Nutrition for bladder cancer - Traditional methods of cancer treatment. Diet for bladder cancer: what to eat so as not to harm yourself Nutrition for stage 1 bladder cancer

question nutrition, oncology has received little attention. In most cases, oncologists answer the questions of patients without thinking that eat as before, do not deny yourself anything. On the one hand, if the patient does not have long to live, then perhaps one can agree. On the other hand, if the patient is actively treated, feels good, then it is foolish not to attach importance to the huge role of proper nutrition in the treatment of cancer patients. According to statistics, in Russia 30% of cancer patients die from anorexia (lack of appetite) and cachexia (extreme exhaustion of the body), in European countries this figure has been reduced to 15%.

In cancer patients, according to studies, protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is disturbed, food is poorly absorbed, but the body requires much more energy to maintain homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) than in ordinary patients. It is known that a tumor depresses the immune system, and a malnourished patient additionally weakens his body, creating conditions for greater immunosuppression, the appearance of major complications. In case of cachexia, any anti-cancer treatment is not effective, because a 45-50% loss of body weight is fatal.

To date, does not exist universal anti-cancer diet, for various kinds tumors, but there are certain nutritional patterns that must be followed. You can create the right anti-cancer diet only based on the scientific research of Russian and foreign experts. Using such data, I will talk about the diet for lung, kidney and bladder cancer in this article.


The results of scientific research regarding the use of protein foods vary greatly, sometimes becoming directly opposite. Here great importance it is not the protein products themselves, but the fat content in them, the combined use of vegetables with them, the type of tumor, and many seemingly unimportant little things. The important thing that scientists have come to is that lack of protein food, as well as excess, is harmful to patients.

Many people know that protein is used by our body to build new cells to replace dying old ones. This can be clearly shown in the mucous membranes of the stomach, the cells of which are completely renewed every 3 days, or the small intestine, where a complete renewal takes place in just 36 hours. With a lack of protein in the blood, the renewal becomes defective, ulcerative processes appear in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion is disturbed, and pain appears. It is noteworthy that these ulcers in the mucous membranes cannot be healed by any drugs until the amount of protein is restored. protein deficiency causes a weak effect of drugs, since it is the protein that is responsible for the transport of many substances throughout the body.

Besides, edema in cancer patients, this is a direct consequence of the low protein content.
According to scientific research: low protein diet stimulates the appearance of liver cancer, promotes earlier metastasis of breast cancer, while the growth of the tumor itself does not change, but delays metastasis in liver cancer. With too much protein the growth of a tumor of the bladder and liver cancer slows down, but a tumor of the breast grows faster, as well as cancer of the rectum. When fasting the patient's condition improves significantly due to increased antioxidant activity of the liver, but the tumor continues to grow, causing dystrophy of cancer patients. If the patient comes out of fasting, then he practically cannot recover, and all the “problems” of the patient return with even greater force. For example, ascites, pleurisy, lymphostasis, various types of pain increase, exceed those before starvation.

Increased protein nutrition very important when lung cancer treatment especially when preparing a patient for surgery or chemotherapy. According to statistics, a significant number of patients die within 6 months after the operation if they were weakened or malnourished. For bladder cancer the amount of protein taken should be average, strictly balanced in relation to fats and carbohydrates.

It has been proven that an excess of meat, fatty and salty foods causes acidification of the body, irritation of the mucous membranes of the bladder. In addition, eating well-done, smoked meat, cold cuts increases the risk of bladder cancer by 30%. For kidney cancer it is necessary to limit the consumption of protein products, especially fatty meat and fish, because with such a diet, the kidneys have to work hard, removing excess urea and protein waste products from the body. It is important to eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day.

Protein nutrition is very diverse. It is known that red meat stimulates the development of cancer, so it is completely removed from the diet. Prohibited products also include sausage, ham and liver. It is recommended to take white meat ( chicken breast skinless and lean rabbit), commercial marine fish (pink salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring, cod, pollock), whey together with sports protein nutrition, non-fat cottage cheese, legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, lentils), mushrooms ( porcini, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms), nuts.

White meat contains more than 2.5 times less saturated fat than red meat, i.e. less likely to cause cancer. Boiled white meat(without broth) is ideal option high-grade quickly assimilated protein food. fish it is better to use the sea, because. it is rich in anti-cancer substances: vitamin D and iodine. Recommended for kidney cancer oily sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel) which inhibits the development of cancer, but the number of fish must be limited, due to the need to reduce the amount of phosphorus in the diet. Whey-based sports nutrition is recommended as a nutritional supplement, especially when cachexia.

In the nutrition of cancer patients better use soy products, green beans and green peas. To eliminate the feeling of heaviness after taking legumes, you need to soak them in cold water for 5-8 hours before cooking, and to reduce flatulence, add grass and dill seeds to the food.
Legumes contain not only a large amount of protein and coarse fiber, but often contribute to the reduction of pain. Mushrooms, due to its composition, are considered a very useful product that enhances immunity, inhibit the development of lung cancer (porcini fungus, Ling Zhi). To increase the digestibility of mushrooms, it is recommended to grind them finely before use, it is even better to grind them into powder. It is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages after taking mushrooms, which drastically reduce the digestion of mushroom proteins.

