How to feed cucumbers with iodine and milk. Feeding cucumbers with iodine and milk

Having made the decision to grow, it does not matter at all for yourself or for sale, it is important to remember that it is better to prevent problems from arising than to deal with the consequences later. Knowledge of agricultural practices and correct processing cucumbers from diseases will help even novice gardeners get the desired harvest.

Iodine treatment

Processing cucumbers with iodine allows you to cope with the following problems without the use of chemicals:

  • . Such pathogens live in soil with a high level of moisture. They are manifested by darkening of the roots, yellowing of the leaves and flying around the ovaries. They fight it with the help of pharmaceutical iodine, which is diluted with water (1: 2) and the stems above 20 cm from the surface of the earth are lubricated with the resulting solution. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • . Similar problems are eliminated with a solution of 10 drops of iodine and 1 liter of milk. The listed components are mixed in a bucket of water. The resulting composition is abundantly sprayed with cucumbers and the soil under them.
  • Use of wood ash

    It is a natural alkali, which has not only fertilizer functions, but is also capable of killing harmful microorganisms and. Ash is a great helper in the fight against different types spotting of cucumbers, which appear as a result of the multiplication of bacteria.

    For prevention, it is recommended that in the early stages of the development of microorganisms, a little sprinkle of plant leaves with a solution of ash. A similar solution and iodine for cucumbers will help slow down the development of powdery mildew, which leads to spots and white plaque on the leaves. In addition, all this will avoid the intervention of chemicals.

    To improve the adhesion of the drug, you can add laundry soap to the solution, 50 g of soap is enough for a bucket of water. top dressing increases the resistance of cucumbers to. In order to scare away and impede their movement, the soil is treated with ash or a mixture of this substance with tobacco dust.

    Spraying with garlic

    Infusion of garlic is effective not only against aphids, but also other pests.

    A similar solution can be prepared in two recipes:

    • Take cloves in a volume that fits in a liter jar. Combine them with 0.5 l of purified vegetable oil and 30 ml liquid soap. Garlic is pre-crushed thoroughly. The resulting composition is insisted for 24 hours, filtered after the expiration. For spraying, take 20 ml of the prepared solution and dilute them in 500 ml of water. Thoroughly mix and treat diseased plants. In order not to harm the plants, it is important to strictly observe the concentration.

    Important! To get a good and high-quality harvest, even an unpretentious cucumber needs help. Do it with folk recipes or chemical elements- you decide.

    • The second recipe consists of the same amount of garlic, 1 liter of water and 15 g of soap. Garlic is passed through a meat grinder, poured into a 2-liter jar, the rest of the container is poured with water. Then in closed store in a dark place for 12 days. After the expiration of time, filter and use as directed. Before use, the resulting composition is diluted with water, a small bar of soap is added. For the correct concentration, 50 ml of garlic infusion is diluted in a bucket of water. All thoroughly shake and spray the plants.
    Such spraying can be carried out as many times as necessary.

    Milk serum

    When plants begin to hurt during the harvest period, chemistry cannot be applied. At this time, in addition to iodine, cucumbers are also treated with milk and products of its processing, for example, whey. It contains monoacid bacteria that suppress the activity of pathogens of fungal diseases and saturate plants. beneficial substances.

    The medicinal composition, which is formed on the leaves of plants in the form of a thin film, protects them from the ingress of fungal microorganisms. However, the disadvantage of this tool is the short duration of the effect, so you need to regularly treat the plants. Professionals recommend planning processing for July, since it is at this time that they are most vulnerable. Serum should not be used undiluted.

    Before use, it must be diluted in the same amount with water at room temperature. Then the composition is heated to 25 ° C and cucumbers are sprayed. Additionally, you can add laundry soap, this will help improve the adhesion of the product to the leaves.

    Fertilizing plants with mullein solution

    With the defeat of powdery mildew, which manifests itself in the form of a grayish coating on the entire bush and gradually leads to its death. The first manifestations of the disease can be removed by processing with environmentally friendly fertilizer - mullein infusion.

