Compatibility when planting vegetable crops. Mixed plantings: choosing the best neighbors for crops

Approximate set general requirements to companions like this:

  • they must be from different families, otherwise they will “crowd” at a common feeder, spread common diseases and attract common pests;
  • they must have significantly different vegetative characteristics so that resource needs arise at different times, so that they do not obscure each other and allow more efficient use of the land;
  • it is desirable that the plants suppress, and not spread the diseases of the companion, the plants should repel harmful insects and attract beneficial insects for the companion;
  • plants must be compatible with each other.
culture good companions Bad Companions
cucumbers Radishes, peas, celery, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, sunflower, corn, marigolds Sage, dill,
mint, fennel
Tomatoes Garlic, basil, carrot, onion, parsley, pea, sage, cabbage, marigold, spinach, lettuce Potato, fennel
Pepper Basil, carrot, lovage, oregano, marjoram, onion, marigold, coriander, catnip, nasturtium Fennel, kohlrabi,
Watermelon and melons Corn, peas, radish, beets, sunflower cucumbers
eggplant Peas, beans, lettuce, basil, tarragon, thyme
Celery beans, dill, hyssop, mint, nasturtium, potatoes, sage, chamomile Salad, strawberry,
Peas Carrots, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes Onion garlic
Zucchini Beans, corn, mint, nasturtium, radish Potato
Cabbage Beans, beets, celery, chamomile, dill, hyssop, mint, nasturtium, onion, oregano, potatoes, sage. Strawberry,
Potato Beans, cabbage, corn, lettuce, onion, marigold, radish, coriander, nasturtium, flax Tomatoes cucumbers,
sunflower, pumpkin
Kohlrabi Beets, onions, cucumbers, dill, mint, sage Beans, tomatoes
Corn Peas, melon, pumpkin, beans, soybean, sunflower, lupine
Onion Cabbage, potatoes, strawberries. Carrots, lettuce, beets, tomatoes Peas, beans,
Leek Carrots, celery Beans, peas
Carrot Onions, leeks, garlic, tomatoes, beans, radishes, peas, scorzonera, sage Dill, anise
Radish Cucumbers, beans, peas, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, parsnips, onions Hyssop
Salad Strawberries, radishes, beets, cabbage, peas, carrots, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, clover
Beet Cabbage, kohlrabi, onion, mint, catnip curly beans
Celery Onions, leeks, tomatoes, beans, cabbage
Pumpkin Corn, beans, sunflower, peas, tomatoes, radishes, nasturtium, mint Potato
Beans Corn, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, savory, nasturtium, borage, marigolds fennel, garlic,
Cauliflower Potatoes, radishes, onions, beets, beans, celery, dill, chamomile, mint, hyssop, nasturtium, oregano Tomatoes,
Garlic Tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, cabbage Peas, beans
Spinach Eggplant, peas, onion, cabbage, celery, pepper

To facilitate the sharing of such a resource as light, you can combine plants of different heights, and as a small companion, you need to choose a plant for which some shading is useful. For example, in a pair of carrots + tomatoes, tall tomatoes, of course, will cover the carrots, and in the heat this is all she needs.

Satisfies cucumbers, pumpkins, beans planted on corn or sunflowers, a rarefied shadow cast by high neighbors. Cabbage not only helps the salad grow better in its shade, but makes it more tender and crispy.

Easy to breed different levels and root systems of neighboring plants. Carrots and onions, sunflowers and beans, and some other pairs have different roots. So there is simply no competition in the distribution of nutrients and moisture. Moreover, one plant can feed another. For example, nitrogen, which accumulates in nodules on the roots of leguminous plants, is only partially consumed by the “hosts” - the lion's share goes to the neighbors.

With regard to the suppression of companion diseases, the list known facts this kind is small.

Potatoes benefit from the neighborhood of corn, beans, onions, because they prevent the reproduction of late blight spores, a destructive fungal disease. But the proximity of sunflowers, pumpkins, cucumbers, on the contrary, is harmful, these plants, which are invulnerable to phytophthora, can, nevertheless, be masters for it.

In this sense, cucumbers are extremely “ungrateful” - they feel good in potatoes. I witnessed how potatoes saved cucumbers planted on it during epiphytosis powdery mildew. Unusual benefits can be derived from planting many combinations of companions together. The most important of them is the mutual protection of plants from pests.

Here is an example, you can plant a separate bed of onions and a bed of carrots. The first will be covered with onion feathers for about two months, then they will begin to dry out, but after harvesting, the earth lies completely bare until next spring. A familiar picture? The second bed with slowly growing carrots will be practically bare until early summer, and only by the end of summer will the leaves cover the ground.

And now we will plant both beds with onions and carrots mixed; a row of onions, a row of carrots. The row spacing can even be reduced, say, from 30 to 25 cm. The soil will be covered for almost the entire growing season; first with onions, then with carrots. And if, having removed the carrots, you don’t “clean the garden bed, but scatter the tops on it, then the garden bed will leave covered in the winter. How many benefits! Due to the fact that it is covered more tightly, it will dry out and overheat less, and carrots, which develop better in a cool environment, will naturally give a larger harvest.

However, the yield of both crops will increase. Both onions and carrots expand their nutritional areas; they can overlap, because at any given moment these cultures have a different “menu”. When, for example, bulbs are poured, carrots vegetate wildly. Onions at this time need increased doses of potassium and phosphorus, and carrots need nitrogen.

So they have no reason to “fight at the bowl”. They simply make better use of available resources. Cultivated area is used more efficiently, more haulm is created for compost or mulch, and soil that is more densely covered for longer is at less risk of erosion.

There is also a surprise: the onion repels the carrot root fly, and the carrot repels the onion fly. It means. That the harvest of both crops will be both cleaner and higher. When we first tried planting onions and carrots together. They were amazed at the purity of the harvest. And we had something to compare with - we knew before that both carrots, mutilated by the larvae of the root carrot fly, and bulbs with layers starting to rot from the bottom, affected by the larvae of the onion fly.

Insect pests find prey plants mainly by smell; cabbage scoop seduces the smell mustard oil produced by plants of the cruciferous family, onion fly- the smell of volatile sulfur compounds emitted by onion plants and so on. The idea of ​​protecting one plant from pests by others is to mask the smell of the victim plant with a “foreign”, repulsive one.

Onions, leeks, garlic with the aroma of sulfur compounds mask carrots and celery from the carrot fly, beans from the bean beetle, potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. Tomatoes that produce volatile solanine. They repel fleas, white cabbage flies, cabbage scoops. Radish repels cucumber beetle and root fly.

Many pests are repelled by herbs. Basil confuses the tomato hornworm and many other pests. Mint repels cabbage scoop from cabbage. Fennel and anise repel aphids, coriander and catnip repel the Colorado potato beetle.

