pregnant during the first menstrual cycle, while after 40 they drop sharply to 5%.

Based on this, we can conclude that the prevention of female infertility also consists in timely conception. Ideally, pregnancy should be planned before the age of 35.

The inability to conceive the desired baby can ruin a woman's life. Prevention of infertility is the best option preserve fertility and repeatedly fulfill the dream of motherhood.

Reproductive health of a woman is laid down in childhood

Prevention of infertility

Medical technologies are improving - now medicine is able to help the vast majority of families experiencing difficulties in conceiving the desired child. But it is best not to treat, but to warn: the prevention of infertility can be the best option for a woman planning to give birth to several children. There are 3 levels of preventive measures:

  1. Primary (do everything possible to avoid problems in the future);
  2. Secondary (timely detection of pathology and effective treatment infertility);
  3. Tertiary (prevention of complications against the background of existing reproductive disorders).

Primary prevention of infertility is the best way prevention of fertility problems. But, as experience shows, most people do not even think about what can happen if the simplest doctor's recommendations are not followed.

Age aspects of the prevention of reproductive problems

The mother should take care of the future reproductive health of her daughter. From a young age, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Make all vaccinations against infections that may have a negative impact on future reproductive function (including rubella, measles, scarlet fever, papillomavirus);
  2. Avoid serious injury to the head, body and pelvic bones;
  3. Strictly observe the hygiene of the genital organs;
  4. Prevent obesity and a sharp decrease in body weight;
  5. Timely treat common infectious diseases (severe flu can cause reproductive disorders);
  6. Detect and treat diseases of internal organs;
  7. Timely respond to the atypically early arrival of menstruation (at 9-10 years old);
  8. Refer to an adolescent gynecologist in the absence of menstruation at the age of 16;
  9. Consult a doctor if the girl has heavy and painful periods;
  10. Prevent early onset of sexual activity at the age of 14-16 years.

Often, future diseases are laid in childhood, therefore effective prevention infertility should begin from the moment the girl is born.

It is necessary to take care of the future happiness ahead of time

Eliminate the main factors leading to infertility

It is easy to disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, but it is very difficult to restore it. Prevention of infertility in women is a reasonable attitude to their own health and the implementation of the following medical recommendations:

  • categorical refusal of artificial termination of pregnancy (it is especially dangerous to have an abortion for the first time in a girl under 20 years old);
  • use barrier contraception (condom) to protect against genital infections;
  • be wary of casual sex (the fewer sexual partners a girl has, the lower the risk of infertility);
  • timely treat inflammation in the vagina;
  • monitor the menstrual cycle, noticing any deviations and irregularities in time;
  • eat right, avoiding extremes (and starvation);
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • regularly visit a gynecologist after the onset of sexual activity;
  • carry out the treatment of identified female diseases in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.

There can be several reasons for male and female infertility, however, venereal and infectious diseases, inflammatory chronic processes most often provoke. Is it possible to avoid infertility in the future, and what preventive methods should be carried out in a timely manner?

Female infertility differs from male infertility in terms of symptoms and intensity of manifestations. However, it is based the main problem- the inability to conceive and give birth to a child.

Depending on the complications and the stage of the disease, certain measures are taken to restore reproductive function: surgical treatment, medical treatment or recovery. But such actions are not always effective, as a result, irreversible processes occur.

Over the past 15 years, infertility as a diagnosis has changed the pathogenesis. If earlier it was believed that the problem was in the woman, today the World Health Organization has published statistics according to which in 60% of cases of impossibility of conception men are guilty due to the low quality of sperm.


To avoid complications in the form of the impossibility of procreation, it is necessary to know the causes that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. These include:

  • injuries and physical anomalies, as a result of which operations were performed to remove part of the reproductive organs;
  • chronic untreated inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • frequent abortions in women;
  • transferred venereal diseases;
  • genetic incompatibility of partners;
  • complications after infectious and viral diseases (rubella, mumps, chickenpox, FLU);
  • congenital anomalies in the development and structure of the internal organs of reproduction: saddle uterus, bends of the tubes;
  • hormonal disorders as a result of diseases or malnutrition (a common cause of infertility in girls is anorexia).