To improve absorption protein in nuts, they need to be lightly fried at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, while the beneficial substances will remain. I note that fatty foods such as nuts or fish are not really sources of protein, since the fats contained in these foods drastically reduce protein digestibility. In addition, fatty foods, getting into the mouth, envelop the mucous membranes for a long time, reducing the sensitivity of food receptors, reducing appetite and the secretion of digestive juices, and therefore disrupting digestion. Egg yolk in the diet for cancer is not recommended, but cheese must be completely excluded.


Fats are necessary for our body, because they are raw materials for strengthening and building cell walls, sex hormones, and are also actively involved in digestion and energy release. Fats of animal origin (fatty meat, butter, sour cream) should be completely eliminated from the diet, as these fats can stimulate the growth of many types of cancer.

Preference is given fish oil(1 tsp 3 times a day or 1-2 capsules 2 times a day) and vegetable oils of the first cold pressing, which are best taken without heat treatment, as part of salads.
Olive oil has been shown to prevent certain types of lung cancer, according to scientific studies. Many nuts and vegetables such as almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds, wheat sprouts, wild garlic, carrots, olives, papaya contain significant anti-cancer vitamins A and E, so they should always be included in your diet.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which are considered anti-cancer, boost immunity, reduce inflammation and swelling. Often, fish oil is fortified by adding fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D to it, enhancing it. medicinal properties. Regular consumption of alpha-tocopherol, a form of vitamin E found in vegetable oils, significantly reduces the risk of bladder cancer. Another form of vitamin - gamma-tocopherol, found in walnuts, beans, soybean oil, pistachios, peanuts, reduces the risk of developing lung and prostate cancer. Foods containing beta-carotene, such as carrots, pineapples, oranges, pine nuts, and mangoes, also reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.


According to various scientific studies, the risk of cancer in vegetarians is 12-40% lower than in meat-eaters. But you should not switch to a vegetarian diet if you already have cancer. Because the restructuring of the body for a new digestion takes a long time, which patients do not have. It is known that many fruits and vegetables have high antioxidant activity, are rich in fiber and various anti-cancer substances. When passing through the gastrointestinal tract vegetables and fruits stimulate intestinal motility, bind to potentially dangerous carcinogenic agents, removing them from the body, reduce inflammation, increase glucose levels, reduce the level of harmful fats.

Most of them stand out bright and dark color giving them beneficial features. According to studies, regular consumption of even 100 gr. fruit per day reduces the risk of developing lung cancer by 10%, and the regular use of various vegetables along with white meat chicken reduces the risk of kidney cancer by almost 25%. The family of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower, arugula, horseradish, watercress, radish, rutabaga, etc.) is universal in the nutrition of cancer patients, since it has an anticancer effect on most types of cancer. It is important to note that cruciferous fruits exhibit their anti-cancer efficacy when cooked raw, or, in extreme cases, half-cooked in a double boiler.

Determined that carrot effectively inhibits the development of breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. Some seasonings such as turmeric, parsley, red hot pepper are effective against chronic lung diseases, including lung cancer. Tomatoes, like other red fruits and vegetables are strong antioxidants that reduce the development of cancer of the esophagus, mouth and pharynx, stomach, colon and rectum. Scientists from Sweden have found that those who eat bananas four to six times a week halved the likelihood of developing kidney cancer, those who regularly consume carrots reduce the risk by 60%, and those who take salads, at least once a day, reduce the risk of kidney cancer by 40%.

Unpeeled apples, can slow down the growth of colon cancer, liver. Cranberry successfully inhibits kidney cancer, reduces urinary tract infection, cowberry acts much weaker than cranberries. Pomegranate juice effective in lung, skin and prostate cancer. Regular eating pasta and rice may stimulate the development of kidney cancer, and permanent eating white bread can increase the likelihood of developing kidney cancer by 2 times. Therefore, it is recommended to take only sprouted wheat and bread with whole grains. Use " fast carbohydrates", such as sugar, sweets, baked potatoes, white bread should be eliminated from the diet, as these foods dramatically increase blood glucose levels, increasing tumor nutrition. It is recommended to apply honey, which has an anti-cancer effect on some types of tumors, pineapples, figs, dates, black pitted raisins(chew the bones). It should be noted that the sweet foods listed above should not be carried away. Because the digestibility of glucose in cancer patients is sharply reduced and glucose during their digestion can only go to feed cancer cells.

The drinks.

Chlorine is harmful to humans. Scientific studies show that ingestion of chlorinated water and even baths with chlorinated water leads to an increase in bladder cancer. Therefore, you should only take settled water, defrosted is better. Pure water, taken in the amount of six or more cups a day, reduces the risk of developing bladder cancer by 2 times. Regular taking milk and yogurt may increase the chance of kidney cancer by 30%, and taking yogurt without preservatives inhibit bladder cancer by 40%. Green tea (at least 4-5 cups per day) significantly reduces the risk of many types of cancer. Natural coffe has some toxicity, changes the hormonal background, causes dehydration. It is still not recommended for use in bladder cancer. Drinking two glasses of dry red wine a week will reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer, while excessive consumption of beer and spirits stimulates the development of lung cancer.