Flowers do a good job. Nasturtium suppresses cabbage scoop, white flies, Colorado potato beetle, pumpkin bug, marigolds - Colorado potato beetle, calendula - tomato horned worm. All these observations can help in choosing suitable plants for a particular garden and the tastes of its owner.

In the celery family, dill, fennel, cumin, anise, left in the second year and flowering parsley and celery, carrot mother liquors with small flowers conveniently grouped into umbrellas, have great attractive power.

Insects are attracted by labiales, which have both fragrant foliage and two-lipped flowers convenient for collecting pollen and nectar: ​​marjoram basil, oregano, mint, sage, thyme, lemon balm, hyssop, catnip. It is impossible not to mention also the mass attraction of beneficial insects by many cover crops - buckwheat, clover, vetch.

The practice of using plants alone to lure pests is quite popular. For example, it is often recommended to plant an eggplant or fragrant tobacco bush for every 15-20 potato bushes, the Colorado potato beetle selects these delicacies, concentrates on them, and this makes it easier to destroy them. Rare bushes of black nightshade or dope are even more effective on potatoes. They especially strongly attract the Colorado potato beetle, including females that lay their eggs here. The hatched splinters are trapped: the host plant is poisonous, and the larva is not able to change the host.

Nasturtium lures aphids from other plants. Hyssop and mustard pull the cabbage butterflies onto themselves, and the caterpillars that appear on them are trapped.

Mixed planting vegetables

Creating diversity is another function of co-planting, which ultimately works to protect plants from pests and diseases. How striking is the contrast between natural systems - forests and steppes - and our gardens, where at most 1-2 dozen plants are collected. But large groups of similar plants are the first targets of pests. Increasing the variety of plants in your garden is an effective way to minimize pest problems.

Have you paid attention to the front gardens of many village houses? What is missing in them? Grapes, strawberries, parsley, all kinds of onions, carrots, chrysanthemums, roses, Chernobrivtsy, dill, mint, sorrel, majors. Sluggish, not gnawed. And the more run, the healthier.

A simple, effective and visually pleasing way to increase variety is planting flowers. Unpretentious, requiring almost no maintenance. In our gardens, flowers are found, but rarely and in small quantities. Marigolds, calendula, nasturtium, chamomile, asters, chrysanthemums, majors - they are all unpretentious and able to repay a hundredfold for their place in the garden.

About unpretentiousness is not mentioned for a red word - a direct warning is printed on bags of nasturtium seeds, for example, that she prefers poor soil, that on rich soil you will get a lot of foliage in which you will not find flowers.

The leader among cultures friendly to neighbors is beans, it is easier to list who feels bad with beans. Let's start with this. All types of beans have a dislike for onion, in curly beans to kohlrabi, beets and sunflowers, in bush beans to fennel. Everything! There is no information about other plants of unpleasant beans, but she has a lot of friends.

Beans grow well with cabbage, cauliflower, beets, the neighborhood with carrots is especially useful for beans, which helps the beans grow. Savory with green beans improves the growth of beans and improves their taste. By the way, they are good together and in a saucepan. A moderate amount of beans, planted along the celery and along the rheum, favors the growth of the whole trinity.

Cozy curly beans in corn: corn provides support for the beans, and the beans in gratitude feed nitrogen from the nodules on the roots. There are many mutual benefits from the proximity of beans and cucumber. And even with incredibly quarrelsome strawberries, beans form a mutually beneficial alliance - both grow better.

Almost as tolerant of neighbors is onions, only beans and peas are unpleasant to him. With great mutual pleasure, onions and all cabbage grow next to each other. Onions coexist well with beets, strawberries, lettuce, savory, celery. Rarely sown chamomile helps the onion grow, but a couple of onions plus carrots have become literally textbook.

Bush beans, onions, lettuce, cabbage are friendly with beets (with the exception of mustard). In addition to mustard, beets are oppressed by curly beans.

Almost the entire cabbage family has the same friends and enemies, pests and diseases. For this family, the biggest famously is the cabbage white butterfly and the cabbage moth. The best defenders against this scourge are aromatic plants - hyssop, thyme, dill, fennel, mint, sage. Good cabbage also with onions, potatoes, beets. They do not like the neighborhood of curly beans, tomatoes, strawberries, clover and chamomile scare pests of cabbage. They camouflage the smell of cabbage and decorate the cabbage patch.

Significant help in scaring away cabbage pests would have been provided by several flowering wormwood bushes in a cabbage garden. Having them is not a problem, but they must be taken care of in advance. It is worth recalling that cabbage growing on soil rich in organic matter is less attracted to pests.

Carrot needs neighbors to scare her away worst enemy- a carrot fly, the larvae of which attack the roots of young plants. In addition to the already mentioned onions, tomatoes and scorzoners do this job. Carrot fly and sage with hyssop are good at scaring away, but these perennials must first be adjusted to the carrot bed.

Celery grows well with onions, tomatoes, cabbage. Bush beans and celery help each other.

Cucumbers grow well in corn. It gives them light shade and also prevents wilt damage. The neighborhood of cucumbers and potatoes is undesirable - cucumbers can act as a host for phytophthora. Cucumbers love beans, peas, sunflowers. It is good to throw a couple of radish seeds into the hole for cucumbers - let it grow, go to the arrow, bloom and repel the cucumber beetle and root fly. Sometimes cucumbers are sown in a circle formed by radish plants.

Table of compatibility of vegetables in the garden of spicy crops

Spice good companions Bad Companions
Anise Beans, coriander Carrot
Basil Tomatoes, cabbage, beans
borage Tomatoes, strawberries, cabbage
Oregano Cabbage, cucumbers
Hyssop Almost all plants Radish
Coriander (cilantro) Potato, anise, cumin Fennel
lovage Beans, tomatoes
Marjoram All plants
Mint All plants
Parsley Tomatoes, carrots
chamomile Onions, cucumbers, cabbage, mint
Caraway Peas Fennel
yarrow All plants
Dill cabbage, onion, lettuce Tomatoes, carrots, fennel
Fennel Tomatoes, beans, dill, coriander, cumin
Savory Onion beans
Thyme All plants
Sage Tomatoes, strawberries, cabbage, carrots, marjoram Onions, cucumbers
Tarragon (tarragon) All plants
Melissa All plants

Between plants located nearby, there is a certain interaction. Some of them are true friends who are ready to help each other in every possible way, the second are neutral, and the third tend to be at enmity with others. In order to use this influence to get a decent harvest and avoid annoying mistakes when planning a garden, it is necessary to understand which crops can be planted side by side, and which neighborhood of vegetables in the beds is highly undesirable.