In some cases, it is a consequence of running inflammatory processes, which need to be treated in a timely manner for both men and women.

How to avoid

Prevention of complications of infertility begins in early childhood, when girls and boys are told about contraceptive options, about the quality of sexual life and personal hygiene.

In 80%, the cause of the complication is the presence of an inflammatory process of the genital organs, infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

85% of female infertility is the result of early abortions and frequent changes of sexual partners. This happens due to the fault of parents who did not have a timely conversation with the child about the quality of sexual life and the value of reproductive health for future offspring.

Treatment of infectious diseases in a timely manner

To avoid consequences in the form of a violation of the reproductive function, it is necessary to have diseases of infectious pathogenesis on time. Inflammation of the mucous membranes, infections that lead to the formation of adhesions in women, become the causes of failed reproduction. For men, neglected diseases of an infectious nature are a risk of reducing the quality of sperm.

sex life

Since the main diseases that provoke complications of the reproductive organs are sexually transmitted, it is necessary to monitor the quality of personal hygiene and sexual life. Frequent change of partners is a risk for both men and women.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of infection, there is also a change in microflora, which, in turn, weakens local immunity. When pathogenic flora enters, the body does not provide proper resistance, and the disease progresses rapidly.

The main reasons why today's youth have problems with pregnancy are weak immunity, poor physical activity and malnutrition. Healthy lifestyle, moderate physical exercise and balanced diet with the right amount of proteins, fats and fiber increase the likelihood of becoming a happy parent healthy child.

Anorexia provokes irreversible processes in the body that reduce and level the possibility of conception. So, most of the estrogen in women is synthesized with the help of subcutaneous fat, which is not enough with malnutrition.

How to prevent pathology

The main prevention is the observance of the following rules:

  • timely treatment of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • exclusion of unwanted pregnancy, abortion;
  • proper lifestyle with a balanced diet;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • infrequent change of sexual partner;
  • nutrition with fish oil, fiber, protein.

In each case, there are their own, according to which the continuation of the genus becomes impossible. But, in the vast majority, the main cause of complications is the untimely elimination of symptoms, ignoring the elementary rules of hygiene.

Prevention of infertility is the right way of life. There can be a large number of reasons for the anomaly, but timely diagnosis and elimination of pathogenesis increase the chances of giving birth to a healthy child without health complications.

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Motherhood is the ability of every woman to nurture within herself and give birth to new life. And many women, at least once in their lives, were able to experience the joy of motherhood. Unfortunately, there are also those representatives of the fair sex who are not able, despite the measures taken and attempts, to feel how the spark of life is born. However, it is worth remembering that infertility is just a medical diagnosis, and not a verdict that is not subject to appeal.

Statistics say that there are about 15% of families in the world who have problems conceiving a child. Both female and male infertility can be the culprit. However, the same statistics report that in 60% of cases the reason lies in the problems of the female reproductive system: after all, it is arranged much more complicated than men's. In the female reproductive system, conditions must be created not only for the maturation of an egg capable of fertilization, but also for the full bearing of the fetus.

The main causes of female factor infertility include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Problems in the hormonal sphere can be indicated by regular irregularities in the woman's menstrual cycle. Delays in the onset of menstruation may indicate a failure in the processes of egg maturation in the ovaries. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced. Such violations of the cycle can cause:
  • ovarian cyst (both single and multiple cysts, for example, with polycystic);
  • neuroendocrine disorders (when the nervous and hormonal systems are involved in the pathological process at the same time).
  1. Pathology of the fallopian tubes. This is a very common cause of female infertility. Difficulties in patency or complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes can lead to:
  • developmental anomalies;
  • genetic disorders;
  • the consequences of inflammatory, infectious diseases or ectopic pregnancy (with chronic inflammation or improper treatment, adhesions are often formed that narrow the lumen of the fallopian tubes, and this greatly complicates the fertilization process).