    It is prepared in several ways:

    Take a certain amount of fresh water and pour the same amount of water. They insist for a day, after the time has elapsed, they are re-diluted already in a ratio of 1:10. Mix thoroughly and ready composition water the aisles at the rate of 10 liters of fertilizer per 1 m2. Use slurry and combine it with water in a ratio of 1:4. Leave in a warm place for 7 days. Then add more water in the amount of 3 servings and feed.

    Important! An additional benefit of manure is to obtain heat, which will be released from the overheating of manure. This will positively affect the growth of crops.

    Iodine and Zelenka

    Cucumbers used to be often treated with brilliant green and iodine. Useful qualities antiseptics are manifested due to the copper compound that is present in the composition. A solution based on iodine and brilliant green is prepared as follows: 10 ml of brilliant green is added to a bucket of water.

Cucumbers are amazing healthy vegetables containing calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc and other trace elements.

Regular consumption of cucumbers in food improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, improves memory, and removes cholesterol. If you choose between store-bought and homemade vegetables, of course, the latter will be more useful. When buying vegetables in a store, you cannot be sure that pesticides or chemicals were not used to get a rich harvest, and therefore you cannot be sure of the benefits of purchased vegetables.

Another thing is when vegetables are grown in their own garden. Growing vegetables for themselves, gardeners rarely use chemicals, trying to get by folk remedies. There are many folk remedies used and long forgotten, but no less effective, which help to cope with many diseases and favorably affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

One of them is spraying the culture with a mixture of milk and iodine. Such a mixture protects well from bad diseases that affect the growth of cucumbers and, as a result, the quality of the crop. This mixture is available in preparation, quite budgetary, does not harm the person and the culture itself.

The benefits of iodine

Everyone remembers from childhood that iodine is a good and effective antiseptic, so having a vial of this medicinal ingredient, it is a sin for a gardener not to use its properties.

Iodine contains a significant amount of copper, which means that it is an excellent tool for helping plants.

Watering cucumbers using iodine helps to cope with such troubles as gray rot and late blight. Also, iodine significantly rejuvenates the plant and helps to cope with premature yellowing of the leaves.

Iodine is enriched with trace elements, and, therefore, it can be used as top dressing: as a fertilizer to activate the vitality of the plant. The use of iodine helps to increase crop productivity.

Video “How to protect cucumbers and zucchini from diseases and rot”

The video shows and tells how to properly prepare an iodine solution with milk and how to use it.

Milk treatment with iodine

Antiseptic iodine, paired with fermented milk products, fights well with all sorts of troubles in the garden. Lactose creates the thinnest film on the leaves of cucumbers, due to which pathogens have practically no chance of penetration.

Such top dressing is useful for plants that grow on poor soil that contains practically no trace elements. Such spraying does not harm the plant and is an excellent protection against many diseases.

For spraying, you will need to take iodine, literally thirty drops, dilute and chop well in one liter of milk. For a better effect, you can add a few grams of laundry soap previously grated on a fine grater to this remedy.

Such watering can be carried out throughout the entire growth of the crop with an interval of seven to ten days. The first treatment can be carried out already three to four days after planting. Watering in this case should be done at least a day later.

The only disadvantage of this method of processing cucumbers is that it may not be able to cope with the disease of the culture that has already begun. If, for example, powdery mildew attacked cucumbers, it is worth using more aggressive means. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the prevention of diseases, not waiting for its onset.

Nevertheless, trying to save the crop with this harmless remedy is not only possible, but necessary. To do this, you need to take ten to twelve drops of iodine for nine to ten liters of milk. This remedy can help control downy mildew.

An undoubted advantage, in addition to environmental friendliness and ease of use of such a mixture, is that after it you can eat the fruits and not even wash them without fear of consuming harmful substances. From the use of this fertilizer, the crop will ripen much earlier, without using harmful and expensive chemicals and pesticides.

Proper watering, top dressing and competent fertilizer will definitely affect the yield. Any disease is much easier to prevent and protect yourself from it and its negative consequences. The lactose contained in milk will help prevent the reproduction of pests, and will also be a good top dressing for the plant. Therefore, an inexpensive, but very effective remedy will be an excellent assistant in preventing undesirable consequences disease, as well as in the collection of a good, rich and healthy harvest.