What is mixed landings

If the garden area is small, but you want to get a variety of fruits, but more, circumstances suggest a way out: compacted crops or mixed plantings. This is a method of organic farming, when several different crops are cultivated in the garden at the same time: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, planted, taking into account the compatibility of plants, mixed or according to a certain pattern.

Mixed landings: benefits and beauty

The question is natural: is the topic of combined plantings relevant for owners of spacious plots? Each gardener, intending to populate his site with “green friends” in the spring, wants to get the most out of each garden. At the same time, any experienced vegetable grower knows that fertile land, high-quality seeds, healthy seedlings, the use of effective fertilizers, and competent care for plantings in the neighborhood are necessary to obtain a significant harvest.

However, few people take into account another significant circumstance: allelopathy. Don't let this scientific name of the phenomenon of biochemical influence of some cultures on others or their mutual influence scare you. Allelopathy is able to provide mutually beneficial conditions for the coexistence of vegetables adjacent to the garden during joint plantings, but it can also serve as a factor that suppresses the development of individual species.

Good Neighborhood

The essence of the effect is that all parts of plants release into the environment (air, soil) biologically active substances - phytoncides, antibiotics and others. These compounds, depending on the species, can either be absorbed and act beneficially on crops located in the neighborhood, or oppress fellows in the garden. The successful selection of green "cohabitants" allows you to harvest more from the garden, grow healthy, beautiful fruits with improved taste.

In addition to the positive manifestation of allelopathy, there are still many profits that encourage the organization of joint plantings on the site, even if there is enough space for separate cultivation.

isolated neighborhood

Benefits of mixed landings

It is worth noting that the combination of vegetables in the garden is not the latest trend in garden agricultural technology. Since ancient times, the American Indians have known a successful trio: peas, corn, pumpkin. The classic community of plants has successfully migrated to our days and is successfully used by many vegetable growers: peas enrich the soil with nitrogen, corn serves as its support, pumpkin, covering the ground, fights weeds.

Classic trio

The organization of joint plantings is a more promising and exciting activity than the cultivation of monocultures on separate sites. However, the approach to planning "communal" beds must be responsible. It is not enough to know what vegetables and other crops can be planted nearby, you need to be prepared for observations, analysis of the results of the neighborhood. But people who have decided to experiment and have already harvested more than one crop from combined plantings note the many advantages of this approach:

  • The available land area is used more rationally, the crop is removed from it more than when planting with a monoculture.
  • Vegetables in the garden have a good appearance are healthy or less sick.
  • The need for crops for watering is reduced.
  • There is no need for frequent thorough weeding of beds.
  • Reduced preparation time garden work.
  • It becomes possible to reduce or eliminate the use of mineral fertilizers, due to nitrogen fixation by legumes.
  • One-sided depletion of the soil, its "fatigue" is prevented, the need for crop rotation gradually disappears.
  • Avoiding pesticides is becoming a reality, as many plants attract beneficial insects and pest-killing birds. There are also flowers and herbs that repel harmful insects and rodents.
  • The harvest is carried out throughout the season, if other crops are sown on the area vacated after the early ones.
  • It is possible to create a kind of microclimate in the garden, using tall, stable plants as wings to protect gentle neighbors from winds and direct sun.

Cabbage, marigolds, calendula - a wonderful neighborhood

Rules for the formation of combined landings

The experience and observations accumulated by gardeners show that, in addition to the listed advantages, mixed cultivation even affects the taste of vegetables. In particular, such herbs as basil, celery, monarda, parsley, improve the taste of tomatoes. Bush beans can make radishes more savory. A cucumber planted next to a sunflower will please you with especially sweet, crisp greens.

These tomatoes are especially delicious.

Choosing the right combination of vegetables among themselves in the garden and realizing all the advantages of growing plants in a mixed type is possible only if certain rules are observed. When planning the organization of a "communal" garden bed, it is necessary:

  1. Consider the climate in the region.
  2. To study the specific features of your own site and focus on them: a garden in the sun or in shading, is it protected from the winds, what are the agrotechnical characteristics of the soil, is there a possibility of watering.
  3. Orient the beds in such a way that tall specimens do not shade light-loving neighbors and, on the contrary, shade those for whom the hot sun is harmful.
  4. Combine plants with different growing seasons. early vegetables, greens (onion, radish, Chinese cabbage, lettuce) in mixed plantings should be planted with crops with a long ripening period (cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, beets, tomatoes).
  5. Decide whether there will be enough food area for all the "residents" of the garden. It depends on the development of their root system. Plants with deep, powerful roots should be placed next to crops with a shallow root system.

Scheme of a small garden bed with combined plantings

As a rule, three crops are grown in a mixed bed: the previous early crop, the main one, and the partner plant. With sufficient knowledge and experience in gardening, you will draw up schemes for combined plantings on your own. If you do not rely on your experience, use ready-made landing patterns, special tables from the examples below.

Compatibility table

Compatibility of crops on the same bed

Now we should dwell on the compatibility of some common crops with other plants in the common garden and figure out which neighborhood is beneficial for them, which is acceptable, and which is harmful.

Bow and the best neighbors for him

It is difficult to imagine the diet of a Russian without onions, every summer resident hopes to prepare it for the whole winter. It is interesting to find out how he behaves in a mixed garden, whether he makes the neighbors “cry”.

It is reliably known that onions are not only useful for humans - they are an excellent companion for many other crops, diligently protecting them from diseases and pests. Thanks to this, plants placed nearby develop well and give an increased yield. But the gardener, aimed at getting a solid harvest, is also interested in what kind of neighborhood is favorable for the onion itself.

We can immediately say that this vegetable will be comfortable in the company of salads, radishes, tomatoes, parsley, beets, cucumbers, strawberries. And from grapes, legumes, sage, you should keep it away.

Comfortable neighborhood

Many vegetable growers who master the technique of joint cultivation of vegetables are concerned with the question of whether it is possible to plant onions and garlic on the same bed, because they are so similar: they have the same sowing dates, requirements for soil, lighting, and agricultural technology. However, these cultures are from a common family - their similarity is also manifested in the presence of common pests, diseases, from which they cannot protect each other.

In onions and garlic, the root system is located superficially, which means that they can compete in terms of nutrition and moisture. There are more minuses in such a neighborhood than pluses, and it is not worth planting them mixed in a small area. In extreme cases, you can divide the "living space" between them in half. But the best option would be to plant onions and carrots on the same bed - this combination has become a classic in the practice of co-growing vegetables.