  1. The consequences of an abortion. Unfortunately, there are cases when the wall of the uterus is injured during an abortion. This can lead to irreparable consequences - the inability to bear a child.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus. Even with successful fertilization, carrying a pregnancy can be problematic if the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the uterine wall. This can be, for example, with endometritis.
  3. Violations in the cervical canal. Normally, the cervical canal contains mucus, which is necessary for unhindered penetration of the sperm to the egg. If the consistency of the mucus is changed or there is a shortage of its quantity, then the spermatozoa will not be able to penetrate into the uterus. This is facilitated by:
  • genital tract infections (they are the cause of both female and male infertility);
  • cervical erosion;
  • disruption of the glands that produce mucus;
  • inflammatory processes of the cervix.

  1. Neoplasms of the female genital area. The most common benign tumor in recent decades is uterine fibromyoma. It can have different sizes and be located in different layers of the uterus. In this case, fibromyoma changes the configuration of the uterus, which causes difficulties in bearing the fetus.
  2. General endocrine disorders. Pathology in the function of the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands contributes to a change in both the general and local background of the hormones of the female body. This often leads to disruption of ovulation processes and, as a result, to a change in the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  3. exchange violations. The most common disorder in this area is obesity. This is not so much an aesthetic problem as an internal one: all organs and systems of the body are affected, including the female reproductive system.
  4. Anomalies in the development of the uterus and ovaries. Congenital anomalies almost all lead to irreparable infertility.
  5. Stress. The modern rhythm of life often dictates its own conditions, but the body's reserves are not endless. Constant stressful situations and chronic overwork lead to a number of outwardly imperceptible changes in a woman's body. Their combination causes disturbances in the maturation of the egg, its fertilization or the bearing of a child.
  6. Immunological disorders. In rare cases, there is such a phenomenon when the woman's immune system perceives the sperm of the sexual partner as foreign agents. In this case, antibodies are produced that violate the integrity of the male germ cells, and they lose the ability to fertilize the egg.

It should be added that there are precedents where, with careful medical examination both women and men do not find a pathology that prevents conception, and pregnancy does not occur. It is assumed that in such cases the root of infertility should be sought in the psychological sphere of partners.

A long history of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse and the use of narcotic substances - makes its negative contribution to the appearance of infertility. Bad ecology and hypovitaminosis can be added to this list.

Female infertility: diagnosis

To identify the cause of infertility, you can contact a gynecologist at the nearest clinic. But it is best to be examined in a specialized center for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

First of all, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair. It is necessary to assess the development of external and internal genital organs. After that, it is important to determine if a woman is ovulating. To do this, for several menstrual cycles, a woman will measure basal body temperature in the rectum, and record the results in a table. You can also use special tests that are purchased at the pharmacy.

  • follicle stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone.

The study of hormones will help to identify at which stage of development of the egg the failure occurred. For example, FSH and LH are produced in the brain (hypothalamus-pituitary gland system) and are hormones that control all the processes that occur in the ovaries. Thus, if their number is shifted towards a decrease or increase, the development of the follicle will be disturbed. As a result, the maturation of the egg will either not occur at all, or it will be unviable.

To rule out neuroendocrine disorders (for example, pituitary lesions) with an irregular menstrual cycle, an x-ray of the skull is performed.

How the follicles mature, from which the egg is released, can be monitored using ultrasound of the ovaries. The study is carried out on the 7-9th day of the menstrual cycle. Normally, several follicles should mature in one ovary. Moreover, among them there should be only one, inside which a full-fledged egg, the so-called dominant, will mature. It can be detected by ultrasound on the 11-13th day of the cycle. Normally, it is larger than the rest. If the diagnostician sees an enlarged ovary with multiple follicles (10-12 pcs) of the same size, and this type persists throughout the entire menstrual cycle, then they speak of polycystic ovaries. This condition violates not only the structure of the ovaries, but also the hormonal background. Violation can be manifested by increased body hair of a woman, menstrual irregularity, impossibility of ovulation, which ultimately leads to infertility.