Video “How to deal with cucumber diseases with folk remedies. Serum Treatment”

The video shows the process of processing cucumbers with whey with iodine.

Cucumbers are very popular. vegetable crop, growing in almost all suburban areas. To reap a large harvest, it is necessary not only to properly care for the plants, but also to protect them from infection in time. various diseases. Spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine helps protect plants from dangerous diseases.

The main advantages of this method include:

  • natural composition of the solution;
  • easy to prepare;
  • does not contain chemicals;
  • safety for humans and animals.

Cucumbers are ready to eat without additional processing and purification. The disadvantages of this method can be attributed to only one - if the disease is neglected, the use of more aggressive drugs is required.

One of the most important points for caring for vegetables is the processing of cucumbers from pests. Experienced gardeners prefer natural remedies that do not contain "harmful chemicals". That is why spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine is preferable to other methods.

This method is very good as it is the most effective way against downy and true powdery mildew. A solution of iodine does an excellent job with late blight and gray rot. Such antiseptic treatment must be applied especially when the summer is cold and rainy. Iodine helps protect plants from yellowing and premature leaf fall.

Of the milk-iodine recipes, two stand out that have the strongest effect on pests:

  • iodine and soap are added to the milk solution;
  • make a solution of yogurt and iodine.

Milk iodine spray

This recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • laundry soap;
  • milk;

When choosing milk for this solution, buy low-fat dairy products. Too fatty milk can create a protective film on the leaves, which will block the access of oxygen and nutrients to the growing crop. Laundry soap has no cosmetic fragrances and dyes. It contains no chemical additives.

We prepare 10 liters of solution:

  • 20 g of laundry soap;
  • 9 liters of warm, but not hot water;
  • a liter of skimmed milk;
  • 30 drops of iodine.

In order for the soap to dissolve better, it must be grated in advance on a fine grater. All ingredients are mixed in a large enamel or plastic bucket. Achieve complete dissolution of the soap. The solution is used as soon as it becomes homogeneous.

The leaf plate is sprayed on both sides, first the upper part, then the lower. The solution remaining after the procedure is poured onto the ground around the plants. Thus, you can additionally feed the cucumbers.

Iodine solution with curdled milk

In the fight against pests, not only milk is actively used, but also dairy products, in particular yogurt. This is especially true in cases where cucumbers are not grown on open ground.

Usually in a greenhouse or greenhouse it is much warmer. The air is poorly ventilated and the humidity is high. Such conditions are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. It is here that spraying cucumbers with solutions containing whey and yogurt will be very effective.

To prepare a solution, yogurt is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1. Using stale products will not give a positive result. For 10 liters of the prepared mixture, take no more than 10 ml of iodine. This is approximately 30-40 drops.

Significantly increases the effectiveness of the solution - Fitosporin. This drug helps to prolong the fruiting period.

Feeding seedlings with milk and iodine

Cucumbers, like any other vegetable crop, need fertilizers. This is especially true of the period when the ovary is formed and the fruits ripen. Of course, in gardening stores they offer many ready-made complex preparations for sale. However, natural formulations are still preferable.

Good results are shown by feeding, consisting of milk and iodine. These components can be used together or separately. The benefit of "milk fertilizer" is that milk contains a large amount of useful vitamin and mineral elements.

All substances found in dairy products are well absorbed by cucumbers. In addition, there is an additional saturation of the soil with nutrients.

Iodine is added for disinfection. It also stimulates cell growth, improves the protective properties of the plant, creating a natural barrier against various diseases.

Using milk solutions, solve such problems:

  • the plant is provided with nutrients;
  • plants protect against diseases;
  • soil receives additional nutrients.

The feeding solution is prepared as follows: 1 liter of milk is dissolved in 5 liters of slightly warm water. Water is taken settled or filtered. The solution is then thoroughly mixed.

Around the plant, at a distance of no more than 10 centimeters from the stem, a not very large circular groove is made. The solution is poured into this groove. Each bush should take at least half a liter of prepared fertilizer.

You can feed the plants by watering them from above. This method can solve two problems at once. Bushes will not only be fed with useful substances, but will also receive additional protection and treatment.