Let's talk about some "overseas" fruits, which are quite affordable for those who travel to southern countries.

A pineapple. The drug bromelain, isolated from pineapple, has a stronger effect than the pineapple itself. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially on the rectum, therefore it is used for treatment ulcerative colitis, as well as colon cancer, while pineapple destroys the fibrin membrane around the tumor, creating conditions for the destruction of the tumor.

Pineapple has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in skin cancer. Scientific studies show that pineapple protects DNA from mutation, reduces tumor volume by 65%. In addition, pineapple helps to reduce swelling of the tumor, reduce pain, and improves the absorption of protein products.

Mango. It has an anti-cancer effect on tumors of the breast, large intestine, pancreas, mango has a weaker anti-cancer effect on lung cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia. Mango also improves the breakdown of proteins, helps digestion, and has an anti-allergic effect. Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that mango peel has a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effect.

Mangosteen. Mangosteen grows in Southeast Asia, all parts of the tree (bark, leaf, fruit) are medicinal. Tourists everywhere meet mangosteen fruits for sale, in which everything is medicinal: pericarp, sweet core, peel. The fruits are used for skin wounds and diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, and various inflammations. Antifungal, antiallergic, antiviral and anticancer, anti-metastasis properties of fruits can be distinguished. Thanks to scientific research, anticancer activity has been revealed against various types of leukemia, breast cancer, colon cancer, oral cavity cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, brain glioma, ovarian cancer. This may be why mangosteen supplements are the best-selling supplements in East Asia. I note the ability of mangosteen to inhibit the development of tumor vessels (angiogenesis), inhibit the development of metastasis, and also enhance the effect of chemotherapy.

To win oncological disease, it is necessary not only to seek medical help in time, but also to spend vitality on fighting the disease. It is very important for bladder cancer to eat right, get energy from food, and also essential vitamins, useful substances and trace elements.

is a very dangerous disease. In order for the therapy to be successful, it is important to detect and eliminate the tumor as early as possible, as well as follow all the doctor's recommendations during rehabilitation. This also applies to the right approach to nutrition. At an early stage in the development of the disease, the diet will save energy to fight bladder cancer and maintain a person's performance. With advanced stages of a malignant neoplasm, during radiation, chemical therapy or after surgery, correct mode nutrition will help improve immunity and restore the functional state of organs.

Adhering to a special diet is vital. First of all, it is worth giving up a large amount of protein foods. In oncology, the daily dose of protein should be no more than 150 grams. It is better to give preference to rabbit or chicken meat, such a product is easily digestible, does not contain cholesterol and other harmful substances. Periodically, you can replace meat dishes with fish, add eggs, especially protein.

Cancer patients are advised to include fiber in their diet, which is found in vegetables and fruits. It is good to add lycopene to the diet for RMP, it is found in tomatoes, grapefruits and watermelon pulp. You can add a few tomatoes to your daily diet, drink fresh grapefruit.

With RMP, food is best consumed boiled or steamed. From smoked, fried foods it is better to completely refuse. Bread is allowed from wholemeal flour or whole grains.

Binge eating - worst enemy well-being in cancer patients. The body spends a lot of strength and energy to fight the disease, so food should replenish energy costs, and not take them away. Break the daily ration into 5-6 doses, i.e. food should be fractional, in small portions.

In the postoperative period

The first day after removal of the tumor, the operated patient receives all the necessary trace elements through a dropper. The desire to drink is satisfied only by wetting the lips with a cotton swab dipped in water with lemon. Full drinking is allowed only on the second day.

If the patient feels well after the operation, certain foods are allowed on the third day. First, non-fat dishes are offered, such as grated cottage cheese, slimy porridges, vegetable and chicken broths. Only on the fifth day, steamed meat dishes are introduced in a small amount.

You can eat the same as before the removal of the tumor on the 10th day after the operation and provided that the patient feels well.

During and after radiation or chemotherapy

If the patient takes chemotherapy or radiation, the appetite is significantly reduced. Accordingly, the diet should be not only nutritious and healthy, but also tasty. First of all, the hematopoietic system and immunity suffer from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, so it is important to eat hard to restore them. It is necessary to restore the level of iron in the blood and replenish the supply of B vitamins. These substances are found in the liver of animals or birds, sea fish, cereals.

You also need to take care of the condition of the intestines. Chemistry kills a large number of beneficial microflora. Fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria will help to make up for the loss.

On the days of therapy that destroys cancer cells, it is advisable not to eat rough food, because. inflammation can occur in the intestines.

After irradiation, anemia develops. To quickly restore the number of red blood cells, you need to take protein foods, oils (vegetable and animal). Vegetable or fruit juices, multivitamin preparations will not be superfluous.

What can and should be eaten

In case of cancer, it is recommended to eat only approved foods. The following list is intended for patients who do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. If necessary, the diet can be adjusted according to the patient's condition.