Carrots and onions are friendly

Carrots and the ideal growing environment

Carrots and onions are the perfect duo. They do not just coexist peacefully - their position is active in relation to each other's pests. Carrots will safely scare off the onion fly, and the carrot fly will not even approach the zone where the onion defender stands side by side with the tasty root crop. The simplest example of such a bed: the central row of onions along its length and two rows of carrots on the sides.

classic neighborhood

However, it is worth noting that these crops have different requirements for watering. When the bulbs are full and begin to ripen, the onion does not need water, it is even harmful to it, and at this time only give carrots a drink. If the climate in the region is such that vegetables cannot be grown without watering, one has to either leave onions only as a protector, or say goodbye to part of the carrot crop, trying to protect ripening onions from rot.

The way out of the described situation can be the cultivation together with carrots of perennial onions or onions for greens. Or you should find out what else can be planted on the same bed with carrots, and implement the idea. Having studied the above plate, you can make sure that carrots are good next to radishes, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, garlic. Its proximity to parsley, celery, dill is undesirable.

Carrots are comfortable next to radishes

By the way, many are surprised that the openwork sprigs of self-sowing dill should be removed from the garden with carrots. But everything is natural: these plants from the same family compete for water and food. In addition, both of them (like all umbrella ones) are attractive to the carrot fly. Therefore, leaving pretty dill bushes among carrot crops is undesirable. Moreover, it is unacceptable to deliberately plant carrots and dill in the same garden - this is an unfortunate neighborhood.

The result of an unsuccessful neighborhood

Garlic and other plants in the same garden

Garlic is a wonderful plant that endows the space around it with healthy phytoncides. It is a natural fungicide that is excellent in the fight against fungal infections. This quality is to the liking of most of garlic's neighbors: in its environment, potatoes can cope with late blight, carrots and psyllids will not be damaged by carrots, and strawberries will not be attacked by harmful insects.

Garlic is a natural healer

So you can plant a lot of vegetables, herbs, flowers next to garlic in the garden. He likes carrots, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, and celery especially favors him. And for the garlic itself, they are the best neighbors. Many flowers feel great in the presence of a fragrant vegetable. Of those with whom garlic is especially friendly in the garden, one can name roses and bulbous flowers: tulips, gladioli, daffodils.

Good garlic partners

Despite his beneficial features, the neighborhood of garlic is contraindicated in peas, lentils, beans, peanuts. They can not be placed not only on the same bed, but also in the vicinity of a site planted with garlic, which has such an adverse effect on legumes that they cease to develop normally and almost do not bear fruit. It is unacceptable to plant cabbage and perennial onion. But for raspberries, strawberries, garlic will be the best companion.

For tulips, the neighborhood with garlic is beneficial

Strawberries and Suitable Neighbors

When setting up a strawberry plantation, summer residents often think about what can be planted next to strawberries in the same garden to protect the berry from pests and diseases. Inquisitive farmers have found a solution: a healer from nature, garlic, does an excellent job with this task. He is afraid of such pests:

  • ants;
  • strawberry weevil;
  • nematodes;
  • wireworm;
  • spider mite.

Garden strawberry (in everyday life - strawberry)

The glorious defender of the sweet berry is planted in a row between the rows strawberry garden and between holes with berry bushes. Strawberries (garden strawberries) reciprocate garlic: heads of garlic grow even larger and stronger than when planting it on a separate “living space”. Everyone who practices growing strawberries and garlic in the same garden is sure that their neighborhood is very beneficial.

bittersweet couple

Beans, onions, eggplants, radishes, spinach, and parsley can also be considered good companions for fragrant berries. The latter drives away slugs from ripening berries. But there are no cultures with which strawberries would have poor compatibility: apparently, they are very friendly to their neighbors and are loved by all of them.

The best neighbor of strawberries is beans

It is known that different varieties individual crops (for example, potatoes) can be at enmity, not only being planted next to each other, but even during storage of the crop. Therefore, disputes are not uncommon among garden owners on the topic: is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries on the same bed or this will lead to civil strife or cross-pollination. There is no reason to be afraid of one or the other: the bushes of garden strawberries simply do not know how to quarrel.

Cross-pollination occurs, but it will affect the type and quality of berries only if strawberries are propagated by seeds. At vegetative propagation the grade will not be disturbed - the main thing is not to confuse which mother plant the rosette is separated from. For these reasons, it is worth planting varieties of garden strawberries, if on the same bed, then in separate groups.

Parsley keeps slugs away

Cucumbers in joint plantings

Pimply crunchy greens - what could be better at the beginning of summer? And if you are already set on the joint cultivation of vegetables, you should know which cucumber neighbor in the garden will be their faithful assistant, and which one will oppress. Cucumbers are picky, a good neighborhood is not a problem for them - in this regard, they are compatible with most vegetable crops. It is easier to list those plants with which cucumbers do not develop relationships.

Corn curtains protect from the wind

The list is short:

  • potato,
  • radish (here the opinions of experts differ),
  • tomatoes (debatable)
  • spices.

Dill is a wonderful partner of cucumbers

Much more than the neighborhood, the development of this vegetable is influenced by the microclimate and soil. Therefore, when deciding what to plant in a garden with cucumbers, more attention should be paid to the ability of companions to protect growing vines from the aggressive effects of the environment. For example, backstage of corn will be an excellent protection for cucumber lashes from the winds, and beans will supply them with nitrogen. Among herbs, there is one exception: dill goes well with cucumbers.

Another example pleasant neighborhood

Beets on the common garden

When deciding what to plant beets with, you should be guided by scientific data and be guided by common sense. The German scientist Hubmann, who studied the compatibility of plants for many years, concluded that plants such as beets, potatoes, tomatoes, bush beans, spinach can coexist perfectly, stimulating each other. Good neighbors for beets, in his opinion, are also onions, kohlrabi, lettuce, garlic, strawberries.

Commonwealth of root crops

As for the incompatibility of beets with other vegetables, there is no consensus. Some vegetable growers, in contrast to Hubmann, argue that this root crop does not grow well next to potatoes. However, many gardeners successfully grow it along the edge of potato ridges. Neither scientists nor practitioners have decided on the usefulness or harmfulness of the neighborhood of beets with corn, chard, chives.

There is a version that the substances secreted by beet roots have antibiotic properties and have a healing effect on neighboring plants. Therefore, growing, for example, beets and carrots on the same bed will have a positive effect on both crops.

Joint cultivation of beets, onions, carrots

True, care will need to be taken to maintain a sufficient interval between rows, bearing in mind that powerful beet foliage can greatly obscure companions. good option mixed vegetable growing will be a bed, in the center of which a row of onions is planted, along the edges a row of beets and a row of carrots.

Pumpkin in the neighborhood with other crops

Pumpkin does not experience special preferences and hostility towards vegetables growing nearby. However, the proximity to the previously mentioned corn, peas, as well as other legumes, radishes, and nasturtium can be called quite successful for her. Sometimes gardeners, trying to make the most of the area compost heap, planted on it together with pumpkin zucchini.