By feeding cucumbers in the same way, they give impetus to accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level and stimulate the growth of seedlings. Iodine helps to improve the taste of vegetables and increase yields.

It is important to remember that settled water is used for the solution, and no more than 5 drops of iodine should be taken per liter of liquid.

Good results are shown by a solution of whey, water and iodine. Proportions:

  • 5 liters of settled, slightly warm water;
  • 25 drops of iodine;
  • liter of milk.

Between dressings should be intervals of two weeks.

Spraying rules

It cannot be assumed that if the solution consists of natural ingredients, it cannot harm plants. Spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine should take place in accordance with a number of rules. Failure to follow the recommendations leads to leaf burns and poor plant growth.

  • Time. Spraying is carried out in the evening to avoid scorching sunlight.
  • Subsequence. First spray the lower leaves of the plants. Then they move higher, watering the rest of the vegetable crop.
  • Age. Only those bushes that already have at least five true leaves are processed and fed.
  • Periodicity. Cucumbers are treated with milk-iodine solutions or a mixed composition every two weeks. However, it cannot be combined with other fertilizers for processing.
  • Compound. It is necessary to prepare the solution strictly according to the recipe. It should not be thought that an additional amount of iodine will be able to protect the plant from diseases even better. An excess of this component leads to a burn of the leaves.

Watering plants with a solution of milk with iodine is not only a natural top dressing. It is also an excellent disease prevention. More about it here:

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Secrets of a good cucumber harvest

If the aerial part of the plants develops poorly, foliar top dressing (through the leaves) should be applied with a solution of mineral fertilizers: 5 g of urea, 12 g of superphosphate and 7 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water. Plants are treated with a manual sprayer at a flow rate of 0.5 l of solution per 1 m2. 50-60 days after sowing, regular

  1. Cucumbers require a relatively high temperature: seeds germinate at a temperature not lower than 12 ... 15 °, plants develop normally at 25 ... 30 °, they die when frosts. A favorable combination of high air and soil temperatures with high humidity. Whey
  2. 2. Soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water in the evening, in the morning Some experts advise trying a very interesting method of growing cucumbers using hydroponics, that is, without the use of soil. Expanded clay is used to fill the containers. This will save you dirt on the windowsill and, according to experts, the plants grow exceptionally strong and bear fruit abundantly.
  3. Southeast windows are suitable for growing cucumbers at home. In the south, as a rule, it is quite hot, and the northern ones are a bit dark. But, if you grow plants during a short daylight period (December-February), take care of purchasing phyto-lamps. Plants need to be illuminated for at least 15 hours a day, even if located on the southeast windows. In general, the optimal planting time is mid-February, when the day begins to increase. If powdery mildew appears on the leaves of cucumbers, then you need to spray the plant with the Immunocytophyt biological product (1 tablet per 10 liters of water) or infusion of rotten hay. Haying not only increases protective functions plants, but also helps to increase the "life span" of cucumber lashes and prolongs fruiting until September.
  4. Immediately after planting the plants, cucumbers are treated with a solution of sour milk and a small amount of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per 10 liters of water). onion, legumes, cabbage, root vegetables or greens are the best predecessors for cucumbers.
  5. Cucumbers are known to love water, but this does not mean that they need to be poured haphazardly. In hot periods, of course, you need to water every day and only with warm water. But if there are cloudy days, watering is stopped or at least limited. As for the time for watering, the evening is better. Every agronomist wants to collect a rich harvest from his beds, because so much strength and patience is put in for this. We will talk about what to do so that cucumbers give a good harvest in this article.

picking cucumbers

For sowing, it is better to take old seeds (2-4 years of storage). They are more productive, as the plants form more female flowers and, consequently, ovaries. Seeds are sorted, selecting large, more viable ones. They are poured into a liter jar and poured with a 3-5% solution of table salt (30-50 g of salt per 1 liter of water), stirred and allowed to settle. All floating seeds are removed, and those remaining at the bottom are washed. clean water and dry.