  • vegetable oil, preferably from olives. More suitable cold pressed;
  • homemade mayonnaise. However, it is better to limit its consumption. This is due to the fact that a large number vegetable oil overloads the pancreas;
  • cow butter;
  • various cereals. The exception is polished rice;
  • whole grain bread or coarse flour;
  • herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect (lime blossom, rose hips, St. John's wort, oregano);
  • fresh juices (from fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • berries containing a large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants (cherries, currants, raspberries);
  • raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini, eggplant);
  • milk products, both fresh and sour (homemade yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, etc.);
  • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken, fish per day no more than 150 grams);
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • legumes;
  • eggs, only protein is better;
  • liver - give preference to rabbit, beef or chicken. Preferably from animals and birds fed at home on natural feed.

The diet for RMP is most often compiled individually. Before prescribing it, the doctor takes into account the stage of development of the pathology and the period of therapy.

What is not allowed

  • pickled vegetables, seamings;
  • sweets, sweet pastries;
  • fried food;
  • dishes with large quantity spices, peppered, salted;
  • with unlimited or long shelf life;
  • frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, meatballs, etc.)
  • fast food;
  • with food coloring and various flavoring additives;
  • any smoked products (fish, meat, cheese);
  • pork and other fatty meats;
  • sweet soda, strong tea and coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • mushrooms.

Specially selected nutrition helps to reduce the development of the tumor. To do this, patients should reduce their protein content (for example, eat less red meat) and increase their intake of herbal products.

Menu for 1 day


  1. Fresh carrots (on an empty stomach).
  2. Porridge with dried fruits. Fresh fruit (apple or strawberry) - second breakfast.
  3. Fish soup. Bread from bran (no more than 2 pieces). Boiled chicken with vegetables. Tea with milk - lunch.
  4. A glass of curdled milk. Oatmeal cookies - afternoon snack.
  5. Vegetable cutlets (pumpkin and cauliflower). Baked apples with cottage cheese. A glass of green tea - dinner.
  6. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


  1. Fresh beetroot (on an empty stomach).
  2. Oatmeal with nuts. Fruits. Green tea - second breakfast.
  3. Vegetable soup. A few slices of diet whole grain bread. Turkey meat baked with fruits. Beet salad with apple. Dried fruit compote - lunch.
  4. Kefir - afternoon tea.
  5. Dessert from melon and cottage cheese. Diet cookies. Tea diluted with milk - dinner.
  6. Before going to bed, you can eat homemade yogurt.

Nutritionists work in cancer treatment centers, who, if necessary, will make a correct and healthy menu.

Chemical and radiation therapy are necessary to eliminate cancer cells, but they also negatively affect healthy organs. The sooner the body recovers, the better. You need to understand that people with bladder cancer follow the rules rational nutrition extremely important.

The bladder is an important organ of the excretory system of the body, which removes various toxins, harmful substances, carcinogens with urine. Obviously, both the incidence and the healing process are greatly influenced by the foods we eat. Proper and nutritious nutrition is a great help to all the methods of therapy that the doctor will prescribe. You can learn from your doctor about how to organize your diet for bladder cancer, and you can also find a lot on the Internet in various thematic resources.

Proper nutrition for bladder cancer is a complete diet. The body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Fresh fruits, vegetables, greens are the basis of the diet of any person, including cancer patients. Many are interested in whether there are products that inhibit tumor growth in bladder cancer. Today there is a theory that a substance such as lycopene can inhibit tumor growth. Therefore, it makes sense to enrich the patient's diet with products containing this component. First of all, these are tomatoes. Doctors recommend eating a few ripe tomatoes every day or drinking a glass of tomato juice. Other foods that inhibit tumor growth in bladder cancer are pink grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, apricot. They should be included in the patient's diet not only for the sake of lycopene, but also to enrich the body with other beneficial substances.

It is necessary to limit the intake of animal protein, especially from meat. It is allowed twice a week to consume a small portion of lean meats, fish, liver. It is also allowed to obtain protein from eggs, and from plant products - nuts and beans. Dairy and sour-milk products are essential for postoperative period for the establishment of intestinal motility and restoration of intestinal microflora. These products are needed by the body, but you should not abuse them. It is better to use the products that inhibit the growth of the tumor in bladder cancer more often, as mentioned above.

Any products that a healthy lifestyle prohibits, of course, cannot be consumed by cancer patients. Forbidden foods for bladder cancer are fatty, spicy, pickled, overly salty or sweet foods. The ban is also imposed on many drinks: strong tea, coffee, soda, and, of course, alcohol. All canned food, semi-finished products and any food that contains chemical ingredients - dyes, thickeners, preservatives and other "chemistry" - are prohibited foods for bladder cancer. The way food is prepared is also very important. Boiled, sleeve-baked, steamed food are the main cooking methods. Frying, grilling, smoking, baking until crispy - all this is excluded from the diet. sweet pastries, muffins, baked goods made from white flour of the highest grade are also prohibited foods for bladder cancer. Cereal bread, wholemeal bread, bran bread, dietary bread should be included in the patient's diet.