At the same time, an analysis is carried out for the presence of infections in the female body. Special attention give infections that are sexually transmitted: it is they who in most cases cause a latent chronic inflammatory process in the female genital area. As a result of inflammation, the wall of the ovary thickens, and the mature egg is unable to leave the follicle. This means that fertilization will not occur.

The inflammatory process can affect not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes, thereby disrupting their patency. This is important because the mature egg from the ovary enters the fallopian tube, where the fertilization process should take place. You can determine how passable the fallopian tubes are with the help of:

  • hysterosalpingography - a contrast agent is injected into the uterine cavity, then, under the control of an X-ray apparatus, it is determined how this substance moves through the fallopian tubes;
  • sonohysterography - determination of patency using ultrasound.

Ultrasound of the uterus will help to exclude malformations of this organ. The most common uterine anomalies are:

  • saddle-shaped (the bottom of such a uterus is not convex, as in a normally developed one, but protrudes into the cavity);
  • bicornuate (there are 2 cavities connected in the middle part by a septum - with an incomplete form, or in the neck area with a complete form of this anomaly);
  • complete doubling of the uterus (in this case, the ultrasound will determine two separate uterus with necks and even two vaginas, which are separated by a septum);
  • hypoplasia (underdeveloped, also called childish or infantile, uterus).

In addition to possible malformations, with the help of ultrasound you can find out if there are diseases of the uterus:

  • endometriosis (significant thickening and growth of the inner layer of the uterus with the formation of "pockets");
  • polyps of the uterine cavity;
  • myoma, fibromyoma of the uterus.

In the presence of these pathologies, the egg, even a successfully fertilized one, will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

If it is assumed that a woman has endometriosis, a hysteroscopy with diagnostic curettage of the endometrium is prescribed to finally confirm the diagnosis. This procedure is performed under general intravenous anesthesia. A special hysteroscope equipped with a video camera is inserted into the uterine cavity. The doctor can examine in detail the cervical canal, the entire cavity of the uterus itself and the mouth of the fallopian tubes. After that, an endometrial biopsy is taken. Next, a histological examination of the obtained material is carried out.

For a thorough examination of the cervix, an instrumental method such as colposcopy is used. With the help of a colposcope, it is possible to examine the vaginal part of the cervix. In this case, erosion, polyps, precancerous diseases and other pathologies can be detected. The study itself is carried out in the gynecological office. A woman does not need anesthesia, because. the procedure is contactless.

If immunological incompatibility of partners is suspected, a specific analysis for antisperm antibodies (ASAT) is performed. To do this, examine the blood plasma or mucus from the cervix. In fact, these antibodies are class A or M immunoglobulins that disrupt the integrity of sperm membranes, making the fertilization process impossible.

It will take approximately 6 months for a thorough examination and correct diagnosis.

Female infertility: methods of treatment

The method of treatment is selected individually for each woman, depending on the type of infertility.

  1. If the cause is hormonal, then hormonal drugs are used. They are prescribed to stabilize the hormonal background and stimulate ovarian function. The success of hormone therapy depends on the right treatment regimen. In most women with a similar pathology, pregnancy occurs within the first year of treatment.
  2. In the absence of physiological abnormalities and the presence of ovulation in a woman, it is suggested to use a planned sexual intercourse. To do this, it is necessary to accurately determine the onset of ovulation. A specialist will help you plan your menstrual cycle.
  3. If infertility has arisen due to impaired patency of the fallopian tubes, then with therapeutic purpose using laparoscopy. This is a special endoscopic device that is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small incision in the skin of the abdomen. This procedure removes adhesions that block the patency of the fallopian tubes. With endometriosis, laparoscopic endocoagulation is possible. In other words, thermal destruction of foci affected by endometriosis is carried out.
  4. With anatomical defects of the uterus, reconstructive plastic surgery is performed. According to statistics, in 15-20% of cases, pregnancy occurs after such operations.
  5. insemination method. It consists in introducing the partner's sperm with a thin catheter directly into the uterine cavity in a medical facility. Thus, it is possible to bypass the cervical barrier (with pathology of the cervix). The main conditions for the success of this procedure are the exact determination of the onset of ovulation and the patency of the fallopian tubes. With the help of insemination it is possible to solve the problem of immunological incompatibility of sexual partners.