​: 1 liter of whey to 5 liters of water.​

Knead bread, add a small vial of iodine

Preparing seeds for planting

​Check your garden carefully for pests and diseases. Cucumbers are susceptible powdery mildew, root rot and Fusarium wilt. From insects cucumber attacks spider mite and aphids. When using plant protection products, be sure to take into account the ripening time of the fruit so as not to use harmful “chemistry” before harvesting.​

Watering cucumbers grown on the windowsill is necessary with sufficient drying of the soil. For irrigation use only warm water, after letting it settle well so that excess salts settle. We all know that a cucumber is 90% water, so it also needs at least 80-90% humidity. This can be achieved by using room humidifiers, or you can place containers with plants on large pallets with pebbles or expanded clay, and add water there as needed.

Cucumber garden preparation

We wish you success and great harvests!​

Subsequent feeding and preventive treatments for pests are carried out at intervals of fifteen days:

Cucumbers show excellent results on warm beds. But if you haven’t had time to prepare one since the fall, it doesn’t matter.

Competent neighborhood.

There are some nuances that you need to pay attention to if you want to know how to increase the yield of cucumbers:

, during the period of mass fruiting - after 1-2 days or daily. They remove not only marketable fruits, but also all ugly ones (kubariki, hooks), sick, damaged, overgrown, as they deplete the plant and delay the formation of new ovaries.

Fertile areas are allocated for crops, illuminated throughout the day by the sun. In autumn, after harvesting the previous crop, the soil is dug up to the full depth of the humus layer. In the spring, as soon as the soil is ready for cultivation, the surface is leveled with a rake to reduce evaporation and remove weeds.

, dilute 1 liter of liquid in a bucket of water and sprinkle cucumbers. The remaining liquid can be stored in a cool place. Treat the beds with this solution every 2 weeks, and cucumbers and tops will remain green until autumn.

Watering, fertilizing and processing cucumbers without chemicals

See, it's not as hard as it seems. The main thing is to carefully follow all the rules and prepare a basket. Soon we will collect cucumbers grown on the windowsill! ______​

Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds for a day in a damp cloth, so they will sprout more easily. Plant to a depth of 1.5 cm. Water well after planting. Usually two or three cucumber seeds are planted in one hole. When the plants come up and grow a little, leave the stronger plant. Others do not pull out (otherwise there is a risk of damaging root system gentle young plant), and gently pinch at the base.

How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill

1. Top dressing with infusion of fresh grass in a ratio of 1:5 and spraying with a solution of onion peel (500 grams of peel is poured with water, infused for a day, then brought to a boil, cooled and diluted with water 1:10).

Three weeks before planting cucumber seedlings, you need to dig a trench 0.7 meters deep and fill it with freshly cut grass interspersed with organic waste, sawdust, newspapers, kraft paper. All this biofuel is trampled down so that 15 cm remains to the ground level. Then, to warm up the contents, it is necessary to shed a trench abundantly hot water and fill it with fertile soil.

It is very important to choose the right "neighbors" for cucumbers. They feel great next to peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, celery and corn. Even some weeds can positively affect the yield of cucumbers. This is tansy and quinoa. But cucumbers do not like neighborhoods with tomatoes at all.

Strengthening the root system.

When collected, the whips are carefully taken to the side, forming paths for passage. After the first frost, in September, all fruits are harvested, including small ones (gherkins, pickles). Average

Adjust watering

3. Dilute in a bucket of water

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill is possible! |

Irina Inari "Growing cucumbers on the windowsill is possible!" specially for Eco-life website.​

After 25-30 days, that is, after the appearance of two true leaves, you need to pick the cucumbers into separate containers, or into bags with earth.

Just imagine, you are going to cook dinner and you think: “Why don’t I pick cucumbers for a salad?” You go to the windowsill with a basket and pick a dozen or two of your homemade, absolutely environmentally friendly, grown with love, fragrant cucumbers. Fantasy? No, a proven practice that has existed for more than one year.​

How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill

Choosing varieties

2. Spraying with infusion of celandine (leave 500 grams of green mass in water for three days, then strain, dilute with water 1:15 and spray).

Then you can mark the holes and make sides of the earth around them so that the water lingers on the garden during irrigation, and cover the trench with a film.

Preparing the soil and garden

There are general agrotechnical rules that you also need to follow if you do not know how to get a good crop of cucumbers. These include proper loosening, mulching, garter, pinching and top dressing.