Friendship is friendship, but the beds are better apart

But pumpkins and zucchini cannot be good neighbors in the same garden. As a result of cross-pollination, fruits of a shape and color unusual for both vegetables grow. Hybrids on zucchini grow round, and oblong on pumpkins. Their taste is also affected. This is a vivid example of the unsuccessful application of the mixed growing system, and it is not worth venturing into such an experiment.

Such a company is better for a pumpkin

Tomatoes surrounded by neighbors

Some consider tomatoes to be as individualistic as pumpkins. But, if we turn to the experience of Swiss, German and domestic gardeners, it is easy to see that the cultivation of tomatoes in the vicinity of other crops is quite realistic. They go well with radishes, lettuce, carrots, celery, parsley, beets, garlic. There is no doubt that these vegetables and herbs can be planted on the same bed with tomatoes.

Their mutual influence can be different. For example, the commonwealth of garlic and tomatoes is favorable for the latter: garlic protects them from spider mite and reduces the risk of late blight. And the best companion of tomatoes is basil, which not only promotes the growth of the vegetable, but also improves its taste. By the way, other aromatic herbs have the same property: borage, lemon balm, marigolds, mint.

The effect of nettle growing nearby is interesting: it increases the shelf life of tomatoes and improves the quality tomato juice. As a rule, those who grow tomatoes and carrots on the same bed, the line of which is placed along a row of tomatoes, are satisfied with the results. But tomatoes have almost no enemies - only fennel can be attributed to obvious antagonists, which is such in relation to almost all vegetables.

Neighborhood eggplant pepper in joy

Bell peppers in the center of a mixed vegetable garden

Not to mention possible neighbors bell pepper in the garden. He has a good relationship with basil, eggplant, dill, spinach, thyme. Marigolds, coriander, onions, with which he gets along well, can act as defenders of pepper from aphids. And a plant like okra can be planted next to fragile pepper bushes to shelter them from the wind.

The company of tomatoes, peas, cabbage, beets, beans, carrots is contraindicated for pepper. Highly undesirable and neighborhood sibling- hot pepper. It will not interfere with the development and fruiting of the "Bulgarian", but the result of pollination will be the loss of the crop, since Bell pepper you can't call it that anymore. You can decide what to plant next to pepper on the same bed, focusing on the lists of successful and unsuccessful neighbors.

Cabbage as the best neighbor for vegetables and herbs

There are many types of cabbage, they grow and bear fruit in different ways. But they have common problems with pests and diseases, so the problem with which cabbage can be planted in one garden is solved for all varieties in almost the same way. An excellent partner for cabbage is celery, gaining additional flavor and being stimulated to grow by the influence of cabbage. In turn, he drives away white butterflies and cruciferous fleas from the beds.

Neighborhood is useful for cabbage:

  • different types Luke,
  • lettuce,
  • potato,
  • aromatic herbs (sage, dill, chamomile),
  • beans,
  • garlic.

Pleasant Cabbage Neighbors

Cabbage and tomatoes do not get along on the same bed. Strawberries are also not in favor with the "garden lady". But cabbage cabbage is still different. By placing cauliflower next to the white-headed sister, you can miss the calculation for the yield of colored heads: their tying in the vicinity of the white-headed beauty is significantly reduced.

Potatoes and useful crops for it

Growing "second bread" in a mixed culture is beneficial: it gets sick less, does not need crop rotation so much. Beans and spinach are good as potato neighbors in the garden. A remarkable result can be obtained if you plant bush beans in the aisles of potatoes - it repels the malicious pest, the Colorado potato beetle, enriches the soil with nitrogen. The malevolent beetle is also repelled by tansy, marigolds, coriander, and nasturtium.

Potatoes and beans in the garden

Potatoes also feel good in the company of radishes, corn, varieties of cabbage, salads. Favorable for him is the company of horseradish planted in the corners of a potato field, but the proximity of sunflower and quinoa is depressing. The combination of potatoes with celery is undesirable. Regarding the compatibility of potatoes and beets, peas and tomatoes, opinions are contradictory.

You have gained some insight into the benefits of co-planting garden crops. If you are fascinated by this idea, do not stop: study the characteristics of those plants that you plan to cultivate, consult experienced gardeners, consult specialists, and success will certainly come. Your favorite garden, sparkling with new colors, will delight you with its appearance and worthy harvests.

Each crop in the garden has its own characteristics. One needs enough light, the other feels comfortable in partial shade. The requirements for irrigation and the occupied area are also different. root system plants are also different. In some plants, it goes deep into the soil, while in others, the roots are located near the surface of the earth. In addition, some plants have a detrimental effect on one or another pest. And if you take into account all the features of garden crops and combine them during planting?

Compatibility of crops in the garden will provide an opportunity not only to rationally use the area for planting, but also to naturally protect plants from diseases and pests, to ensure proper growth and maturation of plants, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of the crop.

If you correctly place crops on your site, then even in the conditions of non-chernozem and a small plot it is possible to get a decent harvest from the garden. The compatibility of crops in the garden is practiced by mixed and compacted crops. Cultures must be selected taking into account their mutual influence on each other.

Compatibility of crops in the garden

B azilic gets along well with peas and kohlrabi, but does not like the neighborhood with a cucumber.

Eggplant I agree to the neighborhood with green annual herbs, onions, beans, peppers, bush beans, spinach, thyme, amaranth. Fennel and peas are not the best neighbors for eggplant.

B oby vegetable feel great with peas, cabbage, potatoes, corn, carrots, nightshade, parsley, rhubarb, radish, cucumber, table beet, garden savory. Onions, fennel, garlic and pumpkin are incompatible with beans.

Peas will be happy to be next to white cabbage, watercress, sweet corn, potatoes, carrots, aromatic herbs, spinach and lettuce. And on the contrary, he will not be happy with onions, tomatoes, beans, garlic, zucchini.

mustard perfectly compatible with cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower), peas, radish. Other plants in the garden will also fit mustard as neighbors.

D aikon, for example, does not like neighbors at all and is not good for neighbors himself!

D ynya compatible with sweet corn, pumpkin, zucchini, radish. But it does not get along well with onions and potatoes.

And ssop officinalis with crops in the garden is not good friends.

To the marrow grows well next to tomato, beetroot, onion, corn, melon, pumpkin, borage, nasturtium. bad neighbors for zucchini are potatoes and White cabbage.

Cabbage white cabbage feels great next to dill, celery, onions, garlic, lettuce, potatoes, cucumber, radishes, beets, beans, spinach, mint, nasturtium, marigolds, and is not friendly with tomatoes, carrots, table beans and curly beans and peas.