Female infertility: artificial insemination

With the ineffectiveness of the above methods, they resort to artificial methods of fertilization. One of the most famous is IVF - in vitro fertilization. As it becomes clear from the name of the method, fertilization and the early stages of embryo development (2-5 days) take place outside the woman's body. In everyday life this method often referred to as "in vitro fertilization". IVF includes several stages:

  • stimulation of the ovaries with hormonal preparations according to a certain scheme (for the simultaneous maturation of several follicles and obtaining more complete eggs)
  • obtaining mature eggs by puncture under ultrasound guidance;
  • hormonal therapy for a woman to prepare the body for embryo transfer and obtaining partner or donor spermatozoa;
  • selection of the most complete germ cells;
  • fertilization of eggs with prepared spermatozoa at a temperature of 37 0 C and maintaining other necessary conditions(eggs are added to the sperm concentrate at the rate of 50-100 thousand male germ cells per 1 female);
  • cultivation of embryos: it consists in observing the zygotes (fertilized eggs) for 2-5 days in special conditions;
  • transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity of a woman for implantation and subsequent development of the fetus (no more than 3 embryos to avoid multiple pregnancies);
  • the replanting process is controlled by ultrasound;
  • further therapy with the necessary hormones to maintain implantation (the probability of implantation is 10% for each implanted embryo);
  • pregnancy tests after 2 weeks;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus 1 month after embryo transfer;
  • in the event of a multiple pregnancy, at the request of the woman, extra embryos can be removed from the uterine cavity.

There is a similar IVF technique called ICSI - injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg. This technique excludes the independent penetration of the sperm into the egg. The genetic material is delivered using a special microneedle under the control of a very powerful microscope.

If all methods of achieving pregnancy fail, some couples resort to surrogacy. IVF centers fertilize the egg of a woman who is not able to bear and give birth to a child, but whose ovaries are able to grow a viable reproductive cell. Then the embryo is implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother for further gestation. And although the genetic mother is deprived of the opportunity to feel how her baby grows and develops, she can breastfeed after the birth of the child. To do this, a woman, shortly before the birth of the crumbs, begins to take hormonal drugs that will stimulate lactation.

Female infertility: prevention

It is impossible to foresee everything in life, and some factors (heredity) cannot be influenced, and nevertheless, infertility prevention is possible in most cases.

  • regular visits to the gynecologist (optimally 1 time in 6 months);
  • undergo a colposcopy once a year (even if no pathology was detected with the naked eye);
  • timely and high-quality treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • giving up bad habits (among women who abuse alcohol, for example, the frequency of infertility is 5 times higher);
  • proper nutrition (not only obesity, but also excessive dieting, which can lead to dystrophy, contributes to the development of infertility);
  • avoid hypothermia, especially the pelvic organs;
  • the beginning of sexual activity in accordance with the development of the female body (intense sexual activity during the development of the female body can lead to disruptions in the hormonal system);
  • constancy of the sexual partner (significantly reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases that are sexually transmitted);
  • avoid interruption of the first pregnancy (according to statistics, up to 20% of women after the first abortion become infertile);
  • do not take oral contraceptives without a doctor's prescription;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid difficult and harmful working conditions;
  • avoid chronic stressful situations and overwork.