In fact, a large part of the success of the operation depends on it. It is necessary to help the plant develop a system of additional roots by pressing the stem to the ground and sprinkling it with moist soil. This is especially important in cases where the main root system is sick, which is manifested by wilting of the upper leaves.

Light mode

yield of cucumber

Watering and humidity

cucumber seeds

Planting seeds

​: Perhaps the cucumbers do not have enough water or the water for irrigation is too cold.​

2 liters of whey and 150 g of sugar

Caring for cucumbers

When planting, it is good to add superphosphate and ash.

From one plant, you can collect 20-30 cucumbers, and in some cases up to 40. And most importantly, this is real, even if you don’t have a balcony, because the climate of the apartment, or rather, your windowsill, is quite suitable for growing cucumbers.

3. Spraying with a solution of sour milk or ascorbic acid (1 tablet per 5 liters of water).

Cucumbers are planted either immediately on permanent place(they don’t like transplants and take root poorly), or through seedlings (in this case, you don’t have to worry that the seeds will rot or get pests).

We grow cucumbers on the windowsill using hydroponics

Agree, we can buy cucumbers treated with pesticides and grown with the help of the achievements of the domestic chemical industry in the store. And on my suburban area I don’t want to use chemistry unnecessarily.

Protect from diseases and pests

Help in pollination.

is 2-3 kg per 1 m2. on a flat surface or on ridges. In the first case, the distance between rows is 70 cm for short climbing varieties and 90 cm for medium and long climbing varieties; in the second case, sowing is carried out along the ridge in the middle. Embedding depth - 1.5-2 cm (on heavy soil - shallower, on light soil - deeper). The seeding rate is 1 g per 1 m, the distance between the seeds is 3-5 cm. If the soil is not moist enough, the crops are watered (10 l per 1 m2).

Have a good harvest!

. Spray and water cucumbers. After such processing, ovaries form again on cucumbers and peppers, and they bear fruit.

1. After the emergence of seedlings in the development phase of 3-4 leaves, cucumbers must be treated with the following composition: For example, you can tie it to a peg or pull ropes and fasten them to the window frame. As you grow, you need to direct the whips. To grow cucumbers on the windowsill, choose parthenocarpic hybrids, that is, those that do not require pollination - because you do not have bees in the apartment. It is also better to pay attention to varieties with self-regulation of branching. Then you will be able to harvest from a strong branching plant along its entire length, because cucumbers, as you know, are vines, and quite long.

4. The last spraying with sour milk. Growing seedlings of cucumbers provides an earlier harvest, and also makes it possible to regulate planting density. It is best to grow seedlings in individual cups, so that it is more convenient to plant them without damaging the root system. Is it possible to grow cucumbers without chemicals? How to do it?​

You can't always rely on bees completely. Sometimes there are few insects, and problems with pollination and ovaries begin. So you have to join the process yourself, for example, transfer pollen from male flowers to female flowers with a soft brush. Allows you to speed up the ripening of greens by 10-15 days. In pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm, grow 1 plant each, 8-10 cm in diameter - 2 each. After 20-25 days (approximately June 5-15), seedlings with 2-3 leaves are planted in holes on ridges or in a row way at a distance 20 cm apart from each other with 1 plant in a pot, 40 cm - with 2. Row spacing for short climbing varieties (Muromsky, Altai early, etc.) is made 70-80 cm wide, for medium and long climbing varieties (Vyaznikovsky, Nezhinsky, etc.) from 90 to 100 cm. Seedlings are buried in the soil to the cotyledon leaves so that the pot is sprinkled with a layer of soil 2-3 cm. The soil is slightly compressed and watered (at the rate of 1-2 liters per 1 hole). Planting care is the same as with the seedless method of cultivation. When the first true leaves appear, thinning is done: in early varieties, the distance between plants should be 8-10 cm, in late ones - 12-15 cm. To speed up the appearance of female flowers in late varieties, it is recommended to pinch the apical growth point above the 4th or 5th leaf.