Broccoli compatible with potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley, head lettuce, beetroot, celery, sage, chard, marigolds. Broccoli does not go well with tomatoes and beans.

To apusta kohlrabi will be glad to be next to onions, cucumbers, aromatic plants, radishes, lettuce, beetroot, peas, fennel, spinach. Bad neighborhood with tomato and beans.
K apusta leaf gets along well with all plants in the garden, but especially with late white cabbage and potatoes.

Savoy apusta does not get along well with all crops in the garden.

Cauliflower will feel comfortable with potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, celery, beans, beans, dill, hyssop, mint, nasturtium, sage. The neighborhood with tomato and strawberries will not work.

Potato gets along well with beans, corn, cabbage, horseradish, eggplant and onions, beans, calendula, corn, onions, radishes, radishes, garlic, but absolutely will not tolerate the neighborhood of tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, sorrel, fennel.

To the ress salad he will be happy to be next to radishes, but other plants in the garden will not interfere with him.

K ruknek and L agenaria love to grow up with loneliness.

Corn will be supportive of peas, zucchini, late white cabbage, potatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, beans, beans, lettuce. It does not get along well with table beets and fennel.

Leek a good neighbor for onions, carrots, celery.

Onion compatible with Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce, beetroot, cucumber, tomato, lettuce chicory, savory, potatoes, strawberries. It will feel bad next to peas, radishes, beans, beans, cabbage, radishes.

Marjoram garden compatible with carrots, but will not tolerate cucumber nearby.

Carrot good to plant next to tomatoes, peas, broccoli, leek, onion, cucumber, parsley, radish, lettuce, beetroot, sage, spinach, radish, celery. Incompatible plants for carrots are dill, anise, fennel, cabbage, beet chard.

Oh gourtsy it is very good to plant with peas or late white cabbage, sugar corn, onions, carrots, radishes, lettuce, dill, beans, garlic, fennel, but they should not be planted next to potatoes and aromatic herbs. Bad neighbors will also be tomatoes, sage, asparagus, zucchini, rhubarb, turnips, leeks.

Pasternak friendly with salad. But his friendship with onions and garlic fails.

P attison prefers loneliness, he does not like anyone's neighborhood.

Pepper compatible with eggplant, tomatoes, basil, carrots, lovage, marjoram, oregano, onions. Will not be too happy with dill, fennel, cucumber, kohlrabi.

leaf parsley with pleasure will share a bed with basil, onions, cucumber, asparagus, tomato, beans, carrots. Not too happy with a head salad.

R even makes great friends with peas, cabbage, radishes, lettuce, celery, beans and spinach. But he will not be happy with turnips, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beets, tomatoes and onions.

R edis friends with cabbage, carrots, turnips, lettuce, tomato, beans, beans, fennel, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin. Not satisfied with his neighborhood with onions, beet chard.

D ruddy radish-beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, cucumber, pumpkin and tomato (plant without thickening), and enemies are hyssop, onion, fennel.

R epa feels good next to onions (all types), beets, spinach, celery, lettuce, bush beans, dill. It is important to plant plants in the garden freely. Turnips will be uncomfortable next to potatoes.

With alatu suitable neighbors such as: cabbage, carrots, beets, dill.

Beet gets along well with all cabbage, onions, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, garlic, beans. Bad neighborhood with potatoes, mustard.

Celery compatible with white cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, onion, tomato, beans, cucumber, spinach. Celery is not compatible with head lettuce, potatoes.

From Parza grows well next to basil, parsley and tomato. Bad neighbors for asparagus are onions of all kinds.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) will grow well with basil, cabbage, all onions, parsley, radish, radish, lettuce, asparagus, beans, garlic, beans, corn, carrots, spinach. Bad companions for tomatoes are peas, potatoes, kohlrabi cabbage, garden quinoa, cucumbers, turnips, dill, fennel.

Pumpkin perfectly coexists with zucchini, squash, melon. Pumpkin will not be happy only with potatoes.

Beans ordinary remarkably grows next to peas, cabbage, potatoes, corn, carrots, nightshade, parsley, rhubarb, radish, cucumber, beetroot, garden savory. Onion, pumpkin, garlic, fennel do not get along well with common beans.

Bush beans compatible with cucumber, potato, cabbage, head lettuce, turnip, radish, radish, rhubarb, celery, spinach, tomato. Not a very good neighborhood will be with asparagus, curly beans, zucchini, fennel.

Horseradish goes well with potatoes.

C icorium lettuce will well accept onions, carrots, tomatoes, fennel.

H aber garden compatible with watercress, onion, parsley, tomatoes, beans, dill, spinach. Cucumber is not suitable as a neighbor.

Garlic willingly make friends with carrots, cucumber, parsley, lettuce, tomato, beets, celery, beans. Next to peas, cabbage, beans, garlic will not grow comfortably.

Spinach compatible with such crops: cabbage (all types), potatoes, carrots, turnips, garden strawberries, beets, beans, tomatoes. Zucchini, asparagus, fennel do not coexist very well with spinach.

For convenience, use the crop compatibility table in the garden:

Vegetable crop compatibility table:

Culture compatibility table

Another important aspect when selecting components for mixed crops on your site is:

The ability of some plants to repel harmful insects

Onion repellent effect on spider mites;

Machorka on a cabbage fly;

Garlic And wormwood cruciferous fleas will not like it;

tomatoes have a bad effect on tinnitus and moth;

The smell of celery repels the cabbage fly.

You can also fight harmful insects with the help of wild plants.

For this, gardeners and gardeners often use infusions.

For example:

The drug from chamomile inflorescences repels and even destroys many pests of the garden.

To prepare the drug, chamomile inflorescences are collected and dried. After that, they are ground into powder, mixed with an equal amount of road dust.

For spraying take 200 gr. powder, stir in a small amount of water and add water to the norm of 10 liters. This drug is absolutely harmless, and it can process various crops even before harvesting.

Against aphids and spider mites, which are very harmful to cucumbers and cabbage, plants are sprayed with an infusion of potato tops.

In order to prepare such an infusion, we need 1.2 kg of crushed mass. Insist 2-3 hours in 10 liters of water and filter.

For the same purpose, you can use:

ABOUTcreature stepchildren and tops of tomatoes.

For this, green mass is taken at the rate of 40 g per 1 liter of water and, after grinding, boil over low heat for up to 30 minutes. One glass of the broth obtained in this way is enough for 1 liter of water. 30 g of soap or washing powder are added to the finished broth and the plants are sprayed.

Against aphids and mites, an infusion of onion peel, chamomile, tobacco, garlic, yarrow, horse sorrel roots and dandelion leaves also helps.

We will describe in more detail about pests and crop compatibility in further publications.