Nutrition for bladder cancer is very diverse, despite the fact that the diet is strict and there is no place for the goodies familiar to a modern person. However, this is not too much to pay for recovery. Doctors say that a clear and strict implementation of medical recommendations can increase a person's chances of recovery. Proper nutrition is the basis of vitality and strong immunity, and it is he who is the main fighter against cancerous tumors. To restore the functions of the immune system more effectively, proper nutrition alone is not enough. Modern science has offered all cancer patients a drug that makes immunity a strong fighter with super-powerful weapons. This is a drug Transfer factor, the action of which is based on the transfer of immune information to the cells of the immune system. This effect is achieved due to the peptide compounds that are part of the drug, carrying the immune memory of all mammals. When NK cells receive this data, they are many times more effective in searching for and destroying cancer cells. Laboratory studies of the drug have shown that the activity of each immune cell after a course of Transfer Factor increases by 480%. Such an impressive result can not be achieved by any of the known to the world immune drugs. The value of Transfer Factor lies in the fact that it gently and naturally tunes the immune system to an independent fight against cancerous tumors.

This drug is recommended as a powerful tool for prevention and for its inclusion in the complex treatment of malignant tumors in the body. Oncologists also advise taking Transfer Factor as an important addition to traditional therapies. In conjunction with proper diet, using vitamin complexes and compliance with all medical recommendations, this drug can work wonders. This has already been seen by thousands of cancer patients around the world who have forgotten about their illness, like a nightmare.

Bladder cancer - most dangerous disease which is difficult to cure. For effective therapy, it is important not only to detect cancer in a timely manner and eliminate the tumor, but also to follow all the doctor's instructions at the recovery stage.

Of great importance for the full rehabilitation of patients is proper nutrition.

A diet for stage 1 bladder cancer helps the body maintain strength to fight the disease and maintain the patient's performance. Diet at more advanced stages of cancer (as well as after surgery) helps to stimulate the immune system and restore the functional state of the organs.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones! Do not give up

The foods that a person consumes significantly affect the course of the disease and the dynamics of recovery. Proper nutrition for bladder cancer is, first of all, good nutrition: the body must receive in full all the substances it needs for the life of the body, as well as vitamins and microelements.

There is data that special food can curb tumor growth - patients should reduce their intake of protein foods (particularly red meat) and increase the amount of plant foods. Such a diet is prescribed for almost all types of malignant neoplasms.

Some doctors recommend eating more foods that contain a substance such as lycopene. This compound is found in large quantities in tomatoes. Patients are advised to eat a few fresh tomatoes daily or drink a glass or two of tomato juice. The substance is also found in other fruits (watermelon, grapefruit).

Plant foods should be present in the diet of patients with bladder cancer 3-4 times a day: fiber can be consumed in the form of salads, fresh vegetables, stews and vegetable soups in chicken broth.

As for animal protein, for bladder cancer, it is recommended to consume only lean and dietary meats, as well as sea fish and liver. Strong broths on fatty meat (pork and beef) are not recommended. Protein can also be obtained from eggs, as well as beans and nuts.

For patients with bladder cancer, the way food is prepared is also important.

Patients should eat mainly:

  • boiled dishes;
  • baked dishes;
  • steamed food.

Cooking methods such as frying, grilling, baking until golden brown, smoking are excluded. It is also recommended to replace white bread with whole grain bread and wholemeal products.

It should also be remembered that overeating is inadmissible: it is better to break the daily ration into 5-6 servings and eat fractionally. An organism affected by cancer should not expend extra effort on digesting and absorbing extra calories, so the menu should be strictly calculated in accordance with energy costs.

A qualified nutritionist will help you create the perfect menu. In specialized medical institutions (cancer centers), in addition to oncologists and surgeons, nutrition specialists work with each patient.

Nutrition after surgery

The first few days after the operation, the patient eats exclusively through intravenous injections. Drinking begins to be given to the patient from the second day - before that, they just wipe their lips with damp cotton. Approximately from the third day after the operation on the bladder, the patient is offered diet low-fat meals - grated cottage cheese, liquid chicken broth, cereals.

Approximately on the fifth day it is fashionable to introduce into the diet steam cutlets and other dietary meat dishes. After a week and a half, the patient can eat any food that is not prohibited by the diet before the operation.

Diet during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy

The main principle of nutrition when exposed to strong medicines and radiation is the variety, usefulness and palatability of food (since treatment adversely affects appetite).

It is necessary to include in the diet lean meat, fish, liver and other healthy foods high in B vitamins and iron. This is very important for the immune and hematopoietic systems, since radiation primarily affects these 2 functions of the body.

To restore the intestinal microflora, disturbed by drugs and radiotherapy, it is useful to use fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. These foods should be consumed at least 2 times a day. Directly during the period of irradiation, when bowel functions are disturbed and inflammatory processes may occur in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to refuse roughage and eat only easily digestible foods.

To increase the calorie content of food and restore strength in case of anemia, which often develops after radiation therapy, it is recommended to add more healthy protein, vegetable and butter to the diet. Juices and multivitamin complexes are also recommended.