Causes and treatment of female infertility: video

According to various sources, about a fifth of families currently have problems conceiving a child. As a result, the atmosphere between the spouses becomes tense, someone may begin to blame the partner, and eventually the marriage may completely break up. Many couples begin to panic and look for the causes of infertility too early: such a diagnosis is made only after a year of regular intercourse without the use of contraceptives, pregnancy does not occur.

In order to carry out the correct prevention of infertility, it is necessary to know for what reasons some people face the problem of conceiving a child. Many mistakenly believe that the reason in the vast majority of cases lies in the woman, but this is far from the case. More than a third of all couples have problems due to impaired male spermatogenesis. In any case, both partners should be examined at once, since this is the only way to diagnose and take all the necessary measures as soon as possible.

Causes of female infertility

  • Age - the older the woman, the higher the likelihood of problems with conception. This is one of the most urgent problems today: young couples are in no hurry to have children, they prefer a career.
  • An unbalanced diet leading to obesity or underweight.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use are things that are incompatible with a normal pregnancy
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (most often of an infectious nature). If adequate treatment measures were not taken in a timely manner, then there is a risk of developing obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the growth of connective tissue.
  • Violations of the development of the female reproductive system.
  • Many sexually transmitted diseases pose a threat to the reproductive function of the body.
  • Violation of the hormonal background in the body of a woman. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, disruption of ovulation.
  • Changes in the cervical canal. There may be mucus with a modified composition that will not let sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes. Also, polyps can form in the cervix, blocking its lumen.
  • Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium in places where it should not be. If the ovaries are damaged, then adhesions may form on them and ovulation may be disturbed.
  • Tumors of the uterus.

Causes of female infertility

If in the female body, in addition to the formation of germ cells, fertilization, gestation and the full development of the unborn child occur, then in the male, only spermatozoa are formed. In order for fertilization to occur with a high degree of probability, there must be a lot of spermatozoa and they must be sufficiently mobile.

  • Insufficient amount of proteins in food, beriberi, testicular injuries, occupational hazards are factors that often cause impaired spermatogenesis, but they are very easy to eliminate.
  • Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord. In the process of evolution, the male gonads descended into the scrotum for the reason that the formation of healthy spermatozoa requires a temperature less than in the body. If the veins dilate, then due to more blood temperature rises and spermatogenesis is disturbed.
  • Immunological infertility is an aggressive response of the body to its own spermatogenic epithelium.
  • Cysts or organ tumors genitourinary system can lead to the development of an obstructive form of infertility.

In about 10% of cases, doctors cannot find the cause of infertility. It is also possible such a reason as immunological incompatibility of partners. female body does not perceive the proteins of the husband's sperm and rejects them. Unfortunately, such partners will not succeed in having a child, but this happens extremely rarely (isolated cases are described).

As can be seen from the above, many causes of infertility are not congenital features of the body. This means that they can be avoided if you behave correctly.

  • Proper healthy lifestyle is the key to the proper formation of the reproductive system. It is very important for women to dress properly, since hypothermia is the cause of many inflammatory diseases. A balanced diet will relieve obesity and lack of nutrients in the body.
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse and drug use - these factors must be excluded. If in men the spermatozoa mature in 2.5 months, then the eggs are laid even in the prenatal period.
  • Women should be regularly examined by a gynecologist. This allows you to timely identify many diseases of the female reproductive system and take measures to eliminate them at an early stage.
  • Abortion is one of common causes development of infertility in women. Family planning is an important step in the prevention of infertility.
  • The timely onset of sexual activity is very important for women and girls. The body of adolescents is not yet ready for sexual intercourse.
  • Avoidance of promiscuity and frequent change of sexual partners - allows you to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and all the complications that may be associated with them.

Separately, we should talk about psychological problems. Often, it is nervous strain that causes problems with conception. Avoidance of stress, periodic visits to a psychologist sometimes allow you to solve all the troubles and raise a wonderful baby!