Fine( 89 ) Badly( 3 )

On the suburban area a wide variety of vegetable crops are grown. They belong to different families, and their planting dates do not coincide. In small gardens, compacted cultivation is used. How to ensure the compatibility of vegetable crops in one garden in a limited space?

Good Predecessors

Every year before the start of the gardening season, you should thoroughly consider the placement of plants in the garden. It is best to draw up a sowing plan that will come in handy for the coming season. Different can oppress each other or contribute to the spread of dangerous diseases. However, compatible plants, on the contrary, will promote better development and protect against pests. In order not to make a mistake, you must follow certain rules.

The plot for compacted planting provides additional nutrition to the increased volume of plants. For this, the soil must be sufficiently fertile and clean. At the beginning of the season, crop rotation is planned. Plants that were grown last year should not have the same pathogens and pests. At the same time, they should have a beneficial effect on each other, so the compatibility of plants in the garden is important. The table of the best predecessors is the instruction from which planning begins.

Analyze last year's plantings. Right choice will help to avoid many unpleasant moments when growing vegetables.

Predecessor table

When cultivating any crop, crop rotation should be observed. The information presented in the table will help to properly plan the site.

vegetable culture

The best predecessors


Legumes, cabbage, cucumbers


Onion garlic

Peas, cabbage, radish

sweet corn

Potatoes, cabbage, beans

Sweet pepper

Cucumbers, beets, carrots, rutabaga, cabbage

Table beets

Cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers


Peas, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes

Repeated cultivation of a plant in one place is also undesirable.


When cultivating vegetable crops, information is needed on their mutual influence. To avoid an unfavorable neighborhood, you need to know exactly about the characteristics of vegetable crops. Allowable growing conditions for plants to be combined should be similar. This will help to accurately plan the entire area for the garden and achieve successful cultivation of various plants in compacted beds. In addition, individual crops not only have a beneficial effect, but also repel pests. The compatibility of plants in the garden is quite important.

A detailed list of representatives of different families that coexist well in the garden contributes to the unmistakable determination of their placement. Equally important is information about plants with which co-growing is undesirable. They will oppress nearby vegetable crops.

Plant compatibility table

For the normal development of vegetables and obtaining a quality crop, they need to create favorable conditions. Proper agricultural practices combined with a successful combination of plants will contribute to the solution of many problems. The data given in the table will be useful when placing plants on the site.

Successful combinations

When planning crops, one should take into account the time of development of the usable area, the height and compatibility of plants in the garden. Carrots and onions go great together. They are placed in rows. Three rows of carrots alternate with four rows of onions. These plants favorably influence each other and at the same time protect against pests. A trio of plants will be successful. These are late white cabbage, head lettuce and spinach, which compact garden beds. You can name other examples of combinations of vegetables that have good compatibility of plants in the garden. The table will help everyone find the best pair. For example, early cabbage and celery, which have different planting dates. In early spring, seedlings of the first vegetable crop are planted. The distance when planting early cabbage can withstand at least fifty centimeters. Three weeks later, celery is added. Plants blend very well with different terms maturation. in the garden in this case is based on the fact that early ripening crops are placed along the edge of the beds of plants, the ripening period of which is longer. For example, a combination of planting tomatoes with several rows of dill for greens and onions for feathers, as well as spinach, will not interfere with the longer development of tomato bushes. The classic combination is corn and curly beans. In this example, one plant serves as a trellis for another.

lighthouse crops

Many plants have a long seed germination period. For an earlier designation of rows, such fast-germinating and early-ripening plants are used. They allow you to start tillage and agrotechnical activities at an earlier date. An example is the joint crops of radishes and carrots. By the time the root ripens, the early and early ripening vegetable has time to ripen and free up the area. In addition to radish, lettuce, spinach and dill are used. They are sown along the edge of the beds of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

Guardians of vegetable plantings

Do not forget the aromatic herbs. These plants are fragrant, creating an amazing atmosphere around. Nearby vegetables under the influence of volatile substances become more stable. They are able to repel pests. medicinal plants, such as valerian and yarrow, planted along the edge of the beds, will be an excellent prophylactic that increases resistance to diseases. Lettuce and spinach are plants that can increase the activity of neighbors. They will be good companions and have excellent plant compatibility in the garden. The table of successful cultures confirms this statement. Lettuce and spinach are often recommended for co-growing with other vegetable crops.

Unfavorable Neighborhood

Most plants get along well in a limited space of beds. When placing them, the compatibility of plants in the garden is taken into account. table successful combinations vegetable crops will help distribute them correctly. However, we should not forget about the plants that will have a depressing effect on others. These include fennel and wormwood.

For these vegetable crops, it is necessary to allocate a separate corner of the garden, which will provide privacy.

» Garden

When planning beds in the garden, it is important to consider the compatibility of vegetable crops. Gardeners have often had to deal with the problem of low yields in the absence of any prerequisites for this. And the reason can be banal - an uncomfortable neighborhood, so you need to know what you can plant with and what not.

This article reveals all the secrets of arranging a garden, because the growth and development of both crops, and, most importantly, their fruiting, depend on which plant is planted in the immediate vicinity.

When disembarking, taking into account compatibility, it is quite realistic increase yield by 15-20%. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a neighbor when placing several types of vegetables on the same bed or in a greenhouse.

Approximately the same growing conditions facilitate the care of shoots:

  • lighting intensity;
  • watering mode;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • introduction of supplements.

If planted bad neighbors- this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • attracting insects that create many problems for young shoots;
  • fungal infection as a result of waterlogging;
  • Negative influence waste products, as a result of which the neighbor develops poorly or stops growing.

Experienced gardeners use invaluable knowledge in practice, annually observing the interaction of a number of planted plants.

To facilitate planning, they draw up a plan for the garden, breaking it into beds for vegetables and berry crops before planting. Thus, the rules of crop rotation and the laws of compatibility in the open field are taken into account.

What can be planted next to potatoes

One of the most popular vegetables on the list basic products for winter preparations. Before landing, predecessors are taken into account.

The best are:

  • carrot;
  • green manure;
  • cucumber;
  • legumes;
  • pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • beet.

Not worth it use the same area annually, to get a good harvest with such a layout does not work. Also, low fruiting rates of potatoes are noted if it is placed on a former tomato garden.

With regard to neighbors, the plant shows more tolerance than mutually beneficial consolidation. The best compatibility is noted only with beans.

A little does not like to be friends with a vegetable with cucumbers, onion sets, tomatoes and cabbage. And certainly you should not place potatoes nearby: peas, beets and celery. With other plants, the root crop gets along normally.