Healthy foods

List useful products with bladder cancer is quite extensive. However, this list, designed for patients with a normal state of the intestines and stomach, can be adjusted by a nutritionist depending on the specific clinical case.

So, the following foods are useful for bladder cancer:

  • nuts;
  • legumes (beans, soybeans, peas, beans);
  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • lean meats (rabbit is best), fish and poultry (no more than 120 g daily);
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • raw and boiled vegetables (zucchini, all types of cabbage, eggplant, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.);
  • fruits and berries, especially rich in vitamin C;
  • fresh juices;
  • decoctions of herbs, useful in diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • bread made from wholemeal flour or whole grain;
  • cereals;
  • germinated cereals;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil - preferably olive, cold pressed;
  • homemade mayonnaise.

Foods to Avoid

All products that are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle are prohibited.

The list includes:

  • fried foods;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • marinades;
  • sweets;
  • long-term storage products with preservatives;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • food with dyes, thickeners, flavors and other "chemistry";
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • red fatty meat;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

sample menu


1. First breakfast: fresh carrot juice.
2.Lunch: oatmeal (with nuts), apple, tea with milk.
3. Dinner: green cabbage soup, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, stewed chicken with eggplant, rosehip broth.
4. afternoon tea: a glass of yogurt.
5. Dinner: macaroni and cheese, baked apple, green tea.
6. Before bedtime: kefir.


1. First breakfast: beetroot juice.
2. Lunch: porridge with prunes, strawberries, green tea.
3. Dinner: milk soup with black bread, an egg with apples (baked), a salad of fresh herbs and vegetables, fruit compote.
4.afternoon tea: kefir.
5. Dinner: cabbage rolls, oatmeal cookies, weak tea with milk.
6. Before bedtime: yogurt or cranberry juice.

Oncological diseases in modern society firmly hold a leading position. Any malignant tumor is a threat to human life. Developing imperceptibly, most of them reveal themselves only in the later stages, when warning signs appear and the general condition deteriorates rapidly. Bladder cancer is one of the few malignant neoplasms that are promptly detected and successfully treated. It is possible to suspect this pathology already at the stage of questioning the patient, having found in his past characteristic predisposing factors in combination with symptoms of bladder damage.

Features of the structure of the bladder

The bladder is an essential component genitourinary system person. About one and a half to two liters of urine is formed per day. It contains many waste chemicals that must be removed from the body.

The primary formation of urine occurs in the kidneys. From the pelvis, it goes to the ureters, from where it goes straight to the bladder. This organ is located in the pelvic area and closely adjacent to the rectum, prostate in men, uterus and vagina in women.

The task of the bladder is the accumulation and temporary storage of urine. Outside, it is excreted through the urethra.

The bladder is located in the pelvic area

The bladder is a hollow organ. Its wall consists of three layers:

What is bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is the medical term for a malignant neoplasm of bladder tissue that tends to spread to nearby organs. The tumor most often comes from the inner layer - the mucous membrane.

Bladder cancer is four times more common in men and 60 times more common in adults. Such tumors in children are rare, more often observed in boys. Bladder cancer firmly holds the second place in the structure of oncological pathology after the most common types: tumors of the stomach, esophagus, lungs, and larynx.

Classification of malignant neoplasms

Malignant neoplasms of the bladder are divided into several main types:

  1. According to the source of development of malignant cells, the tumor is divided into:
    • primary, the ancestor of which is the own tissues of the bladder;
    • secondary, in which the bladder is the site of localization of metastases (secondary foci) of a malignant process occurring in another organ.
  2. According to the type of tissue from which the tumor was formed, bladder cancer is divided into:
  3. According to the specific type of tumor cells, bladder cancer is divided into:
  4. According to the type of growth, the tumor is divided into two types:
    • non-invasive, predominantly spreading within one layer of the bladder wall;
    • invasive, prone to grow into all layers of the bladder wall.

The degree of prevalence of the tumor process is determined by the TNM system:

Causes and factors for the development of pathology

The basis of the formation of the tumor is the breakdown of genes. As a result, cells with altered characteristics are formed. A malignant neoplasm, regardless of location, has a number of universal features:

An important role in the oncological process is played by the immune system. It is she who is entrusted with the main task in the body - the recognition of one's own and others. The latter also include own cells with genetic breakdowns. Normally, all of them should be eliminated by immunity. However, in oncological disease, tumor cells elude such influence.

Several factors play an important role in the development of bladder cancer:

Video: bladder cancer, which can be infected

Signs of the disease

Bladder cancer often masquerades as other diseases of the urinary system: urolithiasis inflammation of the kidney (pyelonephritis). In 96% of patients, early symptoms of bladder cancer are limited to the following:

For several years, with the slow progression of cancer, the above symptoms may remain the only ones. They can be supplemented by acute urinary retention and the occurrence of renal colic due to blockage. urethra clotted blood. However, this situation rarely occurs.

Renal colic is an acute condition requiring urgent hospitalization. The person experiences intense pain in the lower back, which is aggravated by tapping under the ribs and walking. The pain radiates to the perineum and to the front of the thigh. As a rule, all symptoms occur on one side.