Cucumber ​4.​ In a bucket of water

Cucumbers, like any vine, have antennae that are securely attached to a support. ​Recommended grades: NK-mini, April, Stella, Berendey F1, Dynamite F1, Compact.​ It is better to water and feed cucumbers in the evening after sunset.

If moles and bears are operating on your site, it is better to grow cucumbers in two-liter plastic bottles, cutting off the neck and making a large number of holes in the lower part. Such seedlings are planted in the garden without taking them out of the bottles. Proponents of ecological farming are sure: everyone can grow cucumbers on organic soil and get an excellent harvest, you just need to use the methods that have been tried and tested in practice. Feeding with milk.

Mulching cucumbers.

Growing cucumbers and caring for cucumbers.

After thinning, the plants are fed. Mineral top dressing (per 2 m2): 15 g of urea or 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Organic top dressing: a solution of chicken manure (1:10) or slurry (1:5) at the rate of 5 liters of solution per 1 m2. After fertilizing, the plants are watered with clean water to wash off the fertilizer from the leaves and protect them from possible burns. - An ancient culture of India, which later became popular in all countries of the world. Cucumbers contain about 95% water. And yet, nature has managed to lay a lot of useful substances for the human body in the remaining 5%. The main value is mineral substances, including iron, iodine, silver and many others. 700 gram can of onion skins add 30 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap and 1 liter of milk

For the correct formation of cucumber lashes, it is necessary to ensure the growth of lateral shoots. To do this, pinch the top of the plant after the next three top leaves appear.

Cultivation of cucumbers:

To grow adult plants on the windowsill, you will need bags of earth (peat substrate and humus-based soil are perfect), because cucumbers have a superficial root system, and the container is needed rather wide than deep. An adult plant for normal growth needs 6-8 liters of soil per seedling.

Sowing cucumbers:

Do not forget that after frequent watering, the soil in the holes is strongly compacted, blocking access to food for small roots. Therefore, it is advised several times during the season to pour loose materials under the cucumbers (humus, peat, sawdust, mowed grass).

Before planting plants, a glass of wood ash, a bucket of rotted manure are poured into each hole and two ten-day cucumber sprouts are planted. A month before planting, cucumber seeds must be warmed up to form more female flowers and, accordingly, ovaries. To warm up, it is enough to place the seeds in a cloth bag and stand on the battery for 2-3 days. Experienced gardeners are aware of how to increase the yield of cucumbers, often for this they water the cucumbers with diluted milk. You need to dilute in a ratio of 1: 2, and water every 2 weeks throughout the season.

This agricultural technique accelerates ripening and increases the yield of brilliant green by 1.5 times.

Feeding cucumbers:

Water regularly (preferably in the 2nd half of the day), preventing the soil from drying out and the plants withering. In sunny warm weather, in order to create steamy air near the surface of the earth, the vegetable is watered from a watering can with small portions of water heated in the sun to 20 ... 25 °. cold water(about 10 °) should never be used, otherwise the plants will get sick.

Proper watering of cucumbers:

​In traditional medicine cucumbers

Pour into a 10-liter bucket of water and bring to a boil, remove from heat, close the lid and leave for 12 - 14 hours. Strain, squeeze out the husk. Dilute with water: for 1 liter of infusion - 4 liters of water. Spray the tops of cucumbers abundantly and spray and shed the soil.

. Spraying with such a composition can be carried out every 10 days. Cucumbers grown on the windowsill must be fed once a month. You can use a fertilizer complex specifically for this crop. Cucumbers also love top dressing. nitrogen fertilizers, with a shortage of cucumbers, the leaves turn yellow. Before fertilizing, the plant must be well watered. Be sure to make drainage holes for the outflow of water. Cucumbers do not like stagnant water at the roots, this causes decay, and wet roots, combined with drafts, are detrimental to plants.

After sprinkling, new small suction hairs form on the main root, the cucumber receives additional nutrition, and the gardener receives additional greens. If the seedlings are in bottles, they need to be deepened so that the edge rises 5 cm above the soil. A day before planting, cucumber seeds are soaked in a natural nutrient solution - potato juice. It is easy to get it by grating and squeezing a pre-frozen potato tuber. In this organic growth stimulator, the seeds are aged for a day and then dried.