Neighbors for tomatoes

A favorable place for the growth of tomatoes are considered areas on which the following crops were previously grown:

  • cauliflower;
  • turnip;
  • cucumber;
  • greenery;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Among the worst predecessors: potatoes, peas and zucchini. According to the rules of crop rotation, vegetables are planted in the same place after 3-4 years, so you should not use the former tomato bed for tomato seedlings.

  • beans;
  • radish;
  • corn;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • onions and other green vegetables.

There is no negative effect on tomatoes from neighboring beds with parsnips, strawberries, kohlrabi, lettuce, spinach.

Planting peppers with other vegetables

When planting pepper, it is worth considering the belonging of its varietal feature. Sweet, Bulgarian and bitter varieties are placed separately from each other to avoid cross-pollination. Of the predecessors are more suitable:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage (early varieties);
  • greenery;
  • cucumbers;
  • wheat (winter);
  • perennial herbs.

Not worth it choose sites after potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and physalis. When growing other plants on the planned bed, there are no strict restrictions on pepper.

Arrange a bed with pepper can close to the following crops:

  • carrots;
  • basil
  • bow;
  • coriander.

If marigolds, oregano, nasturtium are planted for decorative purposes or prophylactic against pests, then the pepper will simply smell fragrant from such companions. And from the neighborhood with fennel, beans and kohlrabi should be abandoned.


The soil environment is more suitable for growing greens after cabbage and tomatoes. And predecessors from the pumpkin family are the most undesirable.

It has a positive effect on the yield of cucumbers Dill, so it is taken not only as a companion, but also sown mixed.

Favorable influence on the development of crunches is exerted by: onions, beans, peas, garlic, spinach. Calendula, placed in the aisle, will create a reliable protection against insects that feed on young cucumber foliage.

From the neighborhood with potatoes, radishes and tomatoes, it is recommended refuse, plants negatively affect each other.


Cabbage planting planned after peas, beans, cucumbers. Do not spoil the soil environment: peppers, carrots and herbs. And fodder beets and other representatives of cruciferous crops are considered poor predecessors.

Neighborhood with cabbage is easy to pick up, for a close environment fit many plants:

  • beet;
  • beans;
  • sage;
  • celery;
  • Dill;
  • salad.

It is allowed to plant flowers and herbs: oregano, chamomile, nasturtium, mint, etc. Won't fit in the role of companions strawberries and tomatoes.

Good neighbors for carrots in the garden

When choosing a place for sowing carrots, the following predecessors are preferred:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • leek;
  • greenery;
  • legumes.

Experienced gardeners notice that after zucchini, celery, parsnips and parsley, it turns out bad harvest carrots, the root crop develops poorly, as if it lacks nutrients (although top dressing is introduced on schedule).

Carrot beds should be planned in close proximity from these cultures:

  • garlic;
  • tomato;
  • radish;
  • peas.

In the aisle, you can plant sage, marigolds and scorzonera to repel pests.

Unfavorable Neighborhood celebrated with beets, beans and dill. Carrots get along with other plants without any problems.

vegetable marrow

Everyone's Favorite Zucchini bear fruit well on the ground after legumes and early varieties of cabbage. Do not spoil the structure of the soil and the environment: greens, onions, garlic.

And such predecessors as carrots, tomatoes and cabbage of late ripening are considered most unsuccessful.

Zucchini (squash) can be safely planted next to such plants:

  • beans;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • beans.


Disembarkation rules lots of pumpkins similar to zucchini, they share the same recommended predecessors. However, the neighborhood is a little extended, you can additionally add tomatoes, radishes and sunflowers.

The pumpkin culture does not tolerate only potatoes. Gets along well with other plants.


Beet sowing can do on the former beds:

  • carrots;
  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • Luke;
  • greenery.

The root crop develops well after green manure. In addition, after such a change in layout, a decrease in the growth of weeds is noted.

Beets and onions are a good neighborhood

You can safely settle for beets: cabbage, kohlrabi, lettuce, onion. To scare away insects between the rows, you can plant catnip, mint, oregano.

  • potato;
  • corn;
  • spinach;
  • onion;
  • carrot.

Growing in the garden with other neighbors does not cause much concern.

Next to what to plant strawberries in the open field

Strawberry culture does not show capriciousness to the soil environment, so there will be no difficulty in choosing a place for planting young shoots. Useful precursors for strawberries are:

  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • carrot;
  • dill, etc.

It is worth refusing to use the plot for strawberries if there are previously grown:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes, peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • raspberries

Arranging vegetable beds as neighbors for strawberries it is recommended to choose:

  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot.

with other plants sweet berry it will also be comfortable, since there is no obvious rivalry between them.

What crops are suitable for neighborhood with eggplant

When choosing a place for planting eggplant, preference should be given to such predecessors: onions, cucumbers, early ripening cabbage, perennial herbs.

From former beds with potatoes, tomatoes, physalis and peppers it's better to refuse. It is also necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation, it is impossible to place and grow culture in the same place every year(an interval of at least 3 years is observed).

When planning an eggplant garden can pick up companions:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • basil;
  • salad;
  • tarragon;
  • thyme.

The representative of the nightshade family gets along quite well with the rest of the neighbors. The blue ones have no special prohibitions on combining.

Peas and beans

The best predecessors for peas and beans, root vegetables, cabbage, and representatives of the pumpkin family are considered. The legumes themselves create the most favorable environment in the soil during growth, so after them you can grow almost everything.

Not worth it to organize a bed after sunflower, the quality and yield are significantly reduced due to the defeat of fungal infections and infestation with carrion.

When selecting companions, first of all, the neighborhood with each other (peas and beans) is excluded. This is caused by several factors at once:

  • attracting pests;
  • weaving stems together;
  • the possibility of cross-pollination.

The most suitable for close proximity are:

  • kohlrabi;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • celery;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • potato.

Landing with other cultures has no special restrictions.


When choosing predecessors for greens (onions, dill, parsley, garlic, cilantro), you should give preference to legumes, vegetable roots.

Not recommended to plant greens after umbrella crops, the relatedness of plants indicates their identical nutrient needs. Because of this, every year the yield will decrease significantly.

Close to green planting can be placed beds with cabbage, kohlrabi, cucumbers, strawberries, peppers and other green vegetables. Definitely not suitable for co-cultivation: carrots, parsnips, tomatoes. The neighborhood of greenery with early varieties of potatoes and representatives of legumes is allowed.

Seeding table

It is useful to supplement the diary of a gardener with a table of compatibility of crops grown on your site.

in red incompatibility of cultures is indicated, green- the most favorable neighborhood for development and fruiting. colorless window indicates the neutrality of the interaction between plants, which does not exclude their neighborhood in the garden.

There is absolutely no difficulty in planning the beds, if everything is thought out in advance. Autumn tillage should be carried out taking into account the agricultural practices of those vegetables and berries that will be grown on it in the next season.