Local symptoms arising from damage to the bladder are supplemented by signs of "tumor intoxication":

  • weakness that persists for weeks or months;
  • sleep disorder;
  • low fever (37.1–37.6) for a long time (months);
  • gradual weight loss - by 1-2 kg per month, while maintaining the same diet and physical activity.

They appear at different stages, but necessarily accompany T3 and T4.

Features of symptoms of stage 4 bladder cancer

This stage is characterized by a number of additional symptoms, in addition to the above. Due to the defeat of the lymph nodes located in the pelvic cavity, severe swelling appears on the legs and perineum (especially in the scrotum / labia majora).

The germination of cancer in fatty tissue and nearby organs leads to the development of chronic pain in the suprapubic region, dull in nature, of medium or low intensity, aggravated by urination, straining and physical effort.

The lungs become a frequent target of metastasis, which leads to a violation of their functions and a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.

Metastases to distant organs lead to a decrease in their function and multiple organ failure. The following symptoms may occur:

  • respiratory disorders;
  • irregular increased heartbeat;
  • decrease in immunity.

This condition is the main cause of death in cancer patients.

Diagnosis Methods

Recognizing bladder cancer is a challenge for the urologist. To establish the correct diagnosis, the following measures are prescribed:

  • objective examination - allows you to identify foci of pain in the groin and lumbar region;
  • rectal (vaginal) examination - allows you to suspect the spread of the tumor to neighboring organs (rectum, uterus, appendages, prostate gland);
  • complete blood count - used to identify the characteristic signs of a tumor (anemia, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation);
  • a blood test for oncomarkers - allows you to identify the level of specific substances that increase with the development of a tumor;
  • biochemical blood test - shows the quality of blood purification by the kidneys (by the level of urea and creatinine);
  • general urine analysis - allows you to identify macro- and microhematuria;
  • cytological analysis of urine - serves to detect tumor cells when examined under a microscope;
  • Nechiporenko test - helps to accurately determine the degree of hematuria;
  • ultrasound - allows you to visualize the tumor and the degree of its spread;

    Ultrasound examination reveals the presence of a tumor and the degree of its spread

  • computed (magnetic resonance) tomography - helps to determine the extent of the spread of the tumor in the bladder and the presence of secondary foci in other organs and lymph nodes;

    Tomographic examination allows you to assess the degree of spread of the tumor

  • cystoscopy - allows using a special tool with a video camera without incisions (through the urethra) to examine the bladder from the inside, to determine the localization of the tumor;

    Cystoscopy is the main method for diagnosing bladder cancer

  • biopsy - involves examining a tumor site under a microscope to determine the exact type of malignant neoplasm;
  • photodiagnostics - allows you to see tumor cells saturated with a special drug using the cystoscopy procedure (a fluorescent substance is injected into the blood by intravenous injection, selectively accumulates in a malignant neoplasm and becomes visible in blue polarizing light).

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of bladder cancer is carried out with the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the bladder - cystitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra - urethritis;
  • kidney tumors;
  • inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney - glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors of the ureter, prostate, rectum, uterus and appendages.

Video: bladder cancer test

Bladder Cancer Treatment

Treatment of bladder cancer involves the use of several types of effects on the tumor. The tactics are determined by the urologist individually, depending on the stage and spread of the malignant neoplasm.


Surgery is the main treatment for bladder cancer. With a small size of the tumor that does not affect the muscle layer of the wall, it can be limited to removing only a section of the bladder wall (resection). This type of surgery takes place without incisions using a special instrument inserted through the urethra.

For small tumors, a section of the bladder wall is removed using a special tool.

With a significant spread of the oncological process, only a radical removal of the bladder - cystectomy - will help to cope with the tumor. In addition, excision of the prostate, uterus with appendages, and nearby lymph nodes is often used.

The second step is to create a new reserve for storing and diverting urine. Most often, a section of the intestine is used for this purpose. While maintaining the integrity of the urethra, the patient will be able to subsequently control urination. Otherwise, the outflow of urine is carried out through an opening in the anterior wall of the abdomen into a special receiver.

In the case of extensive tumor spread, including to the urethra, the outflow of urine is carried out through a special opening above the pubis - epicystostomy. Radical intervention in this situation is not carried out. When the tumor collapses, cystoscopy is used to stop bleeding from its vessels, supplemented by cauterization (coagulation) of the problem area.


The purpose of anticancer drugs is to reduce the number of malignant cells and the prevalence of the process. Chemotherapy is used both before the operation and after it to prevent the recurrence of the disease. The following drugs are used:

  • Farmorubicin;
  • Vinblastine;
  • Cyclophosphamide;
  • Mitomycin.

Photo Gallery: Chemotherapy for Bladder Cancer

Cisplatin is a platinum drug, an antitumor agent of the cytostatic group.
Doxorubicin is used for chemotherapy, combines antitumor and antibacterial actions.
Vincristine effectively fights tumor cells, inhibiting the process of their division Methotrexate is an effective antitumor drug that reduces the activity of pathological cell division

Chemotherapy drugs are most often administered intravenously, but in some cases they are delivered directly into the bladder using special instruments through the urethra. Medicine at the same time, it is released slowly, providing an antitumor effect.

To eliminate bleeding from a malignant tumor, hemostatic drugs are used: Dicinon, Etamzilat, Aminocaproic acid. With a significant loss of blood, a transfusion of donor components is used - erythromass, plasma. With severe pain syndrome, painkillers are prescribed:

Reduce the rate of tumor progression immunomodulators. For this purpose, the BCG vaccine is injected into the cavity of the bladder. The latter is also used for the prevention of tuberculosis. In response to its introduction, local immunity is formed. Immune cells prevent the growth of a malignant neoplasm. The duration of the course of treatment is about a year. The use of the immunotherapy method also prevents the recurrence of the disease in 75% of patients within 2 years.


X-ray irradiation of the tumor is another component of complex therapy. Using this method, it is possible to influence malignant cells localized in the bladder, nearby lymph nodes and neighboring organs. Irradiation is carried out remotely using a special X-ray unit. In addition, the introduction of radioactive drugs into the bladder is used. Most sensitive to this species treatment of transitional cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Radiation therapy is used both before and after surgery to prevent recurrence.

X-ray irradiation can reduce the spread of the tumor

Video: Bladder Cancer Treatment Options


The diet of a patient with bladder cancer needs to be corrected. It is necessary to observe sufficient calorie content, since the tumor process is often accompanied by weight loss and digestive disorders. Fractional meals four to five times a day, a sufficient amount of liquid (one and a half to two liters) will provide the body's needs for nutrients.

Eat foods high in protein and vitamins. Of the types of heat treatment, cooking, baking are preferred. Products recommended for use:

  • grain bread;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • meat of poultry, rabbit;
  • lean beef and pork;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products.

Grain bread - a source of B vitamins Chicken meat is a dietary product, a source of protein in an easily digestible form. Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins Nuts contain many valuable substances and are very high in calories. Fresh vegetables - suppliers of vitamins and microelements Sea fish contains protein and valuable fatty acids

Video: foods that are good for the bladder

If you have bladder cancer, you should limit your intake of the following foods:

  • fatty meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • hot seasonings and spices;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • baking and other confectionery;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • fast food
  • marinades;
  • canned foods.

Lamb is a fatty meat Alcohol must be categorically excluded from the diet. Baking contains too much sugar Fast food contains a lot of fat and calories

Alternative treatment

Recipes traditional medicine are used with the permission of the doctor only as an addition to the main treatment.

Self-medication is unacceptable folk remedies in bladder cancer. Medicinal fees will not get rid of the pathology, but they can aggravate the condition.

For bladder cancer, the following agents can be used:

  1. Mix dry chopped vegetable raw materials of birch leaves and cocklebur grass in the amount of 100 grams, as well as celandine and poplar buds, 50 grams each. 2 tbsp. l. pour the mixture in a liter cold water for 8-10 hours, then bring to a boil. Take a glass of funds four times a day.
  2. Mix one hundred grams of dry chopped vegetable raw materials of periwinkle leaves and stems, cornflower flowers, nettles, add 50 grams of juniper fruit. 2 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture with a liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. The cooled product must be consumed in a quarter cup four times a day.
  3. Celandine. The juice of the plant should be consumed one teaspoon per day. The course of treatment is one month.
  4. Sweet clover. 1 st. l. dry crushed vegetable raw materials pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting remedy is to use a quarter cup three times a day.

Photo gallery: plants in the treatment of bladder cancer

Celandine enhances the body's activity against foreign agents, such as cancer cells Vinca herbal raw materials are used as a hemostatic agent as part of fees. Sweet clover is used to relieve bladder cancer as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.


The prognosis of bladder cancer treatment is individual, determined by the specific type of tumor and the prevalence of the malignant process. A tumor detected at the initial stages of development can be completely removed from the body with timely intervention. But in this case, the risk of recurrence of the disease remains, which ranges from 38 to 70%. A far advanced process, in which the tumor managed to germinate all layers of the bladder wall, leads to a decrease in the five-year survival rate.

Table: five-year survival rate for different stages of bladder cancer

With the complex treatment of bladder cancer, the five-year survival rate is the highest. After isolated cystectomy, it is 40%. The use of radiation therapy increases the five-year survival rate up to 55%.

The maximum life expectancy with the spread of the tumor to the nearest lymph nodes reaches six years. With the germination of malignant formation of neighboring organs, it is no more than two years.

After the removal of the tumor, long-term dispensary observation and regular diagnostics are necessary. Cystoscopy and photodynamic tests are used to detect recurrence of the disease.

Possible Complications

In severe cases of bladder cancer, the following complications develop:


In order to prevent bladder cancer, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • annual clinical examination with urinalysis, examination by a gynecologist and urologist;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system;
  • diet correction;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol.

Bladder cancer is a common cancer. If a tumor is detected in the early stages, the prognosis is favorable. Annual dispensary observation allows timely detection and elimination of the disease. Oncological pathology requires as early as possible seeking medical help.